No Jokes Here

Chapter 210: Lord of Desire

Han Ming and Chu Yunsheng were two ordinary students in Xuanyang Academy.

The internal skills are average, and now they are only third-rate.

"Na Ling Jue" is also generally practiced. Currently, it is only in the middle stage of absorbing Qi, and I don't know when it will be able to reach the Cyclone Realm.

Talismans, national arts, formations, spiritual arts, alchemy, witch medicine and other courses are also not outstanding.

Even with the assistance of intellectual brain chips, they are still ranked in the middle and lower reaches of the students.

Efforts may not necessarily catch up with more powerful students, but it seems that if you don't work hard, you will fail your hard-won learning opportunities.

Fight to fight!

Everyone is desperately moving forward, hoping to gain more power and higher social status.

On this road, the students of the academy have followed one after another, and they are even more complicated than when they were in ordinary schools.

At three in the morning, Han Ming and Chu Yunsheng were still waving rune pens in the bedroom to draw runes.

This is an opportunity for them from the college side.

By drawing talismans and selling them to the academy, you can get Xuanyang points, so you can buy the resources you want on the Xuanyang app.

The recovery price of an ordinary nectar academy is 1 point, and a spiritual crystal is sold for 20 points.

You only need to draw twenty nectar charms to buy a spirit crystal.

This can greatly speed up their cultivation speed.

A single spirit crystal can save at least ten days of work.

And now that they are assisted by a brain chip, it is not difficult to draw talismans, it only takes time.

If you have a little liver and sleep a little less every day, except for the necessary time spent on eating, drinking, and attending classes, it is not a problem to have more than a dozen nectar charms a day.

It takes an average of three days to get two spirit crystals.

Of course, if you can learn more useful talismans, or refine some powerful elixir, witch medicine and the like can also get more points and buy more spirit crystals.

But these were not things that Han Ming and Chu Yunsheng could consider.

Even with the help of the brain, their learning ability is not top-notch, and they can't make a slightly difficult talisman or medicine pill for the time being.

When it comes to sub-professional paths, they are not at all outstanding.

Even without the help of the brain chip, they might still be worrying about learning to draw the first talisman!

After half an hour, Han Ming finished drawing the talisman in his hand.

He carefully put this talisman into the talisman box, calculating his points in his heart.

With the talisman drawn today, he will have 130 points next.

If you want to condense the cyclone and break through to the cyclone realm, if you have the help of condensing qi, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

A Qi Condensation Pill costs 1,000 points, and he will save it for a while, just to reach the peak of Qi Qi Realm.

When the time comes to buy the Qi Condensation Pill, it will be a matter of course for him to break through to the Cyclone Realm.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and opened Xuanyang Mall, and found the Qi Condensation Pill in his shopping cart again.

That crystal clear appearance made him unable to help but sip his saliva.

【Want it? 】

Suddenly, a voice resounded in Han Ming's mind.

"Who? Who are you?" Han Ming said with a somewhat frightened expression.

【I? I am the incarnation of the Lord of Desires in the world, and I can satisfy all your desires. 】

"Lord of Desire?"

Han Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and his fingers were quietly placed on the alarm button of Xuanlong's mobile phone.

In the face of this abnormal event, the college has already given a reminder.

Be sure to notify the school as soon as possible, and do not handle the incident privately.

But just as Han Ming's fingers were about to press down, he suddenly stopped.

Han Ming looked at the void seriously, his eyes flickering and said, "Can you give me a Qi Condensation Pill?"

He knows that trading with such strange existences may be risky, but this is Xuanyang Academy.

All the teachers are powerful transcendents, the deputy dean is a powerful existence of the third-level middle-level, and the dean is even stronger.

Is he still afraid of each other here?

And what he wants is just a small Qi condensing pill, the impact should not be too big!

[Of course, this couldn't be easier, it only requires you to pay a small price! 】

"What price?" Han Ming asked.

[Everyone has desires, and they can never be satisfied. You just need to give me a little bit of your insatiable desire. 】


Han Ming had doubts in his heart and felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say anything.

[Yes, you only need a little desire, you don’t have to worry about anything, you have so many desires, it will not affect your life, as long as you agree, you can get the Qi Condensation Pill you want immediately. 】

"Does it really matter?"

Han Ming's eyes became a little blurry, and his heart was already filled with the Qi Condensation Pill he wanted.

[Of course, then, do you agree to this deal? 】

"I agree!"

【Congratulations, the ceremony is completed! 】

In the middle of nowhere, something was extracted from Han Ming's body. Immediately, a crystal clear Qi Condensation Pill appeared on the table in front of Han Ming. His eyes were dull and numb now, and there was no joy at all on his face.

Meanwhile, in the bedroom on the other side.

Chu Yunsheng murmured: "Can I really break through to the late stage of Qi-absorbing realm?"

【certainly! So, do you agree to the deal? 】

"I... agree to the deal!"

At the moment when Chu Yunsheng's words landed, the spiritual energy poured into his body, allowing him to directly break through to the late stage of the Qi-absorbing realm.

At the same time, his expression became dull and numb.

Early in the morning, half past six.

The alarm clock in Chu Yunsheng and Han Ming's room rang, and they didn't turn off for a long time.

Another student, Xiong Lei, who shares the dormitory with them, is a little puzzled. Usually, they get up when their alarm clock rings, why are they still sleeping for so long today?

So Xiong Lei knocked on the door of the two bedroom.

"Hey, your alarm clock has been ringing for so long, should you get up? There's still early self-study at 7:30!"

After knocking on the door for a long time, Xiong Lei, who received no response, couldn't help frowning.

He twisted the door handle and found that the door had been locked. In desperation, he had to say, "Han Ming, I'm going to force the door!"

Saying that, Xiong Lei's spiritual power gathered at his fingertips and penetrated into the door lock. With a slight push, the door lock was opened with a click.

He pushed open the door and entered, and found that Han Ming was sitting on a chair in the bedroom, looking at a Qi Condensation Pill as if he had lost his soul.

"Hey, Han Ming, what's wrong with you? Where did this condensate pill come from?" Xiong Lei asked aloud.

However, no matter how he called, he didn't get a response from him.

Xiong Lei realized that something was wrong, and quickly opened the bedroom on the other side.

In the bedroom, Chu Yunsheng also sat blankly by the bed, his face numb.

Xiong Lei quickly picked up his mobile phone and called the counselor.

As soon as the call was connected, Xiong Lei said, "Mr. Li, something happened!"



In the teacher's apartment, Lin Qian'an is using Tong Zun's [God Comprehension] ability to comprehend the realm after condensing pills.

After the last two [God Enlightenment], he has already caught a little bit now.

He felt that he might have at most a dozen or twenty [God Enlightenment], and he would be able to comprehend the method of martial arts cultivation in the next realm.

The ten-minute epiphany time soon expired, and Lin Qianan returned to his own state from Tong Zun's state.

Just when he was going to continue to use the God of Witchcraft Advent Card to refine witchcraft, the phone suddenly rang.

Lin Qianan picked up the phone and saw that it was the call from Kong Ying, the dean of education.

"Hey, Director Kong, what are you looking for from me?" Lin Qianan asked after connecting the phone.

"Mr. Lin, some students have been exposed to abnormal events, and now they have fallen into a very special state, as if they have lost their souls. The school doctor can't heal them. Mr. Lin, you can refine witch medicine, so I want you to come here. Take a look and try to treat it." Kong Ying said quickly.

"I'll be right here." Lin Qianan replied.

After the voice fell, Lin Qian'an hung up the phone, and with a display of spiritual sense, the entire Xuanyang Academy's situation was all in the perception.

Immediately, a black vortex suddenly appeared in the space in front of Lin Qianan, Lin Qianan stepped into it, and teleported directly into the infirmary of the college.

At this time, in the infirmary, Dean Lu Lin, Vice Dean Cheng Haichang, Dean of Academic Affairs Kong Ying, and some teachers were all here. It seems that Lin Qian'an is not the first teacher to be recruited.

On the hospital bed not far away, two students were lying quietly on it. Their expressions were dull and their eyes were numb. Except for instinctive breathing and blinking, they were almost indistinguishable from those in a vegetative state.

Seeing Lin Qian'an appear in this way, their eyes were full of surprise.

"President Lu, President Cheng, Director Kong..." Lin Qianan greeted several leaders present.

"Mr. Lin, don't be polite for now. Come and see the students! They have been in this state for a long time. I'm afraid that the delay may affect their lives." Lu Lin said.

Lin Qianan nodded and walked towards Han Ming and Chu Yunsheng.

After looking at the two of them, Lin Qian'an swept his spiritual thoughts and found nothing wrong with their bodies. Because of the monks, their bodies were much healthier than ordinary people.

[Analysis] With the ability, Lin Qian'an's mental power quickly summarized the situation of the two.

However, he still couldn't find the problem.

Lin Qianan frowned slightly, looked at Liao Ting, the school doctor next to him, and said, "Mr. Liao, have you tried treatment?"

Liao Ting is also a member of the Dragon Group, codenamed [P-Picturer], and has the ability to directly P-picture to heal others.

That's the "bad news is that your leg is broken, but don't worry, I've fixed it for you with ps".

Of course, in addition to the ability of this stalk, Liao Ting also has a real medical license.

Hearing Lin Qian'an's question at this time, Liao Ting said: "Their bodies are intact, I feel a bit like a psychological problem, but this aspect is not very sure, and my p-picture ability can't solve the relevant situation."

Lin Qianan looked at the many teachers and asked, "Who is their counselor?"

"Mr. Lin, it's me!" A round-faced female teacher in a small smart suit and about 1.65 meters tall raised her hand.

Lin Qianan looked at the other party and found that it was an acquaintance he knew.

This female teacher is called Li Yuyao, she is in the general group of non-staff members of the Dragon Group, and her code name is [Excellent Teacher].

She is also someone who has the ability to stalk.

Her meme comes from a joke of her own.

At that time, she was selected as an excellent teacher because she was selected as an excellent teacher. Whenever anyone chatted with her, she would mention it, so that it became a meme spread on the campus where she was originally.


Teacher XX: "Mr. Li, good morning!"

Li Yasu: "How do you know that I have selected this year's outstanding teachers?"

Then Li Sushuang gained the ability of being an "excellent teacher".

She can directly teach her own insights to the students, as long as she has learned the skills, it will be easy to teach to the students.

"Mr. Li, do you know how they became like this?" Lin Qianan asked.

Li Suyao replied: "I only found out about the accident when I got the notification from the students. When I arrived at the student dormitory, they were already like this. By the way, when I found them, there was a Qi Condensation Pill in front of Han Ming. , Logically speaking, his points cannot afford to buy Qi Condensation Pill, and Chu Yunsheng, his cultivation base yesterday was still in the middle stage of Qi absorption, and today he has reached the late stage of Qi absorption."

"What about the Qi Condensation Pill?"

"Here!" Kong Ying said.

Saying that, she directly handed over a crystal clear Qi Condensation Pill.

Lin Qianan scanned the Qi Condensation Pill with his spiritual sense, but also didn't feel anything wrong.

[Analysis] The ability was used, but no useful information could be parsed.

The medicine pill itself is made by spirit materials and spirit plants, and things related to spirit energy, Lin Qian'an's [Analysis] ability has never been easy to use.

Lin Qianan was a little confused.

Can't find the cause, how should he treat it?

He looked at the two students lying on the bed, unable to move, like a vegetable?

Then let them regain consciousness, is it enough to move?

Thinking of this, Lin Qianan handed the Qi Condensation Pill back to Kong Ying, and said, "I will start trying to heal immediately."

After speaking, Lin Qian'an's palm followed with the advent card of the God of Witchcraft.

"God of witch medicine, come!"

------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.

Cucumber is not as good as yam

thank you very much! !


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