No Jokes Here

Chapter 232: carp demon

After manipulating the tortoise to stroll around, Lin Qianan found a boulder similar in size to the tortoise.

After the load-bearing supernatural power was used, the boulder was directly absorbed by the turtle's thick shell, and then tightly fit on the turtle's back.

In this state, all the attributes of the turtle have been improved to a certain extent, even the agility and lifespan are no exception, but the speed of carrying heavy objects has become faster!

It made Lin Qianan feel unexpectedly outrageous.

Even Lin Qianan found that even the speed of cultivation has become faster.

The supernatural ability of weight-bearing simply made Lin Qianan look up to him with admiration.

At the first moment when he first saw it, Lin Qianan thought that this thing was only for the tortoise to be able to carry heavy objects, but now it seems that this is completely his prejudice.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan found that carrying this boulder did not reach the limit of the turtle, and then found some broken stones to adhere to the turtle's back, until it reached the current limit of the turtle.

At this time, the boulder behind the turtle has the size of three of its bodies.

However, under the pressure of this boulder, the turtle's movement speed was more than doubled.

But just walking will make more footprints on the ground, and it will be accompanied by the vibration of stepping on the ground.

Soon, in the time when Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to explore, it ushered in the first night in the game.

The situation outside at night is more complicated, but Lin Qianan feels that the turtle should not have any natural enemies or anything.

During the day, he saw a larger animal, but the other party glanced at the turtle and withdrew when he heard the sound of the turtle stepping on the ground.

While manipulating the turtle to use Na Yuan to devour Yuehua by the lake, Lin Qianan suddenly saw a golden-red carp emerging from the lake, which was also swallowing Yuehua with its mouth open.

Lin Qianan guessed that the other party should also be a demon, and was trying to manipulate the turtle to say hello, but as soon as the other party saw the turtle coming, there was no shadow when he waved his tail.

In desperation, Lin Qianan could only let Turtle play single-player games by himself.

After swallowing Yuehua all night, the time soon came to the next day.

Lin Qianan planned to manipulate the turtle to use the weight-bearing magical power to absorb some rocks to build a platform. As a result, he unexpectedly discovered that the adsorbed rocks on the turtle's back had condensed together at this time.

It has become a square stone that is more suitable for carrying.

And there are no gaps around, as if this stone was born like this.

Even from the outside, its density and texture are two different things.

Scratching his head, Lin Qian'an recalled the myth and legend of Baxia Neubei.

I don't know what's the connection here.

However, Lin Qian'an felt that it was not bad, and it was suitable for building a platform for cultivation.

That is, the location of the platform needs to be carefully considered.

After thinking for a while, Lin Qianan felt that the heart of the lake was pretty good.

Don't worry about being disturbed in the lake, but you may need a little more stones.

Of course, if it really doesn't work, Lin Qian'an feels that soil or something is acceptable.

With the supernatural power of the tortoise and the tortoise, Lin Qianan manipulated the tortoise to go back and forth only a dozen times, and then quickly built a small platform in the center of the lake that was more than two meters high above the water.

The platform is about two meters long and wide, and it is all built with heavy stones.

As long as those stones are absorbed by the turtles, they will naturally stick together, and they will turn into rectangular stones in two minutes, which is very suitable for building platforms.

Manipulating the turtle to stand on the platform to devour the essence of the sun and the moon, Lin Qianan also felt as if he had accomplished something great.

Soon came the second night.

Lin Qianan saw the little golden carp again. This time, Lin Qianan didn't want to say hello to it. Instead, he manipulated the turtle to use the water-repelling magical power, and jumped directly to his own small platform by stepping on the water, swallowing it up. Yuehua.

The carp glanced at Turtle and went upstream for a distance, and after staying about 30 meters away from Turtle, he continued to practice seriously.

Lin Qian'an didn't care either. They were neighbors anyway. Sooner or later, they would have to know each other. Now they just don't know each other.

In the subsequent games, Lin Qianan continued to manipulate the turtle to build his own platform, and then began to practice again.

Soon, Turtle was one year old.

His level has also reached level 2, all attributes have been improved, his body has become larger, and he can carry more heavy objects.

And the platform for the turtle to practice was also built by Lin Qian'an to a height of ten meters above the lake.

In fact, if it weren't for his poor structure, the height might be even higher.

It was all rebuilt after he collapsed it once.

Control the turtle to jump off the training platform and dive into the water lightly.

Lin Qianan returned to the realm where Turtle was first born.

In the distance, Lin Qianan saw a golden-red carp swallowing the eggshell fragments left after the turtle was born.

Lin Qian'an also manipulated the turtle to eat a piece of his own eggshell, but these eggshell fragments are useless to the turtle, and they don't increase attributes or experience points. Eat stones directly.

However, the golden carp demon seems to like these eggshells very much. Although it is difficult to swallow, it will persevere and devour it here every day.

Although the eggshell was extremely hard, over time, the little golden carp swallowed a large piece.

After eating the eggshell of the turtle, the red scales on its body became less and less, and now almost all of them have turned into golden scales.

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan felt that it was time to go over and get in touch with each other.

Manipulating the turtle to get closer, the carp demon reacted directly, shaking its tail and trying to escape.

Lin Qianan hurriedly typed to keep him.

Ao Shou: Don't go!

Turtle didn't open his mouth, but let out a heavy voice directly.

The carp demon body stopped not far away, and turned to look at the turtle.

Ao Shou: I want to be friends with you.

The carp demon wiggled its tail, and also came out with a somewhat immature voice.

Carp Demon: Friends? what is that?

Ao Shou: Play together, practice together, share delicious food together, you protect me, I protect you, this is a friend.

Carp Demon: Won't you eat me?

Ao Shou: I am a divine beast, how can I eat a little monster like you casually, and you are so small, it is not enough for me to stick between my teeth, I still like to eat stones and soil.

Carp Demon: You promise!

Ao Shou: I promise!

Hearing this, the carp demon relaxed a little bit of vigilance.

Carp Demon: Then we will be friends in the future, right?

Ao Shou: Yes, don't you want to eat eggshells? I still have it here!

Having said that, Lin Qianan manipulated the turtle to remove the eggshell he had collected earlier from the backpack grid with the mouse, and threw it directly to the little carp.

Seeing this, the carp demon was obviously a little happy, and swam over with its tail.

Halfway through the swim, it stopped again.

Carp Demon: You can't eat me, we are friends!

Lin Qianan was speechless, this little guy was too cautious.

Ao Shou: I said, I will not eat you!

Hearing the sound, the carp demon quickly swam over and swam several times around the eggshell, looking very happy.

Ao Shou: Do you like eating this?

Carp Demon: I think eating this thing is good for me.

Ao Shou: Be specific!

Carp Demon: I feel like I'm swimming faster, those big fish can't catch up with me, and I have more strength. The **** fish that bullied me before, I beat it away with one tail.

Lin Qian'an's head seemed to be enlightened. It seems that although this eggshell is useless to turtles, it is a good treasure for the rest of the little monsters.

After becoming friends with the carp monster, Lin Qianan began to ask it some information about the place, and whether it knew the rest of the monsters and so on.

As a result, it doesn't even know what a monster is.

It only knew that it suddenly understood how to devour Yuehua a long time ago, and then gradually became smarter, and even began to think about the meaning of its existence.

Lin Qian'an did not expect that this little carp, which is less than one meter long, was thinking so deeply.

Ao Shou: Do you have a name?

Carp Demon: What's a name?

Ao Shou: It's the name people use when they call you. For example, I will be called Ao Shou. When you call me, you have to call me Ao Shou.

Carp Demon: Oh, I don't seem to have a name, why don't you get me one?

Ao Shou: Litong Li, UU reading www. There is often a legend of a carp leaping over the dragon's gate. Why not call it Li Yuelong?

Li Yuelong: OK, then my name will be Li Yuelong.

After the carp demon said this, its dialogue name also changed from carp demon to Li Yuelong.

Lin Qianan looked at the name with a slightly subtle expression on his face.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of the Italian artillery of the second battalion commander.

Time passed, and three years had passed in the game in a blink of an eye.

Turtle is now four years old and has reached level three.

Lin Qianan was not satisfied with this cultivation speed.

So he has decided to go back and save a file, and then go to the outside world to explore and see the outside world.

At night in the game, Turtle is devouring the moon on the 20-meter high platform built by himself. There is also a stone fish tank on the high platform, and there is a golden carp monster more than one meter long. It is also swallowing the essence of the moon. .

Unlike the tortoise, which can devour the essence of the sun during the day, the small carp can only absorb the moonlight.

According to it, the essence of the sun will burn its body, which is not good for it, it can only consume the essence of the moon.

Lin Qianan guessed that maybe this was the special feature of the magical powers.

And at this moment, a figure appeared by the lakeside of Yinyue Lake.

While crying, the man walked towards Yinyue Lake.

Because it was too far apart, Lin Qianan couldn't hear what the other party was saying.

It quickly came to the lake, without any hesitation, jumped straight down and jumped into the lake.

At the beginning, the man sank directly to the bottom of the lake, but soon struggled under the instinct of survival.

Seeing this, Lin Qianan immediately manipulated the turtle to jump down from the high platform, and immediately used the magical power of the water.

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