Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1060: 1 stroke 1 world

Not caring about everyone's performance, Dongfang Yibai took a step and said softly

"Let's go and see together."


A large number of people responded, and everyone could not wait to see which exercise Jin Jintian successfully opened the third floor of the bookstore.

Everyone came to the third floor of the Book Collection Pavilion, Jinba Tianjing led people directly to the jade jade of "Dali King Kong Finger". At this moment, a thin layer of golden light is looming, it is estimated that waiting for a while, this golden light will wrap the jade jade again.

People who were originally in high spirits also wanted to see Jin Batian's style, but when they saw the words "Dali King Kong" written on the jade slip. Everyone was startled, and then looked at Jin Batian with contempt.

Is it fun? Why do you open a jade book of "Dali King Kong Fingers"? Who didn't know that you would have "Dali Vajra Finger"? What's the point of doing this? At this time, how many exercises are not available on the second floor of the library.

"Which cottage are you?"

Dongfang Yibai also frowned slightly and asked.

In fact, Yingyan was introduced to Dongfang Yibai before, thinking of saying a few good words for Jin Batian, so he said that Jin Batian was the chief of the Jinshan cottage.

It's just that when Jin Batian opened the jade slip of "Dali King Kong Finger", Dongfang Yibai was a little uncertain about Jin Batian's identity, so he asked.

"Jin, King Kong Cottage."

Watching Dongfang Yibai frowned, a little unhappy. The triumphant look on Jin Batian's face disappeared and said with a trembling voice. At this moment, Jin Batian seemed to be poured into a pot of cold water.

Where is the joy of hearing your name spread through the Jiuli tribe before? This is reality, you are really talented, and of course everyone will hold you. But if you are fake, then sorry, no one will look at you high.

"Have you never learned "Dali King Kong Finger"?"

Dongfang Yibai continued to ask, a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes. In the past, Dongfang Yibai thought that the Jiuli tribe had a talented arrogance. Now, what does this look like?

"Study, learned."

Everyone except Dongfang Yibai who was present knew that he had studied "Dali Vajra Finger", so Jin Batian did not dare to hide from Dongfang Yibai.

"What do you mean by jade jade that you opened "Dali King Kong Finger"?"

Dongfang once couldn't bear it anymore and scolded. Jin Batian studied "Dali Vajra Finger", and the attributes of the aura in his body are the same as those of the jade jade. Then Jin Batian will be able to open the golden light on the jade jail more than half.

Not to mention Jin Batian, just to be any monk in the late Jin Dan realm, can it be done well? It's just that people are embarrassed to do it, and Jin Batian is embarrassed.

Dongfang Yibai now feels that she really wants to be fooled, and this cannot blame Jin Batian.

After all, Dongfang Yibai was really happy when he heard that Jin Batian could open the third floor of the bookstore. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, Dongfang Yibai is now like this.

Even Yingyan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and gave Jin Batian a glance.

In order to please Jinbatian just now, Yingyan also said some good things for Jinbatian. Who would have thought that things would get this way now? Now, if you don't succeed, you will have to suffer from this golden bully.

"Junior... The junior just wanted to invite the second elder to be a witness for the junior and Li Mo's bet."

Jin Batian said with a grin, Jin Batian still had some confusion. It’s your own business to not open the third floor of this bookstore. What kind of trouble does Dongfang Yibai follow?

And although it is a bit of a shame to do so, Jin Batian also paid a lot of money to open the jade jade of "Dali King Kong Finger".

Of course Jin Batian didn't know that as the second elder of the Presbyterian Church. Although Dongfang Yibai is unwilling to manage things on weekdays, Dongfang Yibai is also eager to have a talented and powerful person in the tribe.


Dongfang Yibai snorted again, apparently not interested in Jin Batian and Li Mo's bet. Then Dongfang Yibai turned his head to look at the other youths around him, scolding

"And you guys! How many exercises do you get in a day? Show Elder Ben!"

In the past, Dongfang Yibai was somewhat optimistic about the young people who entered the Presbyterian Church this year, but now it is being done by Jin Batian. All good mood is gone.


Everyone dared not delay, and immediately took out the jade jade and showed it to Dongfang Yibai.

Li Bingshuang was the first to move forward. Don't look at Li Bingshuang's cultivation behavior. But I still got four exercises on the first floor of the library, but none of the exercises on the second floor of the library.

"is acceptable."

Looking at Li Bingshuang, Dongfang nodded white and said.

The young people who have been evaluated first in the past years can also get one or two exercises on the second floor of the bookstore. And those who have been evaluated second in the past can also get only four or five exercises on the first floor of the bookstore.

Dongfang Yibai knew that Li Bingshuang was not one of the best performers this year, but in this way, he got four exercises on the first floor of the bookstore. So the sulking in Dongfang Yibai's heart couldn't help but disappear.

The next person to be examined by Dongfang Yibai was a man and a woman from the former eighteen cottages, but these two men only got two exercises on the first floor of the bookstore. As for the second-level exercises, none of them were obtained.

Looking at the two of them, Dongfang frowned, saying nothing.

Next were Kong Lin'er and Panlong Village's three people, all of whom had similar results. All of them got seven or eight exercises on the first floor of the bookstore, and four or five exercises on the second floor.

Such results are much better than those of the first assessment in previous years.

Then Li Jianxin saw Li Jianxin. Ying Yan also bowed to Dongyi Yibai and said gently

"Li Jianxin is not only the young master of Hunyuan cottage, but also a sword repairer. I believe that Li Jianxin's harvest will not disappoint the second elder."

Hearing Yingyan's words, Dongfang couldn't help turning his head and glared at Yingyan.

Just now, Yingyan said that Jinbatian is good, and he will not lie. As a result, Jin Batian's performance was too disappointing for Dongfang Yibai, and now Ying Yan said Li Jianxin was good. Dongfang Yibai obviously will not believe in Eagle Rock.

But when Dongfang Yibai took over the jade jade in Li Jianxin's hands, and dived into it to see the words recorded in the jade jade, Dongfang Yibai's eyes suddenly widened.

It turns out that there are no fewer than thirty exercises here! The texts of these thirty exercises are arranged like a long sword. All of these exercises are Kendo exercises, and Li Jianxin comprehends the sword intent on Kendo. Coupled with his perfect practice of Jin Dan Realm, it is of course easier to open these exercises than others.

Among these exercises, eight of them are the second floor of the bookstore, and the remaining twenty-plus exercises are also the first floor of the bookstore!

Such achievements have managed Dongfang Yibai for many years, but I have never seen it. Then the anger in Dongfang Yibai's heart disappeared suddenly, looked at Li Jianxin, and said

"Good, good. No wonder Yu Xiao wants to accept you as a disciple."

After using two good one after another, it can be seen that Dongfang Yibai is optimistic about Li Jianxin. Such a talent, if allowed to grow up, must be a strong man in the land of fairyland. There is even a hope to break into the heaven, to know that the dragon of the Gongli people of the Jiuli tribe is just such a practice.

Hearing the praise of Dongfang Yibai, Li Jianxin was not arrogant and restless, but bowed slightly to take back his jade jade.

Li Jianxin stepped back and it was Li Mo's turn. Li Mo bowed and bowed, before waiting for Li Mo to hand over the jade jade. Dong Yan, who was beside Bai Bai, pouted his lips and said

"Li Mo, the'ordinary people' in Miluo Shanzhai."

Dongfang Yibai knew Li Mo, and this time Yingyan wanted to emphasize the identity of Li Mo's ordinary people.

Miluo cottage is not strong at all, and Li Mo is an ordinary tribe among them. Therefore, Ying Yan's sentence is not only for the East to listen, but also to express his disdain for Li Mo.

But Dongfang Yibai didn't seem to hear Yingyan's words, and took over the jade slipper in Li Mo's hands. Based on Li Mo's performance on the first floor of the Book Store, Dongfang knew that Li Mo's performance would not be low.

As for Yingyan, in the eyes of Dongfang Yibai, Yingyan's vision is really too problematic. Jin Batian is a good proof.

Dongfang Yibai's consciousness probed into the jade jade, even though he was prepared for it, he was still surprised to say

"One picture, one world!"

"One picture one world?"

"What is Hear the words of Dongfang Several young people asked one after another. They are very familiar with the system of the library, but there are as many as one to three floors in the library. They can’t remember that much, especially since they have never been to the third floor of the bookstore.

"What? It turned out to be a world of paintings?"

Unlike Kong Lin'er, Ying Yan has been in the Presbyterian Church for many years, and of course he has heard the name of painting a world. Looking at the surprised appearance of Yingyan, Jin Batian asked in a low voice.

"Brother Eagle Rock, what is the world of this painting?"

"One painting, one world is the third floor of the bookstore. But I heard that it is a refining method. I heard that if this treasure can be refined, the power would be comparable to the third floor of the bookstore. The most top-level exercises..."

Eagle Rock knows what is known about painting one world, but even so. The early cultivation of Li Mo Jin Dan's realm was a terrifying exercise to open the third floor of the bookstore.

After all, aren’t the things on the third floor of the Book Collection Pavilion that only the Yuanying Realm, and the highly talented and powerful, can be opened? When did it open?

Jin Batian retreated two steps after hearing Yingyan's words, his face pale. Mutter to one's mouth

"He really opened it?"

Before Jin Batian thought that Li Mo was pretending to be on the third floor of the Bookstore. He struggled to open a jade jade of "Diamond King Finger" and he would definitely win Li Mo.

But now it seems that Jin Batian is roaring in his heart. Can you open the book on the third floor of the bookstore? Can you not be so low-key! I already knew that you opened the third floor of the bookstore, and I still worked so hard to open the jade jade of Dali Vajra!

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