No Jokes Here

Chapter 364: Lingbao, extraterrestrial demon

Immediately, Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters and Xi Yan to go to the Huaishan Ling Mine.

In the case of the imperial artifact flying, the two of them did not take too long to reach the place.

Immediately, Lin Qian'an manipulated the game character to directly perform the look-out technique and began to investigate the situation.

Under the breath-seeing technique, the energy rays of the entire spirit mine could be clearly seen, especially in one place, Lin Qianan saw a thunder-like energy rays escaping.

After manipulating the game character to restrain his breath, Lin Qian'an could see that it was a charred wasteland with no grass around.

Immediately, Lin Qianan asked Xi Yan.

[Yue Shi: Where is that place? 】

Xi Yan glanced at the game character with a strange expression, and then explained.

[Xi Yan: Deputy Sect Master, when you crossed the tribulation a hundred years ago, one of the tribulation clouds fell and a tribulation thunder fell here, and this is what happened here later. 】

Lin Qian'an's head seemed to realize something.

[Yue Shi: Where is the place where the Qingming Sect dug through the boundary? 】

[Xi Yan: It's in the place you asked about just now. 】

Hearing the sound, Lin Qianan confirmed his conjecture.

Obviously, there is no spiritual core here, but another kind of heaven and earth treasure.

Nurtured by spiritual energy, some special artifacts may be born between heaven and earth by chance.

This kind of utensil inherently contains regular properties, so it is called a spiritual treasure or a spiritual tool.

Spirit tools and spirit treasures are different from magic tools and magic weapons.

Magical implements are utensils made by monks without rules, while magic weapons are made with rules.

Spiritual tools are objects that the heaven and earth breed without rules, and spirit treasures are objects that are born with rules.

The difference is only in the hands of man or the hands of heaven and earth.

Generally speaking, spiritual tools and treasures are stronger than magic tools and magic weapons.

In the final analysis, human magic tools and magic weapons are all refined by imitating the rules of heaven and earth, how can they compare to the treasures naturally generated by heaven and earth?

So the cause and effect should be that the game character crossed the tribulation a hundred years ago, causing a tribulation thunder to fall here, thus giving birth to the spiritual tool.

The Qingming Sect should have detected the spiritual artifact bred here, so it has repeatedly crossed the border to find it.

However, this area is too large, and it is within the realm of Yanyue Sect. They do not want to disturb Yanyue Sect, so they can only let the disciples find it slowly.

Immediately, Lin Qianan planned to manipulate the game characters to dig out the things to see the situation.

However, at this time, a silhouette of the imperial weapon suddenly flew over and stopped in front of the game character, turning into a middle-aged man wearing a sky blue shirt.

[Marven Ye: I didn't expect this little thing to actually alarm Senior Yue, you came in person, I'm really ashamed. 】

Next to Xi Yan introduced the game characters.

[Xi Yan: This is the deacon elder of Qingming Sect, Marven Ye. 】

Lin Qianan understood, and immediately manipulated the game character to start a dialogue with Marven Ye.

[Yue Shi: Since you are ashamed, you should not continue to be ashamed. Go back and take good care of your disciples. If there is another cross-border incident, don’t blame us for not thinking about our past friendship. 】

[Marven Ye: This is natural. As an apology, I also asked the seniors to accompany me to the warehouse to drink a cup of tea, so that the juniors can fully enjoy the friendship of the landlord. 】

There are other meanings in Marven Ye's words. This tea drinking is obviously not just drinking tea, but intending to bribe game characters with some spirit stones or something.

However, Lin Qianan felt that things were not so simple, so he did not plan to go.

[Yue Shi: I don't like drinking tea, you go! 】

Marven Ye's expression changed.

[Marven Ye: This... Junior, apart from tea, there are some special things. I know that senior, you practice all the year round, and you rarely enjoy it. It happened that I bought a group of dance girls in Xiguo a while ago...]

[Yue Shi: Huh? Don't you understand what I'm saying? 】

Marven Ye saw sweat on his forehead, and his body trembled faintly.

Although the Nascent Soul Stage and the Jindan Stage are only one level apart, the difference in strength is earth-shaking.

It was right for him to provoke the old monster Nascent Soul to be beaten to death, and no one in the entire Qingming Sect would say anything.

This is the cruel place in the immortal world.

Strength is the key.

[Lu Zixin: Hahahaha, why is Brother Yue so angry? But he was only promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, and his cultivation base is unstable? 】

Accompanied by a voice, another figure came along, which was Lu Zixin, the Sect Master of Qingming Sect.

His words contained a gun and a stick, but he planned to press the game character with his veteran qualifications.

Lin Qian'an didn't expect this old guy to come in person.

In an instant, he thought through the cause and effect.

The one here is definitely not a spiritual tool, but a spiritual treasure that is even more powerful than a spiritual tool.

Otherwise, it is impossible to disturb Lu Zixin to come in person.

Most of the previous Marven Ye was planning to delay time and let Lu Zixin come to deal with the matter.

Now that Yanyue Zhenren has not yet come out of retreat, if the game characters are really just ordinary Nascent Souls, maybe they really take a step back and let this Lingbao people.

[Yue Shi: It turned out to be Brother Lu "old"? Why, over seven thousand years old, if you don’t take care of your old age in the sect, are you planning to go out to find a good Feng Shui treasure? 】

When Lu Zi heard the news, the smile on his face did not change.

[Lu Zixin: Since Brother Yue's breakthrough, I have rarely seen the true face. I think Brother Yue is ugly and shameless! When I saw you today, I realized that I had misunderstood. Brother Yue, you are definitely more handsome than my Qingming Sect guardian spirit beast. 】

The two sides communicated, and the air was directly dull.

The two sects that used to get along well, but at this time, they turned their faces directly because of their interests.

[Yue Shi: If you want Lingbao, you have to see if you have that ability. 】

Lu Zixin didn't expect the game character to speak directly, but he didn't change his expression too much.

[Lu Zixin: Lingbao who has virtue resides in it, brother Yue, your virtue may not be enough. 】

[Yue Shi: Oh? I am not good enough, are you enough? 】

[Lu Zixin: Although I only have double spiritual roots, I think I have more than your pseudo-spiritual roots than Brother Yue. 】

It's no secret that the game character's pseudo-spiritual root breakthrough, but Lu Zixin's plan to use this to stimulate the game character is obviously the wrong way.

Rumble rumble~!

Just when Lin Qianan was about to refute, the ground shook suddenly.

The entire Huaishan Spirit Mine was shaking violently, the surrounding land cracked, the mountains swayed, and countless boulders were sputtered.

And above that scorched wasteland, cobweb-like cracks appeared, and a purple aura suddenly appeared, soaring into the sky, heading straight for the game character.

Lin Qian'an made some guesses. This Lingbao has a lot to do with the game character. Perhaps it was attracted by the game character Lei Linggen's breath. This Lingbao may be born early!

Seeing this, Lu Zixin didn't say a word, and rushed directly to the purple aura.

Immediately, he raised his hand and took a shot, trying to take the purple aura into his palm, and the purple aura showed a complete state while struggling.

Seeing that the spirit sword was about to be caught by Lu Zixin, a golden light flew directly from the cuff of the game character, turning into a short sword and stabbing at Lu Zixin.

Lu Zixin had to stop moving, raised his hand and waved a brown shield to block the golden light.

When the spirit sword lost its ingestor, it flew directly into the distance.

Lin Qianan took the opportunity to manipulate the game character to cast a spell to grab the spirit sword that flew away, while Lu Zixin used his spiritual technique to turn into hundreds of weapons and bombarded the game character in an attempt to stop the game character.

But Lin Qian'an didn't even think of blocking it, and let these attacks fall on the game characters.

The magic robe on his body flickered, blocking these weapons directly, unscathed.

Not to mention that the game characters themselves have made great achievements in the refining of weapons, and they are armed to the teeth, even if they do not have these defensive means.

"Qiankun Body Forging Sutra" is not a white practice, and the physical game characters alone can bear the attack of the Nascent Soul old monster.

And these are all without considering the cultivation base of the game character cultivation system. If you consider it, the cultivation base of the game character in the later stage of cultivation is now comparable to the big guy in the integration period, and the two sides are not on the same level at all.

At this point, the game character has successfully held the spirit sword in his palm.

In an instant, a huge amount of thunderbolts were released from the spirit sword, shrouding the game character himself.

The terrifying power made Lu Zixin shy away from it.

However, for the existence of the game character, who has the roots of Thunder, these thunders can't hurt him at all.

The next moment, a prompt appeared on the screen.

[Hint: You get a Lingbao to recognize the Lord, and it asks you to name it. ]

[Yue Shi: You were born because of thunder calamity, so you might as well call it "thunder calamity"! 】

After the naming is over, the word thunder robbery slowly appears on the hilt of the spirit sword in the game character's hand. At the same time, under the control of Lin Qian'an, the game character raises the spirit sword in his hand, the aura of heaven and earth is drawn, and the infinite thunder instantly envelopes the circle. Thousands of miles, extremely terrifying.

Immediately, Lin Qianan swiped the mouse, and the game character slashed directly at Lu Zixin with a sword.


With a loud bang, the thunder in the sky was triggered and all bombarded Lu Zixin.

His complexion changed dramatically, his body surface shone with aura, and several defensive magic weapons were used.

However, those instruments were shattered by the thunder in just an instant.

Its figure was bombarded by thunder, and the arc dissipated, covering the surrounding area, destroying a large amount of vegetation and rocks.

When the thunder dissipated, Lu Zixin was standing on the ground with an ugly face, his body was **** and pitch black.

But for Nascent Soul cultivator, this kind of injury is not fatal.

He knew that nothing could be done, so he immediately turned into an aura and evacuated into the distance.

Lin Qian'an hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't have the idea of ​​catching up to kill the opponent.

It's just a fight for spiritual treasures, sins don't lead to death.

After that, let the other party cede the land and pay the indemnity. At any rate, in the Nascent Soul period, is it not good to let people live to work for the Yanyue Sect?

Manipulating the game character to converge the [Thunder Tribulation], which directly turned into a flash of light and disappeared into the body of the game character.

Lin Qian'an looked at it in an inward-looking way, and found that he was under the Nascent Soul who was the character in the game. He held up Nascent Soul's body, and from time to time, arcs would bloom to echo with Lei Linggen, tempering the Nascent Soul, making it even more powerful. Strong and tough.

At this time, Xi Yan Yujian flew over and congratulated the game character.

[Xi Yan: Congratulations to the Deputy Sect Master for getting the Spirit Treasure and his strength has improved to a higher level. 】

[Yue Shi: Well, go ahead and let the handyman disciples here take a break for the past two days and give some spiritual stones as a reward. In addition, help me post a post to Qingming Sect, and let that old guy Lu Zixin give it to me. statement. 】

[Xi Yan: I understand, does the vice sect master have other things? 】

[Yue Shi: No, you can go! 】

After speaking, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to use the escape method, transformed into a light of escape, and returned directly to the sect.

After obtaining the [Thunder Tribulation], Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to refine it into a spiritual treasure of life, which is connected with his life.

In this way, the game characters can also use their own spiritual power and spiritual energy to cultivate [Thunder Tribulation], and at the same time, when their cultivation is improved, they can also improve [Thunder Tribulation], and obtain the rhythm of their feedback.

Of course, if the [Thunder Tribulation] is damaged, the game character itself will be damaged accordingly.

This is quite similar to the "Yanqi Zhenjing".

Time passed, and after a period of time, Qingmingzong expressed his apology for the previous digging of spiritual mines, gave up a few spiritual mines, and gave some rare heaven and earth treasures as compensation.

This is what Lin Qianan wanted to say.

Seeing that Lu Zixin was so acquainted, Lin Qianan let him go, and did not continue to trouble the Qingming Sect.

In this way, the game character will soon be twelve hundred years old.

At this time, he had already reached the peak of Yuan Ying.

Compared with the speed of cultivation before, now it is ridiculously fast.

The Five Elements Pseudo-Spiritual Root is indeed a late-stage talent. Although the early-stage is weaker, the cultivation speed in the late-stage is far faster than the rest of the spiritual roots.

By the way, the game characters have now completed the preliminary training of [Thunder Tribulation], and as soon as they make a move, they can trigger endless thunder, which is extremely terrifying.

In conjunction with his Five Elements Technique, he has developed a technique called "Five Elements Inspiring Thunder".

The horror of the scene was unbelievable.

After Lin Qianan used it once, he directly destroyed the area for hundreds of miles.

You know, the game characters are still in the Yuan Ying period.

But this lethality, I am afraid that the big brothers in the tribulation period may not be able to match.

The game character is one thousand two hundred and fifty years old, and has broken through to the stage of spiritual transformation.

The sign of the Divine Transformation Stage is that the Primordial Spirit becomes stronger, and more spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be easily mobilized in the mind, and it can destroy all the tens of miles in a minute, and the lifespan can reach 20,000 years.

After the breakthrough of the game characters, the lifespan has increased by more than 40,000 years, which is stronger than the general cultivator, but it is not particularly exaggerated.

However, the destructive power of the game characters has increased a lot.

When that trick "Five Elements Lightning Induction True Secret Art" was displayed, it almost felt like the world was shattered.

However, the other side of the game character's cultivation realm is still stuck at the peak of cultivation realm, unable to make progress.

This is also something that can't be helped. His "Tongxuan Jing" can only be practiced to the third level, and the road after that can only be understood by the game characters.

To be able to break through to the fourth level is already considered to be the game character's own understanding. As for the fifth level, the ghost knows when to break through.

The game character is 1,330 years old, and the real Yanyue broke through the period of spiritual transformation and ended the retreat.

After he came out, he was quite surprised to see the game characters who had also reached the God Transformation Stage.

Real Yanyue looked at the game character with a wry smile.

[Shenzhen Yanyue: Everyone knows that it is difficult to practice pseudo-spiritual roots, but brother Yue, your cultivation speed is faster than that of the cultivators of Tianling-gen. Anyone who sees it may not believe that you are a pseudo-spiritual root. 】

[Yue Shi: Sect Master is joking, I just work a little harder than others. 】

Yanyue's expression was weird, obviously choked by the game character's words.

Then he shook his head and started working with the game characters.

When he saw the sect that had been renewed and became more prosperous, he couldn't help feeling that he had a unique vision for choosing people, and he had more trust in the game characters.

Three hundred years later, the game character broke through to the integration period when he was more than 1,600 years old.

In this realm, the Nascent Soul and the body will gradually become one, and there will be no division between the soul and the body.

The monks themselves will also become integrated.

Just in the third year after the breakthrough of the game character, something big or small happened in Yanyue Sect.

The two Jindan elders who went out to perform the mission both returned with serious injuries and contracted a special disease of lack of water.

You must be in the water at all times and drink a lot of water, otherwise the body will soon be dehydrated and become dry and withered.

The incident shocked the entire sect, and Lin Qianan was forced to manipulate the game character to find out the reason.

He first asked how the few Jindan elders became like this.

[Deng Huan: There has been a severe drought in Lijia Village for many years. The inner disciples who had been sent to investigate the results did not hear back, so I went to investigate the situation together with Elder Gao.

[After arriving at the place, we saw a strange beast, its body was red and round, hiding in a dry well, and the whole body exuded a dry breath. Elder Gao and I concluded that most of the drought was caused by this beast, so we cast a spell to catch it Live and take away from Lijia Village. 】

[Afterwards, we found that where it is located, the land will be naturally dry, and the plants will be quickly dehydrated and dry. We believe that this beast is unknown, and it is not easy to carry and feed, so we killed it. 】

[However, after killing the drought beast, Elder Gao and I contracted the strange disease of lack of water, and even using spiritual power could not stop the body fluids from seeping out...]

Knowing the cause and effect, Lin Qianan couldn't help frowning slightly.

What kind of drought beast is it that can cause Jindan period cultivators to contract such a strange disease of lack of water?

Lin Qian'an manipulated the game character Shi Zhanwang to investigate and found that a special layer of red light lingered on Deng Huan's body, vaguely resembling a ferocious round beast.


Haven't heard that there is something similar in the comprehension world?

Under the control of Lin Qian'an, the game character waved his hand slightly, the [Calling Rain] magical power was used, and a rain cloud covered Deng Huan's head, and the spiritual rain with washing effect quickly washed the red on Deng Huan's body light.

When the red light dissipated, Deng Huan's illness was also cured.

Then Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to relieve another elder surnamed Gao's illness.

After doing this, Lin Qianan asked where the corpse of the dry beast was.

In a wasteland in the sect, the corpse of a red-haired beast about the size of a basketball was thrown there.

It used to be full of lush vegetation before, but when the corpse was thrown here, it quickly became desolate for a few miles.

At first, Lin Qianan thought that this would be a unicorn cub or something. After all, it has such a regular nature and is definitely not an ordinary creature, but when he saw it, he found that he didn't know this little thing at all.

Manipulating the game character to pick it up, Lin Qianan looked at the introduction.

[Hanyu Corpse: Place it somewhere to quickly drain nearby liquids. ]

Dry call?

Something never heard of.

Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to find the real Yanyue, and found that he did not know this beast.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Lin Qianan simply didn't think about it.

He manipulated the game character to refine Hanyu's corpse into a banner magic weapon, which made its rule of removing liquids controllable, and could be used for a certain thing or a certain area.

In this way, the sect has an extra background.

Lin Qianan thought that the Hanyu incident was just a small episode, but never expected that it was just the beginning.

After another period of time, a disciple of the sect suddenly seemed to have changed a person, and his cultivation began to advance by leaps and bounds. In just half a year, he reached the golden core stage from the Qi training period.

This incident alarmed the sects, after all, this speed is even faster than the game characters.

Another year later, he is ready to cross the robbery.

Then Lin Qianan saw an unprecedented terrifying catastrophe.

The thundercloud was as black as ink, and the thunderbolts were purple with red, and even had a faint hint of killing.

This disciple was directly bombarded into **** by the three bucket-thick thunder tribulations.

Before he died, he said something intriguing.

[Meng Yuan: Tsk...actually noticed by Tiandao. 】

Just such a sentence made Lin Qianan feel that the situation was not simple.

He manipulated the game character to read the file back to the previous one, found the disciple named Meng Yuan, and began to set his words.

[Meng Yuan: I don't know why the vice suzerain is looking for me? 】

[Yue Shi: You act so boldly, aren't you afraid of being discovered by Heavenly Dao? 】

Hearing the sound, Meng Yuan raised his eyebrows. After looking at the game character carefully, he waved his hand and set up a large formation that enveloped the game character and him.

Immediately, Meng Yuan smiled.

[Meng Yuan: It turns out that there have been seniors in this world long ago? I also said that we are the first batch of people to come, and to be able to cultivate to such a realm in such a short period of time with a pseudo-spiritual root, I am afraid that your body cultivation base, senior, has reached the realm of immortals, right? I am a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sect. I don't know where my predecessors came from? 】

These words made Lin Qian'an's expression freeze instantly.

There is a lot of information in it, and he felt that the games he played seemed to be different.

So, is Meng Yuan actually being occupied by extraterritorial demons?

[Yue Shi: Hmph, it turned out to be a junior of the Tianmo Sect, no wonder he is so unruly. 】

Meng Yuan smiled.

[Meng Yuan: It seems that you are a loose cultivator, senior? Now that Luo Xujie is on the verge of collapse, UU reading Both the righteous and the devil have joined forces, why do you have such an attitude? We might as well join forces first to occupy the Yanyue Sect, and when the cross-border formation is complete, you can say whatever you want, senior. 】

[Yue Shi: Tianmozong is too busy now, what can you give me? 】

[Meng Yuan: If the Heavenly Demon Sect can be brought down smoothly, even if the senior wants an immortal weapon, it can be negotiated. 】

Lin Qianan raised his eyebrows, and opened his mouth to be a fairy weapon. Even if this fairy weapon was discounted, it was different from what he imagined, but judging from the momentum of Meng Yuan's cultivation, it would definitely not be a bad thing.

[Yue Shi: I guess the sects who are willing to pay immortals should not only be your Tianmozong family, right? 】

Meng Yuan gritted his teeth.

[Meng Yuan: Senior, I'm just a pawn, I can't make many decisions, but I can guarantee that as long as you successfully cooperate with me to set up a large cross-border formation, there will be no shortage of cultivators who come to this world. for your benefit....]

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