Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1043: Looted

   Before the Gehao people arrived, a thick breath came to the surface. But Li Mo, who was standing on the spot, was still, just as Gehao was about to hit Li Mo. Li Mo stretched out his hands and coaxed, and the ground burst.

   Faced with this mountain-like impact, Li Mo's figure remained immobile. Those thin palms are so powerful!

   While in Dandan Realm, Li Mo can kill the powerful in Jindan Realm by various means. Although Li Mo is now an early cultivation base of Jin Dan Realm, in those days of the Golden Snake Mountain Cave, Li Mo's physical strength has long been comparable to the power of Jin Dan Realm. To deal with this kid who has just entered the late stage of Jindan Realm, of course, it is within his reach.

   Then, I saw Li Moshuang manual. With Li Mo's hands, Gehao turned around. The power of Gehao was removed by Li Mo. When Gehao turned around again, a cold palm was printed on Gehao's throat.

   The moment of brushing, Gehao cold sweated. It's just the magic technique in the body, but as long as Li Mo exerts his strength, his life will be gone, so Gehao is also scared and sober from the magic technique.

   looked at Li Mo with a sharp look across the face, and Gehao said with a trembling voice

   "Rao Ming! No, not I want to target you! All are patriarchs! It is our patriarch!"

   "It doesn't matter anymore."

  Li Mo shook his head and said lightly

   "It is important that you kill me."

   said, there was a hint of killing in Li Mo's eyes. The trembling Ge Hao has been paying attention to Li Mo's eyes, so when Li Mo's eyes are scared out of the murderous intention. Kneeling down on the ground.

   Right now Ge Hao has woken up under the charm technique, so he still cares about his dignity and dignity, he is embarrassed, and it is true to save his life.

  Looking at Gehao seriously, Li Mo gradually exerted his strength. The severe pain made Gerhou breathless and his face grimaced. Gehao grabbed Li Mo with both hands and wanted to grab Li Mo's palm away.

   But at the moment Li Mo's palms were like pliers, letting Gehao exert his power. Li Mo's palms were immobile, and he gradually exerted force. For a moment, Ge Hao's throat was crushed by Li Mo, but Ge Hao pulled his head, and the dead could not die.

   "Big and powerful."

   Kong Lin'er jumped off the tree and said with a pleasant voice. Then Kong Liner's watery eyes flickered at Li Mo with a look of admiration. In that pair of water eyes, deep purple light kept flashing.

  Looking at Kong Lin'er's eyes, Li Mo puts down Gehao's body. I saw that Li Mo's eyes became straight, not radiant.

   "Brother Li Mo, how about joining our camp?"

   Kong Lin'er smiled brightly, and the smile under the magic technique turned out to be so charming.

  Li Mo didn't speak, but Li Mo was at a loss at the moment. But his eyes turned blue, and he looked at Kong Lin'er.


   For a moment, Kong Lin'er shouted and looked away in amazement.

   "You also know illusion?"

   Kong Lin'er dared not look into Li Mo's eyes and said in amazement.

   So where did Li Mo fall down under her fascination? The egg of the nightmare is good at illusion, and he is Li Mo's totem. In addition, the great dream magic skill passed by Meng Lin is based on illusion.

   So Li Mo's illusion is of course not weak, and mei is just a side branch of illusion. Of course, this is not to say that the magic technique is weaker than the illusion technique. It is only because the magic technique can only be practiced by women. If a man practices it, it is good to scratch his head and treat others without being beaten. How can he charm others?

   So the charm technique is always a niche, plus Li Mo's hundreds of years of experience, where can I be confused by Kong Lin'er? Even Kong Lin'er thought that Li Mo was recruited. Under pride, Kong Lin'er even entered the illusion organized by Li Mo.

   The world that Kong Liner saw just now was dim. There is no other life in the sky and underground, there are ghosts everywhere.

  Even though Kong Lin'er was a strong man in the late Jin Dan Realm, he was still a daughter's home. Daughter's house, where is there a world that is not afraid of hell? So Kong Liner cried out in shock.

   "Good strength, he woke up so quickly."

  Li Mo grinned and said.

   "You! Let's go!"

   knew that his charm technique was useless, and had a big loss just now. So Kong Liner's face was ruddy, and he took a group of people into the mountains angrily.

   While walking, he can also hear Kong Lin'er and tell the clan

   "Today's things, you are not allowed to spread it!"

   Kong Lin'er and others are not slow, but they are also fighting against the coercion of the formation, so the speed of rushing is fast. Ten people soon disappeared in front of Li Mo.

  Looking at the backs of a crowd of peacocks, Li Mo grinned. Then Li Mo took a big step and walked slowly up the mountain.

   The formation of Lingxiao Mountain is not so strong for Li Mo. However, Li Mo didn't fight for the first and second heart, so he was very leisurely on the road, anyway, he had to climb the mountainside before dawn.

   The more you walk up the mountain, the stronger your coercion. Along the way, Li Mo has seen many sweaty people. Those people are all practicing in the middle of Jin Dan Realm, and they are not good at physical strength.

   If you don’t have enough endurance, you can’t reach the mountainside of Lingxiao Mountain. So Li Mo was walking up the mountain, and those people were walking down. They can't resist the coercion of the Lingxiao Mountain Formation. They force mountaineering, and they will definitely leave internal injuries.

   Helpless, these people had to give up the assessment qualifications.

  After three hours, the sound of Ding Dang Dang Dang came. Li Mo heard the sound and couldn't help but walked curiously to the jungle where the sound came, and saw that there were nine strong men fighting.

   There are three figures that Li Mo knows. It is exactly the same as Li Mo, in their respective cottages, only they passed the assessment themselves, and then a team composed of several people.

   At that time, they were afraid that Li Mo would affect them, so they did not invite Li Mo.

  However, Li Mo remembered that this team had seven people, but now there are three people left. Now the situation of these three people is not very good, these three people are not strong. Faced with the coercion of the large formation, the fighting movement was very slow.

   And the two teams in front of them, both sides are three teams. It's just that the two parties are cooperating with each other, and they can't compete with their temporary team.

   These two teams shouted while fighting

   "Take the three of them, and there will be one less competitor!"

   "Yes, grabbed their storage bags!"

   Soon, the battle came to an end. The unlucky three fell to the ground without accident, and none of the six people from the other two teams added together fell.

   Several people snatched the three-person storage bag upside down on the ground.

   "Just you want to assess the messenger? Stay here honestly, weak and dead."

   For these three people, neither team had a dead hand. After all, although everyone is not a cottage, in the final analysis, they are all members of the Jiuli tribe. Therefore, there is no deep hatred and hatred, still rarely killers.

   For these people, Li Mo is unfamiliar and even less interested. So Li Mo shook his head and walked out slowly.

   But before fighting, none of the six people in these two teams found Li Mo. But now Li Mo walked out, there was nothing to hide, so the grass shook. So a young man with scar face suddenly looked at the grass where Li Mo was, and scolded.

   "Who! Come out!"

   The voice fell, and the other five quickly went to the grass. Soon, Li Mo was surrounded, and the scarred face came slowly. When he saw Li Mo, he glared and said

"It's you?"

  The two teams are also the teams in the top eighteen cottages, so even if Li Mo is known to be quite powerful, the scarred youth still does not pay attention to Li Mo. After all, a small Miluo Shanzhai tribe was still cultivated in the early stage of Jindan Realm.

   And the face of the youth is just like Gehao, who just stepped into the Jindan realm in the later period of cultivation, coupled with the advantage of the number, where would you look at Li Mo?

  The three people who fell to the ground in the distance could not move, but their eyes could follow. So after they saw that the person who appeared was Li Mo, they all cast their eyes on sympathy.

   In their hearts, they are not opponents of these two teams. Now Li Mo is alone, and I am afraid he will be like them in the end.

"Good luck, escaped the chase of the Godot Cottage and Dora Cottage? Stinky boy, hand over the storage bag. I lay there over there, I won’t hit you. But I don’t want to see the next level you."

  Scarfaced young man said with a smile, he was cleared. After all, the fewer people who pass the second hurdle, the stronger his chances of success.

   "This is you, robbery?"

  Li Mo was smirked. Someone was robbed and hit him this year. Then Li Mo asked

   "Do you know what I do?"

"What do you do?"

  Scared young man's smug smile.

   "I specialize in robbery." Li Mo said roundly.

   "Go! Beat me up! Beat him hard! Dare to mock me!"

  Listen to Li Mo's Scarfaced Youth knew he was being played. Then the scar-faced youth shouted and waved.

   "Okay! Jie Jie."


   The five young men answered, and then walked to Li Mo in a playful manner.

   looked at Li Mo, who was about to be beaten, and there was a playful smile on the face of the scarred young man. But the smile did not last long, and the smile on the face of the scarred face stiffened.

   I saw that the scarred young man's eyes widened as if he were looking at him in front of him.

  Following the eyes of the scarred face, five figures had fallen on the ground at the moment. And Li Mo is still standing in the same place, his clothes floating like a worldly incompetent.

   From beginning to end, the scar-faced youth did not see how Li Mo shot, but the five of them fell down like that.

   "What the **** are you!"

  In an instant, the cold-faced young man asked Li Mo in cold sweat. Li Mo said he was specifically robbed and robbed, and now the scarred youth believed. Scared young man regrets this, everyone just wanted to leave. Stop what he owes him!

  I don't know what the scar-faced youth thought, Li Mo showed a blast in his palm, and put away the storage bags of the five people under him. Then Li Mo hooked his finger on the scarred face youth.


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