No Jokes Here

Chapter 277: Wei Hai

Go back to ten minutes ago.

The Promise Continent, the Kingdom of Chu.

Inside a mountain pass, Wei Hai looked at Zhang Wan who was leaning against the mountain wall and resting with his eyes closed, with a little self-blame in his eyes.

If he hadn't been brave everywhere and exposed his strength, he wouldn't have let the people of [Faceless] know that Zhang Wan was a different blood, and he wouldn't have affected their parents and the entire village!

Wei Hai clenched his fists tightly, but didn't know what to do.

[The leader of the righteous way invites you to join the chat group of the righteous way of the world. ]

Suddenly, Wei Hai heard such a voice.

He approached Zhang Wan for the first time, and looked around suspiciously, only to realize that the voice appeared directly in his mind.

And now he also has the invitation written in Chu characters in front of him.

Chat group?

I don't know why, although he has never seen this word, his instinct is to understand the reason.

Let him know that a chat group is a place where a group of people chat together.

After hesitating for a while, under the guidance of curiosity, Wei Hai chose to accept the invitation.

The next moment, Wei Hai found that a strange interface suddenly appeared in his mind, and then a series of speeches came out.

Are they welcoming me?

Wei Hai didn't dare to speak casually, but suppressed his curiosity and decided to observe more.

At this time, another newcomer sent an inquiry.

Ah Huo [Level 5]: What magic weapon is this? What are you guys? Why can I speak in my head?

The leader of the right way (group owner) [level 4]: @阿火, @weihai, newcomers, please see the [chat group needs to know the document].

The [chat group needs-to-know document] was specially marked, and Wei Hai's attention was immediately attracted.

But what to look at?

As soon as this thought arose, the interface in front of Wei Hai changed, and an instruction manual appeared in front of him.

Wei Hai followed the instructions word by word, and the expression on his face gradually changed from initial curiosity to shock.

According to this article, this chat group was created by a certain existence with supreme supernatural powers, and it gathered people from other worlds.

The purpose of its existence is to provide a platform for all righteous people to communicate and help each other.

Wei Hai looked at Zhang Wan, who was still asleep, and suddenly had a thought in his heart.

His mind moved slightly, and the interface in front of Wei Hai returned directly to the chat window of the chat group.

He then followed the instructions in the [chat group needs-to-know document] and started speaking.

Wei Hai [Second 2]: The next is Wei Hai, a martial artist of Great Chu. Now he and Qingmei are being hunted down by a faceless organization. If this is really the Alliance of the Righteous Path, I would like to ask you seniors to help me. If I can get out of trouble, even if it is Be a cow and a horse, and you must also repay your kindness! !

As soon as these words came out, all the members of the group were shocked.

As a result, someone immediately asked Wei Hai the exact reason.

Zhong Tong [Level 2]: What? Does anyone dare to take action against the people in our chat group?

Inez Garces [Level 4]: Explain the situation in detail.

Wei Hai [Level 2]: It's like this...

After a while, everyone in the group knew about Wei Hai's situation.

In their world, everyone will practice martial arts.

Generally speaking, there is no shortcut to martial arts. You can only work hard step by step. At most, you can swallow some big medicines to replenish your qi, blood, essence, and the like.

But there is a very special medicine in this world, that is, people with different blood.

The blood in their bodies can speed up the cultivation of warriors, allowing them to break through faster.

Even the blood-changing realm martial artist must rely on the different blood of the different blood to successfully exchange blood to break through to the realm of refining gods.

And because people with different blood are extremely rare, this also leads to the appearance of people with different blood, which will make the world's warriors go crazy.

Wei Hai's childhood sweetheart, Zhang Wan, is a person of different blood. Wei Hai was originally talented. Because Zhang Wan's finger was injured once, he helped him **** it, and then he found that his own blood was surging, and his efficiency after practicing martial arts was much higher than before.

At this point, he was sure of the extraordinary blood of his green plum.

Zhang Wan uses part of her blood to improve Wei Hai's cultivation every month, which allows Wei Hai to enter the realm quickly. Before he was eighteen years old, he already had the cultivation of the pinnacle of tendon quenching, and quickly gained some fame in the local area.

But this also attracted the attention of others, and soon the [faceless] organization of the Great Chu court came to investigate.

After discovering that Zhang Wan is a different blood, they will take Zhang Wan away and make her a medicine person.

Wei Hai naturally disagreed, so their parents and even the entire village were destroyed by the [faceless] organization.

Now he took Zhang Wan to avoid arrest, and was forced to hide in the deep mountains. Now that food is scarce, he has to avoid search, which is almost exhausted.

Moreover, the [Faceless] organization also dispatched a master of the blood exchange realm. Once he is found, he will surely die, and Zhang Wan will definitely be captured back to become a medicine man.

Blind the eyes, cut off the tongue, destroy the hearing, cut off the hands and feet, and feed them with liquid food that nourishes qi and blood all day long, and only needs to produce abnormal blood.

If you really become a medicine man, you might as well die.

Ah Huo [Level 5]: It has to be your human race...

Righteous leader (group owner) [Level 4]: @All members, can anyone help?

Zhong Tong [Level 2]: This new member is Level 2. According to his description, his opponent must be Level 3 at least, right? And there is a state machine behind it, it's not easy to get it! It is estimated that the members of the fourth level can guarantee to solve the problem, right?

Xiao Zhengchu [Level 4]: I am willing to help, but I have been busy investigating a case in Mozong recently, so it may take a while.

Inez Garces [Level 4]: I can help, not a big problem if I don't expect it.

Xiao You [Level 3]: Because my senior's Xiantao's cultivation has improved recently, I was looking for a place to try it.

Zhang Chan [Level 3]: There are seniors of Level 4, and I also want to see the scenery of the other world.

Fang Yuan [Level 3]: I also broke through to the Golden Core Stage because of my big brother's Xiantao. If I can help, just call me.

Mugul Sarkar [Level 3]: Although I am a necromancer, in the face of this kind of thing, I can't help but say something evil.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qianan couldn't help but be moved.

He wanted to throw a puppet over there to see if the chat group could let him control the puppet across borders.

It stands to reason that he can obtain the power of belief in Xu Erming's world through the chat group, and it should also be possible to control puppets across the border.

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan decided to speak.

Home (Administrator) [Level 5]: I made some puppet avatars recently, I can borrow one for him.

While talking, Lin Qianan sent Wei Hai an exclusive red envelope directly.

[Home released an exclusive red envelope. ]

Gan Yan [Level 2]: Damn, the big guy has appeared.

Guan Yi [Secondary]: There is a big shot, this time it is stable.

Inez Garces [Level 4]: Well, shall we still go?

Home (Administrator) [Level 5]: Don't hold out too much hope, my puppet incarnation is still the initial version, and my strength is limited. I'm just experimenting. You should go for a walk!

Leader of the Right Way (Group Owner) [Level 4]: Okay, then that's it for sure, @weihai, please post the invitation!

Wei Hai [Level 2]: Good!

Soon, Wei Hai issued an invitation to those group members who were willing to help.

And Lin Qian'an's red envelope was also directly received by Wei Hai.

In the chat group, the live broadcast screen appears.


With Wei Hai's invitation.

Among the mountains in the wild, five people in different clothes appeared in turn around Wei Hai.

A middle-aged man wearing a luxurious robe raised his staff slightly and said, "Alchemist Inez Garces."

Then there was the long-haired young man in black suit, he nodded and said coldly, "Xiao You."

A woman in green clothes with a sword said, "Sword Master Zhang Chan!"

The young man in a brown gown: "Immortal cultivator, Fang Yuan!"

Finally, there was a pale man who looked like he had collapsed: "Necromancer, Mugul Sarkar."

Wei Hai held the red envelope puppet sent by Lin Qian'an in his hand, and looked at the five people in the field with a strange expression.

Emotions of shock, joy, etc. almost all flooded into my mind.

"My name is Wei Hai, and I'm a Tempering Ritual Realm martial artist," Wei Hai said.

At this time, Lin Qian'an watched the live broadcast, and his mind moved, and Shen Nian was surprised to find out the puppet of Wei Hai's world through the chat group.

This kind of connection is very special, not because the chat group opened a space channel or something.

If Lin Qianan had to explain, he could only say it was "cause and effect".

Because the puppet came from his hands, and because the puppet belonged to him, he was able to detect the past through the causal bridge built by this chat group.

Just like the power of belief that belonged to Lin Qian'an on the Blue Star in Xu Erming's world.

Therefore, it is not that they can be connected to each other casually, but only by contamination with cause and effect can they be connected to each other through the bridge built by the chat group.

Thinking like this, the puppet in Wei Hai's hand suddenly burst into light, and the next moment, it fell directly to the ground and transformed into the appearance of Lin Qian'an.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the people were stunned.

"Home, Lin Qian'an!" Lin Qianan introduced himself.


Without waiting for everyone to react, Zhang Wan, who was leaning against the mountain wall in the distance, let out a slightly painful groan, and then slowly opened her eyes.

She saw Lin Qian'an and others present at the scene for the first time, and the next moment, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she called out Wei Hai's name directly.

"Brother Ahai, Brother Ahai!"

"I'm here! Xiaowan, don't be afraid, these are the righteous people who came to help us. With them here, we don't have to be afraid of faceless people." Wei Hai stepped forward and held Zhang Wan's palm to comfort road.

On the other hand, Lin Qian'an had already notified each other of their names with the five chat groups.

In the process, Lin Qianan discovered a small detail.

Everyone's mouth shape is different, but when they hear it, they are automatically translated into words that can be understood.

Lin Qian'an guessed that this should also be one of the functions of the chat group.

At this time, Inez looked at everyone and said, "Your Majesty is the strongest. Why don't you just lead this incident?"

Lin Qianan waved his hand and said, "This is just my puppet incarnation, with limited strength. I just want to experiment with the puppet. It's a passing game, so it's up to you!"

Hearing the words, Inez nodded and said: "In this case, I will no longer refuse, and I also ask you to cooperate with me and help the group to tide over the difficulties."

"My generation of sword cultivators is incumbent!" Zhang Chan nodded sonorously.

The others also nodded in affirmation.

Not long after, Wei Hai gave Zhang Wan a general explanation of the situation.

After Zhang Wan found out about the situation, she managed to calm down.

At this time, Inez took out a mirror and said to Wei Hai, "Mr. Wei Hai, I need to check your memory and confirm the other party's information, is that okay?"

Wei Hai didn't know what means Inez would use. Although he was afraid, he nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Then ask Mr. Wei Hai to hold this mirror and recall the memory of being hunted down by the Faceless Organization." Inez handed the mirror in his hand to Wei Haidao.

Holding the mirror in his right hand, Wei Hai began to recall the scene of being chased and killed under the guidance of Inez.

The eyes of everyone also shifted.

In the picture, a group of people wearing metal masks began to kill people in a village. Wei Hai and Zhang Wan watched from the dark. It seemed that their relatives were in trouble, and they couldn't help but make a move.

Then the group began to hunt down Wei Hai and Zhang Wan.

Wei Hai and Zhang Wan ran into the forest, relying on his familiarity with the forest, Wei Hai was able to escape with his life under the pursuit of the other party.

"There is no means of transportation that can fly, and the search method is very simple. The level of technology of this civilization does not seem to be high." Inez muttered.

"It feels like most of them are level 1 or 2, and the existence of level 3 is the first two people to take action, right?" Xiao You also made a judgment.

"Not enough for my few swords!" Zhang Chan said coldly.

It was found that the strength of the other party was not particularly exaggerated, and everyone calmed down a lot.

Immediately, several people began to discuss what to do next.

It's easy to deal with the faceless organization, but after dealing with the faceless organization, you have to send Wei Hai and Zhang Wan to a safe place.

But the definition of the word security is a bit difficult.

If there is only Wei Hai alone, just use the chat group function to pick up their world.

But one more Zhang Wan is not enough.

Group friends who do not belong to the chat group cannot rely on the chat group to travel the world.

Not even if it is installed in a space item.

Unless the two are one in some way, there is no problem.

At this moment, Mugul said: "Where is the need for such trouble, let me see, kill all the faceless people directly, and no one will hunt him down in the future, it's all a group anyway. Heinous guy."

Hearing the sound, everyone looked at Mugur.

This guy is worthy of being a necromancer, although he is barely a righteous person, but in order to achieve his goals, he is really cruel enough.

Inez said: "But the problem is that we may not be able to kill them cleanly, and even we haven't met them yet, and we still don't know their strength."

"Then kill them until they are afraid, until they dare not chase after them!" Xiao You said.

After some discussion, everyone decided to send someone to investigate the situation first.

Fang Yuan volunteered to take over the task, then stretched out his hand to call out a flying sword, stepped on the flying sword and flew towards the sky.

Lin Qian'an's puppet avatar's aura condensed into a complex pattern in his eyes, looking at Fang Yuan who was far away.

Different worlds, different civilizations, and different cultivation systems are all things worth learning and researching.

Not long after, Fang Yuan returned from afar and fell into the crowd.

"Mr. Fang, how is the situation?" Inez asked.

"I saw some people wearing bronze masks and silver-white masks searching in the nearby mountains and forests. It should be the faceless organization. There are about 300 people in total, and the closest one is less than ten miles away. The person wears a golden mask and has extremely strong qi and blood, and should have reached the level of the third intermediate level." Fang Yuan replied.

"Let's go and meet them for a while." Inez said.

Hearing the sound, several people nodded in agreement.

Immediately, Inez turned the space ring on his finger lightly, and a small alchemy airship about ten meters long appeared.

Its appearance is no different from ordinary ships, but the whole body is made of metal.

"Everyone, come up! Save some effort this way." Inez said.

Hearing the sound, Xiao You and the others also stepped onto the airship, Wei Hai carried Zhang Wan on his back and came to the airship, with extreme anxiety and unease in his expression.

At this time, Inez stretched out his hand on the console to control it, and immediately, the four blue jet ports below the alchemy airship burst into blue flames and rose directly and slowly from the same place.

After reaching a certain height, it suddenly accelerated and flew straight ahead.

The height of the airship from the ground is only a hundred meters, and the speed is not particularly fast, and soon everyone saw the faceless organization searched below.

And the Faceless apparently saw them too.

"what is that?"

"What a clever trick!"

"A ship that can fly?"

The faceless organization exclaimed and looked at the alchemy airship in the air.

At this moment, a golden-masked man glanced at the airship and saw Wei Hai who was watching carefully.

Immediately, he took a big bow from a silver-faced man, pulled the bowstring to the full, and aimed an arrow at the airship.

Whoosh~ whoosh~!

This arrow is coming so aggressively, you can see that it is not easy at a glance.

But the people on the airship were not worried.

At the critical moment, a sword stretched out and hit the front end of the arrow lightly. Zhang Chan's wrist took advantage of the situation, and the arrow shot back at a faster speed than when it came.



The arrow fell, and only the tail feathers remained outside. Although the golden-faced man couldn't see his face because he was wearing a mask, everyone could feel his anger.


The golden-masked man suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a strange roar.

Not long after, three golden-masked men came running from the distant jungle.

Inez lowered the height of the airship to a height close to the ground and confronted these people.

A golden-faced man stepped out and said, "Who are you? We know that those two are big offenders, and to protect them is to oppose my big Chu!"

Seeing this golden-masked man, Wei Hai clenched his fists, obviously remembering what these golden-masked men had done before, and it was difficult to control his anger.

"Let me experience the methods of you foreign warriors!"

Xiao You jumped up, came to the four golden-masked people, and waved to them.

The four golden-masked men glanced at each other, and one of them stepped out, pumping up the qi and blood in his body and suddenly punching at Xiao You.

Xiao You also punched each other and punched each other recklessly.


A loud sound of air bursting came out, and the two sides retreated. After stepping on a pit on the ground, they suddenly rushed towards each other and began to compete with each other.

Watching the fight between the two, everyone on the airship was also making comments.

"Qi and blood are very strong, and the physical body is not weak, but the moves are straight and straight, except for the small amount of use of qi and blood, there seems to be nothing special. Is this a monk in this realm of blood exchange?" Fang Yuan said.

"The strength of the soul is average. If it is a spiritual attack, it should be able to work easily. I am afraid it will be easier to deal with than ordinary second-level demon spirits," Mugur said.

"I don't understand the mood, the skills are single." Zhang Chan also commented.

At this time, Xiao You in the distance had already gained the upper hand and began to press down on the golden-masked man.

The opponent's strength is strong, Xiao You will attack with stronger strength, the opponent's qi and blood are strong, and Xiao You's qi and blood are even more vigorous.

Suddenly, Xiao You caught a flaw and kicked out abruptly, hitting the empty door in the opponent's chest.

The other golden-masked man saw this and immediately went to help.

Fang Yuan drew the tactic, and the flying sword suddenly unsheathed, cut through the void at an extremely fast speed, and rushed towards the golden-masked man, forcing him to dare not help any more.

The other two golden-masked men also followed suit.

However, Zhang Chan and Mugur also blocked them.

Zhang Chan unsheathed the long sword in his hand, and a crescent moon appeared in the void, hitting a golden-masked man directly.

The staff in Mugul's hand swayed slightly, and a dark purple light fell on the other golden-masked man, which directly fixed it in the distance.


Xiao You kicked the golden-masked man he was dealing with, and broke several trees before stagnating.


Zhang Chan's sword fell, and the long sword of the golden-masked man in front of him broke, and cut off his right arm.


Fang Yuan threw out a talisman, attracting Tianlei to directly slash a golden-masked man into serious injuries.

The last Mugul tapped the deck of the airship with his staff flutteringly.

The golden-masked man he was dealing with fell directly to the ground, losing his breath of life.

It all sounds long, but it's actually less than five minutes.

In such a short period of time, the four golden-masked people have been killed and seriously injured.

Wei Hai stared blankly at this scene, his expression full of disbelief.

Was the golden-masked man, who seemed invincible to him, so vulnerable in front of the seniors of these chat groups?

At this time, the rest of the silver-masked and bronze-masked men had already leaned over, and they all aimed their weapons at the airship, showing alert expressions.

The golden-masked man who was seriously injured by Xiao You stood up with the help of his subordinates, and said, "What is the holy place of yours?"

"I'm just waiting for the righteous people passing by!" Xiao You said.

Hearing the sound, Fang Yuan had a regretful expression on his face and said, "I actually let him take the lead!"

Lin Qian'an showed a somewhat puzzled expression, and Mugur explained to Lin Qian'an: "Every time the group leader went to the other world to manifest himself, when someone asked his name, he would say this, so now if we When asked about their names in other circles, they will answer like this, so they don't have to worry about revealing their real names, and they can also express their positions. Most importantly, they feel very "forced"."

Hearing the sound, Lin Qianan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, wanting to complain about something but didn't know where to start.

At this time, the conversation between Xiao You and the golden-masked man has come to an end. The two sides are at odds with right and wrong, and the final result is naturally a life-and-death situation.

The golden-masked man greeted the silver-masked and bronze-masked men for help, but unfortunately, they were not the opponents of Xiao You at all.

In a short time, a large piece of the field fell.

Zhang Chan waved her arms, and the sword light flickered, and a golden-masked man lost his breath.

Xiao You punched out, and the head of the golden-masked man he was dealing with exploded.

The last golden-masked man was also pierced by Fang Yuan's flying sword, as if he was dead.

Before he died, the golden-masked man took out a round bead from his arms and threw it into the sky with all his might.

Mugul's staff stretched out and wanted to knock it down, but Inez stretched out his hand to stop it: "It doesn't matter, let's see the situation!"


The bead exploded in the void, revealing the pattern of a mask.

After a while, a figure in the void quickly flew towards the direction of the airship.

It was a man wearing a gray shirt, a jade mask and long white hair. UU Reading

His figure slowly fell in front of the airship, his arms were on his back, and he said arrogantly: "In such a short period of time, the four golden-faced envoys have all died, and you have some skills. Sign up and I will leave it for you. A whole corpse."

------off topic-----

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