Qing State ancient city.

sword dao conference venue.

Tens of thousands of cultivators stared at Ye Ping in a daze.

When Ye Ping’s voice sounded, even Wei Lin’s gaze couldn’t help being locked on Ye Ping at this moment.

He doesn’t believe that Ye Ping can condense the golden wheel at all.

But at this moment, with a breeze blowing, Ye Ping’s peerlessly handsome face revealed a sudden enlightenment smile.

Next moment, Ye Ping opened his eyes.

At this time, the golden light disappeared.

The entire Qing State ancient city seems to be plunged into eternal darkness.

“hahahahaha! This is also called enlightenment? I really thought you had enlightened something. Didn’t expect is here dressing up as God, playing the devil, hahahaha!”

“If you can condense the golden wheel, I, Wei Lin, eat all the shit of all of you in Qing State, hahahaha!”

Wei Lin’s sneer sounded.

His voice is full of madness.

But at this moment.

Ye Ping opened his eyes and the next moment sounded.

“In the past, in the blue sky of the beginning, the blue sky fell into the sky, the great fuli soil. The beginning of the Yuan Dynasty saves people, immeasurable high grade, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, it should be said that it is a sutra. Fang, began to be a seat.”

The ancient voices began to rise.

Ye Ping opened his mouth, and just as the breeze blew in, Ye Ping thought of a Passing Human Scripture article.

Taoism Supreme Collection, Passing Human Scripture.

This scripture was seen by Ye Ping by chance. It happened when Ye Ping was struggling to think about it, and thought of it.

Ye Ping once did not understand the mystery of this scripture, but now Ye Ping understands part of it.

He recited this verse.

When the first word is spoken.

A bunch of golden light seems to be shining down from nine heavens.

The dazzling golden rays of light illuminate the entire Qing State ancient city.

The ancient sound was thunderous, spreading inside and outside the ancient city, and the five grievances ancient poison qi also disappeared. All cultivators who were confused or still in the middle of killing also stopped their attacks.

Their eyes became clear.

Millions of Resentful Soul are no longer wailing, instead of silence.

“Look at the ground.”

Someone yelled.

All cultivators cannot be looked towards the ground.

With Ye Ping as the center, golden lotuses suddenly appeared around them.

“This is the Golden Lotus!”

“Also, look at the sky above the sky and see if there are petals falling.”

“His , The scene of the smallpox falling in disorder, finished, finished, Senior Brother Ye really realized it.”

“The smallpox falling in disorder, the ground surges Golden Lotus, didn’t expect Poor Daoist to see this scene in his lifetime. , Poor Daoist died without regret.”

“Senior Brother Ye has realized it, Senior Brother Ye has really realized it.”

“hahahaha, Long live Senior Brother Ye!”

“Long live Senior Brother Ye.”

In the conference, tens of thousands of cultivators were so excited that they couldn’t help themselves. They didn’t expect Ye Ping to realize it.

“Look, what happened behind Senior Brother Ye’s head!”

At this moment, someone found that Ye Ping had golden rays of light appearing behind his head.

“It’s a golden wheel! It’s a golden wheel! Wisdom golden wheel, my God, he really condense the golden wheel.”

“Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Ye Ping is Qing State is the first.”

“Heroes come out from the Youth since ancient times, the words of the ancients, honesty!”

Many older cultivators share their voices, and they shocked all of this.

Qing State City Lord even said with a bitter smile: “This is the next wave. Qing State has such a genius. I don’t know how many geniuses have been hit by it.”

He smiled bitterly, Ye Ping’s aptitude is too bad, if this is spread, how will Qing State cultivator survive in the future?

This moment.

A dazzling golden wheel appeared behind Ye Ping’s head. This is the golden wheel of Duhua, representing the Supreme realm of wisdom and enlightenment.

As soon as the golden wheel came out, Wei Lin let out a miserable cry on the spot as if a thin paper encountered a fire.

“Impossible! Impossible! How is it possible to truly condense the golden wheel.”

“This impossible, this impossible, is this impossible for me to die? This is for heaven to die Me?”

Wei Lin didn’t believe it, Ye Ping can really condense the golden wheel.

The problem is that Ye Ping condense is here. Not only is the condense here, but it is also not a general degree of gold wheel.

This is a golden wheel that is too high.

Not only that, at this moment, an old tree suddenly appeared behind Ye Ping. The old tree appeared emerald green, with ten thousand branches, and strands of dark-green rays of light hanging down. Turn Ye Ping into a great wise man.

“Ancient Enlightenment Tree!”

“This is a natural phenomenon, Ancient Enlightenment Tree.”

“A strange image, a strange image.”

People are surprised.

In the battlefield, Sikong Jiantian was also surprised.

He was not only surprised, but also a little bit sour.

“Ancient Enlightenment Tree, the golden wheel of degrees, why did Qing State have such an enchantment? I thought that my Qing State is the first, Jin State number one genius, which can last for hundreds of years. It looks like It won’t be long before this kid will take it away.”

Sikong Jiantian felt a little uncomfortable.

He hopes Ye Ping can condense the golden wheel, but he really doesn’t want Ye Ping to condense this kind of natural phenomenon.

After all, once Ye Ping is a natural phenomenon like condense, the gap between the two is much larger.


Under the Ancient Enlightenment Tree.

Ye Ping speaks slowly, he has no means, just say a degree.

At this moment, countless Resentful Souls are directly transcended into reincarnation.

One million Resentful Soul disappeared completely within a single thought.

Wei Lin’s Resentful Soul also suffered unspeakable pain in this brief moment. He committed too many evils during his lifetime. Now, under the golden wheel of Duhuan, he is unable to struggle and wants to do what he did in the past. For everything, pay the price it deserves.

At this moment, the five grievances jade ancient gourd, unable to struggle anymore, swayed into Ye Ping’s hands.

This is an ancient treasure.

But because of resentment and blessing, it lost spirituality and turned into an Evil Artifact.

Now Ye Ping has eliminated the grievances in it, and the ancient jade gourd also reveals its original appearance.

It is an Innate jade gourd.

This treasure, Ye Ping will naturally take his own bag.

That’s it, all the troubles are solved.

Qing State ancient city, also completely restored tranquility.

Ye Ping’s natural phenomenon gradually disappeared.



Unprecedented silence.

Everyone looked at all this in a daze.

Because all this seems particularly unreal.

For the last second, everyone was still struggling, and they were even ready to die.

However, at this moment, all the troubles are resolved.

This kind of ups and downs makes people feel extremely unreal.

Because it is too fast.

Ye Ping’s speed in subduing Wei Lin was too fast. There was no need for any fancy process at all. With just one word, he subdued such a terrifying demon.

For a cultivator with a low cultivation base, all this is not true enough, but for Chen Zheng and the others, they are very clear about how terrifying the degree of gold wheel is.

It’s not that Wei Lin is too weak, but that Ye Ping is too strong.

The method of degree transformation is not a cultivation base, but another way. Having a degree of golden light, an equivalent to Golden Core cultivator, and having a degree of golden wheel is more than just Nascent Soul Realm.

But they don’t know how strong it is, because everyone’s gold wheel is different, and its formidable power is naturally different.

At this moment, suddenly, after everyone came back to his senses, tens of thousands of voices sounded in unison.

“I’ll wait, many thanks to the master’s action to save the people of Li and the people of Jin State.”

The voices of Chen Zheng and the others sounded.

They moved towards Ye Ping, making great gifts, and they looked very respectful.

At this time, Sikong Jiantian couldn’t help looking towards Ye Ping.

He didn’t thank him, but his eyes were full of smiles.

Feeling the emotions of everyone, Ye Ping didn’t say much.

For Ye Ping, when he returned to Qing State this time, he wanted to establish a sword intent, hoping to let the Eldest Senior Brother understand his heart of sword dao.

It is mainly for oneself to take action to resolve this crisis, and secondly it is for the people of the world.

So Ye Ping doesn’t feel how noble or compassionate he is. Of course, he not only gains merit, but also saves Li people by the way. This kind of thing Ye Ping is also happy.

But the matter is solved, Ye Ping does not want to stay here anymore.

He believes that Eldest Senior Brother must be hiding in the dark and observing himself. Eldest Senior Brother is a peerless Sword Immortal, naturally impossible at this time.

So Ye Ping got up and made a gift in return.

After a while, Ye Ping spoke slowly.

“Since the matter is over, this Ye intends to go back to sect, this time I will go down the mountain for a few months, I am afraid that the senior brothers of the sect are worried.”

Ye Ping said, the matter has now been resolved. Now, he intends to go back directly and does not intend to stay here any longer.

It’s been almost two months since I didn’t say anything, and I didn’t learn much when I was busy.

It’s better to be in sect, where you can learn things and it’s easy.

“Ye Ping fellow, do you plan to go back? Why don’t you have a good rest in Qing State ancient city? Fan?”

Chen Zheng hurriedly spoke. He no longer called Ye Ping Junior, but he was called his peers. After all, what Ye Ping did was called Daoyou.

Now that Ye Ping is about to leave, Chen Zheng also hastened to keep Ye Ping. After all, Ye Ping has helped him so much. Can’t he celebrate the whole party?

“Yes, Senior Brother Ye, how about staying for a few more days?”

“Senior Brother Ye, where is your sect? I will come when I have time Visit.”

Everyone also spoke, hoping that Ye Ping will stay and everyone will celebrate.

“No, now the Qing State city is full of waste. If it is left, it will affect the recovery.”

“As for sect, you guys don’t want to bother, my Master is Xijing. I don’t like being disturbed, and I hope you can understand. If you see you in the future, you can have a good drink, but Upper Sect thanks you for this kind of thing… forget it.”

I heard someone is coming to sect Thanks, Ye Ping spoke quickly.

It’s not that Ye Ping is afraid that others will come over to apprentice. The main reason is that everyone in sect is a big boss, and their personalities are rather weird.

What hidden sect wants is to be quiet. If someone interrupts the cleanliness every other time, then don’t want to be normal in this life.

Sure enough, when Ye Ping said this, everyone suddenly realized that they had almost guessed that Ye Ping’s sect should be the kind of hidden sect, so they secretly told themselves not to disturb. So as not to annoy those hidden experts.

At this moment, Sikong Jiantian’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Ye Ping, I have something to tell you, let me go to the place where I pipe down.”

The sound of the sound drew a lot of people’s curiosity.

Chen Zheng who was not far away, after hearing the voice of Sikong Jiantian again, it seemed that something had clear comprehension.

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