Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1012: Small ratio rule

  Li Mo Every time they walk, they can see some caves that lead directly to the underground. Bursts of aura came from the cave, which was much thicker than the aura flowing in the mountain.

   Looking at those holes, Meng Lin introduced Li Mo to

"These caves are the entrance to the spirit vein. Now there are people in the spirit vein mining spirit stones. And they have been practicing in the spirit vein all year round, and the effect is also good. The old man slept ten times in the spirit vein again. year."

   said that the group quickly reached the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was artificially cleared out of an empty area, and the tribe of the Godot cottage had come here long ago.

   looked at the camp of Godot's cottage, there were more than two hundred people. The tribes who came from the Goduo Village are about the same age as the Miluo Village, but from their blood.

  Li Mo knew that these people's cultivation practices were higher than those of the Miluo Shanzhai people. The number of people doubled, and the cultivation base was even higher. So the momentum of Miluo Shanzhai suddenly weakened.

  Feeling the momentum of the Gordo Shanzhai people, the young men who fell down in the cottages were hammered one by one. In this way, it has not been compared, it has failed in general.

  The crowd of Goduo cottage, Li Mo saw Ge Fang and Ge Yuan and others. I'm afraid these people haven't returned to the Godot cottage these days and have lived here.

  Ge Yuan and other young people looked at Li Mo's eyes full of pride, their eyes seemed to be talking. Boy, your death is here! Hahaha!

   At this moment, including Ge Fang, everyone stood behind a middle-aged man.

  Middle-aged men are sturdy and self-defeating. Needless to say, Li Mo directly guessed that this man should be the patriarch Gruno of their Godot cottage.

  Gloan's eyes tightened when he saw Meng Lin, laughing

   "Meng Lin, I heard that you have entered the fairyland? Congratulations."

   "Hmm, don't talk to me in front of me! Behind the scenes! Over the years, we have bullied our strong man who has no land in Fairyland, how many territories have been taken away?

   Say hello to me now? I’m afraid I’m in a fairyland. If you can’t grab the territory of Miluo Shanzhai, how can you call me psychologically? "

  Meng Lin said with a snort, but none of those lands had a spiritual vein. So let the Gordo cottage grab and grab it, the big deal is that after Menglin's strength surpasses Gron, grab it back.

   But this Golden Snake Mountain has spiritual veins, so Menglin cannot give Gordo Shanzhai.

   "Weak meat and strong food, we are all right."

  Gron said flatly, not angry at Meng Lin's words.

   "Humph! Are you scared when you come so late? Stinky boy."

  Gefang took a thousand steps and scolded Li Mo. Three days ago, Ge Fang still remembered.

   At that time, everyone was in Luoluo Shanzhai, so it was still forbearing. But now here, there are more patriarchs, so Ge ​​Fang will not be tolerant.


   Facing Gefang's aggressive, Li Mo just cast a big white eye. Looking at Ge Fang's angry face again, Li Mo grinned and was in a good mood.

   "Smelly kid..."


  Ge Fang originally wanted to scold Li Mo for a few more words, but Ge Fang's words were not finished yet. I only heard a roar from the distant sky, and then one or two people came high, the body was blue, and the big bird with colorful hair on the head flew to the sky.

   Li Mo had read a lot of books in other tribes at first, so he recognized this big bird at a glance. Blue Spirit Bird! The adult blue spirit bird has the strength of Yuanying Realm, so the spiritual beasts cultivated have the ability to turn a part of the body into an adult body.

   And this blue spirit bird, there should be some time before adulthood.

   And above this blue spirit bird, stood a gentle woman in a blue dress.

  Noble femininity, white skin, and a pair of smart eyes sweeping from time to time to the ground below.

   "Meet the eight elders!"

   Seeing this woman, even the angry Ge Fang was afraid to make it.

  Whether it is the tribe of the Miluo Shanzhai or the Gedo Shanzhai, they bow down one by one.

   Even Menglin and Gelong, who are two powerful powerhouses, are the same, although they are both powerful powerhouses.

   But they are one of the eight elders of the Presbyterian Church, and even the Gong Gong Li Ren taught the exercises. So whether it is identity or combat effectiveness. Both Menglin and Gelong are inferior to others.


The elegant woman named Li Xue is the eight elders of the Presbyterian Church.

  Looking at the tribe below, Li Xue nodded indifferently, and only said one word.

  A group of Jiuli people slowly stood up, wrapped in Ge Yuan. All the young men looked at the woman in the sky with excitement.

  Li Xue is not only distinguished, but also has great strength. Even appearance is one-of-a-kind, and these men's love is normal.

   "I didn't expect this time that the elder than the eight elders came to preside over. I don't know what regulations the elder eight elders have for this time?"

  Gloan raised his head and asked Li Xue respectfully.

   "Stipulate that you set it." Li Xue did not say much, as if he did not have much interest in this time.

   "Okay, then we will set it."

  Gron nodded, and then Gron waved his palm, and ten young men from the Godot cottage stepped forward. The ten young men, eight men and two women, all showed their vitality, but they were all in the Dandan realm.

   And among these ten people, Li Mo also saw an acquaintance. Ge Yuan, Ge Yuan's strength is in the late stage of the Dandan Realm. In the ten-person camp, there is only another bald head. The burly man is comparable to Ge Yuan.

   Seeing this Li Mo couldn't help but grin. Li Mo hurried off with the hundreds of clan people in the village of Miluo for so many days, so Li Mo still knew their strength.

   Among the young people in this group, there are only two who are in the Jiedan Realm, and the rest are all in the Spiritual Realm. And the Gordo cottage came out ten at once.

   And look at it like this, there are still a lot of youth strength in the crowd. Although the two cottages are adjacent to each other, the heritage is so much worse.

   "It's very simple, Miluo Shanzhai can also choose ten young people to compare, which side will win more, which is convenient for victory. And the winning party can own Jinshe Mountain."

  Gron grinned and said proudly.

   "This... how do we compare?"

   "Yeah, I guess we can't win a game!"


   Seeing the strength of others' Godot cottage, the young people in the cottage suddenly panicked. Complaints were everywhere for a while, and everyone looked at Li Mo's eyes a little badly.

   is you, what is it? Isn't it for us to be beaten right now?


   Hearing the voice behind him, Meng Lin hummed again. In the past, you muttered no matter what you were, now it is all the time. Are you going to be ashamed of others in the Gordo cottage? ...


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