Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1064: Packing Stone 3

"It really is you!"

Seeing Li Mo appear, Zhen Shuai suddenly widened his eyes. Just when I heard Hao Jun saying that he found the abominable young man, Zhen Shuai could not wait to bring someone over. As soon as he saw Li Mo, the thick hatred in Zhen Shuai's eyes was like eating Li Mo alive.

"Isn't it? In the middle of Jindan Realm?"

"Did you two make a mistake? Make this kid look like this?"


Seeing Li Mo's cultivation behavior, the other youths immediately grinned and said. Of the six or seven years they came to help, which one wasn't Jin Danjing's later cultivation?

I used to think about dealing with a person who was in the late stage of Jin Dan Realm or the Great Consummation, so these people came to help. Now when I saw Li Mo's cultivation behavior, these six people were immediately dissatisfied.

What to do, let others know that we have so many strong players in the late Jin Dan realm. Go to encircle a kid in the middle of Jindan Realm, how will they behave after the news?

Isn't this the same as adults bullying children, but these people are kind-hearted and unwilling to bully ‘children’. It's pride that they are too lazy to shoot this'child'.

After hearing everyone's ridicule, Zhen Shuai and Hao Jun blushed. Then Zhen Shuai said

"Don't look at this kid's cultivation, but he is proficient in formation. Before that, he broke our formation, which led me to chase the Sabertooth Tiger."

"So the injuries that you both suffered a few days ago have something to do with this kid. Hao Jun, you can’t shoot, Zhen Shuai, you go. Start lightly and let him get out of bed within a year. Let them know. , The power of our mountain and river alliance."

A young man in his thirties said he was bald but had slightly wider shoulders. Shi San, although it is also a cultivation practice in the late Jin Danjing. But both the combat effectiveness and the status of the Shanhe League are much higher than that of Hao Jun. So it means a little arrogant.

The Presbyterian Church allows messengers and messengers, deacons and deacons to fight privately. However, it is not allowed to die or abolish its cultivation behavior, but it has multiple actions and is not strict.

Therefore, it is very common to be able to beat each other for one year or for ten years.


"His, turned out to be Shanhemeng!"

"Ji Jie, this kid actually angered the people of Shanhemeng! Really do not know how high and thick!"


Some people who watched the surroundings heard the names of Shanhemeng, and they all took a breath and whispered. Obviously, the name of Shanhemeng is very loud among these people.

Shi San heard everyone's voice, his head raised higher, his nostrils turned up, and his face was proud.

These people are the messengers who have been in the Presbyterian Church for some years, but they have always lived in this cave house near the foot of the mountain. The status of these messengers can be imagined, so Shi San is in the bottom of his heart to look down on these people.


Li Mo frowned, not knowing what the Shanhe Meng was.

"Good Brother Shi!"

Zhen Shuai responded, and then took a big step towards Li Mo.

Before Li Mo didn't shoot, he just destroyed the flag of Xiaodao. In addition, these proud people have no interest in the newly-appointed messengers of the Presbyterian Church, so they do not know Li Mo's combat strength.

Zhen Shuai walked all the way, revolving around his palms and slamming in front of Li Mo.

In the heart of Zhen Shuai, a new messenger in the middle of Jin Dan's realm, he can destroy him casually.


The palm wind moved Li Mo's double temples and the wind moved, Li Mo's eyes gradually narrowed. When the palm was close to Li Mo, Li Mo stretched out his palm lightly and grabbed it.

Use palms to hold palms, but there is no aura on this Li Mo should rely on this mortal physical strength to seize Jin Shuai's late cultivation practice.

Seeing that Li Mo was so arrogant, Zhen Shuai suddenly angered.

"court death!"

I even let a kid in the middle of Jin Dan Realm despise!

And the people watching the lively on both sides shook their heads one after another. Li Mo is regarded as that ignorant stunned youth.

Only one person looked at Li Mo's shot and grinned. This young man is the young man in the Panlong cottage. The cave house that the young man was arranged before was very close to Li Mo.

But today, the young man defeated an old messenger and grabbed his cave. So the youth can move to a better cave house today. When they came back to get some things, they just saw this battle in front of Li Momen.

This young man in Panlong Village knows Li Mo's strength, not to mention Li Moxiu's improvement. Therefore, the youth do not think that Li Mo will suffer in front of Zhen Shuai like everyone else does.


Sure enough, the two palms bumped together. A figure flew out.

It's just that the people who are watching around are all mouths open at the moment. The smile on Shi San's face also disappeared. The figure that flew out, who could it be that Zhen Shuai?

Now Li Mo is in the middle of Jindan Realm and his strength is stronger. So even without using Reiki, this blow is easy to fan Zhen Shuai out.

And there is Shi San's words, so Li Mo shot before but did not stay.

Therefore, if Shi San really should, I can't get out of bed within a year, but the person who can't get out of bed is my own Zhen Shuai!


Seeing that Zhen Shuai was actually defeated by a kid in the middle of Jin Dan's realm, Shi San suddenly scolded him, and really lost their majesty. However, Zhen Shuai, who had been fainted by the fan, obviously could not hear.

"Zhen Shuai!"

As Zhen Shuai's friend, I saw Zhen Shuai suffered such a serious injury. Hao Jun immediately approached Zhen Shuai. Then Hao Jun hurriedly delivered a pill to Zhen Shuai's mouth, and shouted holding Zhen Shuai

"Brother Shi! Do you want to avenge Zhen Shuai!"

Right now, Hao Jun's combat effectiveness is negligible, so whether he can avenge his revenge is all on Shi San.

"Relax! Those who beat us in the Shanhemeng League can't do it without paying the price!"

Shi San's voice said eeriely, and then Shi San recruited two heavy hammers in his hands. These two hammers are like two boulders, and a thick breath is coming.

Seeing Shi San's movements, Hao Jun and the other five young people all took a step back.

Several youths even grinned and said proudly to Hao Jun

"Don't worry! You don't know the strength of Brother Shi?"

"That is, hitting a kid in the middle of Jin Dan Realm is not something you can catch?"


Although Zhen Shuai and Shi San both cultivated in the late Jin Dan Realm, the combat effectiveness of the two was not at the same level.

While everyone was talking, Shi San shot Li Mo. Only Shi Sanda took a sip, took a heavy step, and smashed Li Mo with the double hammer in his hand.

Facing Shi San's attack, Li Mo took out the sword he had just refined. It was just that the sword did not need to be out of the sheath, the aura wrapped around the sword and attacked Shi San.

Shi San's double hammers focus on opening and closing, in everyone's perception. This sword is certainly not comparable.

However, Li Mo, who was fierce at the moment, rushed up with the sword, facing Shi San's double hammer, he didn't even avoid it. Li Mo actually wanted to be hard-touched! Watching Li Mo's movements, everyone opened their mouths and said in surprise

"This kid is crazy!"


With a heavy voice, Li Mo did not take a step back. But Shi San stepped back three or four steps to stabilize his footsteps.

"This power..."

Watching the battle between Li Mo and Shi San, everyone sighed with admiration. Countless pairs of eyes reassessed Li Mo's ratio body, and it was not until now that they knew that this young man who entered the Presbyterian Church this year was afraid it was not easy.


One blow prevailed, Li Mo gave Shi San a chance. I saw Li Mo holding the sword without the sheath in both hands, and the wide open and wide attack of Shi San.

As Li Mo stepped up, Shi San stepped back step by step. After several heavy blows, Shi San's arms could not bear the amazing power, and the two heavy hammers fell to the ground.

At the same time, Li Mo flew and kicked Shi San.

"Click! Click..."

Li Mo didn't keep his hand on this foot. Although he couldn't kill Shi San's life, he also broke some bones of Shi San.

"Brother Shi!"

"Stinky boy! You are dead!"


Looking at the miserable stone three that fell in front of their eyes, the other five people shouted angrily, and rushed to Li Mo.

Although these five people are not as powerful as Shi San, they are all genuine powerhouses in the late Jindan Realm. So even if Li Mo has the strength to defeat Shi San, under the absolute strength, these five people are not afraid of Li Mo at Hum. "

Li Mo grinned lightly, and then Li Mo surrounded him with aura. All of a sudden, everyone felt the flower in front of him, and one Li Mo turned into five Li Mo! Moreover, the combat power of these five Li Mo did not even fall at all.

Five Li Mo faced five young men across from the battle, no suspense. In a short time, the five youths flew out as if they were ailuohan.

For a time, it was all the yell of yo-ho.

"You! Wait for me!"



Several people got up and looked at Li Mo, eyes full of fear. But when he left, he did not forget to drop a few harsh words.

As for the unlucky Shi San and Zhen Shuai, they were carried back by the trembling.

"Does it look good?"

Seeing the people watching around didn't mean to retreat, Li Mo asked coldly.

Hearing Li Mo's voice, these people dare to continue to stay here. Then one by one retreated one after another, but a figure came to Li Mo, it was the young man in the Panlong cottage.

"The people of Shanhemeng, it's not easy to mess with."

The young man came to Li Mo, shook his head, and said.

Although Panlong cottage has always been low-key, Li Mo has won the respect of this young man with his strength. So the young man couldn't help but remind a few words.

Can feel the friendship of Panlong cottage youth, Li Mo smiled and said

"I have known each other for so many days and I don't know the name of this brother."

Li Mo vaguely remembers the three young men in the Panlong cottage. It seems to be headed by the young man in front of him.

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