No Jokes Here

Chapter 212: "King Kong Fu Mo Gong" + [gigantic], strange incarnation

September 9th, exactly ten in the morning.

"King Kong subdues demons!"

A golden lotus bloomed in the void, and Lin Qian'an suddenly transformed into a giant, twenty feet tall, with three heads and eight arms.

Feeling the power brought by the perfect level of "King Kong Demon Fighting", Lin Qian'an's expression was particularly indifferent.

What should really be joyful, has long been joyful, and now all this is just a matter of course.

Lin Qian'an moved in the state of the Vajra Dharma for a while, and then he found that the Dharma body that felt particularly powerful before, now feels like that.

In the state of the Vajra Dharma, a full-strength shot should be able to slightly compete with the fourth-level primary powerhouse, but if the opponent uses a rule-level attack, the existence of the Vajra Dharma can be eliminated in an instant.

Therefore, although the Dharma King Kong looks awesome, it is still a little off.

However, in the state of Lin Qian'an's law, he can also use spiritual techniques and abilities.

Coupled with the blessing of his majestic spiritual sense now, he can also exert terrifying power.

Thinking of supernatural powers, Lin Qianan suddenly thought of a supernatural power that he possessed that was somewhat similar to the Vajra Law.

That's [gigantic]!

After this ability was upgraded to the third-level peak by Lin Qian'an, it can fully transform into a giant 100 meters high. In addition to the lack of many means of the Vajra Dharma, the body size is even more terrifying than the Vajra Dharma, and the pure power increase, It should still be [giant] stronger.

Moreover, after this ability is upgraded to the third-level peak, it can become huge together with the clothes on the body and the items in the hands.

Lin Qian'an was thinking, if he regards the Vajra Dharma condensed in "King Kong Demonic Art" as a piece of clothing, can he rely on this ability to directly make the Dharma's body grow bigger together?

It is theoretically feasible, but whether it can be combined, Lin Qianan has to try it.

At this time, his figure was in the 10,000-meter-high sky, his mind moved slightly, and the [giant] ability was suddenly displayed.

The energy of the cells in the body was rapidly squeezed, and the Vajra Phantasm transformed by Lin Qian'an and his own body were beginning to grow larger at this time.

Soon, the body of Vajra Dharma reached a size of more than 100 meters.

However, Lin Qianan felt that this was far from the upper limit.

"Give me the length!"

With a loud shout, Lin Qian'an's [nuclear fusion cell] rule ability was used, the lung cancer cells burned wildly, and the terrifying energy was supplied to the [giant] ability.

Lin Qianan's body is also rapidly expanding due to the connection of the diamond method.

In a short while, the Vajra Dharma seems to have swelled to a level of more than 600 meters.

Lin Qian'an's spiritual sense and [biological force field] held this huge body suspended in the void, and the huge sense of power was continuously transmitted to Lin Qian'an through the meridians condensed by real power.

Looking at the empty space, Lin Qian'an moved slightly, and the palm-shaped palm of the Vajra Dharma was suddenly erected in front of his chest. Among the three heads, the one representing mercy also looked forward at this time. .


A huge golden **** swirled in the palm of his hand.


Lin Qian'an shouted loudly, and the **** was pushed out by him.

It rose against the wind and quickly turned into a huge symbol that was as large as a kilometer.

Wherever it went, the clouds dissipated.


The **** mark burst open, and the surrounding area was empty.

Lin Qian'an looked at this scene in shock, but did not expect this combination to be able to achieve such terrifying power.

With this palm down, it is estimated that most of the fourth-level superhumans have to choose to retreat.

After all, with such a terrifying power, even if you master the rule-level ability, you probably don't want to take it hard.

Even then, they have to consume a lot.

Lin Qianan slapped him again, and he had to take a break.

Moreover, Lin Qian'an is still the first type of compassion, he also has the second type of anger, and the third type of Buddha's presence is useless.

There are also knives, swords, sticks, claws, fists, pestles, and demon-suppressing bells.

Even if these opponents can carry it, he still has magic, witchcraft, a lot of third-level peak abilities and terrifying spiritual attacks waiting behind him.

Lin Qian'an didn't believe anyone could stop him.

And these are just appetizers, his real power is those rule-level abilities he masters.

[Decomposition] Blessing can decompose the opponent's attack, or even directly decompose the opponent itself.

[Reconciliation] The ability can create more possibilities, allowing Lin Qianan to mix and display multiple abilities, and the power will go further.

[Nuclear Fusion Cells] Combined with lung cancer cells can generate infinite energy, no matter how many times he uses all-out attacks, he can still be at the peak.

Lin Qianxin thought about it, and the figure of the Vajra Dharma quickly shrank, and then he suddenly returned to his original state.

There are two words written all over his face now.


Do not!

It is "invincible"!

He felt like he was doing it again.

With such power, Lin Qianan felt that he was now enough to play Godzilla alone.

Even if he doesn't kill him with a single move, he can exhaust Godzilla to the point of exhaustion.

Faced with the big eyeball at the beginning, he directly used the "King Kong Demon Demonstration" with all his strength, combined with the [giant] ability, he could take it back with a slap.

After a long while, Lin Qianan suppressed his eagerness to try, teleported several times in a row, and returned to the apartment again.

Anyway, keep a low profile.

A strong middle has its own strong middle hand, and a mountain is still a mountain high.

Not yet swell time.

Now he has to develop silently, and wait until one day to shock the whole world.



At the top of a rooftop in Qing'an City, a strong wind blew through, causing the hair in front of Bao Han's forehead to fly.

In front of her, there was a small plastic basin filled with some water, and she was fishing something in the small plastic basin with the pink plastic fishing rod in her hand.

Her hook dangled in the water, but she was nowhere to be seen, and she had no idea where she was headed.

Behind Bao Han, Mo Jingyu in pajamas and funny blindfolds was lying on the ground. From his well-proportioned breathing, it could be seen that he was already asleep.

Xi Suo ~ collapse ~!

Suddenly, the hook in Bao Han's hand was straightened.


Bao Han showed a happy expression, grabbed the fishing rod forcefully, and then kept turning the reel, pulling back the hook little by little.

After about ten minutes, her fishing rod was suddenly pulled out of the water basin, splashing everywhere.

I saw a strange-looking purple fruit about the size of a basketball hanging on the hook, Bao Han took the fruit off the hook, and his expression became a little weird: "What is this? Can you eat it? This time Didn't you use the elixir as bait? How did you catch a fruit?"

"Huh~?" At this moment, Mo Jingyu took off his blindfold and looked at Bao Han, "Did you catch something?"

"Is it a fruit? Or a melon? Look!"

Bao Han said, and directly handed the purple fruit to Mo Jingyu.

"Just in my dream, Samsara I was a little hungry. I'll take a bite and see."

Mo Jingyu didn't worry about whether it was poisonous or not, so he picked up the fruit and took a bite.

Immediately, Mo Jingyu chewed with a smile and said, "Sweet, non-toxic, and rich in energy, remember this spatial coordinate!"

"It's actually edible. I thought the color was poisonous!" Bao Han looked a little surprised and said, "Give me a taste!"

Saying that, Baohan stretched out his hand and patted the fruit, directly dividing the fruit into two, taking out the core and collecting it, holding half of the fruit and eating it.

The two began to talk while eating.

Baohan said: "When did you say this is a head! We have been here for three days, and there is no strange movement at all, so it is not necessary to stay here forever? I miss my private fishing pond!"

"I really want to go back to my big water bed to sleep, but it's hard to sleep on the rooftop, it's uncomfortable!" Mo Jingyu also said.

As the two of them spoke, they both stopped eating melons, showing melancholy expressions.

Baohan suddenly shouted to the void: "Stupid and weird, come out to do something! Come out and fight with the old lady 1v1 man! What kind of hero is he who hides and tucks his head like a shrunken turtle..."


As soon as the voice fell, a gap suddenly opened in the void, and terrifying and strange energy fluctuations spread out.

Bao Han and Mo Jingyu looked at each other, and their expressions became a little unbelievable.

Immediately, both of them looked at the direction where the thunder fell.

Mo Jingyu's blindfold opened directly, and the traces of the runes appeared in front of him, as if he had already used the qi technique.

"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!!"

While watching, Bao Han's expression became more and more shocked.

Mo Jingyu next to him also looked solemn, he said, "It's just an incarnation coming, but it should also reach the pseudo fifth order, are you sure we want to go?"

"Or, go back and find two reinforcements?" Baohan suggested.

"Who can I find? Now 90% of the masters in the headquarters have gone to build humanity with Long Yi. Even if we can find it, we will find a few superhumans of the fourth-level elementary or the fourth-level intermediate, and facing the pseudo fifth-order Didn't they give away the incarnation of the weird true god?" Mo Jingyu shook his head.

"We only have two fourth-level seniors, didn't we send them away in the past?" Bao Han said with a bitter face.

"Then you can't watch it do things here!" Mo Jingyu frowned and said, "If it develops and the real body arrives, the whole city of Qing'an will be finished."

"It's alright, alright, I'll just go up, it's just a sacrifice, UU reading I just hope that after the humanism is completed, Long Yi can arrange a good job for me, it would be great if I could have a full-time job. "Bao Han said with a heroic expression.

Mo Jingyu raised his eyebrows, not expecting that Bao Han would dare to think so.

The meaning represented by the humane official position is not simple. If you want to obtain the humane official position, you must at least have the existence of the ancient sage level and the elders of the Xuanguo state to be qualified.

To bear and his credit, at most it is to take a casual job.

"Stop imagining, let's go!"

As Mo Jingyu said that, he took off his blindfold and turned into a dark long sword. The pajamas on his body also changed shape and turned into a dark armor.

Immediately, he jumped up and flew to the direction where the strange incarnation came.

Immediately, Bao Han also waved his hand to put away the fishing rod, water basin and multi-functional fishing bucket, and used his spiritual technique to fly up and follow.


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