Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1020: Excited Miluo cottage

   "Winning! The patriarch won the Godot cottage with a dozen eleven!"

   "Yohou! From now on we will fall into the name of the cottage, and will also enter the top twenty of the eighty-one cottage!"


  The tribes of Miluo Shanzhai still do their business as usual, and the youths of Miluo Shanzhai shouted with their voices along the way.

   They want to spread this good news all over the Miluo cottage, so that everyone in the Miluo cottage knows that Godo cottage is not unbeatable!

   They wanted to let all those who fell into the cottage know that they had a good patriarch! Patriarch Li Mo made them beat down the cottage by defeating the cottage!

   "What! Won?"

   With a loud cry, a woman sitting in the kitchen accidentally dropped the rice bowl in her hand to the ground.

   "Really won?"

  An old man basking in the sun jumped up and asked a young man who was running.

   "Won! The patriarch has an enemy of eleven! Promised! Hahaha..."

  The young man shouted excitedly.

   "Cangtian has eyes! Win! We are finally down in the cottage!"

  The old man burst into tears and looked up to the sky. The age at which the old man was born was the time when the Godot cottage was strong.

   At that time, the Godot cottage expanded everywhere, not only the Miluo cottage. All the surrounding cottages with territories and the Gordo cottage were repeatedly bullied.

   can't beat again, so these cottages have to swallow their voices. Even the grumpy Dreamlin had no way to enter the fairyland.

   And now, Miluo Shanzhai finally raised his eyebrows and exhaled. In his lifetime, the old man finally saw that the Miluo cottage beat the Goduo cottage once. How could he not be excited?

   scenes like this are now everywhere in Miluo Shanzhai. All the people of the Miluo Shanzhai tribe who got the news, regardless of age, sex, or boy, returned to Li Mo's house.

   was originally connected, and had to go through a war before. Li Mo is indeed a little tired, so he plans to take a good rest after returning.

   So many people are now entangled with Li Mo. Facing the passionate people, Li Mo is embarrassed to evade. So at this time, Li Mo was so bad.

   Finally, Meng Lin said the last sentence

   "Okay, Li Mo is tired. The tribes are killing pigs and slaughtering sheep tonight to celebrate, and then you can talk to your patriarch again."

   Hearing Meng Lin's words, all the excited ethnic talents left. However, after returning home, the tribes of Miluo Shanzhai killed all the good spirit beasts in their homes.

   The family also has good wine, and all of them are taken out. For a time, the entire peak of the piracy cottage did not know how many circles were formed from top to bottom, and everyone celebrated.

   But Li Mo was really tired, and then Li Mo took a sip of Blood Qi Dan and went to sleep. After practicing the dream of the Great Dream, Li Mo actually suffered from a sleepiness.

   So Li Mo fell asleep on the bed, as for the celebration feast at night. Li Mo did not participate, but as Li Mo's apprentice, Chi You and Fat Ball went to participate.

  Because of Li Mo's relationship, Chi You and Fat Ball were also sought after by everyone. For a time a lot of tribes came up to Chiyou, fat **** touted.

   Faced with the excited people, Chiyou responded politely. However, there are not so many fat balls, a mouthful of delicious food is filled in the mouth, where can I take care of these people...

   Li Mo slept for more than ten days before waking up, and during these more than ten days. Li Mo continuously cultivated the heaven and earth creation tactics in the dream to absorb the spirit of the heaven and earth, so Li Mo, who woke up, found his cultivation ability increased again.

  Li Mo's cultivation practice is refined again, not far from the peak of the late stage of the formation of the Dandan Realm.

  The remaining time Li Mo is consolidating and practicing daily, and then teaching Chi You and the fat ball body method.

   No way, these two apprentices are too willing to be tough with the enemy. In this case, in the future, if you meet those who are too strong, they will definitely suffer.

  Li Mo certainly would not be stingy with his apprentice, so Li Mo handed over his power to Chi You and Fat Ball.

  Although Li Mo had mastered thousands of physical and magical powers in his previous life, Li Mo was most satisfied with this shrinkage.

  Teach the apprentice, of course, to teach the apprentice the best.

   "I will show it again."

  In an empty jungle, Li Mo said to Fat Ball and Chi You.

  Since I want to teach myself how to do my best, I must choose this quiet and unoccupied place. It is safe and clean, suitable for cultivation.

  Follow, Li Mo's figure slowed down a hundred times, and even Li Mo didn't run far.

   But in the eyes of Chi You and Fat Ball, Li Mo still flew out more than ten feet away with a swish.

   There is no way to make Li Mo fancy the shrunken land with supernatural powers. This person is limited to one animal, so it is normal to see through.

"do you understand?"

   appeared Li Mo turned around and asked Chi You and Fat Ball.

   Chiyou and Fat Ball stared at Li Mo with a dazed look, and they shook their heads in a unified movement.


  Li Mo had a black line, and then Li Mo had to talk about it again

   "I will show it again, this time you have a good look. I will pass on the formulas and points to you, and you will understand it well."

   The voice fell, and Li Moshao ran back in the open space outside the ten battles. Although Li Mo slowed down again this time, Chi You and Fat Ball were still confused.

   They haven’t even learned some of the most basic body techniques, so they can directly learn the top-level exercises in this universe. The difficulty can be imagined.

  It's like you let a first grader solve a calculus This is not a dream.

  Li Mo sighed, and then Li Mo took out a piece of animal skin. Write down the tactics and main points of shrinking the ground into magical powers and give it to Chiyou.

   "Have a good look, will you ask the teacher again..."

   While speaking, Li Mozhi felt the flash of light before him. This dazzling light faded away at a rapid rate.

   But Li Mo discovered it the first time, so Li Mo was too late to say. Throwing down the sheepskin, he stretched and shrunk into the distance and ran away.

  Li Mo turned over the mountain in the first time, and finally came to a canyon. Above the canyon, a crack stood.

   Look carefully, you can see a dim light fade away in this crack. This light is the light that Li Mo attracted before.

  Li Mo looked at the crack in the air, his eyes lit up and said

   "Time and space crack!"

   This crack Li Mo is too familiar with, it is the crack of time and space. And in the cracks of time and space, Li Mo felt a familiar breath...Original fragments!

  The space-time space formed by the origin fragments. As long as Li Mo enters to find the origin fragments, this space and cracks will disappear.

   no longer delays, Li Mo's figure flashed into space and time.


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