
Ye Ping sits cross-legged here.

In this time Qing State sword dao conference, it said that it was not harvested, but it also got a lot of merit. If it was harvested, it has not realized the sword intent until now.

But in general, I still got a lot of gains.

For example, this jade ancient gourd.

The Magical Artifact of the cultivation world has five major qualities, Magical Artifact, Spiritual Artifact, ancient artifact, Taoism, and Immortal Artifact.

Ancient artifact can also be called ancient treasure, or Treasure Item, which roughly means the treasure in Magical Artifact.

This ancient jade gourd is actually a top grade Treasure Item, which can absorb Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi to condense into Innate Spiritual Qi, helping people to quickly cultivation.

But after being taught by Demon God, refining is an Evil Artifact, which incorporates Resentful Soul, and produces five grievances and ancient poisons. Now in the hands of Ye Ping, it can play a real role, and this thing is still one piece Storage magic weapon.

Ye Ping has no magic weapon for storage, this bottle gourd is just right.

Ye Ping has not studied the jade bottle gourd for the time being. Put it aside, let it automatically absorb Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, and then refine the Innate Spiritual Qi.

What we are going to do now is the breakthrough realm.

Yes, it is the breakthrough realm.

This time Qing State trip, Ye Ping realized his three shortcomings.

First, lack of knowledge!

I don’t understand this, I don’t understand that, I don’t understand any problems encountered, and it’s definitely harmful and useless to myself.

It’s just that there are no books in Clear Sky Dao Sect, at most it is a Qing State Record, so if you have a chance in the future, you still have to read more and learn about everything, even if you don’t know it well. , But at least it’s not that I don’t understand anything.

Secondly, the realm is insufficient!

It’s like killing back to Qing State and swinging a sword casually, the mana within the body is basically gone. Fortunately, the Demon God of Qing State teaches dísciple not many or strong, if you encounter True powerhouse, or if the number is a little more, then you will have some troubles yourself.

Thirdly, the Taoist heart is not enough!

I have no opinion at all when I encounter things, and I can’t hear Eldest Senior Brother’s outside voices, which causes myself to be busy and wasted a lot of time.

So before going down the mountain next time, you must determine your Dao Xin, so as not to encounter things later, always hesitate, you must determine your Dao Xin earlier.

The above three points are Ye Ping’s own reflection on this Qing State trip.

The first and third points can be taken slowly, after all, now I am back to sect, and I will not go down the mountain again in a short time, so I have plenty of time.

The second point is what Ye Ping is currently doing.

Duhua the emerald ancient gourd million Resentful Soul, within the body there are countless Power of Achievements and Virtue, and even turned into a golden lotus, symbolizing the meaning of Supreme merit.

With so many merits, Ye Ping intends to break through to the Foundation Establishment environment.

Well, yes, Ye Ping wants to step into the Foundation Establishment environment sooner.

In this way, if you go down the mountain next time, you will be able to protect yourself.

Think of this.

Ye Ping began to practice.

In an instant, one after another merit turned into continuous Spiritual Qi. Under the Ye Ping idea, the merit within the body turned into a river, impacting the spirit vein.

With such a huge merit, Ye Ping’s realm is also a crazy breakthrough.

11th times.

Twelfth times.

Thirteenth time…

At the same time, little by little passed.

One hour.

Three hours.

Six hours.

Twelve hours.

Two days.

Three days.

Five days.

Seven days.

In the back cliff of Qingyun.

It was seven days after Ye Ping entered the Dharma. Someone in Dao Sect also came to look around and found that Ye Ping was practicing, so there was no interruption.

After all, the cultivator enters the appointment, three to five days are ordinary, sometimes a few months or even years after entering the appointment.

In seven days, Ye Ping has completed 35 rebuilds.

But the more you go, the more exaggerated the spiritual Qi you need.

Hundreds of merits could break through before, but now thousands, even tens of thousands of Power of Achievements and Virtue, cannot break through a realm.

If it were not for several millions Resentful Soul, Ye Ping would really not even think about breakthrough realm.

Finally, the tenth day.

When the sun rose, Ye Ping officially entered the thirty-sixth rebuild.

Within the body’s Power of Achievements and Virtue, one third is consumed.

But there is one last time left.

Ye Ping did not rest, but continued to start the cultivation instead.

He wants to break through to the Foundation Establishment environment.

In any case, we must breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment environment.

At this moment.

Jin State Kyoto, in a very grand palace.

This is Jin State Academy.

In Kyoto, apart from the Imperial Palace where the Holy Spirit lives, it can be called a palace. Even if it is luxurious, it cannot be called a palace.

However, Jin State Academy can be called the Academy, because this is the place where Jin State powerhouse originated. It cannot be said that every genius comes from Jin State Academy, but Jin State is truly famous all over the world. Most people come to Jin State Academy.

In the Jin State Academy, there are countless Secret Art, there are many powerful, there are also many Academy, refining, pill concocting, Formation, astronomy, mathematics, anything can appear in the Jin State Academy .

Since ten days ago, the lord of Jin State ordered the opening of Jin State Academy in advance. The entire thirty-three states of Jin State, I don’t know how many talents all came to Jin State Academy to participate in the assessment.

The major Sect Disciples have their own divine ability, and there are many hidden sect dísciples, all of which are geniuses.

Its grand occasion is many times stronger than the Qing State sword dao conference.

Qing State sword dao conference itself is a state’s sword test. In the past, even Ranked 1st, at most it was the condense four thunder sword potential. However, among the Jin State schools, the second most is not only The condense four thunder sword is so simple.

Under the great hall of Jin State Academy.

A young purple clothed man, standing with his hands in his hands, watched the hundreds of people outside the hall silently.

Behind him, there was another man standing with a book in his hand and said.

“Senior Brother, this Jin State Academy is opened ahead of schedule. The number of applicants is 13,672. The first round will be the next two thousand and 600, and the second round will be the next five. One hundred and forty-two people, one hundred and thirty people were swept down by the third round, and the new students who finally passed the assessment were a total of 400 people.”

“However, the number of students admitted to the 12th hospital is 32. People, as of now, this time there are 432 new students, who belong to the most out-of-state cultivator.”

“They are outside the temple,”

The man behind, Looking at the booklet in his hand, he said very seriously.

“Four hundred and thirty-two people? It is more than double the number of the last year. It seems that they are all for the ten countries.”

purple clothed The man speaks slowly, his cultivation base is very strong, Foundation Establishment great perfection, but he is full of energy and blood, and he is definitely not a cultivator waiting for the Foundation Establishment great perfection.

“Perhaps it is, but the strongest among them, the strength is extraordinary, he has been Foundation Establishment Perfection at the age of sixteen, and his training is the Dragon-Elephant Technique.”

The latter replied that he had no interest in the purpose of these people coming to Jin State Academy.

“Dragon-Elephant Technique? Something, oh, yes, that Qing State…what is it called? Ye Ping, yes, Ye Ping, did he come?”

The purple clothed man continued to ask.

“Ye Ping? Qing State? I took a look, and none of the Qing State passed.”

The latter checked the brochure and said.

“Hey, a person who relies on Uncle to build momentum, forgive him for not coming.”

purple clothed man coldly snorted.

Immediately after he walked out of the great hall, his eyes were piercing, staring at the 432 people outside the hall.

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