No Jokes Here

Chapter 275: Power Up, Thor's Hammer

Tianyuan Continent.


Fang Yuan looked at the fairy peach that suddenly appeared in his hand, his expression became a little surprised.

A peach the size of a head, he had never heard of in this world.

He leaned in and smelled it, and the aroma made him feel a lot more refreshed.

"Sure enough, it's not an ordinary peach!"

Fang Yuan confirmed his guess.

He knew that the peaches that the fifth-level boss invited them to eat would definitely not be ordinary peaches.

Zhang Mou took a bite at the top of the peach.

After chewing for a while, Fang Yuan's face showed a satisfied expression.

He has lived so long and has never eaten such delicious peaches.

Then, Fang Yuan swallowed it directly.

After a while, gentle energy began to pour out of the body.

Fang Yuan didn't care about his feelings, he immediately sat down with his legs crossed and started to run the exercises.

After a while, Fang Yuan slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, his expression became extremely shocked.

Just this mouthful of peach, he directly broke through from the early stage of foundation establishment to the later stage of foundation establishment.

And he felt it was just a secondary function of this peach.

Because his divine soul now feels completely different from before, the strength of divine consciousness has increased by at least five times, and the physical body has also changed, and his lifespan has increased by at least a thousand years.

You must know that a cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period will live to be more than two hundred years old when he reaches the sky, and now he will have an extra thousand years of lifespan by eating a bite of a peach.

Simply incredible.

Turning around, Fang Yuan looked at the peach in his hand again, his eyes became very subtle.

This thing, I'm afraid it's not Xiantao, right?

If it is accidentally spread out, it may be that the entire continent's cultivator sects will fight because of this.

The remaining peach pits at the end may attract countless people to compete and covet.

With a thought, Fang Yuan immediately put away Xiantao.

It is a very dangerous thing to have a heavy treasure with insufficient strength, and this thing must not be known to others.

While putting away Xiantao, he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed.

The family is worthy of being a fifth-level boss, and sending out a red envelope is such a treasure.


Huaguo, inside a rental house.

A peach appeared in Zhong Tong's hand, who was exercising his super powers.

"Where did the boss pick the peaches with such a big head? I'm just a little hungry right now. I'll have this for dinner tonight. It's so big, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it, so cut it in half first!"

As soon as he opened it with a knife, Zhong Tong was seduced by the tangy aroma and drooled.

He couldn't help but cut a small piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It's delicious, I've never eaten such a delicious peach in my life... wait! Why doesn't it feel right?"

At this time, Zhong Tong only felt that he was overdoing it, but fortunately, the energy was gentle in nature, and the energy that he could not absorb would automatically dissipate from the body.

However, this is the case, Zhong Tong's skin is still a little red.

He felt that his mind had become clearer now, and he had an inexhaustible energy in his body, which was completely different from the usual state of being a salted fish.

After thinking about it, Zhong Tong reached out and grabbed a solid iron ball weighing ten kilograms in front of him.


The invisible power of mind lifted the solid iron ball with ease.

The previous bell copper can make it sway at most, and it is absolutely impossible to lift it up by psychic power.

He turned his head and looked at the whole peach with only a small piece missing, and his expression became subtle.

Zhong Tong reached out and brushed over the smart watch and communicated directly with his mother.

"Mom, I've decided to change my vocation. I'm going to Weilan School!"

"Weilan School needs at least a C-rank superpower, right? You just reached F-rank!"

"Ah, it's still a bit low. I must give advice to the principal of Weilan School when I look back. At least B-rank superpowers are eligible to become our alumni!"

"I know you're under a lot of pressure from the college entrance examination, but you still need to pay attention to rest! I have contacted the nearest hospital for you. Would you like to have a brain examination?"


Cangxuan Realm.


Xiao You took the credit and stood up with horror on his face.

"Just one bite of the pulp can strengthen my soul to such an extent. I only need to eat a few more bites, and I am afraid that I will be able to use the method of soul sacrifice. Except for the founder of the sect, I am afraid that no one can reach this level at my age. This kind of spiritual cultivation base!!"


Uther Continent.

Louise Siti looked at the huge boulder she shattered with fireball magic in the distance, with a shocked expression.

"Mental strength has increased so much, what kind of fruit is this?"


Inside the Paradise of the Dragon Group Cave.

Long Yi smiled, tapped his fingertips, divided the peach into several small petals, and chewed it little by little.


Xuan country wild.

He Jun, who had just finished the task, divided the peach in his hand into four parts, and gave them to the three dragon group members who were in the same group to enjoy.

After taking a bite, He Jun showed a shocked expression on his face, but immediately he felt that his flesh began to hurt.

He thought it was just an ordinary spirit fruit, but he didn't expect it to be a treasure of this level!

Can this kind of thing really be used to give out red envelopes casually?

【Home】How rich is the boss?

At this time, the three members of the dragon group who ate the peach next to him expressed their gratitude to He Jun.

"Captain He is generous!"

"Local tyrant, are you still short of accessories!"

"From now on, Captain He, you let me go east, and I will never go west!"

Faced with such words, He Jun could only knock down his teeth and eat blood, with a polite smile on his face, pretending to be generous and saying: "It's just a small matter, don't worry too much, we are all teammates who depend on each other in life and death, aren't we? "

Hearing this, the three dragon group members showed moved expressions.

He Jun, this person can do it!



Lin Qianan sent out some red envelopes, but it has changed the fate of most people in the group.

He himself didn't have much self-consciousness, or in other words, he realized that he didn't care too much.

Now, he has begun to gradually let go of the shackles on his body.

In other words, do whatever you want without breaking the rules.

As long as you want to do it, just do it, as long as you hold your bottom line.

November 11th.

This festival is a bit unfriendly to Lin Qian'an, but he still released his new book "Xian Nong" today.

Once the new book was released, it attracted congratulations from countless book lovers.

Lin Qianan was also surprised.

At the same time, his other book "Monster Saint" is almost finished.

It's already in the final stages of the story.

While writing the book, Lin Qian'an was also doing other things.

For example, using the leftovers of Xianzhi to refine various witch medicines.

Due to the strength and special nature of the material itself, every time Lin Qian'an was refined, he would get a god-level witch medicine.

Various attributes of himself will be greatly improved.

During this process, Lin Qian'an's [Biological Force Field] ability suddenly broke through to the rule level.

As if the water flowed down naturally, Lin Qianan naturally broke through.

It is not enough to say that it is accumulated, but it is true to say that it is a high-rise building.

Powerful comprehension, powerful body and soul, made it so easy for Lin Qianan to break through the rule level.

For the first time, Lin Qianan planned to carry out the plan he had envisioned for a long time.

He took some of his blood out.

Then he decomposed and removed all the other components in the blood, leaving the genetic part of the [Biological Force Field] alone.

Immediately, Lin Qianan's [Decomposition] was used for protection, and the [Biological Force Field] in the body was directly decomposed into ten fourth-level power fragments.

These power fragments were added to the [Devouring] power by Lin Qianan.

Immediately, Lin Qian'an's [Devouring] ability was upgraded to a regular level.

And his cells have some special regular characteristics.

It's not over yet, Lin Qianan swallowed a drop of some blood he had taken out of his body.

The next moment, Lin Qianan's lung cancer cells were frantically outputting energy, and the regular-level [biological force field] ability in his body was born again.

Disassemble the [Biological Force Field] ability again, and repeat this set of actions.

[Analysis] The ability then reaches the rule level.

Through the rule-level [Analysis] ability to analyze the rule-level blood, Lin Qianan also obtained the data and model of this drop of blood.

Using the ability of [Creation], countless blood droplets containing the genetic data of [Biological Force Field] appeared.

In this way, as long as Lin Qianan repeats the above process, he can upgrade all his abilities to the peak of the fourth level.

But this is just an assumption. When Lin Qianan upgraded the 357th ability in his body to the peak of the fourth level, he felt reluctance.

[Reconciliation] The ability has reached the upper limit, and no more fourth-level abilities can be reconciled.

If he forcibly upgrades more abilities, his genes will collapse.

But Lin Qianan did not stop because of this.

Instead, he continued to choose to upgrade new rule-level abilities.

Soon, a new rule-level ability was born in his body.

At the same time, those abilities in his body that were reconciled by the [Reconciliation] ability began to riot, conflicted with each other, and began to show signs of disintegration.

However, at this moment, the realm of Lin Qian'an's real world suddenly spread, and all the restlessness in the body was instantly calmed down.

The rules of the world are enough to accommodate everything!

Under the unity of this kind of power, no matter how complicated the power in Lin Qian'an's body is, he doesn't have to worry about his own system conflict and collapse.

In this way, relying on the improvement of his abilities, coupled with the witch medicine refined by Xianzhi, etc., Lin Qianan's strength began to rise rapidly.

He had a hunch that before the end of this month, he might be able to officially break through to level five.

With the background he has accumulated now.

Once he made a breakthrough, he would not dare to say that he was invincible at the fifth level. At least at the level of the fifth-level elementary level, I am afraid that there is no existence that can challenge him.

November 12, eight in the morning.

Lin Qian'an, who was refining witch medicine with the shards of the star-devouring beast's eyeballs, suddenly felt a huge amount of faith rushing towards him.

The amount of these belief powers is terrifying, far exceeding those that Lin Qianan felt on Earth.

After some investigation, Lin Qianan discovered that he had come from the Blue Star in the parallel world where Xu Erming was located through the Ten Thousand Realms Righteous Way chat group.

The Blue Star Federation where Xu Erming belongs has now built a huge statue for Lin Qian'an, and wrote Lin Qian'an into their textbooks, and carried out a wide range of publicity to express their gratitude and gratitude.

So this is what happened.

Logically speaking, in the case of cross-border, most of the power of belief cannot be conveyed, and at most it is condensed on the things that represent Lin Qian'an in that world.

But this Ten Thousand Realms Righteous Way chat group acted as a bridge, forcibly conveying the power of these beliefs to Lin Qianan through Xu Erming.

This surprised Lin Qian'an a little.

But then it felt dull again.

His current [Energy Conversion] ability has been upgraded to the regular level.

Divine power can be directly converted, even if the power of these beliefs is enough, it does not mean much to him.


On November 15th, Lin Qianan announced the end of the book "The Demon Saint".

At the same time, he also went to the headquarters of the Dragon Group.

He came here to do two things. The first thing is to upload the compiled "Tibetan Scripture (Demon Saint Edition and "Tibetan Scripture (Xiannong Edition to the Dragon Group Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The second thing is that the dragon group needs Lin Qianan to go abroad to do a task.

The uploading of the Tibetan Scriptures was soon completed.

Immediately, Wang Aiguo, who was drinking tea leisurely in the exclusive office of the Dragon Group's Sutra Pavilion, was suddenly stunned.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand, and countless book phantoms appeared in the void. Those were the supernatural knowledge newly uploaded in the Dragon Group Sutra Collection Pavilion.

To be precise, it was the two "Tibetan Scriptures" uploaded by Lin Qian'an.

"Has someone uploaded extraordinary knowledge again? That's great! It's "Home", no wonder!" Wang Aiguo's assistant next to him said.

"Is it too late for me to resign now?" Wang Aiguo murmured.

"Old Wang, you are joking!" Hearing this, the assistant next to him said with an unnatural smile on his face.

"Who's joking! This...this...this...who can sort it out?" Wang Aiguo pointed at the phantoms of books that were still emerging in the void, and said with an ugly expression.

The assistant was stunned when he saw this scene.

[Home] The amount of extraordinary knowledge uploaded this time is much more terrifying than last time.

"How long do we have to work overtime!!" The assistant said in a trembling voice, "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I'll write the application and ask someone to come and help!"



On the other side, Wang Jian was holding a tablet in his hand and was showing Lin Qian'an the details of this mission.

The video on the tablet was showing a metal hammer, which Lin Qianan looked a little familiar with.

Wang Jian explained to Lin Qian'an: "About ten days ago, in New Mexico, the United States, a hammer fell from the sky, and was soon noticed by the SHIELD agency in the United States. They found that no one could move the hammer, and they tried everything. There is no way to make it move at all, even an extraordinary person can't do anything."

"Thor's Hammer?" Lin Qianan asked uncertainly.

This plot is almost exactly the same as Thor's Hammer.

"That's right!" Wang Jian nodded.

"Then what does this have to do with us? Wouldn't it be better to wait for Thor to take it away?" Lin Qianan asked in confusion.

"Because Thor is here with us!" Wang Jian looked at Lin Qian'an and said.

Lin Qianan was stunned for a moment, while Wang Jian opened the door, and in the shadows, a being wearing a red hood came out.

"I am Thor, the **** of thunder, for the glory of the northern god, wang~!"

Seeing this Shiba Inu wearing a cloak and standing on two legs, Lin Qianan suddenly felt a little bit stuck in Bengbu!

There are so many flaws, he didn't know what to say for a while.

If he remembered correctly, Thor is a Shiba Inu terrier, or it appeared in a certain anime.

He didn't expect that this stalk has come to reality now.

Wang Jian said: "Your mission is to accompany it to New Mexico, USA to get the Thor's Hammer back. It promised us that as long as it gets the Thor's Hammer, it will join the Dragon Group."

"I'm Thor!" The Shiba Inu pressed the button on his left shoulder and said in a voice.

"Can't you speak human words?" Lin Qianan asked.

Wang Jian shook his head and said, "It's not that we don't have this ability, but that it has a built-in stalk feature. Once there is a device that can make it speak, it will be damaged due to some coincidence, or it will not be able to be used by accident. , and let it learn the means of speaking, it will also not understand and cannot learn."

"Is there actually such a setting?" Lin Qian'an's head was full of grooves, not knowing what to say, and he immediately said: "So it can only say two words? And Wang?"

"Wow, wang, wang~!" Thor said.

Lin Qianan understood the other party's words, meaning to let him stop dawdling, and quickly set off to get the hammer.

"We're just discussing the details, and we'll set off when we turn around." Wang Jian reassured him, and immediately said to Lin Qian'an: "In short, that's the way it is, you just need to take it for a walk over there and get the Thor Hammer and bring it back."

"I think I should be able to come back directly with Thor's Hammer, right?" Lin Qianan wondered.

"No, absolutely can't do this." Wang Jian hurriedly stopped and said: "It's not that we can't do it, but we have to go through this procedure. Things appear on the soil of the United States, so even if you want to get them, you have to go through the formalities. We have already contacted them, just ask Thor to pick it up and take it away.”

In an instant, Lin Qianan understood everything.

Xuan Guo didn't want to take it without asking, so he discussed it with Mi Guo and made an exchange of interests.

But Xuanguo was worried that the United States would do something wrong. It happened that Lin Qianan was free now, so he planned to trouble Lin Qianan to be the Dinghai Shenzhen for this incident.

With Lin Qian'an there, even if there is an accident, he can stop it in time.

"I want to ask, is it the only thing that comes to reality in the anime?" Lin Qianan asked Wang Jian.

"There is only one of it at the moment." Wang Jian said.

"Understood, when do you leave?"

"The sooner the better."



After the negotiation is over.

Wang Jian informed the personnel in the United States.

After a little preparation, Lin Qian'an thought about it, the real world opened, and instantly found the corresponding location in the United States, and then Lin Qian'an directly opened a portal connecting the two places.

"Let's go!"

Lin Qianan fell silent and took the lead to walk out to New Mexico, USA.

"For the glory of the Northern God!"

Thor pressed the button on his left shoulder and entered the portal with anticipation on his face.

As soon as the screen turned, one person and one dog had arrived in New Mexico, USA.

There is a twelve-hour time difference between the two countries. In the morning in Xuan Kingdom, it is late at night in the United States.

The members of S.H.I.E.L.D. who had been waiting for a long time came to Lin Qianan and Thor, showed their credentials and said: "Bim Clayton, senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., the United States welcomes you, [home] gentlemen."

Although the other party looks like a black man, he speaks fluent Xuanguo language and does not need Lin Qianan to use his ability to translate.

"Hello!" Lin Qianan reached out and shook hands.

"I am Thor!" Thor also pressed the button and said.

Hearing the sound, Clayton froze for a moment, then said, "You are also welcome, Mr. Thor?"

Thor nodded proudly.

"You two, please come with me!"

As Clayton spoke, he led the way.

At this time, Thor's Hammer had been covered up by the people on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side with temporary buildings, and there were even more extraordinary people and troops around.

Under the leadership of Clayton, Lin Qian'an and Thor passed through two defensive levels and successfully came to the front of Thor's Hammer.

That thing is now lying quietly in a large dirt pit, protected by a special high-voltage current network.

It can be seen that the United States has also tried to pick it up and take it away, but unfortunately it failed.

Clayton explained: "It's very special, we dig the soil under it, and it will only fall down, even with a crane or the like, the superhuman known as Hercules I can't even mention it, we have tried people with pure hearts, but not even the former president who won the Nobel Peace Prize."

When Lin Qianan heard this, he couldn't help but glanced at Clayton strangely.

Peace Prize?

That's the nuclear deal!

"Wang Wang~!"

At this moment, Thor couldn't help but let out a cry.

"Open the protection!" Lin Qianan said.

Clayton heard the sound, nodded, and communicated with the person who was observing in the dark.

Immediately, the high-voltage current network disappeared.

Thor didn't wait for Clayton to speak, he stepped forward directly, came to the pit, stretched out his small palm and grabbed Thor's Hammer.

After grabbing Thor's Hammer, Thor suddenly tried to pick it up.

However, even if it crushed the soil under its feet, it couldn't make it move at all.

This made Lin Qian'an seem a little incomprehensible.

After a long while, Thor stopped moving with some breath.

After a short rest, it pressed the button on its shoulder and said, "I am Thor, the **** of thunder, for the glory of the northern god!"

The sound fell, and he reluctantly held the Thor's Hammer again, wanting to pick it up.

But in the end it failed.

At the same time, Lin Qianan was also using his own methods to analyze Thor's Hammer.

The pattern of yin and yang gossip in his eyes appeared, divine sense protruded, and a faint red light also fell on Thor's Hammer.

In the end, Lin Qian'an got the answer. There is no doubt that this is a real artifact-level item. If it is a stalk, this thing must be a fifth-level stalk.

As for more details, Lin Qianan couldn't spy on it in a short time.

When he stepped forward and approached about ten meters, Lin Qianan also saw the prompt of the Terrier game system.

[Hint: There is a stalk near the host, which has been marked. 】

Sure enough, this thing is a stalk.

Thor tried reluctantly for a long time, and at this time he was so tired that he collapsed to the ground, with an expression full of disbelief on his cheeks.

At the same time, the officials of Xuanguo and S.H.I.E.L.D. who saw this scene also showed their respective attitudes.

Inside the Xuanguolong Group headquarters.

"It doesn't make sense! We have already confirmed that it is Thor!"

"Is it two different memes? Where did this Thor's hammer go?"

"It won't be an Oolong!"

Inside SHIELD.

"I knew, how could Thor be a dog?"

"Yeah, Thor should be a heroic man!"

"Xuanguo's side is really funny, looking for a dog to be Thor? You want to take away our Thor's Hammer!"


"Could I have made a mistake?" Clayton said to Lin Qian'an, "Why don't you go and confirm the details?"

When Lin Qianan heard this, he was also a little puzzled, wondering if he made a mistake.

So he asked Thor, "Thor, are you sure this is your hammer?"

"Wow!" Thor said affirmatively.

"It's yours, why can't you pick it up?" Lin Qianan asked.

"Wang Wang Wang ~!"

Thor said he didn't know why.

"Forget it, UU Reading let me try it!" Lin Qianan sighed.

With that said, Lin Qian'an flashed and appeared directly in the pit, reaching out and holding the handle of Thor's Hammer.

------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.


wind source one

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thank you very much! !


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