No Jokes Here

Chapter 362: Concentrate on ascetic cultivation, overcome catastrophe

Two months after the game character cultivated Yaozhi and prepared to refine the foundation pill, Sikong Xing succeeded in building the foundation.

He was obviously not an open-minded person, so he immediately found the game character and invited him to slay monsters together.

Moreover, he also reported the name of the game character with a little trick. If he didn't go, he would be punished by the sect.

Lin Qianan sighed with emotion that his skill in courting death was superb, and he manipulated the game characters and left the sect for a while.

When he came back, Sikong Xing was gone, leaving only his empty storage bag and identity card, while the game character returned to the sect with a hundred-year-old tiger demon pill.

Sikong Xing has just succeeded in building the foundation. In order to build the foundation, he has almost exhausted his many years of heritage. He only has a magic weapon and a few talismans on his body, so he dares to seek revenge for a game character. Lin Qianan can only say that he is an old birthday star who eats arsenic and dislikes it. own longevity.

The reward for the final mission was taken away by the game character, and the demon pill was sold for a good price. Only Sikong Xing himself was killed by the tiger demon, leaving no bones left.

Time flies, and three months flies by.

The first batch of foundation building materials that game characters cultivated in the basement are also ready.

Then Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to go to Dihuo Peak to start the refining of medicinal herbs.

With one hundred and ten points of comprehension, after the game character wasted a piece of material, he obtained a high enough proficiency, and he successfully obtained a low-quality foundation pill for the second alchemy.

Then continued refining. After five materials, the game character successfully pushed the proficiency to perfection, and completely mastered the refining method of Foundation Establishment Pill.

After refining 15 foundation building pills, the game characters even disliked the slowness of refining one by one, and began to take the initiative to improve the pill recipe.

[Hint: You have learned something in the process of refining the foundation building pill, and improved the pill recipe so that it can refine multiple foundation building pills at the same time. ]

[Hint: You have learned something in the process of refining the foundation pill, improved the pill recipe, and the quality of the pill has increased slightly. ]

[Hint: You have learned something in the process of refining the foundation pill, improved the pill recipe, and the success rate of pills has increased. ]


This is the benefit of high comprehension.

In a short time, there were forty-eight foundation building pills in the hands of the game characters, and among them there were more than a dozen high-quality foundation building pills.

In fact, Lin Qian'an only prepared the materials for refining thirty foundation building pills this time. Who knew that the game characters were so stable, and the pill recipes were improved, and many pills were refined.

With these foundation building pills in hand, Lin Qianan directly let the game characters practice in the fire room.

A foundation building dan entered the stomach, and the progress of the game character's foundation building went up again and again.

In this way, the game characters sent pills one by one to their mouths, and after swallowing all the forty-eight foundation building pills, the foundation building progress has reached 80%.

There was no way, Lin Qianan had to let the game characters go back and continue to prepare.

After another three months, the game characters are ready for a new batch of materials.

The refining this time was smoother than the last time, and more than fifty high-quality foundation building pills were directly obtained.

After the game character swallows twelve foundation building pills, the foundation building is successful and officially enters the foundation building period.

After the foundation-building period, the dantian is filled with massive amounts of liquefied spiritual energy, which is more condensed compared to the spiritual energy in the Qi training period, so it is already possible to use the spiritual energy to manipulate magical instruments to achieve flying.

And in addition to this, the power of the spirits displayed will be much higher, and the lifespan will also have two hundred years.

Foundation Establishment disciples can enter the inner door, and Lin Qianan directly chose to report.

Chen Lie, the deacon of the outer door, couldn't help but be amazed after confirming the cultivation level of the game character.

[Chen Lie: This? How did you build your foundation? 】

[Yue Shi: Back to the deacon, I bought the pill recipe for the foundation building pill, and refined more than ten foundation building pills. Only then did the foundation build successfully. 】

The corner of Chen Lie's mouth twitched, obviously stimulated by the words of the game character.

[Chen Lie: If the pseudo-spiritual root is so easy to build a foundation, there will never be only a few people who successfully build a foundation, but your talent in alchemy is not bad, you have learned the refining of foundation building Dan so quickly In the future, maybe you can try to immerse yourself more on the Dan Dao. 】

[Yue Shi: Thank you Deacon for reminding me. 】

[Chen Lie: Since you are already a disciple of Foundation Establishment, you will call me senior brother in the future. 】

[Yue Shi: Yes, Senior Brother Chen. 】

Chen Lie smiled slightly, and immediately went to apply for the qualification to enter the inner door for the game character.

After becoming an inner disciple, you can choose a place where no one is in the Yanyue Sect and set up a formation to build a cave.

It is a preliminary right to privacy.

Moreover, there is no restriction that one task must be completed in a month. Usually, you can do the task if you are willing to do it.

Of course, if there are no resources, the progress of cultivation will be very slow.

Therefore, ordinary disciples will still choose to accept tasks to earn contributions, then cultivate, and then accept tasks in this cycle.

In less than a year, from the handyman to the inner door, the game character can be regarded as a new record.

Lin Qian'an manipulated the game characters to find a relatively remote place, and then used the magic array disk purchased from the building of the foundation to arrange the formation. live.

At this point, the game characters have their own cave houses.

Inner disciples can go to the Book Collection Pavilion to borrow a lot of classics, and at no cost, they can also listen to lectures by core and true disciples.

Of course Lin Qian'an would not miss it.

In the first year of becoming an inner disciple, Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to flip through all the books that could be borrowed for free in the Book Collection Pavilion. At the same time, he also spent his donations to buy some knowledge about spiritual arts, alchemy, alchemy, talisman, etc. to learn.

Then he also learned a lot of information about this world, and knew the status of Yanyue Sect in the world of immortal cultivation.

In the Immortal Cultivation Realm, Yanyue Sect can be regarded as a very small sect.

The Sect Master Yanyue Zhenren is a great master of the Yuan Ying stage, with a long life span and powerful strength, and he is also considered a little famous in the cultivation world.

Lin Qian'an didn't know what level of strength the Yuan Ying period corresponded to, but he could judge from the side description.

In the classics, it is recorded that the strongest monk in the Yuanying period can completely turn a hundred zhang mountains into powder with one blow, and his life span is ten thousand years.

Judging from this, Lin Qianan felt that the Yuan Ying period should have almost the strength of the fourth-level elementary level.

Of course, for game characters, the Yuan Ying period is still a bit early.

At present, he has just built the foundation, and he has not reached the golden core, let alone Nascent Soul.

It will be at least a few decades at the earliest.

Time passes quickly in the practice of game characters.

[You are 20 years old, you have learned the spirit gathering array, and your cultivation speed has become faster. ]

[You are twenty-three years old, and the imperial vessel flew back to Qingshan City to worship Yue Changsheng, met Ji Han by the way, and left behind some medicinal herbs and spirit stones. ]

Both Android and Apple. 】

[You are twenty-five years old. Because of your skills on the alchemy way, you are famous among the inner disciples and are honored as Master Yue. ]

[You are twenty-eight years old, and you have refined the first mid-grade magic weapon of your own, which you arbitrarily named [Basic Long Sword]. ]

[You are 30 years old, and you have made a breakthrough in your cultivation. You have cultivated "Tongxuan Jing" to the peak of the spiritual realm, and "Yanyue Foundation Establishment Technique" has been cultivated to the middle stage of foundation establishment. ]

[You are thirty-eight years old, coveted by others because of your wealth, fighting with others and making a fortune. ]

[You are thirty-nine years old, coveted by others, fighting with others and making a fortune. ]

[You are forty years old, you were sought by the enemy family, you fought with others, and made a fortune. ]


[You are forty-five years old, and the cultivation base of "Yanyue Foundation Building Technique" has broken through to the peak of foundation building. ]

Lin Qian'an fast-forwarded to the end and couldn't help but sighed.

Because the game character is highly accomplished in alchemy and refining, the speed of earning contributions far exceeds that of ordinary disciples. As a result, even the core disciples have doubts about him, thinking that the game character has a big secret.

Then they came one by one to give away the heads.

Today's game characters have cultivated the "Tongxuan Jing" to the realm of the peak of spirituality, and the next step is the realm of the law body.

"Yanyue Foundation Building Technique" has also reached the peak of foundation building, and the next step is Jindan.

In fact, after passing the test in the middle stage of foundation building, you can become a core disciple, and in the later stage of foundation building, you can directly become a true disciple.

But the game character was worried that a pseudo-spiritual root would progress too fast and be coveted by others, so he didn't do it.

So it has been delayed until now.

Now that he does not have the cultivation method of Jindan realm, he can no longer delay.

Although there are not many monks who have formed pills at the age of forty-five, they are definitely not evil, so it is still appropriate to form pills now.

Immediately, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to go to the place where the elders of the inner door were, and asked for the method of cultivation later.

[Wen Qiu: I didn't expect you to practice silently to the peak of Foundation Establishment? Why didn't you notify in advance and become a core disciple or even a true disciple? 】

[Yue Shi: The disciple was cultivating in the cave, and he forgot the time. 】

Wen Qiu nodded, with a look of approval in his eyes.

[Wen Qiu: Diligence can make up for clumsiness. Although you are a pseudo-spiritual root, but your focus and persistence can make you enter the realm far faster than those with three spiritual roots and double spiritual roots. Come with me, from now on , you are the new true disciple. 】

After some exchanges, Wen Qiu directly exchanged the game character for the token of the true disciple, and then led him to find the elder You Cheng, and obtained the cultivation method of "Yanyue Junjie".

As long as the game character succeeds in forming an elixir, he can enter the elder level and become a new elder.

You Cheng was surprised at the speed of cultivation of the pseudo-spiritual root of the game character, but he did not study it in detail.

Everyone in the world of immortals has their own secrets, and even if the secrets of the game characters are a little bigger, it is not worth him to violate the rules of the sect to explore.

Forming Dan is a water-milling kung fu.

And it is related to Linggen, even if it is a cultivator of Tianlinggen, it will take several years.

As for the pseudo-spiritual root?

The game character raised his eyebrows when he saw that he had not made a 1% progress even after a year of fast-forwarding.

With such a slow formation speed, the talent of the game characters on this cultivation path is really a bit poor.

You know, this is the result only with the blessing of eleven times the cultivation efficiency.

If you change the ordinary pseudo-spiritual root, I am afraid that you will never want to succeed in forming a pill for the rest of your life.

Moved back ten years.

The game character has successfully broken through to the realm of Dharmakaya on the road of self-cultivation.

This state means that his whole body is flooded with mana, and he is already extraordinary. However, in ten years, the progress bar of the game character's pill formation has only gone by about ten percent.

Lin Qian'an estimated that it would take another ninety years for his core formation to reach the Golden Core Stage.

This progress is not too slow, but it is really too slow compared to the rapid progress of the game characters on the road of self-cultivation.

Time passed by quietly.

On the way, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to return to Qingshan City to take another look.

Then Lin Qianan found out that Ji Han was dead.

Although the "Tongxuan Jing" is quite extraordinary, if practitioners do not have talent, everything is empty talk.

Manipulating the game characters to sweep the graves of Yue Changsheng and Ji Han, and then Lin Qianan put the game characters into a state of concentrated cultivation.

Thirty years have gone by in a flash.

The cultivation of the game characters has not improved, but the sub-professional has done a very good job. Whether it is alchemy, weapon refining, or talisman formation, all have a high level, and even rely on super-high understanding to innovate and achieve even the elders. To the extent that it cannot be done.

Because of this, he is already well-known among the ranks of the true disciples of Yanyue Sect.

At least the rest of the sects have seen the game characters, and they have to give a three-point thin face.

After all, they are all provided by game characters, from medicinal pills to magic weapons and talismans, so how dare they speak up with game characters?

However, in the past 30 years, the game characters are still the pinnacle of foundation building, and there is still a long way to go before forming a pill.

There is no other way but to keep grinding time.

In an instant, another sixty years passed.

The "Tongxuan Jing" of the game character has already reached the peak of the Dharmakaya realm. In conversion, it is the peak of the third level.

And his Pill Formation progress bar was just full.

With the progress bar completely full, the game character also reached the stage of completing the elixir and became a golden elixir cultivator.

This step took a hundred years of the game character, and it was really annoying.

After becoming a Jindan cultivator, the game character can enter the elder level, which is completely different from ordinary disciples since then.

This time, the game characters met the Sect Master of Yanyue Sect.

He was wearing a moon-white Taoist robe, his features were extremely handsome, and he looked about twenty years old.

It looked at the game characters, and his eyes were full of surprise.

[Shenzhen Yanyue: I heard that Elder Yue is a pseudo-spiritual root, and it is really amazing to be able to form a pill successfully. 】

[Yue Shi: It's just a moment of luck. 】

[Shenzhen Yanyue: It’s not only luck, but also Elder Yue’s hard work. This is your elder’s order, Elder Yue. I heard that Elder Yue is quite accomplished in alchemy, tool refining and talisman formation. I don’t know if there is another peak. idea? 】

After becoming a Jindan elder, you can choose a mountain and set up a dojo to teach and train disciples for the sect.

The trained disciples can enhance the power of the sect, and can also do many things for you, which is a process of mutual benefit.

Of course, you can also choose to devote yourself to cultivation. The sect will usually give you fixed cultivation resources, and you don’t have to think about other things at all.

But when the sect needs it, you must also help.

For the time being, Lin Qianan has no idea of ​​cultivating disciples, so he directly expressed his denial.

[Yue Shi: My talent is not strong, and I am not qualified to teach others. It is better to concentrate on cultivation. 】

Hearing the sound, Zhenren Yanyue said with a smile that the game character was humble, but did not mention it again.

After talking with each other and obtaining the follow-up cultivation technique from Zhenren Yanyue, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to return to the cave to continue cultivation.

As a player of the Shilipo Sword God faction, he can endure loneliness.

If it's not at full level, it's meaningless to go out and wave.

In an instant, the game character was two hundred and eight years old.

This year, the "Tongxuan Jing" of game characters officially broke through to the realm of self-cultivation.

Fading, inspiration, Dharma body, self-cultivation.

The four realms correspond to levels one to four, respectively.

At this time, the game character is considered a fourth-level powerhouse.

Of course, he also mastered a magical power.

That is [Calling Rain].

That's right, it's the magical power of [Calling Rain].

Xu is that Xiao Yunyu has been used a lot, and he naturally understood the corresponding rules and mysteries, so the game characters also understood the magical power of [Rain Summoning].

Once this magical power is used, the mana of the game character will be consumed frantically. The strongest can cause the energy of heaven and earth in a radius of 1000 meters to be activated, and rain clouds will be spread in an instant, and then it will be pouring rain.

This rain is not ordinary rain, but a rain of rules inspired by the mana of game characters.

It can be filled with vital energy to revive all things.

It can also be flooded with decaying energy, corrupting everything.

It can be regarded as a force that can attack and guard the way.

The smoothness of the road to self-cultivation is contrasted with the difficulty of the game characters on the road of cultivation.

To this day, the game characters are still in the early stage of Jindan, and there is still some distance from the breakthrough to the middle stage of Jindan.

This speed is even slower than the cultivation when the foundation was established.

Lin Qianan predicts that game characters must be at least six or seven hundred years old to successfully reach the peak of Jindan.

At that time, if you break through Nascent Soul, you will have to cross the tribulation.

He heard Master Yanyue said that the worse the spiritual root, the more difficult it will be to overcome the calamity.

The pseudo-spiritual root of the game character has never heard of a successful transcendence.

Whenever he thinks of this, Lin Qianan can't help but complain.

Even if the talent is poor and the cultivation is slow, it will be punished by God.

The difficulty of transcending the calamity is higher, which is simply outrageous.

However, Lin Qian'an was not panicking.

The path of the game character's self-cultivation has reached the realm of self-cultivation, and it is the power of the fourth level.

Moreover, there is an entry that can double the defense like [Mountain Like a Mountain].

Even if it is a little more difficult to cross the tribulation, it should be able to withstand it.

Could it be even more outrageous that day robbery can leapfrog and kill game characters?

Lin Qian'an didn't realize that he was standing up.

Then he was slapped in the face.

[You are three hundred and twenty years old, and your cultivation has advanced, reaching the middle stage of Jindan. ]

[You are four hundred and fifty-three years old, and your cultivation has progressed to the later stage of Jindan. ]

[You are four hundred and ninety-five years old, your cultivation has progressed, and you have reached the middle stage of cultivation. ]

[You are five hundred and fifty-nine years old, and your cultivation has progressed to the peak of Jindan. ]

[You are five hundred and sixty-three years old, your cultivation base is stable, and you plan to transcend the calamity. You are well aware of the difficulty of transcending the calamity, so you have made some preparations. ]

[You are five hundred and seventy years old, and you are preparing for the calamity. ]

[You are five hundred and eighty-two years old, and you are preparing for the calamity. ]


[You are six hundred and thirty years old, and you are preparing for the calamity. ]

Lin Qianan raised his eyebrows, is it necessary to be so steady?

Isn't it just a calamity, isn't it a little over?

[You are six hundred and eighty years old, you have some insight on the formation path, and you have created a great defensive formation of yin and yang, five elements, and eight trigrams. ]

[The robbery is coming!

! ]

[Thousands of miles around are shrouded in thunderclouds, and the terrifying coercion of heaven makes you frown, feeling that your preparations are not enough. ]

Lin Qian'an raised his eyebrows, a thundercloud with a radius of thousands of miles?

What is this going to do?


[The first thunder calamity comes, and the nine mid-grade defense formations you prepared in advance shattered instantly. When your mind moved, a shield magic weapon was summoned by you. This thunder was barely dissipated, and you felt something. ]

[The second thunder disaster comes, you wave your hand, and a large defensive formation composed of massive talismans is formed, but it is easily defeated by the thunder. You use another shield magic weapon, which is also broken. You see that there are not many aftermaths of the thunder, so you cast Defensive spells have resisted the aftermath of thunder, your body has been strengthened by thunder tribulation, and your soul has been slightly injured, so you understand something. ]

[The third thunder tribulation comes, you swallow the medicine pill to treat the injury, and at the same time temporarily strengthen the physical body...]

[The fourth thunder tribulation comes...]


[The eighteenth thunder calamity comes, you have been seriously injured, and you have to use your last card to activate the yin-yang, five-element and gossip defense formation, and the heaven and earth vitality in a radius of hundreds of miles is gathered to form a defensive formation, which can be easily resisted. After staying in this thunder calamity, you take the opportunity to recover from your injuries. ]

[The nineteenth thunder tribulation comes...]

[The twenty-fifth thunder tribulation comes, and the yin and yang five elements and eight trigrams defense formation cannot be maintained because the vitality of heaven and earth is exhausted. 】Supernatural powers, Lingyu quickly heals your body, and your flesh and blood is quickly reborn. ]

[The twenty-sixth thunder tribulation comes...]

[The thirty-third thunder tribulation comes, your mana is exhausted, you are hit by the thunder tribulation, and you are seriously injured and dying. ]

[The thirty-fourth thunder tribulation came, you were hit by the thunder tribulation and died on the spot. ]

[Whether to open the fifth reincarnation? 】


Lin Qian'an stared blankly at the picture on the screen of the game character being turned into ashes by thunder tribulation.

Now he just wants to say that there are risks in cultivating immortals, and you need to be cautious when entering the industry!

He thought that it would be a little difficult for the game character pseudo-spiritual root to overcome the calamity, but he did not expect it to be so difficult.

The characters in the game have carefully prepared for nearly a hundred years, and even though the Cultivation Realm master has mastered supernatural powers, he still failed to successfully overcome the calamity.

Is this reasonable?

Obviously unreasonable!

And the game character also has the trait of "moving like a mountain".

When standing still, the defense effect can be doubled directly.

This can also be killed by Lei Jie?

Is this appropriate?

Obviously inappropriate!

Lin Qian'an complained that the game characters had done a lot of preparation before, but now it seems that this preparation is not enough at all!

After being silent for a while, Lin Qianan felt that he might have thought things simple.

The reason why the Nascent Soul is going to cross the calamity is because it needs to use the power of thunder tribulation to shape the soul into the congenital Nascent Soul in the dantian.

The game character is a pseudo-spiritual root, and the affinity with the spiritual energy is not high. With the aid of the bonus of cultivation efficiency, he can barely cultivate to the current level.

In other words, he is actually not suitable for this cultivation path.

The result of forcibly walking is that it takes a few more thunderstorms to successfully shape the soul into the Nascent Soul.

But how easy is it to resist thunder calamity?

That is the power of heaven!

Flesh, UU reading soul will be devastated.

Lin Qianan thought for a while, then stretched out his palm, simulating a thunderstorm.


Thunder struck his arm instantly, but he didn't even hurt his hair.

The power of this thunder is probably at the fourth level.

It is also the intensity of the thunder tribulation in the game that Lin Qianan judged.

To be honest, with the cultivation base of the game characters in the middle of the cultivation realm, being able to block so many lightning tribulations of fourth-level high-level strength is also considered a talent.

But Lin Qianan felt that it was not enough, far from enough.

"It seems that you have to practice the way of body refinement at the same time!


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