Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1003: Confession


   A cry of eagle, two pairs of sharp eagle claws grew bigger and bigger in front of Li Yan and Wu Yiliu. But at the moment, Yan Yan and Wu Yiliu were seriously injured and could only fall to the ground. Where can they get up?

   "Poof! Poof!"

  Blood splashed for three feet, Li Yan and Wu Yiliu's heads exploded under Dream Eagle's claws. Even a trace of resistance can't be done, and he will die.

  Dream Eagle itself is a strong man in Jindan Realm, and Li Yan and Wu Yiliu are both injured, and naturally are not opponents of Dream Eagle.

   "Li Yan and Wu Yiliu committed the crime, offended the acting patriarch Li Mo, **** it!"

  Meng Lin's cold eyes patrolled the surrounding surnamed Li and Wu. Speaking coldly, it was as if condemning Yan Yan and Wu Yiliu's crime.

  Listening to Meng Lin's sentence, both the Wu family and the Li family lowered their heads. Now that the leaders of their two surnames are dead, coupled with the strong return of the dream forest in the fairyland of others, who dares to touch this mold?

   Even many people of the Li family and Wu family are still planning to find an opportunity to find Menglin to be loyal. After all, at this time, the surnames Wu and Li can be described as headless.

  So with the support of Menglin, it is easy for them to become leaders of the two surnames. Of course, the premise is that they are obedient enough.


   looked at Meng Lin, Meng Kun said softly. The wrinkled face is full of apologies.

  Menglin handed over Li Mo to Mengkun before leaving, let Mengkun protect them. However, Li Mo and they were subjected to numerous calculations by Wu Yanliu and Wu Yiliu. If they were not fatal, they would have died several times.

   So Mengkun feels straight, ashamed of Menglin.

  Meng Lin didn't say much, patted Meng Kun's shoulder, said

"You did very well."

   While speaking, the spirit in Menglin's hands slowly entered Mengkun's body, helping Mengkun to repair his injuries.


   All the people of the dream surname all knelt down and shouted apologetically. They had to hand over Li Mo before, ashamed of the patriarch's request.

   "Don't call me patriarch! I'm not your patriarch!"

   yelled at the people of the dream family, and then turned back to Li Mo. I saw Menglin's palms in the air, and the aura in them slowly entered Li Mo's body, healing Li Mo.

   For the people of the surname Meng who knelt around, the disappointed Meng Lin was too lazy to take a look.

  Li Mo's body is seriously injured, but how pure is the aura of the powerful fairyland? So as Menglin's aura traveled in Li Mo's body, Li Mo's internal injuries were rapidly improving.

   "Senior, I'm fine. Look at Chiyou."

  Li Mo pushed Menglin's hand away, looked at Chiyou worriedly, and said.

   Chi You's hard and fierce coercion, he suffered more serious injuries than Li Mo.

   "Don't worry."

  Menglin patted Li Mo and said softly.

   Reiki restored Li Mo's injury to his body, and then Meng Lin went to heal Chi You. During this period, all the tribes of Miluo Shanzhai knelt around, and the atmosphere did not dare to catch their breath.

   "You all dispersed."

  Meng Lin said while treating Chi You. It is enough to kill the two culprits Li Yan and Wu Yiliu. Everyone is a tribe of Miluo Shanzhai. Could Menglin kill all these people?

   "Thank you Patriarch!"

   "Patriarch, let's retreat first!"


   Hearing Meng Lin’s words, the clan of Wu, Li and all the small surnames were forgiven. After prostrating themselves to Meng Lin, they rushed and ran.

   and the people of the surname Meng were kneeling on the ground motionless, meaningless to get up. It seems that Menglin doesn't forgive them, they won't get up.

  Menglin didn't even mean to talk to them, and he focused on healing Chiyou.

  A moment later, Chiyou also woke up. Looking at Menglin, Chi You couldn't help but say

   "Thank you grandpa patriarch."

  Master Li Mo saw that Menglin had to call a senior, so Chiyou should have called Menglin a grandpa.

   "Child, suffering."

   patted Chi You, Meng Lin got up and said to Meng Kun

   "Hungry, do you have anything to eat there? Let's have some."

   "In this way, I will immediately go to the tribe to prepare a dinner party to catch the wind for the patriarch."

  Mengkun bowed and said, but Menglin shook her head

   "Let's just have some food, no need to prepare a dinner."

  Mengkun wants to prepare a dinner, but also wants to have a few glasses of Menglin and these Jindan realm surnames, relax the relationship, and take the opportunity to let Menglin forgive these people.

  Menglin certainly knows what Mengkun thinks, but Menglin is really disappointed with these people's surname. So Meng Lin did not mean to drink with them.


  Knowing that he couldn't make a request, Mengkun nodded and arranged for the tribe to make some simple food and prepare some wine.

  I have to say that Menglin's aura is no different from Li Mo's strong men of this level from the healing medicine. Just now Li Mo and Chi You were still injured, but now they can eat with Meng Lin on a table.

  Menglin, Mengkun, Li Mo, Chiyou and Fat Ball are eating on the wooden table in the Menglin house.

  Menglin was drinking wine while listening to Mengkun talk about what happened in the fall of this year. Several times during the period, Meng Lin's whole body showed an astonishing killing intention, so that Meng Kun was afraid to speak. Just listen to Meng Lin keep saying

   "Make them die, it's really cheap for them!"

  Simply eat something, Menglin will have to rest. Therefore, Li Mo and others left and walked out of Menglin's room, and they could see a group of high-level men surnamed Menglin kneeling in front of Menglin's room.

   While Li Mo was eating, these people came to kneel. And looking at this meaning, there are more and more people.

   These people with dream surnames obviously want to be forgiven by but Menglin didn't mean to say the last sentence with them.

   "Hey, they are also confused. Li Mo, you have time to persuade the patriarch, the patriarch listens to you."

   looked at a group of people with the surname of Meng, Meng Kun sighed and said to Li Mo. But there was an apology in his voice. After all, Mengkun also knew that these people had just handed over Li Mo to Li Yan and Wu Yiliu.

  Now let Li Mo help them to say good things to some strong people.

   But what Mengkun didn't think of was that Li Mo nodded without even thinking about it, responding

   "Okay, but now the senior is in a rage, this time can't persuade. After two days, let the senior see the sincerity of these people to repent, and then persuade, the effect will be better."

  Li Mo is a person with distinct grievances and grievances, and it is only Meng Lin's kindness to him. Li Mo will not remember those who hate these dream surnames.

  Mengkun gave Li Mo a deep look until this time. Meng Kun knew why the young man in front of him was so favored by Meng Lin.

   This young man is not easy...

  The next two days, Li Mo's daily task is to teach Chiyou and Fat Ball to practice. This year, Fat Ball and Chi You are practicing on their own. Therefore, in some places, the cultivation is not correct, and then practice according to the previous method, the body will definitely have trouble in the future. ...


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