In the palace hall.

Li Mocheng looked towards Xu Chang, his eyes were full of astonishment.

Only a hint of curiosity.

“Palace Lord, you guessed it right, it is the legendary Poison Pill.”

Even now, when Xu Chang said the three words “No Poison Pill” His voice couldn’t help but tremble at the time.


In an instant, Li Mocheng seized the medicine pill, and then he forced a Dao Pill fire.

Although he is not very knowledgeable in Pill Dao, he can do everything. As a Nascent Soul powerhouse, Li Mocheng naturally understands Pill Dao.

He deeply knows what no Poison Pill means.

Without Poison Pill, another way of understanding is that it will not bring any side effects.

To put it simply, cultivator cultivation requires the absorption of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, sudden enlightenment, enlightenment, and thousands hammers, hundred refinements, in order to become stronger step by step.

Hundred years of Foundation Establishment, Millennium Golden Core, Wannian Nascent Soul.

For a small sect, a Golden Core cultivator may have appeared in a thousand years, which is very good.

However, for a dynasty, whether Golden Core or Nascent Soul, on the real battlefield, it is like dust.

The five dynasties suppressed the world. It does not mean that the world is peaceful. The border wild beasts and Demon are everywhere. There are Demon Sects in the five dynasties, and there are various problems inside and out.

These things need someone to solve.

Taking the northern part of the Great Xia Dynasty as an example, the northern barbarians repeatedly violated the border, and each confrontation had to pay at least tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 lives to quell an ordinary war.

These tens of thousands of cultivators are all Refining Qi 8-Layer 9-Layer great perfection cultivators, and there is one Foundation Establishment cultivator in every one hundred people.

If it is a bit miserable, the death of 100,000 cultivators on the border is not a trivial matter for the Great Xia Dynasty.

So among the ten countries, taxation and conscription are to meet this war.

But here comes the most embarrassing point. With no dynasty wars, how many are willing to join the army?

Most of them are still dispatched from the common people to teach them how to practice, but this kind of people is obviously aptitude, and if there is aptitude, they would have worshipped Immortal Sect long ago.

Because of this, the only way to make this group of people a quick breakthrough is to swallow the medicine pill. In the military camp, every day all has to swallow the medicine pill, in order to break through early. Become stronger.

In this case, there is at least a self-protection ability on the battlefield.

The consequence of this is that the erysipelas will deepen and the future will be cut off. Therefore, the cultivator of Refining Qi great perfection is basically seen everywhere, but the Foundation Establishment cultivator is one of a hundred.

Not to mention the Golden Core cultivator. Like as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns, most of the Golden Core cultivators are sent by the Imperial Court. The impossible presence in the barracks Taking drugs and taking on Golden Core cultivation base.

Erysipelas is a huge trouble.

So no matter it is the five dynasties or other Demon Sect forces, everyone is studying the Poison Pill, not to mention the Poison Pill, at least it is less toxic, they are all willing.

Among the five great dynasties, the Great Qian Dynasty has a great fortune-making tripod. Using this tripod for pill concocting, its toxicity is 80% less than that of ordinary medicine pill. It is precisely because of this that the Great Qian Dynasty’s national strength Will be like this cauldron Sheng.

Not only that, the Great Qian Dynasty also sells this medicine pill, but it will only sell 40% of the poison medicine pill. Even so, it makes a lot of money.

So the five dynasties, the world forces are all studying Poison Pill, whoever studies it, who can lead the coquettish for 100,000 years.

Pill fire burns, and the top grade Foundation Establishment Pill becomes bright again.

5 minutes.

Two sticks of incense.

Three sticks of incense.

One hour.

Two hours.

For two hours, Li Mocheng not only increased the pill fire, but also roasted for two hours.

In the end, the medicine pill is still very bright, not to mention any toxicity. Under such baking, this medicine pill is getting brighter and brighter.

“No Poison Pill!”

“No Poison Pill!”

“Really there is no Poison Pill, this…I Elder Xu!…this!”

Li Mocheng’s mind went blank.

He really didn’t expect, this is really no Poison Pill, for a while he didn’t know what to say.

No Poison Pill For an ordinary person, it may just be medicine pill without any side effects.

But if this medicine pill can be mass-produced, and don’t make any very complicated and precious medicine pill, just refine some’Refining Qi Pill’,’Qi and Blood Pill’,’Physical Pill’, ‘Foundation Establishment Pill’ This kind of foundation medicine pill.

For the entire Jin State, and even for the entire Great Xia Dynasty, it is invaluable.

Let’s not talk about the Great Xia Dynasty, let’s take Jin State as an example. Jin State is ranked in the top ten. It has good national strength and financial resources. As long as Jin State is willing, it is similar to Qi and Blood Pill. The medicine ingredients of medicine pill like Dan can be grown on a large area.

As long as you can practice it, millions of medicine pill medicine ingredients can be produced every day.

A normal cultivator can eat one in three days, but one cultivator in a barracks is almost the limit.

The entire Jin State has Four Great Military Camps, which add up to more than 8 million people. With this kind of Poison-free Pill, you may not see any effect in one or two years.

But it will take ten, twenty, or thirty years before the effect will appear. One hundred Refining Qi cultivators may have two or three or even four or five breakthroughs to the Foundation Establishment environment.

What is this concept? The army of the Great Xia Dynasty has a Foundation Establishment cultivator out of a hundred people.

This is the terrifying part of Poison Pill.

Fifty years, one hundred years, three hundred years, five hundred years, one thousand years later?

According to this trend, it may not take a thousand years, but only five hundred years, Jin State can have the strength no less than Great Xia Dynasty.

This is the terrifying part of Poison Pill.

Under normal circumstances, Jin State wants to develop into the Great Xia Dynasty, not to mention five hundred years, five thousand years, maybe fifty thousand years, or five hundred thousand years.

But without Poison Pill, Jin State can have the strength not weaker than Great Xia Dynasty in five hundred years.

Thinking of this, Li Mocheng really realized how terrifying this Poison-free Pill is.

“Apart from you and me, who else knows about this Poison-free Pill.”

Li Mocheng came back to his senses, and he asked with an extremely serious expression.

“Five-generation dísciple and some fourth- and third-generation dísciples, a total of 475 people.”

Xu Chang said, he turned back before, just to count people.

“This is not a good thing. No Poison Pill involves too much, and it can affect the entire Jin State, and even the entire world.”

“This is a treasure, but it is also very It may be something that makes the world war, but although I don’t know how Ye Ping was refined, I can expect that this thing can be refined with no difficulty.”

“But this one Things must be blocked, and the news will be completely blocked. However, anyone who knows about this matter should be carefully guarded and they are not allowed to leave the university at any time.”

“The news cannot be sent out of the university, even if it is. It is absolutely impossible for Jin State to be heard from universities. Otherwise, it will be a disaster. Does Elder Xu understand?”

I heard that more than 400 people knew about the absence of Poison Pill, Li Mo Cheng’s face was a little unsightly.

This thing is priceless and extremely terrifying. Once it spreads out, it will be a huge disaster.

Let me ask, if the other four dynasties or the is Demon Sect forces learn whether there is a Poison Pill this thing, or it was refined by others, how would it react?

The Great Qian Dynasty is just like this cauldron because there is a supreme immortal artifact, which is like this cauldron. It is almost the first of the five dynasties. Will they allow other dynasties to refine the Poison Pill?

“The old man understands naturally, so he will immediately inform the palace lord.”

Xu Chang naturally understands that otherwise, he won’t be so anxious, and he also deliberately blocked the institution. If the university is not blocked, once the news leaks out, it is not a trivial matter.

The dispute between dynasties and the national destiny is not a trivial matter. With a slight movement, blood flows into a river, and the people are wailing. This is no joke.

“There are three more things right now, Elder Xu must do it well.”

Li Mocheng spoke, and at the same time he shot a mana, which directly broke the top grade Foundation Establishment Pill. Then he said.

“First, Elder Xu, you will refining this medicine pill right now, add other medicine ingredients to make it poisonous, and then return to the altar and tell everyone that this medicine pill is in my refining No matter if they are believing or not, they must speak clearly.”

“Second, ask Ye Ping, this kind of Alchemy Technique, can you tell me, no matter what the price is It’s not a pity. Of course, we must understand clearly. If mass production is possible, it will be a big deal for both Jin State and Great Xia Dynasty.”

“Third, guard the school, Before I came, all things in the school were under your control. No one was allowed to go out, no one was allowed to leave. Even the Great Xia’s Princess matters were placed behind me. These are no longer important. “

“Elder Xu, please take a trip, I can’t come forward, I can only wait for you here.”

Li Mocheng said three things.

In the final analysis, this matter cannot be spread, and no one can spread it. At the same time, it is necessary to understand whether this kind of Poison-free Pill can be refined in batches. If it can be refined in batches, then it really has to Shocked the whole world.

But if it can’t, it’s okay. Even if it can only be refined in a small amount, it’s a good thing for both the Great Xia Dynasty and Jin State. The basic medicine pill cannot be practiced in batches. Then make some more precious medicine pills.

What Foundation Establishment Pill, Breaking Realm Pill, Nascent Soul Dan, this medicine pill also has magical effects. It helps the cultivator to directly break through to the next realm without side effects, which is also a great benefit.

He must understand this before he can find King Jin State. Otherwise, it would be wrong to go to King Jin State.

“Palace Lord, please rest assured, I will go now.”

Xu Chang Elder nodded, after saying this, he did not continue to stay, he turned around and left, moved towards Dan Pavilion Fly away.

After Xu Chang Elder leaves.

Li Mocheng sighed. In just one day, so many things happened suddenly, and one of them was bigger than one, so Li Mocheng really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

And outside the hall.

Elder moved towards Xu Chang Elder moved towards Dan Pavilion.

On the way, he casually refined a medicine pill, and soon this cracked Foundation Establishment Pill showed a ray of black air, especially when Xu Chang Elder used the pill fire to refining it. After some time.

The medicine pill is even more entwined with black energy.

Become a Poison Pill.

At this moment.

Outside Dan Pavilion.

More than 400 dísciples have been trapped here for more than two hours.

But compared to Xu Chang before Elder left, everyone was still in a state of confusion before, but now almost all dísciples are surrounded by Ye Ping.

Even the fourth and third generations of disciples have completely put down their body and took the initiative to call Ye Ping Senior Brother Ye.

This can’t be done without shouting.

On the cultivation base, Ye Ping Foundation Establishment Early Stage, although not very strong, it is definitely not weak.

On strength, Ye Ping pushed four generations and three generations of dísciple by himself. Isn’t that strong enough?

On Sword Art, is it worthy of respect for Jin State’s first sword and powerhouse?

On Pill Dao, it is even more Poison-free Pill.

To tell the truth, although they can’t do the same as Li Mocheng, they won’t have the role of Poison Pill, Lenovo’s national dynasty is up to the level, but at least they use their brains to know.

Ye Ping will practice without Poison Pill. Now that we have a good relationship, I will really get stuck in the realm in the future. Please find materials to ask Ye Ping to practice a pill. Wouldn’t it be elated?

Therefore, outside of this pill pavilion, everyone discusses spiritedly and is touting Ye Ping.

“Senior Brother Ye, I really don’t praise you. Didn’t the southern country have a monster? I feel that southern country monster, if you dare to come to our Jin State Academy, I guess the end will be a loss of face.”


“Yes, yeah, now the ten countries are talking about that southern country evildoer, but to say something that is not very pleasant, he is just a fleshy body. Is it better than you on Sword Art? On Pill Dao Have you beaten you?”

“Senior Brother Ye, let’s say nothing else. From now on, you will be the chief Eldest Senior Brother of my heart middle school. I will follow you in the future.”

one after another The voice sounded, and everyone crowded around and praised Ye Ping.

Among the crowd, Ye Ping does not have any feeling of vanity, on the contrary, there is a little embarrassment.

He doesn’t like being touted all the time. Touting each other is the kingly way, so it’s a bit too embarrassing to brag about being alone.

But at this moment.

Xu Chang Elder appeared.

His silhouette appeared in front of everyone.

For a while, everyone was quiet, and one by one looked towards Xu Chang Elder.

Soon everyone’s eyes fell on the Foundation Establishment Pill held by Elder Xu Chang.

The Foundation Establishment Pill, which was originally as bright as a pearl, was entwined with black air in this brief moment, and it was broken. There was no feeling of spirit pill and marvelous medicine at all. Instead, there was a feeling of top ten Poison Pill.

“Ye Ping, just now I asked the palace lord to personally refining your medicine pill. There is good news and bad news.”

“The bad news is that you Medicine pill is not without Poison Pill.”

“But the good news is that your medicine pill has very little toxicity, only 20% of the toxicity of the same medicine pill, which is very good, but it is by no means non-toxic. The pill.”

Xu Chang Elder said, he directly rejected Ye Ping, this medicine pill is not without Poison Pill, and then said that the medicine pill made by Ye Ping is only of the same kind of medicine pill. Twenty percent is poisonous, so no toxin can be produced.

But on the surface like this, but Xu Chang Elder reported Divine Consciousness, telling Ye Ping to stop talking.

He is more worried about Ye Ping’s youth temperament, so he refutes himself.

In fact, when Xu Chang Elder appeared, Ye Ping saw that there was a problem with his medicine pill, but he didn’t say anything.

Now, even after hearing about Xu Chang Elder letting himself don’t be impatient, Ye Ping said immediately.

“It seems that dísciple is a little arrogant. Many thanks Elder for pointing out the mistake.”

Ye Ping made a speech with a sudden realization.

The rest of the dísciple also showed a hint of disappointment when they heard that it was Poison Pill.

After all, if Ye Ping really makes a non-toxic pill, then they will be able to follow the light, but if you think about it carefully, even if it is not without Poison Pill, but only 20% of the toxicity of other medicine pill, This is also excellent.

“Well, some things have happened recently. Jin State is a bit uneasy. Furthermore, Ye Ping can make such medicine pill. It is also the fortune of my institution. It is the fortune of Jin State. You don’t want to pass on it. Go out and wait until the ten-nation grand competition, let Ye Ping raise my eyebrows for Jin State, you know?”

Elder Xu Chang continued to speak again, reminding everyone that they should not spread it out indiscriminately.

“I’ll wait to comply.”

The dísciple also understands that an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.

Ye Ping is a peerless genius, sword dao pill concocting Formation is proficient in everything. If this genius is known to outsiders, it is estimated that he will do everything possible to poach Ye Ping.

It would be better to keep a low profile, as a killing move, after amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, it is naturally excellent.

“Okay, today’s Pill Dao method is over, you will go back and think about it, use your heart, and learn from Ye Ping.”

Xu Chang Elder speaks, let everyone Go back, and he himself gradually disappeared.

At the moment, with the lifting of the ban, some dísciples have left on their own, but most of the dísciples still follow Ye Ping and continue to tout.

An hour later.

Ye Ping returned to his residence.

He was surrounded by hundreds of people for an hour.

To tell the truth, my scalp is numb. He really didn’t expect. He is from Jin State University. He is so powerful, with exaggerated vocabulary, and he can speak for an hour without repetition.

Some people even write poems for themselves, so Ye Ping really didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

If it weren’t for the static cultivation base, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back.

Just when Ye Ping returned to the residence.

He did not go to cultivation, but came to his room.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened the door, Xu Chang Elder appeared in the room.

“I have seen Elder Xu.”

Ye Ping said, he knew that Elder Xu would come to him, but he didn’t want to attract attention that’s all.

“Ye Ping, no need to be polite.”

Xu Chang Elder did not speak, but communicated with Divine Consciousness.

“Ye Ping, the medicine pill you refine is indeed no Poison Pill, but you may not understand what it means without Poison Pill.”

“For a while For a while, I can’t tell that this non-toxic medicine pill is extraordinary, I can only say that it involves a level, too high and too high, and it will even cause great disaster.”

“Now I think Ask a few questions, and hope that fellow daoists can tell.”

Xu Chang Elder did not say anything, nor did he praise anything, but straight to the point.

I even used the word “daoyou”.

“Elder, please speak straight.”

In fact, looking at the behavior of Xu Chang Elder, Ye Ping also gradually realized how significant this Poison Pill is, so he also Don’t dare to mess up.

Even Ye Ping still has some regrets, why did he have to practice Poison Pill in front of everyone.

After the pill concocting was over, Ye Ping thought of one thing.

That’s what Jiang Peng said. The Great Xia Dynasty’s battle of destruction at the beginning killed many hidden sects.

Ye Ping is skeptical, thinking that Clear Sky Dao Sect is one of them, and Poison Pill is very likely to be the method of hidden sect.

If it is exposed, wouldn’t it be a sect to entrap yourself.

Because of this, Ye Ping did not say anything and seemed a little worried.

And soon, Xu Chang Elder’s voice sounded.

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