Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1008: Natural momentum

   The room is not big, strictly follow the orders of Meng Lin. Therefore, the tribe had to prepare a two-story log cabin for the people in the Godot cottage. Adhering to the principle of a man layer, a woman layer.

   But think about it, more than thirty people. Living in the two-story cabin, Li Mo couldn't help murmuring to himself

   "Predecessors really didn't treat the people in the Godot cottage as guests."

   knew that Gefang lived on the second floor of the log cabin, so Mengkun led Li Mo directly into the second floor and pushed the door to enter.

   Right now everyone is not sleeping yet, so the people are full. There are not only women, but also some men discussing things here. But looking at the faces of these people, how ugly it is.

   "Yo, isn't this our dream elder? Finally willing to show up?"

   saw Mengkun, Ge Fangpi said with a smile. Now both Li Yan and Wu Yiliu have fallen into practice, so Mengkun has become the elder of Miluo Shanzhai.

  Because Menglin doesn't allow the people of Miluo Shanzhai to entertain Gefang, Mengkun has been able to hide for the past few days, and he dare not show his head.

   So when he saw Mengkun, Ge Fang was not a bit angry.

   As for Li Mo, Fang Gefang directly ignored it. After all, Li Mo is still less than 20 years old. So Ge Fang only regarded Li Mo as a junior of Meng Kun.

   "Elder Georgian laughed."

  Mengkun accompanies and laughs, Mengkun only has the cultivation practice of Jindan Realm. Ge Fang is a strong player in Yuanying Realm, so Mengkun is still under pressure to face Ge Fang.

  Don't know what Gefang thought, Mengkun gave up and introduced Gefang.

   "Our patriarch didn't say anything. Did the deputy patriarch come back and let Elder Georgian and the deputy patriarch negotiate things. So when our deputy patriarch came back, I brought the deputy patriarch."


  Mengkun's voice just fell, Ge Fang crushed the cup in his hand. I saw Ge Fang looked at Li Mo and Meng Kun with a sullen face.

  According to Gefang's previous conjecture, Miluo Shanzhai is no longer capable. But how could the acting patriarch be a strong man from the top of Jindan?

   So seeing the acting patriarch who had kept so many people waiting for more than half a month turned out to be a hairy kid in the Dandan Realm, how could Ge Fang not be angry?

   "Too deceiving too much! Just find someone and say it is the acting patriarch, are you playing me?"

  Gefang said coldly.


   The atmosphere suddenly dropped to a cold level, and Meng Kun didn't know what to say for a while.

  Li Mo reached out his hand and took Mengkun behind him, then Li Mo stepped forward and said

   "I am the deputy patriarch of Miluo Shanzhai, whether you believe it or not. You come to Miluo Shanzhai for something. If you believe me, you will tell the story. If you don't believe it..."

   said, Li Mo opened his body sideways, said sternly

   "Just go!"

  Yuan Yingjing's strong, what is now Li Mo is a patriarch of a cottage. If you don't take out the majesty of the patriarch, I'm afraid other cottages will think they are bullying.

   More importantly, Meng Lin worked hard to push Li Mo to this position. Li Mo didn't want to extinguish the majesty of the downhill cottage, and let Menglin disappointed.

  'S side Mengkun's face was startled, and he was the strong man in the Golden Perfection. However, Ge Fang still needs to be cautious in the face of the completeness of Yuanying Realm, so Meng Kun really did not expect it.

   Li Mojie's peak cultivation practice in the midst of the midst of the realm of dare, dare to blame Gefang in this way. Gradually, Meng Kun looked at Li Mo's eyes with respect.

  Although Li Mo has been acting as the patriarch of Miluo Village for some time, Mengkun has always regarded Li Mo as a junior.

   This is not to say that Mengkun does not respect Li Mo. After all, Mengkun's daughters are older than Li Mo, so Mengkun is right to treat Li Mo as a junior.

   But at this moment, in order to dignify the dignity of the cottage, Li Mo refused to let the strong man in Yuanying Realm complete. This won the respect of Mengkun. Until now, Mengkun really recognized this acting patriarch.

   I am afraid that in the future anyone will say that Li Mo is not worthy of acting as the patriarch, and Meng Kun will be the first to rush up and talk to him.

   But after the shock, Mengkun took a step forward and stood side by side with Li Mo. Now that Li Mo is recognized as the acting patriarch, Meng Kun can't let others hurt the acting patriarch.

  Not only Mengkun was stunned, but Gefang and a group of Gordo cottages were also stunned.

   But after being stunned, there was endless anger. I saw a group of youths in the Godot cottage looking at Li Mo in anger, as if there was a common enemy.

   "Stinky boy! What are you talking about?"

   "You say one more thing? Believe it or not, I cut your tongue!"



   "Loose! Are you qualified to speak to me?"

  Li Mo stood up with his hand, and the momentum of the superior was completely natural. Anyway, the past life is also a generation of quasi-imperialism, and the momentum of the superiors is deep in the bone marrow.

   Seeing Li Mo's momentum, Ge Fang frowned. Then Ge Fang scolded the young men and women around the Goduo cottage


   Sure enough, these people still respect their grand elder Ge Fang from Godot's cottage. So with Gefang yelling, these people all shut up. But that angry look still cannot leave Li Mo's body.

   "I don't know why Meng Lin's old guy made you an acting patriarch. Are you sure you can represent Miluo Shanzhai?" Ge Fang frowned.

  To say that Gefang did not believe that Li Mo was the acting patriarch before, but after feeling the momentum of the superior in Li Mo, Gefang believed a little.

   And Li Mo seems to be too young, and social experience must be inadequate. So that agreement to negotiate with Li Mo will definitely be easier than negotiating with Meng Lin.

   So Ge Fang put away his anger and asked Li Mo. After the big deal is over Li Mozhi will be blamed again.

"of course."

  Li Mo smiled, and then he found a stone stool at random and made it.

   Even if they are surrounded by people from the Gordo cottage, even if there is a strong man with Yuanying Realm opposite. But Li Mo's powerful aura was not afraid at all.

   And Mengkun stood honestly behind Li Mo, and really seemed like a subordinate.

   "Well, since you represent Miluo Shanzhai. Then order your tribe to withdraw from Jinshe Mountain."

  Looking at Li Mo's powerful aura, Ge Fang's heart confirmed Li Mo's identity a bit more. Then said.

   "Golden Snake Mountain?"

  Li Mo was startled and asked blankly. Knowing that the Miluo cottage is in charge of hundreds of nearby mountains and plains, but even the mountains next to the Miluo cottage, Li Mo couldn't figure out the name. Not to mention the Golden Snake Mountain.

  Li Mo doesn't know where Jinshe Mountain is, but Mengkun knows it. So when he heard Gefang’s words, Mengkun was furious.

   "You really still have the idea of ​​playing the Golden Snake Mountain!"

  Looking at Meng Kun's performance, Li Mo knew that things seemed not so simple. Then Li Mo told Mengkun

   "Senior, which mountain is Golden Snake Mountain?"...


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