Wei Country Gongyuan.

Many students from ten countries have participated in the final assessment here.

Many cultivators, as soon as the Fleshy Body Tower clears the customs, they rush to the Gongyuan directly.

They don’t want to waste time. After all, they know that they can’t break the record, so it’s better to come to the Gongyuan to review and review.

Because the third test is a literary examination test, a large number of cultivators gathered outside the Gongyuan Academy, and they are looking forward to this examination.

After all, Heaven’s Chosen has seen a lot of fights, and it’s interesting to watch some literary fights occasionally.

“Heaven’s Chosen is here.”

“Senior Brother Ye is here.”

“tsk tsk, give birth to a child like Heaven’s Chosen. “

“I don’t know how Senior Brother Ye’s literary talent is.”

“Senior Brother Ye is a scholar at first glance. I bet his literary talent is good.”

“Yes, Senior Brother Ye is a person who has read the book. It is estimated that it will not be much worse.”

Everyone argued that Ye Ping’s temperament is like peerless Confucianism, which subconsciously thinks. Ye Ping should be someone who has read some books.

Wei Country Gongyuan.

Ye Ping moved towards everyone very politely.

Then came to the gate of Gongyuan.

At this moment, under the gate of Gongyuan, there are many books on the left and right sides, and several Elders are guarding them.

“Ye Ping, among the books on these two sides, there are this essay examination questions, you can choose to read them first.”

“Once you step into the Gongyuan, you can’t leave. Be cautious.”

Elder said aloud to inform Ye Ping that there are essay questions in these two books.

Because once you step into the court, you cannot leave.

“Many thanks Elder reminder.”

Ye Ping nodded, Ye Ping doesn’t feel like he’s very stable for literary works, although when he first crossed, he relied on the calligraphy of the previous life to show off.

But the literary examinations are different. No matter how good your essay is, if it is wrong, you will definitely not be able to pass.

So Ye Ping was very cautious. He opened the books on the desks on both sides and watched them carefully.

There are hundreds of books, most of which are character stories. Ye Ping watched it carefully and didn’t dare to miss anything.

A full hour later.

Hundreds of books, Ye Ping read them all, and remembered them in the heart.

After certainty, Ye Ping walked into the Gongyuan.

At this moment.

In the Gongyuan, hundreds of desks are placed. Only half of the students participated in the competition. Most of the students either took the exam at the Fleshy Body Tower or were reading books outside.

After all, literary examination is a headache for many cultivators.

They know a lot, but they still have enough trouble to make a fuss.

“Goddess, follow me.”

At this time, the book boy in Gongyuan came and directed Ye Ping to a desk.

There are three red wooden blocks on the desk, and the book boy points to the wooden blocks.

“God, the test questions are in this wooden block.”

He said so.

Ye Ping nodded and said Thanks, and then opened the wooden block.

On the first piece, there is an engraved “Persuasion”.

On the second piece, “Fortune” is engraved.

On the third piece, there is [Engjie] engraved.

The so-called essay examination questions are based on one of the The test questions are a fuss, and three questions are given to test the literati’s ability.

If you write an essay that can perfectly meet the test questions, even if the essay is a little bit second, it is considered top grade.

An article is an article, and an essay is an essay.

The most important thing in the essay is the’response to the topic’, and the most important thing in the article is the connotation.

After seeing the test questions, Ye Ping couldn’t help but froze.

Thinking of books outside, Ye Ping suddenly realized it.

Sure enough, the test questions are hidden in the books.

For a while, Ye Ping did not write, but was thinking.

He is thinking about what article to write.

Advice, fortune, hero.

Just pick one.

But if you want to do high school in one fell swoop, you must answer all the questions.

However, for these three questions, no matter which one is taken apart, Ye Ping is confident that he can make a perfect essay.

But if you want to write them all, it is a little difficult.

“Ah!!! How do you write it?”

In the Gongyuan, a cultivator couldn’t help frowning, the writing brush fell in his hand, the ink was soaked in the article, and he wailed. Eyes are blood red.

“In the Gongyuan, no loud noises are allowed and drive away.”

In an instant, a loud voice sounded.

It was the voice of the examiner, the great Confucianism of the ten countries, the voice sounded, and an invisible force directly sent the student out of the Gongyuan in an instant.

This is the power of the great Confucian, whose words can lead to the spirit.

Ye Ping looked at all this and couldn’t help feeling in his heart. He didn’t expect that literati had this ability. If he had known it, maybe he would go on the path of Confucianism.

But this is not the time to think about this.

Ye Ping closed his eyes tightly.

He was thinking hard, and in his mind, a piece of peerless article was crossed.

But unfortunately, none of the articles fit the theme. To be precise, none of them fits these three themes.


Brain pain.

A full hour later.

It was also when Ye Ping was thinking hard.


A fresh breeze blows.

The breeze came and wrinkled Ye Ping’s gown.

But in an instant, Ye Ping seems to have a sudden enlightenment.

Advice, Fortune, Yingjie?

At this moment, Ye Ping has an article in his mind.

next moment, this article, just like the same sun, rises in my mind.

“This is this!”

“This is this!”

“This is this!”

Ye Ping, hold tight With his fist, he was ecstatic. For a literati, thinking like a spring is simply an opportunity that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

Thinking hard for an hour, now suddenly clear comprehension, this feeling makes the scalp numb.


Ye Ping put out a breath deeply, then he waved his hand, and a light azure wolf pen appeared between his fingers.

next moment.

Ye Ping is written on the blank rice paper.

“There are unexpected events in the sky, and people have blessings and misfortunes.”

“Centipede is a hundred feet, not as good as a snake.”

“Rooster has two wings, but can’t fly. Crow.”

“Horse has a journey of thousands of miles, and you cannot go without a ride.”

“People have the ambition to skyrocket, but they can’t get through without luck.”

Ye Ping pen, inject Essence, Qi, and Spirit into every word.

But as soon as Ye Ping started writing, bunches of golden rays of light burst out on the entire piece of rice paper.

boom~ boom~.

At this moment, in the Gongyuan, the stone statues trembled. These stone statues are the stone statues of the great Confucians of the past ten countries, and the people who can stand in the Gongyuan are not ordinary great Confucians.

It is a great Confucian who is recognized by the world, masters the power of speech, and can dispatch the destiny and express the existence of the law.

The three major examiners in this invigilation are also the great Confucian scholars among the ten countries, but they are not qualified to stand in the Gongyuan.

However, the big Confucian stone statue in the Gongyuan suddenly trembled, attracting countless people to watch.

“What’s going on?”

“What happened?”

“Look, the article written by Senior Brother Ye actually shines?”

“What kind of divine ability is this? I want to learn it too.”

“One word of money, one word of money, this is one word of money.”

“What is a word of money? What does it mean? Huh?”

“Hi, Senior Brother Ye, what article is this writing? How much money is one word?”

In the Gongyuan, all the reference students couldn’t help being shocked, especially how many This student, who understood something instantly, stared at Ye Ping with huge eyes.

“What exactly is a word of gold? A word of a thousand tael of gold, is it precious?”

Some people still don’t understand, and can’t help asking.

“You are really illiterate. The so-called “one-character daughter” means that this person’s article is of infinite value. Every word is worth a million dollars, which is extremely precious, but this is only a description, not that it is only worth a thousand tael of gold, but a precious description.”

“Yes, only the natural phenomenon of a word of a thousand gold can appear in the article of the country. An article is filled with hundreds of words, and a word of gold can be used to reduce the luck of a country. ‘t expect Senior Brother Ye is not only strong against the sky, but also so literary talent?”

“It should be a Zhenguo article, my God, Zhenguo article, this is an article that even a great scholar can’t write. In the ancient and modern history, only the scientific research of ten countries can appear the article on the township. This article can control the luck of a country.”

“The article township, a big scholar, Senior Brother Ye, if this article is finished, it can directly become a great Confucian. It will be against the sky. This is simply against the sky.”

In the Gongyuan, there are also some cultivators who know literary examinations and know the division of literati, so they can bear it. I can’t help but feel very shocked.

“What? An article can directly become a great Confucian?”

“Really? An article makes a great Confucian? Is there such a saying?”


“The entire Wei Country is only seven great Confucian scholars. Just write an article and become a great Confucian? You bluff me?”

However, some people are shocked, not at all. Believe that an article can become a great scholar.

In their eyes, no matter how good the article is, it is impossible to make people directly become a great scholar, right?

“It’s ridiculous, you are a Confucianism and Taoism lineage, similar to cultivation? Confucianism and Taoism lineage, what pays attention to is to gain Taoism in one day, soar in the day, and what is meant by a random article? Keep your eyes open. Look, this is a Zhenguo essay, and no big Confucian can write it.”

“Yes, the Zhenguo essay. There are seven big Confucianists in Wei Country, but of these seven big Confucianism, there is only one. He wrote articles about the town and country, which was recognized by the world. He is a great scholar of the world. He has destiny for his fate, speaks the law freely, and has the ability to listen to the heavens.”

“It’s sour, Senior Brother Ye is really not a human being. The cultivation innate talent terrifying, the fleshy body is terrifying, and the article didn’t expect to be so extraordinary. The article about the country, does this make people live?”

At this moment, not only in the Gongyuan, but also outside the Gongyuan.

An unspeakable aura filled the examination room of the Gongyuan Academy, and the statue of Confucianism kept trembling.


But at this moment.

In the depths of the Gongyuan.

A voice sounded, it was the voice of a great Confucian scholar. His voice seemed to have a divine force. A single word calmed the whole Gongyuan inside and outside.

Even the statues are all settled down.

This is the Gongyuan, an examination room, so it is natural to be solemn and quiet.

In the Gongyuan.

Three great scholars, sitting in the great hall, these three are old men, their expressions are calm, but there is surprise in their eyes that cannot be covered.

“didn’t expect that this person is so young that he can write articles about town and country, really the rear waves of the long river drives on those before.”

” Yes, at such a young age, he wrote articles about Zhenguo, which is really enviable.”

“Ai, it’s a pity, if he is a great scholar, he can get it directly by relying on an article about Zhenguo. The world recognizes and becomes a great scholar of heaven and earth.”

“It’s not a pity. Looking at his skeleton and blood, I’m afraid that he is not more than twenty-five years old. A great Confucian who is not more than twenty-five years old is hard to find in the world. Within a hundred years, I will be able to become a great Confucian in heaven and earth. My Confucianism and Taoism lineage have finally figured out an ancient genius.”

The three exchanges, they are also very shocked, but they are great Confucians, so they don’t want to talk about it. Articles about the country and the country seem to be flustered.

If it is normal, they might indeed be more intense, but now they are invigilators, and as examiners, they pay more attention to image and identity.

So the three of them sat quietly here, without any extreme actions.

Of course, after Ye Ping’s article is finished, they will obviously scramble to watch it.

Outside the Gongyuan.

Ye Ping brushed Dragon Snake, but he forgot. Therefore, the golden fonts appeared on the rice paper one by one, and every word was extremely valuable.

Behind Ye Ping, there is also one after another talent, full of eight talents.

This is the meaning of talent.

The article written by Ye Ping is called “Quan Shi Zhang”, also known as “Han Kiln Fu” and “Bao Kiln Fu”.

It is a famous chapter of the ages.

According to the question and the situation.

The theme of this article is to persuade the world to do what it wants, don’t look down on yourself, and don’t always think about struggle against the Heavens. Sometimes letting it go is a good thing.

Secondly, the article is titled with many celebrities, such as the article is famous, Confucius is in trouble with Chen Bang, the martial arts are superb, Tai Gong fishes in Weishui, Yan Yuan is short-lived, he is not a villain, Pirate Tuo Older, is he a kind person?

Of course, there is no room for this World, and there is no grandfather. Ye Ping is outside the Gongyuan and has read many Yingjie’s stories, so he modified it, but the meaning remains the same.

The rhyme of the poem is changed.

But the article does not care about every word, but the content of the article, the essence of the article, and the content that the article wants to express are the core of an article.

To the end.

Ye Ping’s pen is getting faster and faster, and his thoughts are like a spring.

“Some are poor first and then rich, some are old and strong and young are declining. I am full of articles, white hair is not in the middle, and I have little learning, young and Di Dengke. Gong’e in the deep courtyard, retired and turned into a prostitute, romantic Female, time comes to be worthy of a wife.”

“Sun and Moon lost radiance, the earth is not the time, the vegetation is not growing, the water is not the time, the wind and the waves are uneven, the man is not the time, profit is impossible, Note Fu Zhulu, fate has been arranged, who does not want wealth, if people do not rely on the basics, how can they be honored?”

Ye Ping’s articles are written faster and faster, even to the end, He associates himself with the time he had just crossed.

To seek immortal dao, I struggled hard, but occasionally, when I was lucky, I met Taihua Taoist people and stepped into immortal dao. Time will revolve and the road will be natural.

A full quarter of an hour later.

When Ye Ping finished the last word, he couldn’t help but spits out one mouthful of impure air.

Essence, Qi, and Spirit in this brief moment, reached Perfection, thoughts were fully understood, all the troubles, all the hard thinking, all everything, were put down at this moment.

At this time.

The entire Gongyuan suddenly became extremely green, and the next moment a breeze blew, and behind Ye Ping, a bodhi tree of wisdom was forcibly evolved.

The branches of the Bodhi tree hang down, and the sound of the scriptures rang, which makes people enlightened inexplicably, and also makes people free of troubles inexplicably.

Behind Ye Ping’s head, a golden wheel of Duhua appeared, reflecting him like a true Buddha.

At this time.

boom~ boom~!

boom~ boom~!

The rice paper on the desk suddenly burst into the sky with countless golden rays of light.

All the stone statues in the entire Gongyuan, in this brief moment, trembled crazily, and even the mantras of Confucianism could not be suppressed.

Even, an illusory shadow appeared above the Gongyuan.

These illusory shadows, holding a scroll in hand, are filled with talent.

“There are unexpected events in the sky, and people have blessings and misfortunes.”

“Sun and Moon lost radiance when the sky is not in time, when the land is not in time, there is no vegetation.”

The sound of chanting sutras rang out.

It spread throughout Wei Country up and down, and countless cultivator people heard this article, which was recited by the soul of the great Confucian.

In the Gongyuan.

The three great scholars, in this brief moment, were completely shocked.

“Peerless article! This is a peerless article! This is actually a peerless article?”

“The article is peerless, the chapter of a thousand generations?”

“How is this Possibly? How could it be a peerless article?”

The three great scholars were stunned in the great hall, and their eyes were filled with incredible and incomparable shock.

Because Ye Ping’s article is not a so-called town country poem, but a peerless article of the highest level.

The article has Grade Five.

City article, country article, town country article, Qianqiu article, peerless article.

The article about the city can be passed on as an ancient city.

Passing articles about the country, the article can pass on the country, and it is only good.

Zhen country articles, articles on the country, suppress the luck of the country.

Qianqiu articles, articles will be passed on for generations to come, and the world will be a great Confucian, and they can become sub-sages, articles will be passed on for generations to benefit future generations of scholars of scholars.

Peerless articles, peerless articles, there is no one in the world, alone on the peak, the author of the article can be a half-sage, and a half-sage for the students of the world.

The dynasty enshrines, and the people below the sky respect it.

This kind of article may only appear in five thousand years.

Can we didn’t expect, ten countries grand competition, there is a peerless article?

xiu xiu xiu!

At this moment, in the Wei Country Gongyuan, one after another silhouette appeared. This is the powerhouse of the Ten Kingdoms College. They arrived immediately with their faces Show an incomparable look of shock.

In the Wei Country Imperial Palace.

The Manchu dynasty civil and military are discussing something.

Suddenly, loud and loud voices suddenly sounded.

“The sky is unpredictable, and people have misfortunes and blessings.”

“Sun and Moon lost radiance when the sky is not in time, when the land is not in time, no vegetation will grow.”

An ancient voice sounded, this is the soul of the great Confucian chanting.

It spreads throughout Wei Country.

Imperial Palace naturally heard it first.

For an instant, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were stunned, and no one knew what had happened.

But in an instant, when Wei Country was the prime minister, his body became stiff, and then tremblingly came out of the great hall.

“Peerless articles are peerless articles. Someone wrote peerless articles. My Confucianism and Taoism lineage, are you going to be a saint again?”

His voice is extremely excited, Lian Huang Imperial Capital didn’t care, just ran away, moved towards Gongyuan.

“What? Peerless article? Xu Xiang, wait for me.”

“Hey, between Heaven and Earth, there is a saint in five thousand years, do my human race want to come out Is the saint?”

“Quickly, quickly, it is the location of the Wei Country Gongyuan, go and go.”

All the civil servants moved towards the Wei Country Gongyuan for a while. go with.

They are literati. Although they were officials in the dynasty, they were full of arrogant literati and learned that someone had written a peerless article.

Naturally, I was extremely excited.

As for the emperor?

At worst, they are punished when they come back. If they can’t witness the peerless article, they will really hate them for thousands of years.

All the civil servants ran away.

At this moment, everyone in the courtroom was a little confused.

“Your Majesty, these civil servants are simply ignorant and dare to retreat in advance.”

At this time, a military officer roared and wanted to participate in a copy of them.

But for an instant, the voice of Emperor Wei Country rang.

“Wait for me, I will go with you, retreat, retreat!”

The voice of the emperor of Wei Country sounded, and his silhouette disappeared at the next moment.

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