No Jokes Here

Chapter 221: Ten Thousand Swordsmanship!

At the end of the game, Lin Qianan had three nights of supper, An Tong had two nights, and Qin Shao and Li Zhenjie had four nights each.

Originally, Lin Qianan just wanted to target Qin Shao a little bit, but An Tong and Li Zhenjie ridiculed them and liked to target him.

So if An Tong and Li Zhenjie were opposite, Lin Qian'an would also take care of the two of them by the way.

After getting familiar with the operation, Lin Qian'an's spiritual sense opened, and the dynamic vision reaction speed made it impossible for him to lose in a heads-up match.

However, in the end, two fists are no match for four hands. Several people know that Lin Qian'an is skilled, so they basically target Lin Qian'an, not even his teammates.

This also caused Lin Qian'an to lose two more games.

However, Lin Qian'an is not at a loss, and An Tong, Qin Shao and Li Zhenjie are not much better.

Ji Xuanyuan and Ding Hong looked at each other and happily picked up the skewers and ate them.



September 11th.

Lin Qianan sat cross-legged on the bed, holding the Ruyi Mountain Stick, quietly practising the "Sutra of Accumulation".

With the perception and experience of the game characters, he has cultivated this method to a very high level in one step.

Among them, Lin Qian'an also mastered the rules and methods of accumulating the vessel into the body, using the body to cultivate the vessel, and using the vessel to accumulate the body.

At this time, his soul was constantly communicating with the Yaoshan stick, and his own essence was rapidly consumed, and he kept the Yaoshan stick.

In the process, the connection between Yaoshan Stick and Lin Qian'an became closer, and gradually there was a feeling of extending hands and feet.

As long as this process is continued, Lin Qianan will be able to obtain its blessing when the mountain stick is cultivated so that the human and the machine can become one.

At that time, in addition to improving the attributes of his body, his body can also be as hard and indestructible as a mountain stick.

In terms of the strength of Ruyi Divine Iron, Lin Qian'an believes that the transcendents who are less than five levels may not be able to break his defense.

And this is just an incidental function of the "Yanqi Zhenjing".

The most important thing is to use the body to nurture the vessel, and to use the vessel to store the body.

At that time, Lin Qian'an's spirit and energy will always nourish the Yaoshan stick, and the Yaoshan stick will continue to feed back the rhythm he possesses, thereby strengthening Lin Qian'an himself.

Complementing each other, Lin Qian'an will naturally become stronger and stronger.

After two hours of storage, Lin Qianan felt a little tired, so he took out the [Tibetan Formation Disk] and planned to start reading the knowledge in the record.

But before that, he tried to use the [Analysis] ability to analyze.

Unlike Ruyi Shentie, under the coverage of spiritual power, Lin Qianan quickly obtained part of the information from the [Tibetan Array].

At least he can make the "array stone" that makes the array plate.

After another ten minutes, Lin Qianan completely established the data model of the [Tibetan Array] in his mind.

With a thought, Lin Qianan's [Creation] ability was used, and a new [Tibetan Formation Disk] was slowly condensed out in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qian'an's face showed joy.

In this case, it means that even if he accidentally loses the [Tibetan Formation Disk] in his hand, he should be able to create it in the future.

And if he wants to make a new array, he doesn't have to worry about running out of materials.

Because the [Analysis] ability can directly read the internal information, Lin Qian'an doesn't need to activate the [Tibetan Array] to watch it slowly.

There is a lot of knowledge in his mind directly.

However, this knowledge seemed extremely complicated, and Lin Qianan couldn't sort it out even if he relied on the brain chip for a while.

If you want to finish it, it is estimated that it will take two or three days at the earliest.

Before that, Lin Qianan really wanted to learn "Wan Jian Zhen Jue" first.

This is also a practice that points directly to the rule level.

If you are successful in training, you can easily control Wanjian to attack.

Handsome and powerful.

Lin Qianan took out the Child Zun Arrival Card and said, "Tong Zun, come!"

Suddenly, Lin Qian'an transformed into Tong Zun, who was only one meter three tall.

Immediately, Lin Qianan used the [Shen Wu] function.

All the information of "Wan Jian Zhen Jue" circulated in Lin Qian'an's mind, and was quickly analyzed and understood.

Even in the state of epiphany, Lin Qianan felt learning difficulties.

At least compared to the learning difficulties of skills such as "Tathagata's Palm", "Air Spinning Slash" and so on.

Just getting started, Lin Qianan had an epiphany for three minutes.

After that, in the remaining seven minutes, Lin Qian'an only managed to comprehend "Wan Jian Zhen Jue" a little.

But this is the case, Lin Qianan can also feel that it has reached the rule level.

After recovering his own body, Lin Qianan couldn't help but sighed at the power of Tong Zun's [Shen Wu].

Obviously Tong Zun himself is only the peak of the third level, but he can directly comprehend the skills of the rule level.

At the same time, Lin Qian'an is also a little regretful. Tong Zun's strength is limited after all, and now he can't help him in battle, and he can only use it as an auxiliary arrival card in the future.

Having said that, Tong Zun is also limited by the game world itself. He can't find a way, and he creates it a little bit from the basics.

If this were to give him a cultivation technique that could reach the rule level, I'm afraid he would have broken through to the rule level long ago.

After learning new skills, Lin Qianan also had the idea of ​​trying it out.

Teleporting to the high sky outside the school, Lin Qianan pointed his right hand and pointed forward abruptly.

The next moment, Lin Qian'an's body quickly consumed energy, and tens of thousands of energy sword shadows were densely condensed around him.

"Wan Jian True Secret!"

Reed Reed Reed Reed ~!

With Lin Qian'an's voice falling, these energy sword shadows flew out in unison, quickly shuttled between the clouds, and scattered a lot of clouds.


Lin Qianan pointed and retracted, and these energy sword shadows dissipated.

This attempt made him understand the situation of this skill.

The stronger the spiritual sense or spiritual power, the higher the skill proficiency, the stronger the condensed swords, the more swords that can be manipulated, and the farther the distance that can be controlled at the same time.

But one thing is outrageous, that is, this skill has and can only condense the sword and control the sword, at least it must be in the form of a sword.

Lin Qianan just tried to condense a dagger out, but it failed.

Rule-level skills are sometimes so outrageous.

There will always be something that breaks your perception.

Obviously, it is easier to control a dagger than a sword, but this skill can only be used to control the sword, not the dagger.

Perhaps, this is the so-called "Dao" in the game!

Everyone's knowledge is different, and their abilities are also different.

Their own ways cannot be compatible and communicated.

Yujian is Yujian, if you want Yujian or something, it is absolutely impossible.

Lin Qian'an stood in the void, and suddenly pointed at the void in front of him with a sword.

"Qinglian cleanses the world!"

With the energy consumption in the body, a giant green lotus with a length of several hundred meters formed and slowly swept down among the clouds. Wherever it passed, all the clouds and mists disappeared and were swept away.

This is the "Qinglian Zhenjing" written by the game character Li Qinglian. The Tao contained in it is to wash all dirt with Qinglian.

"What is Tao?"

Lin Qianan fell into confusion again.

He has mastered many rules and abilities, and even has the process of comprehension, but the more profound the comprehension, the more confused he is.

Because that stuff is really something that you make sense, but others don't understand.

Mysterious and mysterious, it can only be understood, not spoken!

Shaking his head, Lin Qianan no longer struggled with this issue, and used teleport several times to return to the apartment.

After returning to the apartment, Lin Qianan neither continued to practice nor played games.

Instead, he directly opened the ordinary computer he bought, opened the and started writing.

Although it has been a long time since I used the keyboard to code, Lin Qian'an still writes smoothly.

His fingers quickly dropped on the keyboard, and after a while, he wrote the opening chapter of "Shushan Swordsman Record".

This time, Li Qinglian, the protagonist, will have the ability to reincarnate.

Of course, at first he just thought he was reborn, and then used all the advantages to quickly improve his strength.

But when he faced the powerful Demon Lord and was crushed and killed by it, he would fall into reincarnation again and again.

There are reversals in the middle, there are struggles and plans to give up, and there are plots that cheer up after being encouraged.

In the end, after thousands of reincarnations, he finally entered the secret realm of Wukong. He learned the "Yunqi Zhenjing" for ten thousand years of retreat, obtained Ruyi Divine Iron, and killed the demon master in one fell swoop, ending the demon war.

This is Lin Qian'an's outline.

After writing three chapters, Lin Qianan decisively chose to publish it.

It was approved in less than ten minutes, and there was someone in the book review area immediately.

Chisha: "Wow, Qian'an University has finally opened a new pit, which is gratifying!!"

Dumplings don't eat dumplings: "It seems to be written about Sword Immortals, cultivators, I glanced at it just now, and it's from the reborn!"

Will you think of me: "I really want to know how strong the characters that Qian An Da will summon after the book is over!"


After Lin Qianan glanced at it, he closed the comment area and continued coding.

Now his "Shushan Swordsman Record" has also been cleared, and there is only one "Demon Saint" in the game mall that sells for 23333 points.

Lin Qianan hesitated whether to buy it or not.

Buy it, he can't afford it with 100,000 points, but in this case, he will waste an opportunity to solidify the daily card.

Don't buy it!

Instead, you can wait for the next month's discount, which should save a lot of stubborn points.

But right now I feel like I have nothing to do.

And the game was just put in the mall, and Lin Qianan couldn't contain his desire to buy it.

After thinking about it again and again, Lin Qianan decided to buy it at a discount next month.

For the rest of the, he will still practice first for the rest of the time, trying to condense the true seeds of the fourth layer of the "Na Lingjue", and deduce the condensing pill by comprehending [Shen Wu]. the boundary after that.

The other is to improve the ability, learn the knowledge of formation, alchemy and the like.

Just thinking about Lin Qian'an makes me feel a little too busy, and I wish I could use one person as two people.

Lin Qianan looked at the clone who was refining witch medicine in the living room.

Hmm...he is now using it as one person as two! !

------off topic-----

Information that can be disclosed so far: Because Lin Qian'an has been trying new moves over the academy for a long time, the rain clouds over the academy have been scattered, and it has not rained for nearly more than a month.


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