Ye Ping opened his eyes.

Rubbed his forehead.

It looks a little depressed.

The divine ability of Tongxinshu is simply the nemesis of men, but Ye Ping thinks this is not to blame at all on himself, it is mainly Big Senior Sister that you are too tempting.

Sitting cross-legged in front of Xiao Muxue, Ye Ping dared not think about it anymore.

“Little Junior Brother, what Senior Sister said next, you have to listen carefully.”

Xiao Muxue looked at Ye Ping and carefully taught.

“Senior Sister, please give pointers.”

Ye Ping immediately became energetic after hearing the instructions.

“Little Junior Brother, the cultivation has Seven Great Realms, you should know this?”

Xiao Muxue said.

“Know, Refining Qi, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Primordial Spirit, Transcending Tribulation, Great Ascension.”

Ye Ping still understands the realm division and passed Jin State Hidden Scripture Pavilion and Ye Ping also probably know how powerful each realm is. Of course, the books in Hidden Scripture Pavilion describe the previous realm in detail.

For the realm in the future, I didn’t describe it too carefully. Almost all of them were taken in one stroke. What is incredible, what is incomparable.

“Cultivation Seven Great Realms, actually in ancient times, collectively referred to as the three realms, Shangqingjing, Yuqingjing, and Taiqingjing. What do you know?”

Xiao Muxue said , Introducing the story of Seven Great Realms.

“I don’t know.”

Ye Ping was a little surprised. He really didn’t know about this, and Hidden Scripture Pavilion didn’t have any records.

“Ancient Three Great Realms was the name of Ancient Era. In that era, Spiritual Qi was sufficient, so the cultivation was extremely fast. Therefore, there are three realm divisions, and each realm is divided into ten products in detail. “

“This realm is very vague, and it is also very strange to Road of Immortal Ascension. It cannot become a system, which leads to extremely troublesome.”

“But then with an Unparalleled Existence, walking out of an unprecedented road, creating a new way of thinking, re-dividing the realm, so there is our Seven Great Realms.”

“This Unparalleled existence divides the Shangqing realm into, Refining Qi, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, and divided Yuqingjing into Nascent Soul, Primordial Spirit, and finally Taiqingjing into Transcending Tribulation Great Ascension.”

Xiao Muxue told this story seriously, and Ye Ping also listened very seriously.

“Therefore, Qi Condensation Realm, Foundation Establishment environment, and Golden Core environment, the Three Great Realms are completely in the most basic realm, so the Three Great Realms will not be very different.”


“The genius Refining Qi cultivator can defeat the ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator.”

“The Peerless Genius Foundation Establishment cultivator can defeat the ordinary Golden Core cultivator.”

“But even other geniuses at the monstrous talent level cannot defeat the most common Nascent Soul powerhouse.”

“Because this involves a big difference.”

” Little Junior Brother, between Heaven and Earth, any cultivator has three or six grades. There are ordinary cultivator and genius cultivator.”

“You must treat it differently. Sometimes realm does not mean everything, but if it is Don’t mess with the big realm.”

Xiao Muxue said realm in great detail.

I am mainly worried that Ye Ping thinks that he is very strong and acts recklessly. After all, the cultivator realm becomes more terrifying as he goes to the back.

Ye Ping nodded, at the same time, she couldn’t help thinking in her heart, thinking that what Xiao Muxue said was extremely correct.

Just like although he is the cultivator of Foundation Establishment Early Stage, he feels that even the Senior Brother of Golden Core can challenge or even defeat.

Even the late cultivator of Golden Core, he is still possible to fight.

But when he encountered a genius Golden Core powerhouse like Han Mo, he was struggling, and he was almost chased and beaten.

Especially the division of boundaries.

Strong like Han Mo, he is also a genius at any rate, even a half-step peerless genius is almost the same, but facing the big prison wraith of Nascent Soul Realm, he is directly suppressed like a dead dog .

Not even a trace of resistance.

This is the division of the great realm. No matter how weak Nascent Soul Cultivator is, it is not comparable to Golden Core cultivator.

Because the difference between the two is too big.

This is like giving you a tael of silver, so that you can earn ten tael of silver within a month, which is not very difficult.

But giving you one thousand tael of silver, allowing you to earn one hundred million tael of silver within a month, this is very difficult.

Essentially the same ten times, but it is not a meaning at all.

The same is true for realm, Refining Qi and Foundation Establishment are not much different, because the two realm itself is the time to lay the foundation.

Foundation Establishment and Golden Core already have a clear gap, but relying on inheritance Absolute Art and Supreme Divine Ability can still bridge the gap.

But Golden Core and Nascent Soul are different, they are completely two concepts.

Nascent Soul powerhouse, which can be called Old Ancestor, to subvert a country is not an exaggeration.

There are many Golden Core powerhouses in Jin State, but Nascent Soul powerhouse is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

As for the latter, it is even rarer.

“Big Senior Sister, Junior Brother understands.”

Ye Ping seriously nodded.

Seeing Ye Ping clear comprehension’s expression, Xiao Muxue also nodded with satisfaction.

Ruzi can teach.

Sometimes to teach people, you don’t necessarily care about the other person’s aptitude, it is enough to understand.

“By the way, I heard from Small Junior Sister, you went to Jin State Academy?”

Since Ye Ping has understood the realm division, Xiao Muxue will not go into details. , After all, many things need to be seen with their own eyes to understand, and it is useless to say more.


Ye Ping nodded, Ye Ping is not proud of Jin State Academy. On the contrary, he wants to go back to sect and listen to the teachings of several Senior Brother Senior Sisters. law.

A hundred times stronger than in Jin State Academy.

“Well, it’s not bad, Little Junior Brother, you have to remember that Jin State Academy is just your starting point. Since you have gone to Jin State Academy, you should know more about it.”


“Your goal is not just Jin State Academy, Ten Kingdoms, Great Xia, the whole world, is your starting point, true powerhouse, not only strength, but vision is also very important, you know ?”

Xiao Muxue continued to teach.


Ye Ping is heavily nodded.

At this moment, Xiao Muxue withdrew the seriousness on her face, and then continued to say with a smile in her eyes.

“The serious things are finished, it’s time to talk about other things, Little Junior Brother, have you met any girls this time out?”

Xiao Muxue said with a smile .

Ye Ping: “…”

Here again, here again.

Ye Ping is a bit depressed. Why is Big Senior Sister all at once serious but not serious.


Although I was unwilling to answer in my heart, Ye Ping answered obediently and honestly.

“No? You shouldn’t. To be honest, Junior Brother, you look so handsome and have such a good temperament. Not only do you have a literary talent, but you are also very strong. It stands to reason that you should not have a trip down the mountain. Thousands of women are surrounding you?”

“Little Junior Brother, Big Senior Sister is asking you seriously, can’t you answer vaguely, have you ever gotten around?”

When mentioned here, Xiao Muxue is very serious, and his eyes are full of expectation and curiosity.


What do you know?

Big Senior Sister, what are you talking about? I don’t understand it at all.

“Senior Sister, I don’t know what it means.”

Ye Ping shook the head, he refused to answer this question.

“tsk tsk, Little Junior Brother, do you think you can hide from me? Hurry up and tell the truth, otherwise, don’t blame Senior Sister for checking it yourself.”

Xiao Muxue From the skirt, take out a bottle gourd, and then pour a sip of wine into the mouth, staring at Ye Ping, it feels like if you don’t tell the truth, I will do it myself.

Inspect yourself?

Ye Ping is a little confused. He doesn’t know what the phrase Big Senior Sister means. How is it a test?

“Big Senior Sister, no, Junior Brother is so clean and self-conscious. Where can I dare to mess around.”

Ye Ping cried, he answered obediently and honestly.

“Ai, it’s a pity.”

Xiao Muxue could hear that Ye Ping this remark is true, but she really feels sorry for Ye Ping.

To be so handsome, and to have the strength and the strength, to have a good looks, he is still single.

“Then tell me, how do you bring a woman in good order? Listen to your Small Junior Sister, the woman you brought is stunning in the world?”

Xiao Muxue is full of curiosity.

“Oh, that’s just an ordinary Daoist, an ordinary Daoist.”

Ye Ping knows who the Big Senior Sister is talking about, Xia Qingmo, but he can’t tell The identity of Xia Qingmo.

“Ordinary Daoist? Then Senior Sister will ask you a question, do you think Senior Sister is good-looking or she is good-looking?”

Xiao Muxue’s eyes were full of curiosity, looked Towards Ye Ping raises a very fatal question.

For a while, Ye Ping fell into thinking.

To say that each has its own merits, to be honest, women certainly don’t like to hear this.

But if you have to say who is good-looking, Ye Ping feels against his intentions again.

Thinking of this, Ye Ping couldn’t help but looked towards Xiao Muxue.

Slim, slender, exquisite figure, beautiful face, unparalleled temperament, sometimes like Fairy, not touching the world’s fireworks, but sometimes like a peerless stunner, making people feel hot.

Thinking of this, Ye Ping answered.

“Naturally, Big Senior Sister looks good.”

Ye Ping comes from the heart.

“Oh, not bad, Senior Sister didn’t hurt you for nothing, come and have a drink.”

Hearing Ye Ping’s praise, Xiao Muxue smiled even more and took it directly Pass the bottle gourd to Ye Ping.

“Sect Master said, you can’t drink.”

Ye Ping shook the head refused. First, Sect Master did say that you can’t drink, and second, Xiao Muxue drank it. Isn’t this indirectness?

“Don’t listen to the Old Guy’s, give me a drink. This wine is very precious. It can warm your body and strengthen your body.”

Xiao Muxue holds the bottle gourd, In Ye Ping’s mouth, regardless of the three or seven twenty-one, he took a big mouthful of Ye Ping.

The spirits enter the throat, I don’t know why, there is a hint of sweetness.

Soon, it turned into a raging flame, burning all over the body, letting the blood boil, like the majestic Spiritual Qi.

In an instant, Ye Ping ran the Torch Dragon Immortal Aperture, refining all these Spiritual Qi, turning them into turbulent energy, stabilizing their realm, and even a little bit of improvement.

Only one sip of wine can improve the realm. If you drink a bottle gourd, doesn’t it mean a breakthrough?

“Don’t be greedy.”

Soon Xiao Muxue retrieved the bottle gourd, this wine is not an ordinary wine, let Ye Ping take a sip, not let Ye Ping breakthrough realm, It’s the realm of Ye Ping’s stability.

She noticed at a glance that Ye Ping’s realm hadn’t been completely stabilized. This sip of wine could just help Ye Ping to stabilize her realm. In this way, it would save months of painstaking practice and meditation.

But this thing can’t drink too much. First, it hurts her body. Second, she doesn’t have much.

“gu gu gu gourd.”

Retrieving the bottle gourd, Xiao Muxue also took a big sip, regardless of what Ye Ping had just drunk.

“Okay, Little Junior Brother, hurry up and find your little lover. Remember, the mentality taught to you by Senior Sister, don’t pass it on to others.”

“And now you have practiced Second Chapter, and you have gone beyond the basics. Sometimes you have to think more, don’t follow the mental method, and see if you can take a different path, or the path that suits you best, you know? “

Xiao Muxue hid the bottle gourd back, and then sent Ye Ping away, but before leaving, she still had various instructions.

Ye Ping nodded is a little bit drunk. This wine is indeed very strong. For example, he is a Foundation Establishment cultivator, and he is also a little incompetent.

Ye Ping was gone, and when he started walking, he was a little swayed.

Behind Xiao Muxue, watching Ye Ping, she couldn’t help but mutter something in her heart.

“I don’t know if this Little Junior Brother is willing to inherit that position. If I want to, I’ll save trouble.”

She whispered, and then smash it, smash it, Disappeared in place.

An hour later.

Ye Ping has refined all the essence of that sip of wine in his room.

His cultivation base, also in this brief moment, is completely stable to the Foundation Establishment Early Stage.

After being refreshed, Ye Ping also began to think about what Big Senior Sister said.

The Supreme mental method he practiced, First Chapter is Refining Qi, and needs to be recast 36 times.

Now we have reached the 2nd Stage, Foundation Establishment Manual, as normal cultivation, the focus is on’stability’.

It is a solid foundation.

But with the reminder of Big Senior Sister, Ye Ping also suddenly understood whether he could practice according to his own meaning.

Thinking of this, Ye Ping is a little bit interesting. He tried to practice, and he realized that he could cultivation according to his own meaning.

Instead of step-by-step Spiritual Qi cultivation.

Thinking of this, Ye Ping couldn’t help but burst into many thoughts.

Qi Condensation Realm is to guide Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi into the body, and then refining impurities into the body cultivation.

The Foundation Establishment environment is to open up the dantian, thereby stabilizing the realm, and then changing the quality of the mana.

Mana quality has 3rd-layer.

Can you make more repetitions?

For example, the Foundation Establishment environment has the magical qualities of the Golden Core environment?

In this way, isn’t it the same as having the battle strength of the Golden Core cultivator? If this is the case, will it be easier for me to meet the Golden Core cultivator in the future?

Don’t you say you have to run when you meet?

For a while, Ye Ping has more and more ideas.

A full hour later.

Ye Ping already has a general idea.

Cultivation to the Foundation Establishment great perfection first, and then constantly change the mana quality to see if you can break through the upper limit, and have Golden Core mana in the Foundation Establishment environment.

It was also when Ye Ping was full of joy.

Buddenly, a voice suddenly sounded.

“Shangxian, are you there?”

There was a knock on the door, and a two-meter-high silhouette outside the door appeared in Ye Ping’s eyes.

Almost no need to look at it to know that the Great Prison Demon is here.

“Come in.”

Ye Ping takes back his joy. Ye Ping has certain prejudices against the big prison grievances.

This guy is a downright villain, sinister, despicable, and treacherous. If it weren’t for the curse to suppress this guy, I’m afraid it would have been a disaster long ago.


The door was pushed open.

The Great Prison Demon walked into the door with a serious face, and then cautiously closed the door.

He came to Ye Ping, feeling a little excited, and at the same time looking at Ye Ping seriously.

“Goddess, I found something that is related to you, but I don’t know if I should say it.”

The Great Prison Demon sat directly on Ye In front of Ping, something made people curious.

“You said.”

Ye Ping was a little bit curious and didn’t understand what the Great Prison Demon had discovered.

is it possible that you discovered a secret that you didn’t discover?

It is very possible. After all, the Great Hell Wrath is the Nascent Soul powerhouse, and he will definitely find some details that he can’t find.

“Goddess, I have discovered a great secret. What I say later will definitely subvert all your current perceptions. You must not speak out or get excited.”

The Great Prison Wrath is even more mysterious, and repeatedly emphasized that Ye Ping should not be excited or make a public statement.

This makes Ye Ping even more curious.

“What the hell is going on, tell me about it.”

Ye Ping’s eyes are full of curiosity.

“Shangxian, I don’t mean anything else, this matter can definitely affect your future, but I have a small request, can you agree to me?”

The Great Prison Demon said with a smile.

“What’s the requirement?”

Ye Ping slightly frowned.

“The request is very small, just remove the golden hoop from my head. Of course, I can guarantee that this secret is a certain value.”

The big prison grievance pointed at the top of his head. On the golden hoop.

“Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?”

Ye Ping frowned.

“Shangxian, I know what you mean, but this secret is of great importance. If you don’t promise me, then I would rather self-destruct.”

Great prison grievance The demon’s attitude is very determined.

He feels that this information of himself must be useful to Ye Ping. In exchange for the golden hoop on his head, he is definitely not at a loss.

If Ye Ping does not agree, then he would rather not say it. Ye Ping is the one who suffers anyway.

After saying this, Ye Ping is really curious.

It is obvious that the great prison wraith can say such a thing, and it is obvious that he has really discovered some incredible secret.

“You say first, if it is really useful, I can remove your golden hoop.”

Ye Ping thought for a while and gave an answer.

“No, God, you just treat me as a villain, you must first promise me, as long as the secret I say is worth this golden hoop, you must help me lift it, you have to swear. “

The Great Prison Demon said seriously, he needs an exact answer from Ye Ping, and he must swear.

Hesitate for a moment.

Ye Ping thought for a while, then clenched the teeth nodded.

“Okay, as long as the secret you tell is really useful, I can lift the golden hoop on your head.”

Ye Ping said.

After all, sect has Eldest Senior Brother and Big Senior Sister. They are here. No matter how sinister and cunning this guy is, is it possible that you want to make waves?

“Well, God, listen to me.”

When Ye Ping agreed, the Great Prison Demon became excited.

He took a deep breath, then lowered his voice, and said very seriously.

“Shang Xian, after my observations from all parties, I found that all of your Senior Brother Senior Sister, including Sect Master, are all … waste!”


The Great Prison Wrath has a very small voice, but his expression is extremely determined.

Let’s say this.

Ye Ping couldn’t help being stunned.

This is it?

The great secret?

See Ye Ping for a moment.

The Great Prison Wrath is even more exciting.

“Not only are they waste, but according to my careful observation, they are all waste in waste, especially your Second Senior Brother, who said that he is waste, in fact, is a bit insulting the word waste.”

“Shangxian, are you shocked?”

“Shangxian, are you talking?”

“Shangxian, don’t be too excited. “

“Shangxian? Shangxian?”


“Shangxian, you What are you doing?”

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