Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1026: True and false bull demon

The ‘Bull Demon King’ wandered around the water-proof golden beast. His eyes were glaring at the water-proof golden beast, and even scratched his face from time to time.

Li Mo has entered this piece of space-time fragments for a long time? How can you not know the posture of the Demon King? In addition to the appearance in front of him, the rest is not like a demon king, but like a monkey.

Thinking of this, Li Mo suddenly said

"Sun Wukong!"

It was Sun Wukong who came to evade the water crystal beast and went back to pretend to be a fan of cattle and deceive the iron fan princess.

"Come here! Someone stole Grandpa Niu's water-repellent golden beast!"

Li Mozang shouted in a corner, with the sound of running around.

Sure enough, upon hearing Li Mo's words. Where else to find the source of the sound, all go to avoid the water crystal beast.

After all, the Bull Demon King is the guest of their king, Wan Shenglong King, if the Bull Demon King's mount is lost here. The Halloween Dragon King may not be able to withstand the anger of others. The Dragon King of their family will kill them all in one go.

A crowd of shrimps, soldiers and crabs will gather around and see the demon king in front of them. They are all scared with cold sweat.

It was discovered that Sun Wukong was no longer raking his waist, and the pointed-nosed monkey scratched his head. I saw Sun Wukong raised his head and raised his chest, his hands behind his back, screamed unpleasantly

"Bold! Do you want to disrespect the prince?"

"Dare! Dare!"

"Grandpa Niu, even if we borrowed our hundred guts, we would not dare!"


Hearing the words of the ‘Bull King’, a crowd of shrimp, soldiers and crabs would suddenly startle on their knees and tremble.

"Don't dare you!"

Sun Wukong continued, and then Sun Wukong would walk out on the body of the golden beast.

Seeing that Sun Wukong was leaving, Li Mo felt anxious. I have lost so much energy for a long time, if the golden crystal beast was sheltered by Sun Wukong.

So, Li Mo still hasn't got the crack of time and space? But just when Li Mo was about to rush out, he saw a magnificent figure rushing away in the distance. Who is not the mighty bull king?

Obviously, the Niu Demon King who was going to the banquet also heard Li Mo's cry, so he rushed out to check.

Looking at Dali Niu Demon King, Li Mo was not anxious. The Lord is here, Sun Wukong, this fake can still abduct the golden crystal beast?

This water-repellent golden crystal beast is the treasure of the Bull Demon King, which can not be lost. Moreover, as the lord of the demon, the devil king is not too bad for his face if he loses his mount?

Soon, the real bull demon came here. A crowd of prawns, soldiers and crabs will suddenly see the demon king, and said one after another

"Another Grandpa Niu?"

But even if guessed, there is a bull devil must be fake. But these lobsters and crabs will not dare to shoot without permission, or even say something.

Since there is a supernatural power that turns into a demon king, can this ability be weak? So this level of battle is like a fairy fight. Where would they dare to block them?

"It must be you 烢狲!"

Seeing the fake bull demon king, the real bull demon king suddenly angered. The status of Niu Demon is more extensive in making friends. Therefore, the number of people who can offend the Bull Demon King is limited.

And these days they followed Sun Wukong and they fought, so even if the Bull Demon didn’t have the golden eyes, he also guessed at the first time that Sun Wukong would change like seventy-two.

However, Sun Wukong deserved to be Sun Wukong, who was really blocked by others. Sun Wukong still did not panic, his eyes turned, and then he yelled at the Demon King Niu

"Bold! You are a fake! Dare to pretend to be the king!"


Niu Mowang was really angry with Qiqiao, and he saw two smoke coming from Niu Mowang's nose, and then Niu Mowang suddenly recruited his own iron rod to shoot to Wu Wukong.

"This is Grandpa Niu!"

"He is fake!"


Seeing the bull demon hunt out the mixed iron bars, a crowd of shrimp, soldiers and crabs will shout. However, they are louder and dare not step forward.


Sun Wukong laughed loudly and never concealed it again. After all, such things as the magic weapon and the sword could not be faked. I saw that when Wu Wukong recruited the gold hoop, Sun Wukong suddenly turned into his true body.


With a clear impact, Sun Wukong's power is not opponent of Niu Demon.

However, Sun Wukong didn't mean to be tough with the Bull Demon King. He saw that Sun Wukong shot the water directly with the power from the Bull Demon King.

Sun Wukong's skill is not weak, but the underwater kung fu can also be similar to the general demon. For the demon king who is the best among the big demon, Sun Wukong does not want to fight him underwater.

"Xuncao! Where to run!"

Sun Wukong twice provoked the Bull Demon King, so the angry Bull Demon King chased to Sun Wukong without thinking.

"Grandpa Niu! Come on!"


A group of little demon followed, watching Lao Niu and Sun Wukong fighting with Lao Yuan.

Although the battle of this level of power, for these little demon, is very dangerous.

But watching from a distance, watching the fighting methods and the aura of the strongest. It is also helpful for your future cultivation breakthrough.

So these little monsters followed behind the bull and demon king without thinking, and it was regarded as cheering for the bull and demon king.

All of a sudden, the sky on Bibotan was dark. Even the voice is getting smaller and lower, who knows where the Niu Demon went after Sun Wukong.

However, these have nothing to do with Li Mo. Li Mo, who turned into the body of the Niu Demon King, flashed to the front of the water-proof golden beast.

At the moment, there are two little demon guarding here, fearing that the golden crystal beast will go on a business trip.

Seeing Li Mo's figure, the two little demon looked cautiously. They didn't know what happened to the bull demon in front of what happened just now.

But they did not dare to step forward and ask, the bull devil's brow, who dare to touch it?

Notice the eyes of the two little demon, Li Mo

"Smelly monkey! Let you run! Watch this king riding on the water-proof golden beast to chase you!"

Li Mo shouted so loudly that all the demon believed Li Mo's identity. Immediately, Li Mo's legs caught the golden beast, and the golden beast escaped to the water.

There was a splash and the water was splashing. Li Mo flew to the sky riding the golden crystal beast.

There is the command of ‘Bull Demon King’ The water-repelling golden crystal beast flew all the way through time and space. When the water-repellent crystal beast flew out of the cracks in time and space, the huge water-repellent crystal beast suddenly became a small piece.

Li Mo jumped down to catch the small piece and said with satisfaction

"It really is you."

For this piece, Li Mo was struggling. But who can think of it, this origin fragment does not turn into a big demon, or a treasure, but turns into someone else's mount. What is this hobby?

Li Mo got the fragments of origin, so the cracks in time and space behind Li Mo gradually disappeared.

Looking at the sky, the dim sky gradually lighted up. For this piece of origin, Li Mo has been busy working from noon yesterday to now.

However, the origin of the fragments is in hand, no matter how much you should pay. Recognizing the direction, Li Mo flew away in the direction he had always been.

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