Wei Zhuang arrived at Xiaoshengxian Manor, looked at Zhang Liang who looked surprised, and said, Why, don't you recognize me?

The other party felt his transcendent aura and finally reacted.

You fell into Ying Zheng's arms?.

Chapter 354 Zhang Liang surrendered and got Yan Lingji by chance!

Based on recent intelligence.

Anyone who joins the Eternal God Religion will gain unimaginable power.

In addition, Wei Zhuang lost contact before.

Now he suddenly appeared in front of him again. It was obvious that he came with bad intentions.

Zhang Liang lowered his head and activated the mechanism with his fingers to send a message to others.

There's danger, evacuate immediately!

Wei Zhuang stood in the distance and said in a calm tone: Man can defy heaven. We all understand this, but how can man defy God?

Do you believe in the existence of gods? A direct disciple of Guigu believes in the theory of ghosts and gods?

Zhang Liang tried to delay time and began to argue.

Unexpectedly, Bai Feng beside Wei Zhuang answered his question.

Since there are immortals, why can't there be gods? Heaven and earth were created by gods, but all living beings are ignorant and don't understand... Moreover, you don't have to go and call people.

Those people had been caught long ago.

The entire Songhai is under the control of Quicksand!

Zhang Liang felt cold in his heart when he heard this.

He did not expect that the other party had arrived not long ago, and he had not received any news.

Ying Zheng wants to kill everyone who disobeys him!

In that case, why don't you kill me? 29

Zhang Liang drew out his sword and slowly walked out of the room.

He seems to be a scholar.

In fact, he is both civil and military, but his martial arts is not great.

Not a first-class swordsman.

Wei Zhuang said calmly: We are friends, and I understand your ambition. Why don't you join Ying Zheng's system and exert greater power.

We have different ways and we don't conspire against each other. So Wei Zhuang, don't you understand this truth? I think you know why Gai Nie and you always fought in the past, right?

This is completely different. Ying Zheng is committed to pacifying the world. There are many countries besides the Qin Dynasty. There are the Xiongnu in the west, and the Kushan in the further west...

We are just wasting our own resources by tossing around in a small area in vain.

And don’t you think that just a few decades is too short for a person?

From learning babbling to having independent thoughts of one's own, more than ten years have been wasted.

Talents like Zhang Liang are worth wooing.

Otherwise, Wei Zhuang would have killed him long ago.

How can I have time to beep too much?

Zhang Liang fell into silence after listening to Wei Zhuang's words.

To be fair.

Why don't you join Ying Zheng's system? To put it simply, it's just one sentence.

Ying Zheng will not reuse himself.

There were Li Si, Zhao Gao and a group of people on the other side.

There are also various ministers coming.

Even if you go, it is just the icing on the cake.

But if troubled times come, he will become the founding hero of other countries.

This is the highest honor of all counselors in ancient times.

For example, Zhuge Liang joined Liu Bei instead of Cao Cao.

Because when Cao Cao made his fortune.

It's already very powerful.

Even if you succeed by choosing Cao Cao, what will you get?

But Liu Bei is different.

He has nothing and is nominally a descendant of the Han Dynasty.

Although he failed in the end.

But he gained fame.

Seeing Zhang Liang's silence, Wei Zhuang continued: Your Majesty only gave me a short time, don't make it difficult for me...

The words just fell.

A sound of waves emerged.

Zhang Liang's eyes narrowed sharply, and he saw a shark made of water floating next to Wei Zhuang, staring at him eagerly.

He even roared smartly.

Is this alive?

He was shocked.

Then the shark changed again and became a crystal blue sword.

It's freezing cold.

The ground is freezing.

It's summer now, but it feels like it's freezing cold!

Is this the power of God?

What a miraculous skill.

Then you have become an immortal now?

No, it's only one step away...but flying with a sword is still possible.

Zhang Liang paused for a moment after hearing this and smiled bitterly.

What else is there to fight?

Mortals versus immortals, what a joke.

I admit defeat, but please let me see Ying Zheng!

Yes, but remember...it is true that he is the emperor, and the identity of the person who presides over the sacrifice is what Ying Zheng values ​​the most!

Songhai Confucianism surrendered.

Then everything will fall into place.

The remnants of the Xiang clan were plucked out one by one here.

As for the other factions, seeing Liusha's iron-blooded suppression, they all chose to surrender.

Anyone who refuses to obey will be killed!

I originally thought that such a method would be difficult for residents to accept.

But with the arrival of the divine missionaries, everything became shocking.

The Eternal God Religion is the state religion of the Qin Dynasty, and it is also the sect of the Eternal God. Anyone with a kind heart can join the religion and stay away from worldly sufferings...

This was originally the land of Qilu.

Although it was ruled by the Qin Dynasty, many people still miss their former country.

It wasn't until the emergence of the divine religion that all this delusion was shattered.

Because after joining the divine religion, they can feel the substantial power.

Then Mr. Wei, let's say goodbye...

The envoy smiled at Wei Zhuang.

The latter nodded and led Zhang Liang and his party towards Xianyang.

Faster than expected.

It's just a matter of time.

They were traveling very quickly and arrived at the border of Xianyang in less than ten days.

And on this night.

In order to repay her kindness, Yan Lingji came to rescue Zhang Liang, but was captured by Wei Zhuang.

There is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

Zhang Liang's eyes flashed with unbearable color. He had obviously written to her to stay away from Da Qin, but he still came over like a moth to the flame.

Why bother.

Wei Zhuang looked at the captured people and said to Bai Feng: I didn't expect there was another prisoner. His Majesty asked 040 for us to take Yan Lingji back. I didn't expect that we actually met him.

Yes, sir.

Bai Feng smiled faintly and looked very happy.

Now the mission is complete.

It's so comfortable.

Afterwards, the group continued on their way.

Finally, two days later, we arrived in Xianyang City.

Looking at a familiar yet unfamiliar place.

The prisoners were stunned. The city had been renovated and renovated, and it was full of modern atmosphere.

The road is free from dust.

There are no nerdy students in the library. Instead, there are a group of teachers who teach real knowledge. They are dressed plainly.

He is also approachable in speech.

Zhang Liang was dumbfounded, and their Confucian thoughts were greatly impacted.

Shouldn't you be respectful when talking to teachers?

But why are they like friends?

At this time, a group of black-clothed swordsmen flew from the sky with swords, each of them wearing the decorations of the Eternal Cult.

These are the supervisory priests within the cult. They are all talented people. Although they are not as smart as you, they can still serve the people.

The supervisory priest is responsible for the transmission of information in various places, as well as handling some emergency matters.

Very strong.

And he is die-hardly loyal to the religion! ! !

Yan Lingji's eyes widened and she asked blankly: Then are they all immortals?

No...it's only after learning the magic of the wind system that you have the ability to wield a sword, but some people have indeed reached the limit of immortals.

Chapter 355 The shocked Master Xiaomeng, the arrival of the eternal divine realm! (Begging for full order)

Ying Zheng had many dead soldiers, relying on divine magic and devout faith.

In addition, he already possesses strength.

Most people of the Yin Yang family have already entered the realm of immortals.

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