Yuan Mo Secret Realm.

Ye Ping is a little depressed.

He arranged Formation before, and preset the time to go back, which is almost one hour or one hour.

If I knew this a long time ago, I would adjust the time so that I would not stay here like a headless fly.

And Ye Ping also realized a problem.

That is, Space Array can’t mess around casually, after all, one accidentally teleports himself to some strange places.

This place is okay, there is no big danger, but if it is really teleported to some very scary places, then it will be blood mold.

“It is estimated that this place is a forbidden place, otherwise, the purple clothed man would not be so desperate.”

“It seems that the people in the cultivation world are still too conservative. Be cautious and don’t enter the forbidden area randomly, otherwise it will be bad if you cause trouble.”

Ye Ping muttered to himself.

It’s at the next moment.

Amidst the abruptness, another crack appeared.

Ye Ping looked around.

Soon, a black clothed man appeared in Ye Ping’s eyes.

The man looks a bit refined, he holds a folding fan in his hand, and his eyes are still full of confidence.

Ye Ping was a little wary, but he didn’t take the initiative to attack, but looked towards the opponent, with a very polite tone.

“Fellow Daoist, I just went here by mistake. It was just a helpless move to wound your friend before. I hope that the Daoist friends will also tell me the purple clothed Daoist friend. If you encounter this time, you will definitely come to the door to apologize.”

Ye Ping said, he knew this matter, in any case, he had the fault first, after all, if he accidentally broke into the forbidden area of ​​other people’s home, he would naturally lose it first.

Ye Ping’s voice sounded.

Mo Xiaoping was a little surprised. Unlike Fang Lei, Mo Xiaoping knew Yuan Mo very well. He deeply knew what the Yuan Mo existed.

The primordial demon is transformed by the demonic energy in the depths of the earth. It is not afraid of life and death, and has no pain. It is the kind of killing machine that only knows to kill, and blood is full of fatal temptation to them.

However, most of the primordial monsters are of low intelligence, and may have a little thinking ability, but when they encounter blood or see a living person, they cannot control themselves, even if they know that it is dangerous, they don’t care. .

Of course, there are some high-level primordial primordial demons. Not only can they restrain the killing in their hearts, they can even transform their human form, possess the wisdom of ordinary people, and often deceive the cultivator, thereby suddenly attacking and killing.

What Mo Xiaoping didn’t expect was that the original demon in front of him looked no different from Daoist, and even his appearance was not weaker than himself, which was a bit weird.

But Mo Xiaoping didn’t act rashly, and being able to put Fang Lei like that proved that this Yuanmo had a bit of strength. He didn’t want to fight it directly, and would suffer himself if he did it.

Since the other party wants to seduce himself, Mo Xiaoping intends to beating somebody at their own game, gaining Ye Ping’s trust, and then suddenly attack and kill him completely unprepared.

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaoping couldn’t help but faintly smiled and said now.

“so that’s how it is, that’s my elder brother. He has a irritable temper and no brains. I think there should be some misunderstandings. By the way, I don’t have a good time, dare Asking fellow Daoists?”

Mo Xiaoping spoke, and at the same time walked a few steps forward, slowly coming to Ye Ping.

Ye Ping couldn’t help but relax after hearing Mo Xiaoping’s words like this. At last, he was a reasonable person.

At the moment, Ye Ping couldn’t help but speak.

“Under Ye Ping, I have seen Fellow Daoist Mo.”

Ye Ping replied, meanwhile he said something.

“Ye Ping?”

Mo Xiaoping was a little surprised, as if he had heard this name before.

But soon, Mo Xiaoping didn’t think about it. He had already come to Ye Ping Ten Steps, and then said with a slight smile: “Fellow Daoist Ye, you have heard that there is a kind of Sword Art is called ten-step sword.”

“Ten-step sword, what does it mean?”

Ye Ping is a little confused.

Just the next moment, a sense of crisis hits.

In an instant, Ye Ping shot directly, without any nonsense, and the reaction speed was extremely fast.

“You actually reacted, but you are dead. The ten-step sword is the sword of Ten Steps To Kill One Person. My set of Sword Art has been practiced for 20 years. Within ten steps, no one can walk alive…pu!”

Mo Xiaoping was a little surprised, Ye Ping actually reacted instantly, but he was still full of confidence, even At the beginning of science popularization, the long sword in his hand was shot out, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal.

But before Mo Xiaoping finished speaking, Ye Ping using the finger as the sword, a dragon-shaped sword energy broke out and shattered the Spiritual Artifact in Mo Xiaoping’s hands on the spot, followed by Ye Ping appeared in front of Mo Xiaoping in an instant, and then gathered all his energy and punched out.


Mo Xiaoping’s silhouette flew out directly, and then fell heavily to the ground, a hundred meters around, it turned into ruins, his ribs broke, internal organs shifted, and blood covered his face. .

“I fuck!”

“cough cough cough!”

“Palace lord, do you call this a monster?”

“Do you treat me as Mo Xiaoping and don’t know the Yuanmo?”

“cough cough cough!”

Mo Xiaoping vomited, he really vomited blood and was punched Waste.

Fortunately, the foundation has not been severely damaged, but the fleshy body has been severely damaged and can be cured, but there is no battle strength anymore.

“Fellow Daoist Mo, can you tell me why you want to kill me? I have offended you wherever I am, isn’t it just breaking into your forbidden area by mistake?”

” Is it convenient for you to tell me what kind of sect you are? May I visit another day? As for the murder?”

Ye Ping is really going to throw up.

I thought I finally met a reasonable person.

But didn’t expect, this guy is more shady, a hundred times more insidious than the purple clothed man. Although the purple clothed man is a foolish man, at least he won’t make any shameful tricks.

If it weren’t for the quick response, I guess it would really be a way.

But Ye Ping really wants to know, what kind of sect the other party is, just because they accidentally broke into the forbidden area, they want to kill? This is too feudal, right?

Nothing was lost.

is it possible that this group of people is Demon Sect dísciple?

Otherwise, Upright Sect, even if it breaks into the forbidden area, it will not die, right?

Ye Ping is depressed.

But Mo Xiaoping ignored Ye Ping, he was completely panicked now.

In his eyes, Ye Ping is like a demon, so for a moment, Mo Xiaoping directly crushed the ancient order in his hand.

I haven’t waited for Ye Ping to react.

The crack appeared again and Mo Xiaoping disappeared.

“Why did you run away again!”

Looking at Mo Xiaoping who disappeared, Ye Ping felt a little uncomfortable.

Can’t you just sit down and have a good chat?

Good chat, next time I invite you to have tea.

At the same time.

The outside world, above the altar.

With the altar shaking again.

This time, all eyes are gathered on the altar again.

“You said, Senior Brother Mo can win!”

“Yes, Senior Brother Mo will definitely win.”

“I believe Senior Brother Mo is sure to win. Senior Brother Mo practiced a Sword Art called Ten Step Sword. As long as it is within ten steps, even if it is a realm higher than him, it is possible to be beheaded by Senior Brother Mo. Although Yuan Mo is stronger , But it’s just Foundation Establishment Realm that’s all.”

“Yes, I also believe that Senior Brother Mo will definitely win.”

Disciples discussed again.

But with the rays of light on the altar, Mo Xiaoping soon lay on the altar.

“What? Senior Brother Mo was also defeated?”

“No way, Senior Brother Mo was also defeated?”

“This Yuanma How strong is it? Even Senior Brother Mo has lost?”

“Senior Brother Fang and Senior Brother Mo have both lost, won’t it be the Demon King who has caught a dollar and came?”


“It’s a bit outrageous.”

For a moment, the discussion was loud.

At this moment, the senior officials of Jin State Academy were also dumbfounded.

Fang Lei failed.

Mo Xiaoping also failed?

It’s not that Mo Xiaoping must be better than Fang Lei, but at least there is a lesson from the past. Even if he can’t beat him, he won’t suffer such serious injuries, right?

“Palace lord, you won’t really grab a head of Demon King, are you here?”

At this time, Elder couldn’t help but send Divine Consciousness sound transmission to the lord.

Li Mocheng directly shook the head.

“How is it possible? I definitely affirm that it is a normal Yuanmo. Perhaps this Yuanmo hides some of its strength, but it is definitely not the Yuan Demon King.”

Li Mo Cheng spoke.

He can be sure that it will definitely not be the Yuan Demon King, but he is not sure whether this Yuan Demon has hidden strength.

“Mo Xiaoping, what happened inside?”

Li Mocheng came to Mo Xiaoping’s side, he played a Spiritual Qi, and barely allowed Mo Xiaoping to recover. Injury.

Mo Xiaoping opened his eyes in a coma, and he saw Li Mocheng’s face.

Then intermittently.

“Palace lord…you fuck me?”

After the voice, Mo Xiaoping passed out again.

Li Mocheng: “…….”

The gazes of the dísciple and Jin State executives looked towards Li Mocheng inexplicably became a little weird .

“The next one, try again.”

At this moment, Li Mocheng is also a little depressed. He can be sure that he is definitely just grabbing an ordinary Yuanma, but now The situation is indeed outrageous.

But Li Mocheng didn’t talk nonsense, so he asked the No. 3 dísciple to try again.

The latter does not have any fear. Those who dare to take the initiative to challenge will not be afraid.

Just follow the third person in.

In less than 2.5 minutes of time, he came out again, and his injuries were heavier.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are even stranger.


Li Mocheng frowned and let the fourth dísciple in.

He doesn’t believe in evil anymore!


The fourth person is also not afraid.

After the time it takes half an incense stick to burn again.

There is no change in the results.

This time, thousands of people were completely silent.

Even at this moment, an Elder couldn’t help but speak.

“Palace lord, although you are stricter, and this ten-nation grand competition, you also want to learn from the shame of our Jin State Academy, but the problem is that you can just grab a Demon King. Isn’t it too much?”

Elder said like this, looking helpless under the pressure.

“Elder Xu, I really don’t have one, oh! Forget it, forget it, no matter how I explain it, you don’t believe me, I’ll go see it myself.”

Li Mocheng He said, he wanted to explain it, but everyone’s eyes clearly didn’t believe it, so Li Mocheng planned to see it himself.

But at this moment, Duan Muyun’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Palace Lord, let me give it a try. If it is the Yuan Demon King, although the dísciple cannot be defeated, it will not be hurt. If you go, it will affect the Secret Realm, when the time comes Secret Realm collapsed. If the Yuanmo ran out, it would be in trouble.”

Duan Muyun’s voice sounded, she was calm, her eyes full of confidence.

She wants to try.

And she said this remark, half true half false.

It is true to want to go in, but it is fake to say not to fight.

Even if it is Yuan Demon King, she is not afraid.

Even if she defeated Yuan Demon King, she felt more fulfilled.

“Okay! Then you pay attention to safety, if it is the Yuan Demon King, come out quickly, I will directly destroy this Secret Realm, suppress and kill the Yuan Demon King, so that it will not come out to harm the world. .”

Li Mocheng is nodded.

I feel that Duan Muyun is right.

Of course he also knows Duan Muyun’s true thoughts.

“As you bid.”

next moment, Duanmuyun walked directly into the crack without talking nonsense.

And now.

In Secret Realm.

Ye Ping is completely depressed.

Four people came in a row, the first was reckless, the second was sinister, the third was more sinister, and the fourth was even more insidious. As soon as they came up, they said they would take themselves out of this place, and they said they were It was the incarnation of the abyssal monsters, which made myself so excited.

Before you have time to show the golden wheel, you will directly attack yourself.

As a result, I was naturally beaten up by myself.

But Ye Ping also understands.

I should have come to a forbidden area of ​​Demon Sect.

Otherwise Upright Sect would be so cruel there!

It was when Ye Ping was thinking about it.

Abruptly, cracks appeared again.

Soon, the silhouette of a woman appeared in front of Ye Ping.

“Sure enough, is Demon Sect.”

“Everyone has started to show beauty.”

“Oh, it’s a pity that I, this Ye people, are not interested in women .”

“Ye Jinfu, benefactress, watch boxing.”

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