[Tightening Curse]

In my mind, a secret technique emerged.

This is the secret technique in Passing Human Scripture.

Specially surrender the secret technique of the great demon Great Demon, and turn the golden wheel into a tight curse. As long as it is worn on the head of the demon, there will be Supreme Power suppressed. The other party dares to have any strange intentions and can recite sutras. Wen, suppress demons.

And if the opponent dared to hurt the caster of the Curse, he would be suppressed on the spot, and he would not want to live.

Once you are bound by the curse, the opponent cannot release it on its own, unless you become an immortal, and others cannot release it. You must have an expert who is ten times stronger than Ye Ping to remove the curse.

So I learned about this secret technique.

Ye Ping couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

To be honest, Ye Ping is totally don’t dare provoke for this big prison grievance.

After all, the realm is here, and the Ghost King of Nascent Soul Realm gathers resentment, and how many sins can be conceived in the first place.

But now that you have the Curse, isn’t there a Nascent Soul bodyguard for nothing?

Think about it, the Ghost King of Nascent Soul Realm, can’t you walk the unhindered road in Jin State?

“It hurts me to death, it hurts me to death.”

At this moment, the Great Prison Wrath finally came back to his senses, heaven knows what he just suffered bitter.

Ye Ping’s so sensitive and sensitive, it makes him feel better than life, and almost want to hit him to death.

After he came back to his senses, the Great Prison Demon couldn’t help but touched his bald head. There was an extra hoop on the top of his head, strangling to death, although it was not very painful, but on the top of his head Unfathomable mystery is a little bit more, no one feels comfortable.

“What the hell is that stuff?”

The Great Prison Demon frowned, but soon, he looked towards Ye Ping, his eyes full of evil meaning.

“Boy, why don’t you continue to read? You continue to read.”

The big prison grievance demon’s eyes are burning. After being tossed like this, no one is upset, even more how is he still Ghost King?


The Great Prison Wraith took action, and wanted to suppress and kill Ye Ping, and did not give Ye Ping any chance.

However, at this time, a terrifying force is blessed on the golden hoop, and in an instant, a supreme existence seems to appear in the mind of the great prison grievance, and the Primordial Spirit will collapse on the spot.


The terrible screams sounded, the big prison grudge holding head, rolling crazily on the ground, he felt that his Primordial Spirit was going to It was broken, this feeling made him really worse than death.

More terrifying than before.

“Benevolence, what’s the matter?”

Xia Qingmo is a little bit unable to understand, how can it be like this?

Ye Ping did not answer Xia Qingmo’s question, but instead looked at the demonic path rolling on the ground.

“The golden hoop on your head is the Supreme secret technique. As long as you have any ambitions towards me, you will suffer from the suppression of the Primordial Spirit, understand?”

Ye Ping speak, in the simplest words, to explain the current situation.

Now, Xia Qingmo understands.

But the Great Prison Demon doesn’t understand, how can there be such a thing in this world?

What kind of curse? He has never heard of it.

But whether he has heard of it or not, the only thing he knows is that if this continues, he will undoubtedly die.

“I understand, I understand, expert, let me go, let me go.”

The big prison grudge cried and begged Ye Ping to let him go .

At the moment, Ye Ping read a period of incantion, and the great prison grievances are not painful, refreshed.

Only in an instant, the Great Prison Demon suddenly shot again.

I want to attack Ye Ping.

He didn’t believe in what the hell Supreme secret technique at all. He wanted to kill Ye Ping so that he could escape.


The sound of slaughtered pig-like howling sounded.

The Great Prison Wrath had just taken action, and the pain of the Primordial Spirit collapsed made him feel so refreshing that he wanted to die.


The big prison wrath is rolling on the ground, weeping bitter tears.

“I’m wrong, I’m wrong, expert, I’m really wrong, I just want to try, I just want to try.”

The big prison grievance is on the ground Crying, the dignified Ghost King, like a child, was rolling on the ground, his nose and tears smeared on his face.

Xia Qingmo on the side fully understands why Demon is sinister.

It’s all like this, and it’s actually a sneak attack.

It’s fine if you lose once, you have to lose a second time.

“You really deserve to die.”

If it weren’t for the power of the Great Hell Wraith, Ye Ping would have liked this guy to die sooner.

I still want to sneak attack myself. If it weren’t for the magical effect of the Curse, I guess I really want to do it.

This guy, damn it.

“I was wrong, I was wrong, expert, please let me go, please.”

“Big sister, please persuade your husband, Please, let me go.”

The crying nose of the big prison grievance demon came out, and he really couldn’t bear it, it was too uncomfortable.

“He is not my husband.”

“Also, you really have to be punished.”

Xia Qingmo quickly explained, but at the same time, there was something wrong. Good temper.

The Great Prison Wrath is indeed damn, it is a combination of insidious and cunning.

“Ahhhh, I’m dead, I’m dead.”

“I’m going to die, I’m going to die.”


The Great Prison Demon was lying on the ground and hitting the ground with his head. It seemed that it was really painful.

This is mental pain, not the kind of skin wound, mental pain, more than ten times more than physical pain.

It’s like hitting you with a stick. Although it will be painful, it will be more numb, followed by little by little pain.

But for mental pain, for example, there are nerves in the teeth, don’t say anything about the impact of great force, take a thin needle, and slightly touch it, it can hurt to doubt life.

At this moment, the Great Prison Wrath is like this, and the painful suspicion ghost is born.

A full quarter of an hour.

Ye Ping pained the Great Prison Wraith for a quarter of an hour, and then chanted the spell, and the Great Prison Wraith returned to normal.

Resume normal feelings and let the Great Prison Demon relaxed.

He was lying on the ground like a dead dog, sweating profusely, and he was simply unable to move.

A Nascent Soul powerhouse looks like this, you can imagine how painful it is.

At this moment, the Great Prison Wrath is completely dissatisfied with Ye Ping. Although he is sinister and cunning, he is not a fool. If you have to trouble Ye Ping, he is really cerebral palsy.

After resting for a quarter of an hour, the Great Prison Demon recovered, but he was still scared, and his body trembled when he thought about it.

“Goddess, take this golden hoop away. Don’t worry, I will never harm you. I can set up Heart Demon Great Oath.”

The Great Prison After the resentful demon regained his vitality, he looked at Ye Ping very pitifully, crying with a sad face.

“Benevolence, don’t be fooled, this guy is full of lies. If we really want to get rid of it, we may really not be able to go out.”

Xia Qingmo spoke quickly. I am afraid that Ye Ping will be fooled by him.

“Don’t worry, I’m not that stupid.”

Ye Ping nodded, let go of the big prison grievances? Unless you are Nascent Soul Realm, how about letting him go? Then I really lost my mind.

“Big girl, what you said is not good, what is a mouthful of lies, I ask you, from my birth till now, have I lied to you?”

My mouth is full of lies, and the great prison grievance is a bit unconvinced. When did I deceive others?

I must do what I say is my rule of life.

“I’m too lazy to tell you.”

Xia Qingmo doesn’t want to argue with the big prison resentment demon. She has already seen through this guy and is full of lies.

“Shangxian, just let me go, I promise to go out in the future and be a ghost. To be honest, if you let me follow you, it hurt you.”

“As soon as the seal is lifted, it is estimated that someone will come soon, when the time comes they see you with me, they may think that you are the person in the demonic path, and turn around to harm you, wouldn’t it be bad luck?”

“I am a man born to be raised lowly. How about you directly stock me and let me be outside by myself?”

The big prison grudge regretted it, he regretted not killing Ye Ping earlier , I also regret why I can’t let Ye Ping go. If I let Ye Ping go earlier, there will be no such thing.

It makes it ugly and troublesome to wear a golden hoop on his head now.

“Stop talking nonsense, the golden hoop will not be relieved, you will follow me in the future, I will help you to relieve your grievances slowly, and let you atone for your sins sooner.”

Ye Ping ignored the Great Prison Demon.

And the Great Prison Wrath babbled endlessly with Ye Ping and explained that he wanted to fly by himself alone.

When Ye Ping was very upset by the quarrel, when Ye Ping was about to recite the Tightening Curse, the big prison grievance was honest on the spot, and he shut up quickly, for fear of another.

But at this moment, the face of the Great Prison Wrathful Demon couldn’t help changing.

“Good fellow, so many Golden Core cultivators, and Nascent Soul powerhouse? Who are you offending?”

The Great Prison Demon’s face is a bit ugly.

“What do you mean?”

Ye Ping doesn’t understand what he means.

“A lot of people came from the ghost grave, more than 20 Golden Core cultivators, three Nascent Soul Cultivator, not righteous people, they are all evil spirits.”

The demon frowned.

“Have you ever played?”

Ye Ping asked directly.

“It was possible to play before, but now I can’t.”

The Great Prison Wrath answered directly, and you can see Ye Ping’s frowned, and he can’t help but explain.

“Shang Xian, I really didn’t lie to you. The golden hoop on my head limits my strength. Although this golden hoop is helping me eliminate grievances, it is also weakening my strength.”

“Otherwise, you can lift my golden hoop, and I will help you clean them up.”

The big prison grudge this remark doesn’t know true or false either.

Ye Ping is not easy to estimate, but it is impossible to remove the golden hoop. It is easy to untie and difficult to put on.

“I tell you the truth, if I die, the golden hoop on your head will kill you too. You weigh it yourself.”

Ye Ping said, he Very straightforward, it is impossible for him to touch the golden hoop, he will die together.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the face of the Great Prison Demon looked as ugly as if he had eaten a fly.

“Can’t beat, run.”

The Great Prison Demon directly grabbed Ye Ping and Xia Qingmo, and disappeared in place without saying a word.

He is the Nascent Soul Cultivator. Although some strength is suppressed by the golden hoop, teleportation is still okay.

“Facing south.”

Ye Ping opens, and Clear Sky Dao Sect is to the south.

It’s not safe to go down here, so I might as well go back to sect first.


The Great Prison Wraith teleported directly to the south.

In an instant it appeared three thousand miles away.

This is the horror of Nascent Soul Cultivator, what sword art, what Transmission Formation Law, a single thought can transmit ten thousand li.

The existence of this level, between raising hands and feet, can call out wind, thunder, rain and electricity, might of a single fist, can smash a mountain range, and fight, a country will be destroyed once .

So the battle between Nascent Soul Realm cultivator is often restricted, and it often attracts countless attention.

In half a quarter of an hour.

Dozens of silhouettes appeared here.

these all are Demon God teach dísciple.

They looked around all around and soon found Ni Duan.

“Damn it, Ghost King was born, Great Xia Ten Princess may have been eaten by Ghost King.”

Someone said, looking at the broken stone tablet, they couldn’t help saying this .

“Damn it, if Ten Princess is whereabouts unknown, I can’t make a relationship, then the King will blame me for waiting.”

“Go find this Ghost King, no matter Ten Princess Whether it is dead or alive, it must be determined with your own eyes.”


The discussion sounded.

When they came here, they immediately thought that Xia Qingmo was buried here. After all, a Ghost King of Nascent Soul Realm, even they dare not force it.

That’s it, less than one hour later.

Dozens of silhouettes appeared again. These all are experts. They were turning to Resentful Soul and checking the situation. They found that after Ghost King disappeared, their faces were extremely ugly.

Soon, this news spread to Jin State, Jin State dignitaries and senior officials also immediately learned about this matter.

There was hardly any nonsense, Jin State immediately issued an iron order, five major barracks, and ancient city garrisons from all over the country assembled to search for the whereabouts of the Ghost King in Linhe.

They are impossible to put any Ghost King outside. After all, this Ghost King caused huge trauma to Jin State hundreds of years ago. This time it was born, its strength will inevitably increase. When the time comes with The strength of Jin State may be difficult to suppress.

At this moment.

In Jin State Imperial Palace.

The King Jin State sat in the great hall, looking shocked at the medicine pill in Li Mocheng’s hand.

“Under this day, is there really a Poison Pill?”

The king of Jin State swallowed his mouth. As a king of Jin State, he has not experienced wind and rain for a lifetime. Ever?

I have seen too many people in the world, but when faced with Poison Pill, he was shocked, completely shocked.

Even just now, someone reported that Linhe Ghost Tomb Ghost King was born, and he didn’t have any shock at all.

Just because there is no Poison Pill.

“Your Majesty, this Poison Pill is made by Ye Ping himself. Xu Chang Elder has seen it with his own eyes, including other newly promoted dísciples and one after another testimony. This thing cannot be faked.”

Li Mocheng said seriously, with a serious face.

“Can it be mass produced?”

The King of Jin State continued to ask.

“Theoretically, yes, but there is no Poison Pill for refining. According to Ye Ping, pure Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth is required. Therefore, refining medicine pill does not require medicine ingredients, but it requires a lot of The Spirit Stone of Alchemist allows Alchemist to continuously restore mana and guide Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi to pill concocting.”

“Secondly, a Foundation Establishment Alchemist can only refine one hundred Qi and Blood in one day. Pill.”

Li Mocheng gave the general meaning and told the other party.

As soon as I said this, a trace of disappointment flashed in the eyes of King Jin State.

Although this is mass production, it is not real mass production. Alchemist in the Foundation Establishment environment is not very rare, but for Jin State, it is not a lot.

One Foundation Establishment Alchemist can refine 100 non-toxic Qi and Blood Pills a day, and 10,000 Foundation Establishment Alchemist can barely maintain the demand of the entire Jin State army.

But 10,000 Foundation Establishment Alchemist is really hard to find. Refining this medicine pill requires a real Jin State cultivator, not the dísciple of other sects.

Otherwise, once the news spreads, the Great Xia Dynasty will find Jin State trouble for him instead of waiting for the other four dynasties to trouble him.

Thinking of this, the brain of the king of Jin State couldn’t help running fast. He was calculating a way to get the most benefit from Jin State.

Finally, King Jin State thought of it.

“Will Ye Ping hand over this Alchemy Technique?”

Jin State King asked.

“Ye Ping said, he has to ask him Senior Brother, if he is willing to hand it over, then hand it over.”

Li Mocheng said truthfully.

But at the end, he continued to speak: “But I heard that Ye Ping has a very good relationship with Crown Prince. Otherwise, let Crown Prince intercede, after all, let Ye Ping hand over the alchemy. I’m afraid I’m not willing to change anyone.”

“But Crown Prince is different. It is said that he is Ye Ping’s discipline. The Master teaches it to the discipline Alchemy Technique. It is also normal. Furthermore, Crown Prince will definitely be in the future. At the ceremony, Jin State is strong, and Ye Ping is also good. What do you think?”

Li Mocheng spoke out. He knew about Ye Ping and Li Yu, so he came up with such an idea.

“Well, it is indeed possible.”

“Didn’t expect that my good-for-nothing Crown Prince can actually worship such a strange teacher, this can be considered a A good thing, but Palace Lord, I plan to hand over the Alchemy Technique to Great Xia Dynasty. What do you think?”

The king of Jin State is nodded, this is the first time he has praised Li Yu in front of outsiders.

“Everything means respecting the monarch.”

Hearing the words of the Jin State monarch, Li Mocheng couldn’t help but relax. He didn’t have any surprises. On the contrary, if the Jin State monarch wanted to swallow it alone Alchemy Technique, he would be very nervous instead.

No Poison Pill is too much involved. Jin State really wants to swallow it. It is estimated that it is difficult to swallow. Once the news leaks, the knife of Great Xia Dynasty is estimated to fall on the spot.

Before the complete rise of Jin State, the Great Xia Dynasty was the existence of Hegemon. The Great Xia emperor had a single thought and could kill ten Jin States.

Li Mocheng knows how terrifying the Great Xia Dynasty is.

The total of more than three hundred countries is not as good as one-tenth of the Great Xia Dynasty. This is the horror of the dynasty, absolute power, and ordinary people simply cannot imagine it.

So if the Pill Recipe is non-toxic, if it is handed over to Great Xia Dynasty, not only will it get the blessings of Great Xia Dynasty, but also the responsibility for the disappearance of Great Xia’s Princess in Jin State will be cancelled.

For Jin State, there are only advantages, no disadvantages.

Maybe even because of this Pill Recipe, Jin State can also have a chance to become the number one in the ten countries.

As long as Great Xia Dynasty is willing to support, Jin State will become the number one in the ten countries, it is not difficult at all.

“Well, tomorrow I will personally go to Great Xia Imperial Capital, but before I come back, you must guard the university. This matter must not be spread out, and even if necessary, Those dísciple amnestics.”

“In Jin State Academy, there must be spies. This matter should not be underestimated. If you walk out with a little wind, I’m afraid it will cause great disasters. Palace Lord, you can Understand?”

The King of Jin State understood more clearly what non-toxic Pill Recipe means, so he said that.

I would rather erase the dísciple memory and cause Primordial Spirit damage than let them spread the news.

“Yes! Please rest assured, the monarch.”

Li Mocheng nodded, with his hands moaning, said so.

“Okay, you go back.”

The monarch of Jin State was nodded, and then the great hall quieted down.

At the same time.

Three silhouettes appeared silently in the ancient city of Baiyun.

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