Late night.

The sky is like ink.

The entire Jin State Academy is very quiet.

Most people go back to rest.

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon staring at the sky alone, there is an indescribable melancholy.

And Jin State Academy.

Ye Ping closed his eyes and sat quietly on the eaves.

He is comprehending the peerless sword intent.

The entire Jin State Academy is very quiet.

Except for a little Insect Cry, there is no other sound.

Ye Ping closed his eyes tightly.

I want to realize the peerless sword intent.

But unfortunately, no matter how Ye Ping perceives, he still can’t perceive the so-called peerless sword intent.

Until dawn.

Ye Ping did not realize the peerless sword intent.

Don’t even talk about the peerless sword intent, even the ordinary sword intent, Ye Ping has never sensed it.

This makes Ye Ping a little uncomfortable.

To be honest, if it weren’t for this peerless sword intent, it was Eldest Senior Brother who told him personally. In other words, anyone said that Ye Ping felt that the other party was creating something from nothing.

Otherwise, why can’t I realize the peerless sword intent after so long?

At this time.

It’s just dawn.

The silhouette of Huangfu Heavenly Dragon appears below.

“Senior Brother Ye, the university has a call. The Junior Brother has left first. After the ten-nation grand competition is over, I will come to you again.”

Huangfu Heavenly Dragon said, he has something to do. Going to leave.

Tomorrow is the ten-nation grand competition. He needs to prepare something. Impossible has been staying at Jin State Academy, so he came here to bid farewell.

“Go, see you later.”

Ye Ping spoke, and then watched Huangfu Heavenly Dragon leave.

After Huangfu Heavenly Dragon left, Ye Ping continued to feel the peerless sword intent.

No miracle happened, Ye Ping did not realize the peerless sword intent until noon.

At this moment, Li Yu came again.

This time, the disciplines of the goalkeeper did not stop Li Yu, but let Li Yu come openly.

“Master, Master, big event, big event.”

When he arrived at the residence, Li Yu hurriedly appeared in front of Ye Ping, very excited.

“What’s wrong?”

Ye Ping is a little curious, I don’t know what Li Yu hurriedly came to do.

“Master, this ten-nation grand competition, the assessment content has been released.”

Li Yu said, saying so.

He came here today to tell Ye Ping about this.

“The content of the assessment? What is it?”

Ye Ping asked.

“Master, the assessment content of this ten-nation grand competition is the fantasy assessment, the Fleshy body tower assessment, and the literary examination assessment.”

Li Yu opened his mouth and said. The content of this ten-nation grand competition.

“Master, this time you may really have to become famous. In addition to the illusion assessment, the Fleshy Body Tower assessment and the literary examination assessment are all your expertise.”

“Especially the literary examination examination, Master, do you know that, once this literary examination examination came out, the ten countries didn’t know how many days they were dumbfounded, one by one wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.”

Li Yu said very excitedly, making movements while speaking.

“Wenju examination? Ten countries grand competition and this examination?”

This time Ye Ping was also a little surprised.

Ye Ping originally thought that the so-called ten-nation grand competition should be a group of people fighting and killing, and then grabbing the first place.

Can you didn’t expect, there is actually a literary examination assessment?

“Master, the assessment of the ten-nation grand competition is different for each session, but generally speaking, the literary examination examination is extremely rare. I heard that the ten-nation college has invited three great scholars to sit here. This literary examination The assessment should be the highlight.”

“Those geniuses from the ten countries, although all of them are clever, but this thing can not be solved by cleverness. Don’t you know, as soon as this announcement came out, How many geniuses are wailing.”

Li Yu said with a big smile.

Li Yu was very happy to see others so miserable.


“Not so.”

Ye Ping is indeed a little surprised this time.

Although the literary examination examinations rarely appear in cultivator conferences, they are not wailing, right?

There are few stupid people who can become geniuses. Even if they spend most of their time in cultivation, and occasionally take the time to learn, they will not fail.

However, Li Yu shook the head, looked towards Ye Ping and explained.

“Master, you really underestimate the ten-nation colleges.”

“I know what you mean, no one who can participate in the ten-nation grand competition is stupid, normal The literary examination assessment is naturally not a big problem, but this time it’s the ten-nation grand competition.”

“It’s still the finale assessment. The ten-nation academy has invited three contemporary great scholars. It can be seen that the literary examination has How strict is it.”

“Think about it, not to mention the articles that satisfy the great Confucianism, at least how difficult is it to be in the eyes of great Confucianism?”

“But others are worried, But Master, you are different. I feel that if you participate in the competition this time, you don’t want to get the first place.”

Learning the content of this ten-nation grand competition, Li Yu smiled happily.

Following Li Yu’s explanation, Ye Ping can be considered to understand.

The cultivators who participated in the grand competition of the ten countries are indeed geniuses. It is no problem for them to write some articles, but it is still possible to write articles for self-entertainment, and they want to be recognized by the great scholars.

Basically, don’t think about it.

“Really didn’t expect, there will be a literary examination in this ten-nation grand competition, tsk tsk, which is extremely rare. Since the previous ten-nation grand competition, it has appeared twice at most. Counting this time is only the third time.”

“I want to come to this ten-nation grand competition, must be more exciting than ever, tsk tsk.”

Li Yu speaks, eyes look It is full of expectations.

But at the end, Li Yu looked towards Ye Ping and continued: “Master, dísciple has already prepared the Transmission Array. Tomorrow will be the ten-nation grand competition. Do you want to register first? , I’ll let someone arrange it right away.”

Li Yu didn’t know whether Ye Ping would participate in the ten-nation grand competition, so he asked curiously.

“Help me sign up.”

Ye Ping nodded, he thought for a while, but decided to let Li Yu sign up. After all, there are millions of Spirit Stones, don’t do it for nothing.

Furthermore, the assessment content of this ten-nation grand competition does not include the content of fighting and killing. The illusion assessment, the Fleshy body tower assessment, plus the so-called literary examination assessment, are pretty good.

If it is that kind of stage competition, Ye Ping is really not interested.

“Okay, Master, dísciple will deal with it now. At noon tomorrow, the ten-nation grand competition will start. How do we set off at Chenshi? Master.”


“Okay, you can arrange everything.”

Ye Ping nodded, I agreed.

Let Li Yu arrange all these things.

“Then, Master, I’ll go busy first, and I will come to see you tomorrow.”

Li Yu didn’t say much, he came here today to get Ye Ping’s reply.

Now after getting Ye Ping’s reply, Li Yu left directly.

After Li Yu leaves.

Ye Ping is not idle either. Since the ten-nation grand competition third test is a literary examination, Ye Ping thinks it is necessary to read the book.

Read more books, there is always no harm.

At the same time.

In Clear Sky Dao Sect.

Su Changyu sat quietly among the back cliffs.

He hasn’t slept since he woke up last night.

When I arrived at his realm, in fact, it was no big problem to sleep less.

Su Changyu is very curious about what is going on in his frequent dreams during this period of time.

He still remembers that face.

Is a woman with a beautiful appearance. At first, she smiled at herself, but gradually grinned at the back. The smiling Su Changyu’s heart is hairy.

He didn’t know what happened, and he didn’t know why he had this dream.

Su Changyu didn’t want to think about it, but couldn’t help thinking about it.

Just at this moment, a silhouette appeared in Su Changyu’s eyes.

This is the silhouette of Wang Zhuoyu.

At this moment, Wang Zhuoyu appeared not far away. He lowered his head, not knowing what he was studying.

Seeing this scene, Su Changyu couldn’t help but become curious. He jumped off the cliff and soon came to Wang Zhuoyu.

“Third Junior Brother, what are you doing here?”

Su Changyu’s voice sounded.

Wang Zhuoyu was startled immediately, and his whole person seemed very panicked.

“Are you a thief? Why did you panic?”

Su Changyu became more curious.

I don’t understand what Wang Zhuoyu is doing.

“Eldest Senior Brother, don’t slander others in vain, I am not a thief.”

Wang Zhuoyu hurriedly spoke.

But there is no way to hide the panic in his eyes.

At this moment, Su Changyu knew that this guy must be hiding something.

Thinking of this, Su Changyu took a step forward and stared at Wang Zhuoyu and said: “Third Junior Brother, you’d better recruit truthfully, otherwise, don’t blame me for looking for the Master.”

Su Changyu’s eyes calmly said.

When I said this, Wang Zhuoyu became more panicked.

“Eldest Senior Brother, it’s really nothing, you are too worried, I just come over and take a look around, do you doubt what I am doing?”

Wang Zhuoyu explained, looking godly mysterious

“What’s behind you? It’s hidden, what do you want to hide?”

The more Wang Zhuoyu is like this, the more curious Su Changyu is. He can see that Wang Zhuoyu is covering Something, immediately pushed Wang Zhuoyu away, wanting to see what was hidden behind him.

But Wang Zhuoyu refused to let Su Changyu look at him, even when he turned around, he wanted to destroy the corpse and evidence, but who was Su Changyu? Clear Sky Dao Sect Peerless Sword Immortal.

So Su Changyu had eyesight and quick hands, so he pushed Wang Zhuoyu away, and soon he saw what Wang Zhuoyu was holding.


Yes, it is a stone.

Behind Wang Zhuoyu, there are twenty-thirty stones. The positions of these stones are strange, but Su Changyu is familiar.

Soon, Su Changyu remembered what it was.

A few days ago, Ye Ping went back to sect. He liked to play with stones when he was fine. Ye Ping meant to say that he was in the formation and didn’t pay much attention at the time.

Seeing this scene now, Su Changyu was first taken aback, and then suddenly realized.

“Oh, Third Junior Brother, are you studying the Little Junior Brother array?”

Su Changyu finally understands what Wang Zhuoyu is doing.

This guy is studying Ye Ping array.

“Eldest Senior Brother, don’t talk nonsense, how could I study the Little Junior Brother array? You talk nonsense.”

Old Wang Zhuoyu blushed and hurriedly spoke, desperately Explanation.

“Don’t you admit it? Little Junior Brother likes to use stones to arrange Formation a few days ago.”

“No way, No way, the third child, you won’t start learning Little Junior Brother, right?”

“Are you worth it?”

Su Changyu couldn’t help but speak. It’s not that he looks down on Wang Zhuoyu, but Ye Ping is the real peerless genius. Wang Zhuoyu, a person who couldn’t pass the Formation exam, actually went to study Ye Ping?

Do you really think you are a peerless Array Master?

“Eldest Senior Brother, your words are meaningless. First of all, I didn’t learn from Little Junior Brother. Little Junior Brother learned from me. Second, what is worthy of this? No matter what, also Isn’t it better than you?”

Since he was found out, Wang Zhuoyu simply admitted it, but he felt that he did not learn Little Junior Brother by himself, but Little Junior Brother learns from himself, but took the time to study that’s all.

Furthermore, even if I can’t, can’t you?

No way, No way, Eldest Senior Brother, don’t you really think you are a peerless Sword Immortal, do you?

“Better than me? You are better than me? It’s not that Senior Brother said you, you have studied Formation for more than ten years, and you can’t even pass the final examination of Array Master. What is there to say?”


“Whatever the case, Senior Brother also won the top ten of the Qing State sword dao conference, how about you? Don’t talk about the Qing State Formation conference, have you won the top ten of the Baiyun ancient city formation conference?”

Su Changyu’s poisonous tongue is indeed powerful, and Wang Zhuoyu was speechless when he said something.

Especially when it comes to the final review of Array Master, Wang Zhuoyu is even more uncomfortable.

Originally, he could have passed the exam, but after being hit by Ye Ping, he played abnormally and failed again.

This makes Wang Zhuoyu extremely uncomfortable.

Now that Su Changyu mentions this matter, Wang Zhuoyu is heartbroken.

“Eldest Senior Brother, Junior Brother does not mean anything else. How did you get the top ten at the Qing State sword dao conference? We don’t know.”

“Furthermore That is, Formation is completely different from Sword Dao. To be honest, if the Master hadn’t asked me to study Formation at the time, if I practiced Sword Art at that time, I might have skyrocketed.”

Wang Zhuoyu Said this, somewhat unconvinced.

Several of them are orphans, and they were adopted by Taihua Taoists.

The Taoists of Taihua also gave them a lot of attention, thinking that Su Changyu is suitable for Sword Art, and that they are suitable for Formation, so they have been studying.

In fact, Wang Zhuoyu sometimes thought that he might not be suitable for Formation, maybe suitable for sword dao, but this thing is fine. After all, whether it is sword dao or formation, it is equally difficult.

It’s just that Su Changyu is so ridiculed at the moment, Wang Zhuoyu is a little overwhelmed.

“Oh, stupid.”

Su Changyu was coldly snorted, and then slowly said.

“Path of Sword Dao, such as Shu Road, harder than scaling the blue sky, Dao of Array, can use the array device, array material, formation diagram, the three in one, not to mention the layout of the profound Formation, But at least ordinary Formation can be arranged by an individual, that is, you are stupid that’s all.”

Su Changyu can bear everything, but just can’t bear others to mock his sword dao, so he directly degrades Array road.

Wang Zhuoyu couldn’t stand it anymore.

He respects Su Changyu as the Eldest Senior Brother, but it does not mean that he really wants to be polite. After all, everyone is a small sect, and knowing the bottom line, the ages of each other are not much different, so naturally they are like brother. .

As close as brother, quarreling is also a common thing, but when they grow up and sensible, everyone is more polite.

It’s just that Su Changyu is so taunting now, and Wang Zhuoyu can’t bear it anymore.

“Eldest Senior Brother, Junior Brother have no other meaning, Path of Sword Dao, it is really difficult, but Foundation Swordsmanship will not be difficult if you want to come, you learn a four-thunder sword method, you have learned now There is no condense for the complete sword force.”

“What qualifications do you have to say that the battle is simple?”

Wang Zhuoyu speaks, giving tit for tat.


Su Changyu sneered, he glanced at the stones on the ground, and then slowly said: “It looks like you are still not convinced, you believe or not, Senior Brother Whatever you can, can you arrange a Formation?”

Su Changyu was also so angry that Wang Zhuoyu directly humiliated himself for not having a condense sword.

Speaking as if your innate talent is stupid?

“Eldest Senior Brother, it is not Junior Brother that satirizes you, if you can arbitrarily arrange a Formation, from now on, if you let me go east, I will go east, if you let me go west, I will Go west, and I will give you half of the money I earn from living in the future.”

Wang Zhuoyu smiled.

Arbitrarily arrange a Formation?

Do you think you are Little Junior Brother?

No, no, Eldest Senior Brother, you don’t really think you are a peerless expert, do you?

The deceptive highest realm, deceive yourself?

At this moment, Wang Zhuoyu feels that Su Changyu has cultivated deviation, and he really regards himself as a peerless expert.

“Okay, you said this. Don’t regret it.”

Su Changyu stubbornly said.

In fact, he is a bit if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off now, but in order to maintain the face of the Eldest Senior Brother, Su Changyu can only continue to brace oneself.

“No regrets, but Eldest Senior Brother, what if you can’t arrange it?”

Wang Zhuoyu took a deep breath, looked towards Su Changyu asked.

“Can’t arrange it? Can’t arrange it. From now on, I will call you Eldest Senior Brother, how about it?”

Su Changyu is getting angry and talking angry.

“Okay, then it’s a deal, Eldest Senior Brother, please,”

Wang Zhuoyu is also on fire. He raises his hand directly and asks Su Changyu to perform.

As soon as I said this, Su Changyu suddenly calmed down.

What please?

You really let me arrange Formation?

Okay, the third child, the third child, didn’t expect you to be so resentful towards me in normal?

Su Changyu clenched the teeth and then spoke.

“Just you and me, if I really set up Formation, what will you do if you deny it?”

Su Changyu said, fearing that the other party would cheat.

“I’ll go and invite people over now, so that everyone can testify?”

Wang Zhuoyu still speaks, it seems that he is completely on the fence.

Su Changyu was a little depressed for a while.

But the arrogance in his heart made Su Changyu unable to look down. Su Changyu was very calm at the moment.

“Go and please.”

Wang Zhuoyu didn’t say anything, and turned around to invite someone.

But not a few steps away, Wang Zhuoyu said, “Eldest Senior Brother, do you want me to prepare the formation for you, do you want to prepare the formation? I won’t be able to arrange the Formation later, and talk about it! “

Wang Zhuoyu said ill-humoredly.

“No, only waste will use the array device.”

Su Changyu said, anyway, it can’t be arranged whether it is used or not, so he simply installed the last beep.

“Okay, Eldest Senior Brother, I’m going to call people now, don’t play missing later, whoever plays missing is a dog.”

I was ridiculed again, Wang Zhuoyu simply Let’s just talk about it.

In fact, he didn’t want to make it so stiff. Originally, he meant to invite people, but in fact, he just went back to rest.

We didn’t expect Su Changyu to install beep at this time.

Wang Zhuoyu can’t bear it this time.

He is really going to invite people now, and he deliberately said nothing.

Prevent Su Changyu from running away.

When I said this, Su Changyu was stunned, because he could see that Wang Zhuoyu was really angry.

After all, the two senior and junior brothers have also quarreled before, but they usually don’t stop.

At this point, Su Changyu also understands that the other party is really moving.

Thinking of this, Su Changyu couldn’t help but feel that he was a bit awkward.

At the moment, Su Changyu intends to speak to ease the emotions of both parties.

As soon as I spoke, I fell ill again.


Two faint words.

For a while, it became the last grass that crushed the camel.

Wang Zhuoyu’s eyes are red.

He really played it this time.

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