Jin State Hidden Scripture Pavilion.

All Elder looked towards Elder Sun one after another, not knowing what good strategy he had.

Feeling everyone’s gaze, Elder Sun touched his beard, and then slowly spoke.

“You guys don’t need to be in such a hurry.”

“I don鈥檛 think it鈥檚 better. Let鈥檚 go back separately, and no one should play tricks. I鈥檒l make a class schedule to make us good at it. One after another, teach Ye Ping.”

“For example, what I am good at is Qi Observation Technique. If Ye Ping likes Qi Observation Technique, I think Poor Daoist is more suitable for him as a teacher. , Then Ye Ping is willing to worship me as a teacher, so you don鈥檛 have to fight.”

“On the contrary, if Ye Ping likes pill concocting, refining, and Formation, let Ye Ping choose by himself, and I will wait. There is no need to quarrel between them. Everything depends on Ye Ping’s own wishes. What do you think?”

Elder Sun spoke slowly. This was the only way he thought of.

When I said this, the Elders were a little surprised.

They pondered carefully and thought a little bit.

Hey! Don’t tell me, this method is quite good.

“This method is good, I think it is feasible.”

“I also think it is feasible, it is quite good.”

“Elder Sun, your idea is very Yes, it is hundreds of times better than the Palace Master鈥檚 method.”

“Feasible, this method is feasible. We teach part of it alone. Whether we can compete for Ye Ping depends on our own ability.”


“This remark is very good.”

The Elders have been nodded, and the more they think about it, the more they feel that this method is very good.

Everyone has the opportunity to become Ye Ping’s Master. It depends on what kind of method Ye Ping likes.

For a while, everyone was full of self-confidence. They believed that if Ye Ping were in their hands, they would definitely shine.

But at this moment, someone suddenly spoke.

“But in case, this Ye Ping aptitude is so good, not only can we not teach him, but what should we do if we were taught by him?”

Elder said, like this .

Just saying this, the Elder couldn’t help but smile contemptuously.

“Elder Zhou, what you said isn’t this too ridiculous? Ye Ping, although the aptitude is excellent, is not enough to teach us, right?”

“Yes, Yeah, I don鈥檛 believe it. I dignified Jin State’s first Alchemist, but it鈥檚 his turn to teach me?”

“It鈥檚 normal for you to look down on yourself, don鈥檛 you look down on us? I鈥檓 Jin State Number One Array Master , He has the ability to arrange that I can鈥檛 arrange the array? “

“Thinking too much.”

The Elder disagreed, and Elder Zhou didn’t say anything.

“I think what Elder Sun said is correct, just follow this meaning.”

Everyone still thinks that Elder Sun is right.

And the palace lord also nodded, thinking that this method is very feasible.

“In this case, according to Elder Sun, I will prepare a timetable. When the time comes, whoever can accept Ye Ping as an apprentice depends on whose ability.”

“Now I won’t quarrel here anymore, lest Ye Ping see me, and still think I will be frivolous while doing things, what is the proper way? Go, go back to the great hall to discuss.”

Li Mo Cheng said so.

After all, Jin State Academy finally got a genius. If it is such a quarrel, wouldn鈥檛 it be that Ye Ping sees it down?

As Li Mocheng spoke like this, all the Elders also agreed, and then followed Li Mocheng to the great hall.

Although this method is quite good, the question is who teaches first. This is a new question. Now I am back to Great Hall to discuss this matter.

At the same time.

In the Hidden Scripture Pavilion.

Ye Ping sits crouched in a no-man鈥檚 land, with books piled up in front of him.

In ancient times, there were ten lines at a glance, but Ye Ping had a hundred books at a glance.

Hundreds of books were placed in front of Ye Ping, turning pages automatically, and a lot of information poured into Ye Ping’s mind.

In the Jin State Hidden Scripture Pavilion, there is a collection of 1,432,650 volumes.

Among them, seventy percent are information, anecdotes and strange records, not secrets of the mind.

Ye Ping has acquired a lot of knowledge in a single glance.

The more knowledge you get, the more Ye Ping’s mood changes.

That’s it, time passed by little by little, and in the blink of an eye, seven days and nights passed.

In the past seven days, the entire Jin State Academy has been discussing about Ye Ping.

A newly promoted d铆sciple has repeatedly selected four and three generations of d铆sciple. How can this not shock Jin State Academy?

Even the first and second generation d铆sciples were shocked. I really want to see who this Ye Ping is.

But since Ye Ping went to Hidden Scripture Pavilion seven days ago, he has not come out, and it is full of curiosity.

However, the senior officials of the university also immediately issued an order to block the news of Ye Ping and not allow discussion outside, but even so, some news spread.

After all, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

On this day.

Under Jin State Hidden Scripture Pavilion.

Li Yue’s silhouette appears here.

At this moment, Li Yue walked into the Hidden Scripture Pavilion with a pale red post in her hand.

It didn’t take long for Li Yue to see Ye Ping.

Not far away, Ye Ping is still reading books. He hasn’t closed his eyes for seven days and nights. He has read at least hundreds of thousands of books and added a lot of knowledge.

Seeing that Ye Ping was still reading the book, Li Yue stood quietly to the side, did not disturb Ye Ping, and did not dare to disturb Ye Ping.

In this way, another day passed in a blink of an eye.

Finally, when Ye Ping finished reading the last book, he spit out one mouthful of impure air for a long time.

Eight days and nights.

795,000 four hundred and thirty-two books.

Ye Ping has read 100,000 ancient books almost a day, and forcibly read all of them.

This kind of terrifying reading speed and reading volume is not something ordinary people can do.

Only the enchanting Ye Ping can finish reading nearly 800,000 books in eight days.

After spitting out one mouthful of impure air, Ye Ping closed his eyes and took a break.

800,000 books of strange things have given Ye Ping a new understanding of this World.

Down to the things used by the people.

Up to heaven and earth’s luck.

In the past eight days, Ye Ping’s knowledge has been greatly improved, and it is precisely because of so many things that Ye Ping’s mentality has also undergone many subtle changes.

But what surprised Ye Ping most was the information about this World.

In Ye Ping鈥檚 impression, the cultivation world should be a small world. People who have achieved cultivation, then become immortal and become ancestors.

The world in which I live is not so simple.

In the novels, the cultivation is always very simple. As long as you keep absorbing Spiritual Qi, you will be able to ascend to Immortal World when you are almost done.

However, the word “chengxian” in this World is extremely difficult and extremely complicated.

Use one sentence to describe the difficulty of cultivation. In ancient times, it was one cent in a hundred years, but now it is one cent in a thousand years.

The meaning is very simple, Ancient Era, someone can fly into a fairy within a hundred years, but now it is possible for an immortal to appear in thousands of years. This is the difficulty of becoming a fairy.

And Ye Ping also learned.

The country where I currently live is called Jin State, and there are ten countries above.

[Leaving the country], [Chen State], [Jing Guo], [Southern Kingdom], [Qing Guo], [Zhao State], [Chu State], [Yan Country], [Jin State] , [Wei Country].

Among them, Li Guo, Chen Guo, and Jing Guo are the most famous, Jin State Ranked 9th, which belongs to the bottom of the existence. It is precisely because of this that Ye Ping also recognizes the teaching methods of Jin State Academy.

They are all at the bottom. If they don鈥檛 reform and use extraordinary means, they will be eliminated from the ten countries sooner or later.

However, these ten countries do not mean that there are only ten countries, but the ten strongest countries under the jurisdiction of the Great Xia Dynasty, which are called ten countries.

Above the Ten Kingdoms is the Great Xia Dynasty.

That is the real country, which is called the dynasty, and the Great Xia Dynasty governs 321 countries, of which the ten strongest countries are called the Ten Kingdoms.

Through the map, the Great Xia Dynasty is located in the north, and further up is the entire world, and the entire world is divided into five regions.

銆怗reat Qian Dynasty銆慙ocated in the Central Zone of the world.

銆怗reat Zhou Dynasty銆慙ocated in the eastern part of the world.

[Dali Dynasty] is located in the southern part of the world.

[Great Lake Dynasty] is located in the western region of the world.

銆怗reat Xia Dynasty銆慙ocated in the northern part of the world.

These are the five dynasties in the world, dominating the entire cultivation world.

Of course, the five dynasties dominate the world, and there are still other powerful forces, but the size of the five dynasties is the most terrifying.

Tianxialu has records even more.

There are also such things as God Palace, Holy Land, magic land, forbidden land, thirty-three immortal island outside, and three thousand immortal mountains.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a crouching tiger hidden dragon.

But through these books, Ye Ping also knows one thing, and that is the battle of luck.

The so-called battle of luck is the most critical thing in the current world to become immortal.

It is recorded in ancient books that in the ancient times, cultivator needed a celestial position to become immortal. By proving Taoist celestial position, you can Transcendent Saint, transform the mortal body, and ascend to immortal.

So one sen in a hundred years, or even a sen in ten years has appeared.

However, the brilliance of the ancient times has finally declined. There are different opinions on the specific reasons, but in any case, the brilliance of the ancient times is really declining.

Xianwei also fell.

Since the end of Ancient Era, the celestial position has disappeared, causing no one to become a celestial being for tens of thousands of years.

Until the world thought that this cultivation world could no longer appear immortal, there was an ancient dynasty emperor who soared to the position of immortality in full view.

The world was shocked for a while, and after hundreds of years of calculations, the opportunity to become a fairy was finally discovered.

Fortune luck.

The age of Ancient Immortal has passed, and it is replaced by the age of luck.

In this era, if you want to become a fairy, you are fighting for luck.

The struggle for luck is not inborn, but recognized by the world.

The simplest way is to unify the world, and the dynasties compete for luck.

If you establish a dynasty and dominate the world, you can get the luck of God and become immortals directly, not even one person becomes immortal, but a group of people become immortals.

If you don鈥檛 want to use this method, you can also change it. For example, sword dao is the ultimate, and Supreme sword intent is used to prove Supreme Immortal Dao.

There is also formation, Pill Dao.

No one knows what exactly it is, and there is no detailed record in the classics.

The only thing I can know is that Three Thousand Great Dao, all proclaims, as long as you are right or wrong, and regardless of your position, as long as your idea goes according to the heavens.

So the way of faith, the way of dynasty, the way of invincibility, the way of mind learning, and even the way of writing can be used.

There is only one core point, and that is “contention.”

No matter which path you take, you must be the first.

The luck of the world is limited. Impossible is spread to everyone, and it is impossible to make everyone immortal.

It has been calculated by a powerful person that the luck of heaven and earth can only allow a small number of people to become immortals in the same time period.

If one person becomes immortal, then no one will become immortal for hundreds or even thousands of years. It is not because of lack of strength but lack of luck.

But if a dynasty dominates the world, it may cause the cultivation world to enter a state of immortality for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Some incredible things will even happen, which is extremely bad for the entire cultivation world.

This is why there are that many sects against the Imperial Court.

The major dynasties are not just as simple as wanting to rule other dynasties, they also want to suppress all sects and achieve true grand unification.

But the problem is that the five dynasties are in the air, they dare not act on these sects for fear of causing trouble.

In short, this World is far bigger, more turbulent, and more magnificent than I thought.

Because of this, Ye Ping feels that Clear Sky Dao Sect is more and more amazing.

Ye Ping not only read this kind of anecdote, but also read about aptitude theory, genius theory, cultivation base theory, sword dao theory and so on.

At this moment, Ye Ping understands how strong he is.

Just like the theory of sword dao, it clearly divides the word dao aptitude.

Those who consolidate swordsmanship for a century are the best.

Those who have gathered sword power for ten years are geniuses.

The genius of the country is the one who gathers the sword force for one year.

If you are a condense swordsman within a month, you will be a Supreme sword dao genius.

Where will the sword be condensed that day?

Even if you don’t understand Ye Ping anymore, in this brief moment you also fully understand how strong you are.

Whether it is realm, fleshy body, qi and blood, and Sword Art, they are all incomparable.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Ping understands more how terrifying Clear Sky Dao Sect is.

Think about it, I鈥檓 a waste firewood, but I can be so strong in Clear Sky Dao Sect in three months.

If you are a bit aptitude, don鈥檛 you have to fly?

Thinking of this, Ye Ping couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, at least for now I’m pretty good.

Of course, after reading so many days of books, Ye Ping guessed very accurately.

Jin State Academy is indeed very average.

There is no genius in the whole school, even the palace masters of the past are average.

But Ye Ping has nothing to regret or regret. Since the Master let himself come to Jin State Academy, he must have the Master’s plan.

Supreme sword intent must be hidden here.

But you need to understand it yourself.

Thinking of this, Ye Ping couldn’t help but set his goal.

Understand the peerless sword intent.

After realizing it, leave and go back to sect.

Of course, if you really understand the peerless sword intent, you can be regarded as owing a favor to Jin State Academy.

If Jin State Academy has any difficulties, help yourself if you can.

Join Jin State Academy, Ye Ping does not intend to apprentice a teacher, but if he comprehends the Supreme sword intent, he naturally owes a great favor.

At this time, Ye Ping recovered his mind.

Learning too much in one go, you need to digest slowly.


Stretching his waist, Ye Ping showed a smile.

Sure enough, knowledge is power. After learning so many things in one go, I feel that my whole person has been sublimated.

The most important thing is that I have learned so many things and I understand the basics, so I don’t want to say that I don’t understand and that I don’t understand.

Getting started, coowering, made myself upset.

Now that I understand, Ye Ping’s mood has also changed dramatically.

Sublimation from the inside out.

An indescribable sublimation.

At this time, Ye Ping finally woke up from thinking, and soon he noticed the silhouette of Li Yue.

“Senior Brother, are you awake?”

Li Yue, standing not far away, couldn’t help but speak immediately after seeing Ye Ping eyes opened.

“Well, what’s the matter with junior sister Li?”

The smile on Ye Ping’s face looked gentle, he looked towards Li Yue and asked like this.

“Senior Brother Ye, this is the case. This is the lesson post that the lord asked me to send you.”

Li Yue speaks, and at the same time passes the lesson post in hand to Ye Ping.

“Lesson post?”

Ye Ping was a little curious, and then took this class post.

Jin State Academy is generally speaking. It was the Senior Brother who instructed Junior Brother from the previous generation, and then every other month, there is an Elder preaching and receiving profession.

There has never been any lesson posting.

“Yes, we are also surprised. This lesson sticker was issued by the university seven days ago. There has never been such a situation in the past.”

“But I heard it was because of the ten countries. In grand competition, the university wants to strengthen the d铆sciple, but the specific reason is not clear.”

Li Yue explained.

“Can I not go?”

Ye Ping took the class post and glanced at it. The schedule is particularly full. Basically every day all has things to do.

“Senior Brother Ye, this is the school鈥檚 rules. It鈥檚 definitely not acceptable if you don鈥檛 go, but if Senior Brother Ye can get a good evaluation, you don鈥檛 need to go.”

Li Yue did not know whether to cry or laugh.

Generally speaking, when joining Jin State Academy, I want to learn something. Jin State Academy Elder basically represents the strength of the entire Jin State.

Every Elder, isn鈥檛 that influential figure in Jin State?

What Jin State is the first Alchemist, what Jin State Number One Array Master, if not for these Elder, speak frankly Jin State so many geniuses, who wants to leave his hometown and come to Jin State Academy to study?

Isn’t it good for me to sect?

“Excellent evaluation?”

Ye Ping said to himself, he knows what the excellent evaluation means.

The so-called excellent evaluation is actually a certain Elder taught such as Formation, Pill Dao, you have a very high innate talent, Elder said, you can comprehend three sentences.

In this way, you don鈥檛 need to use it after studying for a few months.

It’s not that you have learned all of them, but to consider other students, you can only let you study others by yourself.

The total impossible said, you have learned it by yourself, but everyone is not learning it, right?

Of course, if your innate talent is quite high, the generally speaking Elder will start a little cook, let you learn more.

So the excellent evaluation means this.

Think of this, Ye Ping nodded, and then looked towards the class post in hand.

The first column is [sword dao]

“Okay, I will participate on time tomorrow. I’m tired of junior sister Li.”

Ye Ping nodded, said so.

When I said this, Li Yue could not help laughing: “Senior Brother Ye is polite, oh, yes, Senior Brother Ye, there will be a Lantern Festival later, I wonder if Senior Brother Ye is not interested, yes Many talented and talented women go there. It is the most solemn festival in Jin State.”

After the notification, Li Yue suddenly spoke and invited Ye Ping to participate in the so-called Lantern Festival.

“Lantern Festival, when the time comes, look again.”

Ye Ping knows that Lantern Festival is the most grand festival in Jin State. Jin State governs the country by culture and compares it to literati Friendly and respectful, the Lantern Festival is the most grand festival in the hearts of literati in ten countries.

It鈥檚 just the most important thing right now, and I still understand the peerless sword intent of Jin State Academy.

Ye Ping still thinks cultivation is better than this kind of festival.

“Okay, then I will ask Senior Brother in a few days. It’s not in a hurry anyway, Senior Brother Ye, then I will go first.”

Li Yue said, and then Turn around and leave.

After Li Yue leaves.

Ye Ping will continue reading.

But this time I don鈥檛 read books of anecdotes, but sword manuals.

That’s it.

In a blink of an eye.

It’s the second day.

At this time.

It’s not dawn yet.

Jin State Academy, Elder Li came to the Jin State Cleansing Sword Pool early, with expectations in his eyes.

Because today, he is going to teach Ye Ping Sword Art.

I attended the wedding today. There are too many banquets on National Day. If you don’t go, it will delay the codeword time.

This is the first update today. Anyway, it’s still two changes. Remember!

At the same time, I would like to tell you that if you add 1500 starting coins, you will be equivalent to giving two monthly tickets to the night, usually 10000 starting coins.

Here I beg readers for rewards.

Before twelve o’clock in the morning.

If there is an Alliance Leader, add three more on that day, and one extra on that day, just write it out on the same day!

Thank you, beg! ! ! ! ! !

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