No Jokes Here

Chapter 360: Ascension Order

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On February 8, Lin Qian'an's new "Magic Venerable" announced the end, and then he released two more teaching videos, and invited group friends to eat the newly mature fairy fruit in the chat group.


At the same time, in the game "Reincarnation", the reincarnation of the fourth world also officially began.

Time passed quickly, and soon the game characters grew up to three years old under the feeding of Yue Changsheng.

Yue Changsheng has rich life experience. Although he is begging, he is often able to eat his stomach. Occasionally, he will take the game character to catch bugs and pick wild vegetables in the wild. Therefore, although the game character was not very well born in this life, his physique was only three years old. Not bad.

And thanks to the strong vitality of the world, Lin Qian'an began to practice since the game character was born, and now it is barely a practice in the early stage of the mortal era.

Name: Yue Shi

Age: 3

Shouyuan: 82

Health: 133/133

Stamina: 133/133

Realm: The Early Stage of Fading

Skills: "Tongxuan Jing", "Tongxuan Sword Art", "Tongxuan Step"...

Constitution: 13.3

Fortune: 6.2

Perception: 110.5

Root bone: 15.2

Traits: [Reincarnation] [Heroic Image] [Martial Ancestor] [Little Blessed Fate] [Heaven in the World] [Daomu] [Mountain Like a Mountain]

[Evaluation: A young child with extraordinary talent. 】

Because of the 115 points of cultivation efficiency blessed by the two qualities of [A Man in the World] and [No Movement Like a Mountain].

The training speed of game characters in this life is much faster than before.

Lin Qianan did a little calculation. The 115-point cultivation efficiency bonus was almost 11.5 times the cultivation speed bonus.

In addition, the world is full of vitality, so even if the game characters are young, they can easily cultivate to the mortal realm.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the comprehension of the game characters.

After all, if there is no comprehension of 110 points, it is impossible for him to comprehend and practice the exercises so quickly.

With the accumulation of more and more characteristics, the current game has become more and more smooth.

If it started on Hell difficulty, now Lin Qianan feels that he has stepped into easy difficulty.

And all of this is just the accumulation of three generations.

If it was really reincarnation, Lin Qianan couldn't imagine how terrifying the game characters at that time would be.

At present, the skills such as "Tongxuan Jing" and "Tongxuan Sword Technique" that game characters are practicing are all temporarily created by Lin Qian'an for game characters.

Although they are all very basic cultivation methods, they are superior in versatility and high ceilings.

Cultivating with the talent of game characters can be said to complement each other.

Time passed, and soon another two years passed.

When the game character was five years old, Yue Changsheng, an old beggar, suddenly fell asleep in front of the statue in the temple one day, and then never woke up again.

he died.

Lin Qianan heard himself say that he was already seventy-six years old, and in this age, it seems to be a long life.

Before that, Yue Changsheng had already told the game character that he hid some money behind the idol so that he could save some money after his death.

Manipulating the game character to come behind the already cracked statue of the land, pushing away a stone slab above, Lin Qianan saw some copper plates and broken silver lying below.

A rough calculation, there are roughly a dozen or two.

This amount of money is not much, but if you just buy rations, it should not be a problem to eat for a year and a half.

Yue Changsheng didn't have the habit of saving money. It was only because he raised game characters that he saved the money he earned over the years.

Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to collect the money, and his city bought a coffin for Yue Changsheng, and hired laborers to dig a grave and bury it.

A dozen taels of silver were squandered in an instant.

Yue Changsheng once told the game character to dig a hole and bury it.

But Lin Qian'an didn't do it.

He manipulated the game character to recite a scripture for Yue Changsheng, then turned around and left.

Although only five years old, the game character has now reached the middle stage of his cultivation, and his strength is comparable to two or three adult men. It should not be difficult to survive in this world.

[When you were six years old, you found a errand job in a pharmacy called Huichuntang in Qingshan City. Although you are small, your actions are very agile, and because of your extraordinary understanding and outstanding learning ability, the pharmacy shopkeeper I applaud you very much, because I have no children in my life, and I plan to accept you as a disciple for old age. ]

[When you were seven years old, you officially apprenticed to Ji Han, the shopkeeper of Huichuntang, and became his disciple. ]

[When you were eight years old, you had read all of Ji Han's medical books and learned all his medical skills. With Ji Han's assistance, you began to try to sit in a clinic. After successfully treating some patients, you were given the title of "Little Master Doctor." ]

[When you were nine years old, your cultivation base reached the late stage of the mortal era, and you lifted a thousand jins with one arm. Ji Han was amazed at your natural power. ]

[When you were ten years old, you became famous for treating many patients with incurable diseases, and the name of the little genius doctor was known outside Qingshan City. ]

[When you were twelve years old, you heard that Mr. Shu mentioned the deeds of immortals. After some inquiries, it was unsuccessful, and you practiced painstakingly to break through to the peak of Fading Ordinary. ]

[When you were thirteen years old, the teacher Ji Han officially handed over the Huichun Hall to you and went to spend the day leisurely. ]

[When you were fourteen years old, you healed the old mother of the county magistrate, and Huichuntang received the plaque of "Wonderful Hands and Kind Hearts". ]

[When you were fifteen years old, you made a breakthrough in your cultivation, reached the initial stage of inspiration, and mastered mana. ]


Time flies, and soon the game character has reached the age of fifteen.

At this time, the game characters already have the cultivation base of the early stage of spirituality in the cultivation system.

Converting it, it is the second-level elementary level.

Of course, most importantly, he began to have mana.

The previous practice of Fading Ordinary was just building a foundation and smashing his body, and it was not until now that he really stepped into the extraordinary realm.

With mana, you can cast some small spells.

Life can be more convenient, and many ideas can be implemented one by one.

After a while, Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to learn spells and try to cultivate medicinal materials.

In the medicine field, the game characters performed "Little Cloud Rain Art" under the manipulation of Lin Qian'an.

This is a basic spiritual art in reality, and its function is to gather spiritual energy and transform it into raindrops with vital energy to water plants.

In today's Xuanhui, there are quite a few people who practice this kind of spiritual art. In addition to the need for farming, some people will also improve it and use it to take a bath or wash a car to get water.

And this spiritual art in the game is a spell that can be cast with mana after being improved by Lin Qianan.

After the improvement, the efficiency of using mana and condensing the vitality of heaven and earth is higher, and the effect has also become better.

With the game character clasping his hands together, a white rain cloud condensed in a three-meter circle in front of him, and then raindrops continued to sprinkle the medicinal materials in the medicine field.

When the game character walked around the medicine field, these herbs showed obvious growth.

Lin Qianan calculated that such a rain could probably shorten his growth time by more than a month, so from now on, he should be able to be completely self-sufficient.

There is no need to do anything about purchasing medicinal materials at high prices.

In addition, game characters can also use these cultivated medicinal plants to assist in their cultivation, which can speed up their cultivation somewhat.

Thinking of this, Lin Qianan couldn't help but smile.

Everything is on the right track.

Things should go a lot better after that.

When the time came to evening, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to return to the Huichun Hall in the city, and saw an old man in a brown shirt sitting in front of the counter and looking at the game character quite angrily.

【Ji Han: Where did you go? Are there any patients who don't know? 】

[Yue Shi: Teacher, didn't I tell them that it will only be open for half a day in the future? In the afternoon, I have to go to the west city medicine field to take care of those medicine plants. 】

Hearing the sound, Ji Han's expression softened slightly.

【Ji Han: Did you really live those medicinal plants? 】

In fact, when Ji Han was young, he did not think about growing medicinal herbs to be self-sufficient.

But he failed.

Those medicinal plants need different living environments. The only medicinal plants that can grow and survive are similar to weeds. If he needs to find someone to buy them directly, it is the same. Planting these medicinal plants is not worth the gain.

[Yue Shi: Barely have income, maybe in a year or two, we will be able to be self-sufficient initially. 】

Lin Qian'an's modest answer attracted a moving expression on Ji Han's face.

But he still stood up.

【Ji Han: You just need to be careful. I heard that there are horse thieves who are rioting outside the city recently and robbing passing caravans. Be careful when you go out. 】

[Yue Shi: Thank you teacher for reminding me, I remember it! 】

Ji Han nodded, picked up his feather fan, picked up a small teapot, and swayed and turned away.

He had a lot of savings when he was young, and now that there is a game character, a disciple with outstanding medical skills, he is even less short of money.

So now his days are nothing to go to Goulan, listen to music, drink tea or something.

Seeing his back, Lin Qian'an's expression was also quite emotional.

Although Ji Han has been out of the field of fireworks all day, in fact he is not a dissolute person.

Ji Han entered the medical school in his twenties, because his wife died of a complicated disease, and then he planned to learn medicine by himself, so as not to let this regret happen.

After so many years, he has not continued the string, which shows that he has deep affection.

As for the reason why I like to go to that kind of place to listen to music, it is simply because there are not many entertainment activities.

Immediately, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to sort out the contents of the pharmacy a little, and was ready to close the door.

At this moment, a young man ran over quickly with a woman covered in blood.

[Liang Shiyuan: Help, little genius doctor, help! 】

Seeing this, Lin Qianan stopped closing the door, and manipulated the game character to welcome people in and guide them to the hospital bed next to him.

[Yue Shi: What's the situation with this girl? What is the relationship between the big brother and him? 】

While talking, Lin Qianan also manipulated the game character to start checking his condition.

There were several stab wounds on his body, which should have been caused by heavy bleeding.

[Liang Shiyuan: Little genius doctor, I am a small businessman in Xiangyuan City, and the one who is injured is Shemei. Today, we purchased goods and drove to Qingshan City as usual. Who knew that we encountered horse thieves on the way, and Shemei has been practicing martial arts since childhood, so She has some self-preservation power, and I depended on her desperate protection to save my life, but she herself had several knives in her body, and she also asked the little genius doctor to save her life...]

Liang Shiyuan explained the cause and effect of the incident very clearly.

But the only thing Lin Qian'an didn't expect was that those horse thieves were so rampant.

Could it be that the government doesn't care?

No, it should be out of control.

Horse thieves are a little more mobile and well-informed. Under normal circumstances, they will disappear before the government dispatches them. It is not easy to catch them. Unless a large number of officers and soldiers are dispatched to encircle and suppress them, it is easy to destroy them. of.

Lin Qianan shook his head, this is the limitation of the times.

While thinking about it, he also manipulated the game character to simply bandage and stitch the wound of the woman in front of him.

Lin Qianan kept Liang Shiyuan present throughout the whole process. Although the men and women of the idle country were not so exaggerated, they still valued the innocence of women.

Let Liang Shiyuan watch the whole process and see that the game characters have not done any overstepping behavior, which can effectively avoid the occurrence of medical troubles.

After the dressing was finished, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to pull out a silver needle and gently tie it, and the woman woke up.

[Yue Shi: The wound has been bandaged, and the muscles and bones have not been injured. It is not a big problem. In the next period of time, take a good rest, do not exercise vigorously, and avoid the wound being torn again. However, the blood loss is too much, and it is necessary to replenish the qi and blood. I prescribe a few prescriptions for nourishing qi and blood, take it back and decoct it twice a day, and it should improve within three days. In addition, if there is a scar on the wound after returning to the wound, you can use this plaster to apply it...]

As he spoke, Lin Qianan had already manipulated the game character to throw a few packets of medicine in front of the counter.

[Yue Shi: The operation fee plus the consultation fee and the medicinal material fee totals eighty-two-seven dollars. 】

Hearing the sound, Liang Shiyuan looked embarrassed.

[Liang Shiyuan: Little genius doctor, can you give me one or two grace? 】

This kind of thing happens to many game characters here, but under normal circumstances, Lin Qianan will choose to heal as much as possible, and then ask for money afterward.

If the other party is not trustworthy, Lin Qianan will not care.

It's just that he won't be healed again next time, and if he offends a famous local doctor, that person will definitely not be able to survive in the local area.

Anyone who sees him will spit.

[Yue Shi: Just leave something as collateral! 】

Hearing the sound, Liang Shiyuan thought for a while, and took out a jade plaque with the word "moon" from his arms and placed it on the table.

[Liang Shiyuan: This is a waist card handed down by my ancestors. It should be worth a few taels of silver. Can you take a look at the little genius doctor? 】

Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to take the thing into his hand, and the next moment, his expression became subtle.

[Yanyue Sect Ascension Order: Hold this token to go to Yanyue Valley, you can directly join Yanyue Sect and become one of its disciples. ]

Lin Qianan felt that the luck at six o'clock had an effect.

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan decided to let the game characters show interest.

[Yue Shi: The material is good, hiss~ It seems to be an antique from the previous dynasty. I bought it for one hundred taels, what do you think? 】

Liang Shiyuan blinked, as if he had never imagined that his family's heritage was so valuable.

He glanced at his weak sister, then gritted his teeth.

[Liang Shiyuan: Little genius doctor, you are sincere. If someone else knew the value of this item, he would definitely not tell me, but would quietly greedy the ink. My brother and sister encountered a horse thief, and now they are penniless, this dead thing It is useless to keep it. Since you are interested in the little genius doctor, you might as well exchange it for money for my brother and sister to live on. 】

Lin Qianan heard the sound, manipulated the game character to take out a piece of gold from the counter on the side, and handed it to Liang Shiyuan.

[Yue Shi: Here are 12 taels of gold, you can take it! 】

Liang Shiyuan did not answer.

[Liang Shiyuan: Little genius doctor, please deduct the cost of treating my sister from it. 】

[Yue Shi: No need, compared to this jade card, that little money is not important, let's go, I have to rest. 】

Liang Shiyuan was quite moved when he heard the sound, and after thanking him again and again, he took the gold and carefully hugged his sister and planned to leave the Huichun Hall.

Just before he left, Lin Qian saved a file, and then manipulated the game character to ask a question.

[Yue Shi: By the way, do you know where Yanyue Valley is? 】

Hearing the sound, Liang Shiyuan looked a little puzzled.

[Liang Shiyuan: This, I don't know the name of Yanyue Valley. If the little genius doctor wants to find it, I can help. 】

Lin Qianan didn't answer, but read the file directly to the time when there was no question.

Since he doesn't know, there's no need to cause trouble to others. If he accidentally falls into this matter, it would be inappropriate.

Seeing Liang Shiyuan leave, Lin Qian'an manipulated the game character to pick up the jade card, and Shi Wang looked at Qishu carefully.

Although the east and west appear to be just an ordinary jade card, under the observation of the game character's breath-seeking technique, it has been gathering energy around it, and it is obviously not a mortal thing.

Although Lin Qian'an had already guessed and felt that there were extraordinary existences in this world, when he actually saw this scene, he was still a little excited.

Then the next step is to consider how to contact them.

Judging from the introduction of the token, this seems to be a token of joining the Yanyue Sect.

As long as you hold this token and go to Yanyue Valley, you can join it.

So the question is, where is Yanyue Valley?

Immediately, Lin Qianan used the resources of the game character to quietly start an investigation.

Within two days, the game characters obtained the corresponding information from a manuscript of the county magistrate.

A simple legend is recorded above.

It is written in the manuscript that a scholar once strayed into the fairyland near Hongxia Mountain to the north of Xianguo, and met the immortals. Storytellers make money.

The description of some details is very detailed. For example, the immortal once tested the talent of this scholar, and finally said that he is a mortal root and is not qualified to set foot on the fairy road.

Some of the words and techniques about cultivation here seem extremely professional, and they don't seem to be made up at all.

Of course, the most important thing is that at the end of this story, the scholar asked the immortal's name here and planned to visit again in the future.

And the immortal there answered him with the words "Yanyue Sect".

Immediately, Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to find the location of Hongxia Mountain.

But after looking over the map of the entire Xianguo, I didn't see Hongxia Mountain.

Subsequently, Lin Qianan keenly discovered that the story happened more than 100 years ago.

Looking back, Hongxia Mountain has been renamed as early as 70 years ago, and now it is called Feiying Mountain because there are too many eagles inhabiting it.

Lin Qian'an couldn't hold back immediately.

He calculated the distance, it was more than 2,000 miles, not far for the game characters, but definitely not too close.

After this, the possibility of coming back is very low, so some mundane things must be dealt with first.

So Lin Qian'an manipulated the game characters to clean up the existence of horse thieves near Qingshan City in the next year, and then cultivated many precious medicinal plants, and earned money from it. Lots of money.

After getting the money, Lin Qianan divided it into three parts.

The first one was directly left to Ji Han, which was also considered a repayment for his kindness for taking in and teaching arts.

The second was used to purchase a sword and customize some necessary travel equipment.

The third was used to buy a BMW.

After doing this, Lin Qianan found Ji Han, showed a spell in front of him, and then claimed that he was instructed by an immortal to go to immortal cultivation, and left Ji Han with the "Dharma Body" that can be cultivated to the third-level "dharma body" state. Tongxuan Sutra.

Hearing the words of the game character, Ji Han was a little stunned.

Anyone who finds out that he is going to cultivate immortals as an apprentice raised by his son will have this expression.

In the end, Ji Han just sighed and patted the game character's shoulder.

[Ji Han: After I die, I will be buried outside Qingshan City. If you have free time in the future, you can come and see me. 】

[Yue Shi: Teacher, although the "Tongxuan Jing" I left behind can't directly reach the Dao, but if you practice hard and practice hard and achieve something, it is not a bad idea to prolong your life. In this way, maybe we can have it in the future. Goodbye chance. 】

Ji Han didn't answer, but just held the game character tightly in his hand to copy the "Tongxuan Jing", and waved his hand lightly.

【Ji Han: Let’s go, let’s go! 】

At this moment, he seemed to be ten years older.

Lin Qianan sighed, manipulated the game character to mount a horse, and left the city at dawn.

Time flies.

After more than two months, the game character finally came to the vicinity of Feiying Mountain.

There is no one here, and the neighborhood is full of poisonous insects and wild beasts, and it does not look like a fairyland at all.

Lin Qian'an even wondered if the book was in the wrong place.

[Eagle: Huh~! 】

In the sky, dozens of wind eagles hovered, seemingly curious about the game characters.

Lin Qianan thought for a while, and manipulated the game character to display the Royal Wind Art.

The mana turned into a cyan glow that enveloped the legs of the game character, and he quickly jumped to a height of several dozen meters with the help of air.

At the same time, under the control of Lin Qian'an, the eyes of the game characters also glowed and used the Qi technique.

In the next instant, the desolate mountain range in front of Lin Qian'an's screen changed directly.

A misty valley emerges.

Among them, spirit grass grows, strange beasts run around, clear spring water flows in the valleys, and it is vaguely visible that the figure with strong body is leaping freely on the narrow path in the mountains, and there is aura in the scattered buildings on the mountainside. Flickering, you can tell at a glance that it is where the energy of heaven and earth gathers.

A smile appeared on Lin Qian'an's face. He didn't look for the wrong place. This is where the Yanyue Sect is located.

After some searching, Lin Qianan found that the entrance to the Great Array was on the top of Feiying Mountain. If it were an ordinary person, it would be extremely difficult to climb this kilometer high mountain.

But for the game character, it only needs to cast a light spell to easily reach the top of the mountain.

However, it is not easy to enter the big formation when you reach the position.

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to take out the Immortal Ascension Order, and at the same time used the amplification technique to run the mana.

[Yue Shi: Entering Yue Shi at the end of the post-study period, he came to Yanyue Sect with a decree of ascending immortals to ask to see the immortals, and I implore the immortals to teach the arts! 】

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