Rokuka was very happy that she had two Shikami at once.

But she didn’t want this to be the beginning of her tragedy.

After returning home, Rokuka, who had planned to take a good rest, was called out by Ashiya Michiman.

Due to the instruction of Genshōgetsu, Ashiya Michiman proudly took on the task of teaching Rokuka.

And as a reward, Genshōyue promised to give him a lot of imperial souls.

In order to show his sincerity, Genshōgetsu handed over a piece of the Broken Imperial Soul whose main attribute was life to Ashiya Michimitsu in advance.

Of course, the most important purpose of Genshingyue in doing this is to test whether the Shikami in this world can equip the Imperial Soul.

Feeling the powerful power contained in the Breaking Spirit fascinated Ashiya Michimansho.

A seemingly small stone, as long as it is equipped on the body, can get incredible power from it.

Just one stone can directly increase Ashiya Michiman’s power by a small stage.

Genshōgetsu, on the other hand, told him that the name of the stone was Break, and that having two of these stones would increase him by fifteen percent of his critical hits, while possessing four identical stones would give him forty percent of his attack power, provided that the opponent was strong enough.

Michimitsu Ashiya didn’t quite understand what critical attack meant, and why he could increase his attack by forty percent when the opponent was strong enough.

Yuan Xingyue didn’t bother to explain this, but just said lightly: “When it is strong, it is strong!” ”

In order to be able to obtain the four pieces of Broken Imperial Soul as soon as possible, Ashiya Michiman was naturally particularly attentive to the teachings of the six flowers.

Originally, Rokuka was still thinking about enforcing her rights as a master.

But if she has such a supervisor like a grudge, she can only devote herself to the joy (pain) of learning.

Soon a new day arrived.

Genshōgetsu woke up from the bed, and next to her lay the ghost girl Momiji, who had played poker with her all night.

Thinking of his outstanding card skills last night, Yuan Xingyue’s face showed a satisfied smile.

Have to say last night was a fantastic experience!

After getting dressed, Genshōgetsu waited for the arrival of several young girls.

The first to arrive was Miko, then Yulia.

Within fifteen minutes, everyone was there.

What surprised Yuan Xingyue was that the latest to arrive today was Liuhua.

However, after seeing the dark circles around Liuhua’s eyes, Yuan Xingyue probably understood how Liuhua was tortured last night.

Before a while, Rokuka fell asleep on the table.

Yuan Xingyue didn’t care about her either.

Instead, after a few brief explanations, he continued to return to his room and continued to play poker with Momiji!

This paragraph is not good-looking, just omit it!

The streets are full of people, and people walk their own roads according to their own plans.

It’s just that yesterday’s attack on the office building still attracted everyone’s attention.

“Is this a terrorist attack? Or is it said that there are demons! ”

“I heard it was a supernatural event, and I was shopping near the office building yesterday.

After shopping, I saw that the office building was instantly wrapped in a cloud of black gas!

As for the rest, I don’t know. I don’t think terrorists can do such a thing, either by the Onmyoji or by the evil spirit! ”

“What do those guys in the Yin-Yang Hall eat? Didn’t you always swear that Tokyo is safe? Absolutely no evil? ”

For a while, the whole of Tokyo fell into an inexplicable fear.

After all, it is only from the picture exposed by the news.

Yesterday alone, at least thirty people died for unknown reasons.

For this matter, Yin Yang Hall is naturally more concerned than anyone else.

In front of the office building, Tianhai Dashan walked down from the black Mercedes.

As soon as he saw the arrival of the minister, an agent of the Curse Search Department also immediately informed him of the information he had obtained towards Tianhai Daisen.

“Minister, we have confirmed the people here, they are all people from the Double Horn Society!”

“Double Horn Meeting!”

Tianhai Daishan also frowned when he heard this name.

Then he walked into the interior of the office building.

At this time, everything in the office building was relatively intact.

After all, protecting the site is an essential part of not having enough leads.

The office building is a mess.

Fragments of ghost soldier armor can be seen everywhere, and there are some well-preserved armored ghost soldiers, but they are all trapped in huge blocks and cannot move at this time.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tianhai Dashan gasped.

In the end, what kind of powerful person can not alarm the situation of the Yin Yang Hall, so badly damage the Double Horn Society.

Tianhai Daishan quickly set his sights on a dead Onmyoji.

This Onmyoji he knew before.

More precisely, he was once a member of the Spell Search Department.

The strength is probably at the level of a minor.

Later, for unknown reasons, he joined the Curse Search Department, thus evaporating from the world.

Tianhai Dashan did not expect it either.

He saw his former subordinate again, not on the battlefield, but in an office building.

The deceased had no wounds on his body and no damage to his internal organs.

There are only two kinds of people who can cast such spells.

One is the Grim Reaper, and the other is the Spellmaster.

Death generally does not choose to participate in things between mortals.

They only deal with what happens after the death of the deceased.

And the spell master and the onmyoji generally do not violate the river water with well water.

Unless it was done by the Cursman, the sorcerer’s mortal enemy.

But why should the cursed master attack the people of the Two-Horned Society well.

This is not in their own self-interest.

And I haven’t heard of any powerful cursed masters appearing recently.

For a while, Tianhai Dashan couldn’t understand who did it.

“Did you ask the spirit?”

The so-called questioning spirit is to summon the soul of the deceased and then ask about it.

“I asked, but they are all people from the Double Horn Society and don’t cooperate with us very much, but we still asked for some key information.

According to them, they died at the hands of a youkai armed with a huge scythe and a man with wings. ”

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