No Jokes Here

Chapter 234: Emperor Yu

Relying on these people who came to ask for divination and seek medical treatment, Turtle's level also increased faster.

Today's turtles are already at the eighth level.

The most obvious change in the eighth-level turtle is not its attributes, but its lifespan. An eighth-level turtle has 80,000 years of lifespan.

And now the turtle is only five years old in total.

Lin Qian'an finally understood why Turtle's [Longevity] was a supernatural ability.

So alive!

Maybe Turtle fell asleep, and the outside world was already vicissitudes.

On this day, another person came to the God Turtle Temple to ask for medicine, saying that they wanted to save their seriously ill mother.

However, after this person finished his request for medicine, he did not trigger the task.

Lin Qian'an was a little puzzled at first, but as soon as he realized it, the other party was most likely telling a lie.

[Divination] As soon as the supernatural powers were used, Lin Qianan entered the question "Did the other party tell a lie?" and got the result immediately.

[Divination result: Yes! 】

Seeing this result, Lin Qian'an was a little angry.

Although it had been predicted for a long time, it was still a little uncomfortable to be deceived. Immediately, the [Yu Shui] magical power was used, and a water ball the size of an adult head smashed directly on this person.

The man was hit by a water polo and flew several meters away in an instant, collapsed on the ground without breathing.

At first glance, Lin Qian'an tried a little too hard and beat someone to death, which didn't feel good.

Fortunately, he has now developed the habit of saving files at any time in the game. Every day in the game, he will save a new file to overwrite the previous day's save.

So just read the file and go back to when it started today.

When the liar came again, Lin Qianan waited for him to finish his deceitful words, and then saved a file before hitting him with a water ball.

After smashing it five times in a row, the liar was smashed to death.

Even if the water polo is reduced to the size of a fist, it is not something this liar can handle.

Lin Qianan understood that Turtle's magical powers were too powerful for ordinary people to bear.

There was no way, Lin Qianan could only tie him with water rope, hang him above the **** turtle temple for a long time, and also asked the little carp to tell the people who came to worship the **** turtle that he could not deceive the **** turtle.

In this way, everyone knows that this guy wants to deceive the turtle and gain benefits.

So most people passing by will spit at him.

In the evening, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to put the person down.

The man was exposed to the sun for a day, and his mouth was broken.

As a result, the first thing I did was to kowtow and admit my mistake, and then said that I would never dare again.

Lin Qian'an didn't care too much. He was just an ordinary person who lived for a hundred years. Compared with the turtle, he was completely two worlds.

After another period of time, Lin Qianan has been upgraded to the ninth level by relying on the turtle's [divination] ability every day.

The experience required to upgrade to level ten is 900 points, and an ordinary task is only ten points. In addition to swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, the upgrade is extremely slow.

At this time, a man in official uniform came to the God Turtle Temple.

The man claimed that he was the magistrate of this Jingyuan County, and his name was Qiu Zhongming. He came here to inquire about the whereabouts of a wanted criminal.

The mission experience this time is actually different from the previous one, with a full fifty points.

Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to use [divination] to ask how to catch the wanted criminal, and then gave the other party a location and asked him to lead people to the ambush.

As a result, Qiu Zhongming caught the wanted criminal the next day, and Turtle also completed the task and successfully gained experience.

On the third day, Qiu Zhongming came to repay the vow and offered some chicken, duck, and fish.

In the following period of time, Qiu Zhongming came to ask Guigui some problems or troubles in managing the county town from time to time.

For the sake of experience, Lin Qianan answered all who came.

Qiu Zhongming got Guigui's help, the county was well managed, and he was rewarded by the court, so he even spent money to renovate the God Turtle Temple to make it more luxurious.

And the turtle was quickly upgraded to level ten.

One thousand experience is required for the next level.

Guigui was six years old, and Qiu Zhongming was about to be transferred from the county to become a high-ranking official because of his outstanding achievements.

Before leaving, he came to the Yinyue Lake where the turtle was located, hoping that the turtle would go to other places with him.

Although Lin Qian'an felt that it was a pity to lose Qiu Zhongming's experience maker, he had no intention of leaving with him.

He didn't know the specific situation of this world. Even if it could be archived, Lin Qianan decided to explore it step by step and then talk about other things.

When he didn't get a response, Qiu Zhongming was not discouraged, and after offering incense candles and chickens, ducks, melons and fruits, he led the attendants away in a carriage.

Soon, a new magistrate came to the county seat.

His name is Nie Xi.

When the new official took office, he immediately decided to attack the Temple of the Turtle.

I felt unbelievable about the fact that the idiot people worshipped a turtle, so I had to take someone to demolish the temple of the tortoise directly.

Countless people went to stop them, but they were no match for the official guards that Nie Xi brought.

Seeing those people suffer, Lin Qianan directly manipulated the turtles to appear before them.

The lake water boiled and swelled under the control of Turtle's [Water-preserving] magical power, and Turtle's body appeared directly on the lake surface. Under the control of Lin Qian'an, he walked to the shore step by step.

At this time, the tortoise's body was already five meters wide and four meters high. With the stone tablet on its back, it was extremely huge.

When the tortoise appeared, all the people knelt down and begged for forgiveness.

Then Nie Xi was also sweating coldly on her forehead, and her legs began to tremble.

Lin Qian'an manipulated Ao Shou to come to Nie Xi, and typed a conversation.

[Ao Shou: I have no intention of enjoying the incense and offerings and helping the people, but it is because of the hardships of the people’s lives. You are a local parent and official. If you want to demolish this temple, you can demolish it. I only hope that, Stop hurting innocent people. 】

Turtle opened his mouth slowly, hot air spurted from his throat, but the sound was deafening but not uncomfortable, but filled with a sense of majesty and sacredness.

In an instant, Nie Xi couldn't stand the pressure any longer and collapsed to the ground.

Many people knelt down again, begging for forgiveness.

Lin Qianan did not communicate with the people, and directly manipulated the turtle to turn around and slowly leave, stepping out step by step, the earth shook, and with the shock of all the people, he returned to the water.

Then, the little carp emerged from the water and began to spread the word.

[Li Yuelong: All go away! Lord Ao Shou said, whether there is or not the God Turtle Temple, it is all here, if you ask for it, there will be a response! 】

Hearing the words of the little carp, all the people shouted the kindness of the **** turtle, and after bowing for a while or two, they slowly left.

And after that, Nie Xi didn't bother to demolish the God Turtle Temple anymore.

Even after a period of time, the God Turtle Temple was renovated again.

This time, there was even a road that led directly to the Turtle Temple.

There must be a temple to preside over the incense all day long, otherwise it will look a bit messy.

Lin Qian'an's tasks are also piled up now, and it is beginning to be a little impossible to complete.

Seeking children, seeking marriage, seeking longevity, seeking security, seeking medical treatment, seeking fame and fortune...

There are too many human beings, and even if the turtle has the magical power of [divination], it is difficult to answer them one by one.

And there are some tasks that Lin Qian'an can't complete at all.

For example, if you ask for marriage, if you only ask if you have a relationship with someone, you can answer one or two.

If the question is how to get someone's heart, Lin Qianan can only say sincerity.

It's not that [divination] couldn't get an answer, but that Lin Qianan didn't want to tell the other party.

If you get affection by cheating, it is destined to be difficult to last.

Only if he really likes and really wants to be together, that is the love worthy of his affirmation.

Turtle was eight years old and finally upgraded to level eleven.

At this time, the turtle's cultivation base changed from a demon soldier to a demon general, and at the same time, the upgrade experience increased to 10,000 experience.

And the turtle's body has also grown to more than ten meters. With such a large body, the training platform built at the beginning has no use for eggs, so Lin Qianan directly asked the turtle to use the [weight-bearing] magical power to dismantle the training platform and attach it to it. on the back.

In addition, the various attributes of the tortoise have also been greatly improved. The health, stamina and demon power have reached more than 300,000. The ordinary attributes have increased to thousands of levels, except for agility. [Load bearing] When the supernatural powers are full, a hill can be absorbed, and then various attributes can be directly multiplied several times.

What I want to mention here is that Turtle's current [weight-bearing] magical power can already allow it to carry heavy objects that exceed its own strength attribute by more than 100 times.

It can directly increase the effect of more than ten times, which can be said to be very outrageous.

Of course, these improvements are nothing compared to the lifespan of turtles.

Turtles now have a lifespan of 200,000 years.

Before the tenth level, the lifespan of the turtle was increased by 10,000 years when it was upgraded to one level. At the tenth level, it just had a lifespan of 100,000 years. When it was upgraded to the eleventh level, it directly increased its lifespan by 100,000 years.

Exaggeration is real exaggeration.

It's so alive!

From the birth of a species, it may be enough to live to its extinction.

10,000 leveling experience makes Lin Qianan's leveling much slower now.

It can almost be said that the experience bar does not move very much.

He was already level eleven at four o'clock in the afternoon, but he played until nine o'clock in the evening, and the turtle was still level eleven.

The task experience given by the people alone is too little.

Lin Qianan wanted to explore the wider world, but the information from [divination] was too little. He only fortuned that there were demons and monks in the world, but he didn't give information about the specific places where [divination] magical powers were.

As a result, Lin Qian'an has not manipulated the turtle to go out.

Of course, the size of the turtles here is too large, and the inconvenience of movement is also a reason.

When Guigui was twelve years old, Nie Xi was transferred and a new county magistrate came. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This time the county magistrate was very sensible, and when he came up, he put incense on the turtle, and then prayed for the turtle's blessing.

After that, if there is something, I will be the first to find Turtle for inquiries.

Lin Qianan found that there was a big gap between the task experience given by the county magistrate and the task experience given by ordinary people.

The tasks of county magistrates are basically fluctuating between 30 and 50 experience points, while ordinary people have a fixed 10 points of experience.

Lin Qian'an guessed that there may be a reason for identity.

That is to say, the higher the status may be, the higher the task experience given.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Qianan felt that if the emperor of the dynasty could come to issue a mission, the experience would be quite outrageous.

Originally, Lin Qianan just thought about it, but what he didn't expect was that shortly after his thought fell, the emperor actually came.

And they beat gongs and drums, parading under the leadership of the honor guard.

After arriving at the Temple of the Turtle, he did not offer incense to worship, but got off the sedan chair and walked to Yinyue Lake to express his appeal.

[Zhao Chengxin: I am Zhao Chengxin, the emperor of the Yu Kingdom. I heard that there is a tortoise in the lake to solve all the sorrows of the people in Limin, and I also have worries in me. Would the tortoise show up and see it? Relieve my worries? 】

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