In the room, after Yan Shi said his Master’s identity, he kept looking at Ye Ping.

To his surprise, Ye Ping didn’t have any surprised look in his eyes.

This is a bit unusual, after all, Yan Shi is ready for Ye Ping’s look to change drastically.

Ye Ping’s performance, no matter the look or the look in his eyes, seemed very calm, as if he had guessed it a long time ago.

“This child has a good concentration.”

Yan Shi secretly said in one’s heart, but he did not appear particularly surprised, but looked towards Ye Ping, waiting for his answer.

Ye Ping did not feel any surprise after hearing about the Great Xia Crown Prince.

After all, the shot is a top grade ancient treasure, this kind of handwriting, even if Yan Shi said that his owner is the emperor of Great Xia, Ye Ping would believe it.

A top grade ancient treasure can almost buy a Rank Sect.

There can be such a great generosity, not the Crown Prince is almost the same.

A glance at Yan Shi, Ye Ping almost understood what the other party was doing to find him for a moment.

It is estimated that I want to win over myself, no wonder I give myself a top grade ancient treasure as soon as I meet.

Ye Ping is just curious about what the other party thinks of him.

Is it because of the battle with Huangfu Heavenly Dragon?

Ye Ping is really curious. If it is because of this, then the Great Xia Crown Prince is too capable.

As soon as a genius appeared in the Ten Kingdoms, he immediately drew in. Such a Crown Prince wanted to use extremely terrifying means.

At this moment, Yan Shi’s voice could not help but sounded.

“Fellow Daoist Ye, you are so young and extraordinary natural talent. It is said that you have fought against the evil spirits in the South. It can be said that you have become famous in World War I. My family’s Master appreciates you very much. , Meet my family’s Master?”

Although Yan Shi is proud, he knows that the Great Xia Crown Prince needs Ye Ping. To be precise, it is the Poison Pill who needs Ye Ping.

As for the so-called defeat of Heavenly Dragon, the enchanting Huangfu of the Southern Kingdom, this is not a big deal.

How can the southern evildoer be stronger?

How strong can Ye Ping be?

At the level of Great Xia Dynasty, there is no shortage of geniuses at all. Will the dignified Great Xia Crown Prince lack geniuses around? Will there be a lack of powerhouse?

No matter how strong Ye Ping innate talent is, how can it be peerless genius, Ye Ping is just a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Beside the Great Xia Crown Prince, there is a powerhouse in the Transcending Tribulation environment, the level of the Transcending Tribulation environment.

But there is no genius or genius to say, they can destroy heaven extinguishing earth by raising their hands and feet, so they fancy Ye Ping, not because of Ye Ping’s strength or because of Ye Ping’s innate talent.

Just for no Poison Pill, nothing more.

But he can’t tell this remark. Sometimes he can’t say what he needs. Otherwise, if Ye Ping is talented and proud, it will be the last thing they want to see.

Yan Shi has seen countless geniuses and has won many geniuses for the Great Xia Crown Prince.

So Yan Shi knows genius best. They are not afraid of being strong. What they fear most is that genius has no vision and pattern.

Because of ignorance, so fearless.

But for Ye Ping, Yan Shi is a little relieved, because he has investigated that Ye Ping has a good relationship with Jin State Crown Prince Li Yu, and he is also a student of Jin State Academy, so he knows what Great Xia Dynasty is What concept.

He knows how Supreme the Great Xia Crown Prince is, so he is confident.

However, at this moment, Ye Ping’s voice sounded.

“Ten Taoist friends, many thanks to Crown Prince’s praise, but I am an idle cloud wild crane, he he tea I am still willing, as for following others, or doing things for others, I I don’t like it very much.”

“Of course, I am also very grateful for the gift from Crown Prince. I have nothing to give to Crown Prince. This is Jin State’s new tea. Take it back to Crown Prince. It counts as a gift in return.”

Ye Ping indifferently smiled, this purple jade bead is invaluable, and it is something that the Crown Prince gave to himself. Ye Ping impossible does not accept it. As for the person who allowed himself to join the Crown Prince The power, or it is impossible to let yourself work for Crown Prince.

Ye Ping has always believed in an iron law.

Part-time job is impossible part-time job, and it is impossible part-time job in this life.

Furthermore, the profession of Crown Prince itself is a high-risk profession. Since ancient times, whether it is a previous life or this World, Crown Prince basically has no good end.

So after knowing that Li Yu is the Crown Prince, Ye Ping honestly thought about letting Li Yu give up this position.

Later, I learned that Li Yu’s father gave birth to several princes, and most of the princes are several years younger than Li Yu, so there is nothing to say.

Furthermore, Li Yu is okay. It’s just a Jin State. If you really have a great character to support you, you won’t be taken away.

Moreover, Great Xia Dynasty is also impossible to tolerate rebellion. Ten domestic issues seem to be ignored by Great Xia Dynasty, but at critical moments, Great Xia Dynasty will definitely take action to maintain orthodoxy.

So Li Yu, the Crown Prince, is not bad.

But the Crown Prince of the Great Xia Dynasty is really a high-level occupation.

There are a lot of brother sisters, Ye Ping doesn’t believe in other princes and doesn’t care about the Great Xia throne?

Great Xia Dynasty is in charge of Jin State, but who is in charge of Great Xia Dynasty?

To say something bad, the other four dynasties, and even some Holy Land, are afraid that not only will they not help, but will hit a person when he’s down, and support other princes, wishing these princes would fight against me. , Fight to death and death.

When the time comes, in order to fight for the throne, countless benefits will inevitably be promised. Even if no benefits are promised, the consumption of internal fighting will always be greater than external fighting.

So the emperor struggle of the Great Xia Dynasty must be extremely terrifying.

Ye Ping originally didn’t like stocks, especially the emperor stocks. It was not a good thing to copy the wrong and the whole family died. If it was right, it might not be a good thing.

The ancients said that all the birds, good bows to hide, cunning rabbits to die, and lackeys cooking.

Isn’t it good to cultivation?

Want to join the Imperial Family?

“Hehe, Fellow Daoist Ye is really funny.”

Yan Shi chuckled slightly. He was actually a little puzzled. He didn’t know what Ye Ping meant.

You said you rejected Crown Prince, but the problem is that you have to accept gifts.

Say agree, but it seems that I don’t want to see Crown Prince at all.

If it is usual to attract geniuses, Yan Shi will leave directly, even if it is a purple jade bead?

His Highness the Crown Prince does not lack a purple jade bead.

But the problem is, His Highness the Crown Prince is not interested in Ye Ping’s strength or Ye Ping’s innate talent.

There is no Poison Pill.

No Poison Pill matters a lot, so Yan Shi still wants an exact answer.

He looked towards Ye Ping.

“Fellow Daoist Ye, although I don’t know what concerns you have, if you follow His Highness the Crown Prince, saying that high position and great wealth is a bit tacky, but as long as Fellow Daoist Ye follows His Highness the Crown Prince, in the future in Great Xia, will it be possible to call the wind and summon the rain?”

“Even if Fellow Daoist Ye can really help His Highness the Crown Prince, he may be crowned king in the future. “

Yan Shi said seriously.

It’s just that this sentence is purely used by him to fool people.

This thing about the king is very important, unless you lift the Crown Prince to the throne with one hand, otherwise, no matter how much you give, it is impossible to seal the king.

Of course, impossible and can’t be said are two different things. Yan Shi is very good at drawing people’s hearts. He knows that there is no cultivator that is not greedy in this world. Genius is not because he has nothing but the price. Talk to that’s all.

Yan Shi’s idea is not wrong at all. Unfortunately, the person he met was Ye Ping.

“Fellow Daoist Yan said that, but this Ye is still the same. I, this Ye, is just idle cloud wild crane. I don’t want to join any forces or get involved in any fights, he he Tea is fine, other things, forget it.”

Ye Ping said aloud and continued.

In any case, he will not join the so-called Crown Prince forces, and will not actively involve him.

Isn’t it good to be quiet and cultivation?

As Ye Ping said so, Yan Shi fell silent.

But he was neither aggressive nor angry, on the contrary, he smiled indifferently.

“Fellow Daoist Ye is really extraordinary. It is still unmoved by the Great Xia Crown Prince. This Dao heart is really great. I, this Yan, also like to make friends. I don’t know if Fellow Daoist Ye would like to make friends. I am willing.”

Yan Shi speaks like this. This is his usual method. In fact, the identity of the Great Xia Crown Prince sometimes has a negative effect. After all, the genius is too tough, the more I want To draw him, the more arrogant he is.

But you can’t use a strong one, and it’s impossible to miss genius in vain.

So Yan Shi will often make friends with her own identity. In this way, she will dispel the defensive heart of the other party, and then use various methods to broaden the horizons of these geniuses and let them understand how this World is. vast.

At that time, there is no need to speak up on their own initiative. These geniuses are willing to invest in Crown Prince.

The same sentence, the ignorant is fearless.

It’s like living in a village, eating the best and drinking the best and living the best. You can’t spend a tael of silver a year.

And you have ten thousand tael of silver, then someone will give you one hundred thousand tael of silver, and ask you to do something you don’t want to do, you won’t do it at all.

Because you don’t need silver taels, ten thousand taels can’t be spent, even if you give one hundred thousand taels, it doesn’t make any sense.

But if you take you out, go to a big city and have a meal worth dozens of taels or even hundreds of taels.

Go to places like Buchenchen, and you will only know at that time that you don’t have a lot of silver on your hand.

So don’t say you give you one hundred thousand tael of silver, even if you give you fifty thousand tael of silver, you are willing to do what you don’t want to do.

The same is true for geniuses. They are now carefree, worry about food and clothing, and do not lack any resources, because the place where they live is a small village, and they have not left this small village.

Yan Shi’s idea is to bring these people out of this small village.

Let them see this World and let them know about this World, so that they will know how good they are with the Great Xia Crown Prince.

Ye Ping said with a smile upon hearing this.

“Sage cloud, many friends and many roads, my this Ye people really like to make friends, brother Yan, this is Jin State new tea, I will give you one as a meeting gift.”

“Don’t be polite, and don’t give me any gifts. Although you are a protégé of Crown Prince and your every move represents Crown Prince, I will never ask for your gift.”

Ye Ping took out the second bag of new tea and handed it to Yan Shi.

Some words are extremely sincere.

But Yan Shi couldn’t help but froze for a while.

I don’t know why, he always feels that Ye Ping is playing his tricks, but he is indeed a protégé of Crown Prince, and he is naturally generous in his shots, so he took out a string of pale blue bracelets.

“Fellow Daoist Ye, the so-called courtesy exchanges, although it is just a bag of new tea, but the courtesy is light and affectionate. As a disciple of His Highness the Crown Prince, my every move represents the Crown Prince, and Crown Prince is atmospheric. Never stingy, and very particular about etiquette.”

“So this string of blue fire bracelets is regarded as a meeting ceremony, a small gift, not enough.”

Pass the blue fire bracelet to Ye Ping. This is also an ancient treasure, but it is not a top grade ancient treasure, but it is very valuable.

“Brother Yan, you are really polite, I don’t want to.”

Ye Ping resolutely said, but his eyes kept looking at the blue fire bracelet.

“Brother Ye, you will be courteous, courteous, and accept it.”

Yan Shi knew that the other party was just polite, so he continued to insist, but to be honest, he was also a little uncomfortable, but if he could It’s not a big deal to make Ye Ping.

“No, no, this His Highness the Crown Prince gave me treasure, and you give me treasure again. This does not mean that this Ye person is a greedy person. I don’t want it, I don’t want it.”

Ye Ping still resolutely said.

“No problem, brother Ye, Crown Prince is Crown Prince, I am me, we are personal friends.”

Yan Shi continued to speak.

And when Ye Ping wanted to continue to install it, Yan Shi couldn’t help but said, “Brother Ye, if you don’t want it, then I will just throw it away, and it will be given to you.”


As soon as I said this, Ye Ping had no choice but to accept the treasure, then after thinking about it, he took out a new bag of tea.

After all, people gave two treasures, doesn’t it seem a bit cheaper to give two bags of new tea by yourself?

Send one more bag, don’t owe each other, it’s good.

Yan Shi was a bit speechless. He didn’t know what this new tea meant. Ye Ping sent three bags in a row. He didn’t need this stuff either. Great Xia Dynasty wanted as many as there were.

But he couldn’t save Ye Ping’s face, so he could only accept it.

“Fellow Daoist Ye, this is my sound transmission talisman. If you have anything, just contact me directly. You can contact me through this sound transmission talisman in Great Xia Dynasty. “

“If there is any trouble, don’t hesitate to speak. It has nothing to do with Crown Prince. It is purely personal.”

Yan Shi spoke, and then left directly, without any muddle.

Ye Ping didn’t have time to chat with the other party, Yan Shi disappeared in the room, leaving only his sound transmission talisman.

At this moment, Ye Ping couldn’t help thinking in the room.

This Yan Shi is very good at being a human being, and he didn’t continue to mention the Crown Prince, which made people involuntarily feel good.

To be honest, Ye Ping thought that Yan Shi was the kind of henchman who had nothing to see, but now it seems that people who can follow the Crown Prince will not be fools, that kind of proud of everything, supercilious, The henchman who is always so-so, basically only a few upstarts can train it.

Imperial Family’s beeps are still full.

While Ye Ping was thinking like this, a loud voice sounded abruptly.

“Let me in, I am Jin State Crown Prince, Jin State Crown Prince, my Master is Ye Ping, you dare to stop me?”

The loud and incomparable voice sounded .

Ye Ping can’t help but froze.

Soon, Ye Ping’s face became very weird, and he couldn’t help taking back that sentence.

People are really incomparable.

Look at the people of Great Xia Crown Prince, and then look at Li Yu. They can’t even compare to a subordinate.

Deserve to be a small monarch for a lifetime.


Pushing open the door, Ye Ping saw Li Yu who was stopped outside the courtyard at a glance.

“Let him in.”

Ye Ping spoke, and for a while, the disciplines guarded outside the courtyard let him go.

In their eyes, Ye Ping has a higher status than Li Yu.

“Master, Master.”

After being released, Li Yu rushed over with excitement. When he came to Ye Ping, Li Yu spoke directly.

“Master, don’t you participate in the ten-nation grand competition?”

Li Yu came to Jin State Academy for this purpose.

“That’s why you came?”

Ye Ping walked into the room, some calmly said.

“It must be for this, Master, I have inside information. If nothing happens, the Great Xia Academy will open within five years. If you don’t participate in the ten-nation grand competition, you will not be able to enter. Ten Nations Academy.”

“You can’t enter the Great Xia Academy unless you enter the Ten Nations Academy. This Great Xia Academy is not as easy to enter as Jin State Academy.”

Li Yu very anxiously said.

Ye Ping looked calm, took out a bag of new tea from the desk and wanted to pass it to Li Yu, but glanced at Li Yu, who was empty-handed, and put the new tea back.

Following Ye Ping’s tone calmly said.

“I have my own plan. Don’t ask about this kind of thing in the future.”

Ye Ping doesn’t want to continue answering about the ten-nation grand competition.

He doesn’t go if he says he can’t.

No matter what happens, he will not go.

But at the end, Ye Ping pointed to the blue fire bracelet and purple jade bead on the table and said: “By the way, Li Yu, how much do you think these two distinct things are worth? Can you help me out? I need Spirit Stone.”

As soon as I said this, Li Yu didn’t want to answer, he still wanted to dissuade Ye Ping, but after seeing these two treasures, Li Yu’s eyes straightened.

“top grade ancient treasure, purple jade Primordial Spirit Pearl, bracelet made of blue spirit flint? These are all first-class treasures, Master, are you short of Spirit Stone? I can buy it.”

Li Yu eyes immediately straight.

He knows that these two distinct things are of great value.

“How much is out?”

Ye Ping is so strangely said.

“Master, I am still under adulthood. You are cheaper. I will give out five thousand high grade Spirit Stones. Is it enough? If it is not enough, I will borrow some more.”

Like Li Yu Asked.

“get lost! Seriously.”

Ye Ping can see through Li Yu at a glance.

“Master, can’t be serious. This thing is worth a lot. I can’t eat it, but I know who can eat it, but it will take a while. I conservatively estimate that these two distinct things are worth at least a million Spirit Stone. You How much Spirit Stone is missing? How about I first give it to you?”

Li Yu said a number, and said strangely at the same time.

Millions of high grade Spirit Stone?

Ye Ping was a little surprised, and at the same time shook the head refused Li Yu’s gift.

Li Yu is the Crown Prince. He said that he has money and he has money, and he said that he lacks money and also lacks money. When is Crown Prince, where does he need to manage?

“How long will it take to wait?”

Ye Ping asked.

“Fast is one month, slow is three months.”

Li Yu said so.

For a while, Ye Ping frowned.

This is indeed a bit slow.

Moreover, this is a gift from Crown Prince. If you sell it directly, it is not very good. After all, people are polite to give the gift, and you sell it after changing hands. Anyway, it is your own fault.

Thinking of this, Ye Ping frowned.

He doesn’t want anything now, he just wants to engage in Spirit Stone.

Li Yu on the side seemed to see Ye Ping’s intentions and couldn’t help but said strangely.

“Master, are you short of Spirit Stone? I know a way to earn Spirit Stone quickly.”

Li Yu said.

As soon as I said this, Ye Ping suddenly became energetic.

“What method? How fast?”

Ye Ping is curious.

“Quite fast, first place in the ten-nation grand competition, rewarding one million high grade Spirit Stone, if good luck, theoretically, I am talking about theoretically, Master, within seven days Can end the grand competition.”

Li Yu said.

At this moment, Ye Ping was stunned.

Ten countries grand competition and Spirit Stone?

At this moment.

Schools of ten countries.

In the main hall.

The palace lord of the ten countries stood respectfully in front of a middle-aged man, looking sincere and frightened.

A middle-aged man has a very calm tone.

“President Chen, this map records the Wei Country Demon God Religious Den, and the dean of the Superintendent Tianyuan said that this ten-nation grand competition will add additional assessments and let those disciplines go to encircle and suppress Demon God. Teach, you know?”

The voice sounded.

The expressions of the palace masters of the ten kingdoms can’t help changing, adding additional final assessments?

And still personally encircle and suppress Demon God to teach? This is really unprecedented.

But he didn’t have any complaints, and he didn’t dare to have any complaints, so he could only speak very seriously.

“The subordinates know, please tell your superiors, the subordinates will do their best to do this matter.”

After saying this, middle-aged man nodded, but in the end, still Explained a sentence.

“This matter is an oral statement from the superior, you must make no mistakes.”

After speaking, the middle-aged man disappeared directly.

And the lord of the Ten Kingdoms Academy is not relaxed.

Followed by curiosity and surprise.

What is curious is that Jiantianyuan has never been in charge of the ten-nation colleges. What is surprising is that this is actually an oral statement from the dean of Jiantianyuan.

The Dean of the Great Xia Superintendent Tianyuan is the second only to Great Xia emperor, and the Crown Prince must avoid three points.

It is the real under one person, above ten thousand people.

He didn’t think about it, but he didn’t think too much.

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