No Jokes Here

Chapter 208: 【Harmony】, true level 4

Lin Qianan looked at the [Soul Replacement] ability on his panel.

This is the fourth-level ability he obtained from Urata Junichi through the blessing of [Origin] when he was in Wano Kingdom.

At that time, Lin Qianan also obtained the memory information of Urata Junichi at the same time.

In order to upgrade his [Soul Replacement] ability, Urata Junichi consumed a lot of resources.

Among them, they even used the only two "super stone" in their country.

And the purpose of all this is to take away the super S-class hero of the original Hero Association, the fourth-level natural system [Water God] superpower, Jinno Minoru.

But unfortunately, Godzilla came before he could start implementing the plan, and Jinno Minoru went to stop Godzilla. As a result, he was careless and was directly killed by Godzilla's atomic breath.

At this point, Urata Junichi has set his target on the world's superhuman and Godzilla.

Later, various coincidences made him choose Lin Qian'an, which also allowed Lin Qian'an to obtain his massive soul energy and the rule-level ability of this [Soul Replacement].

Closer to home.

Lin Qianan felt that if the quality of the decomposed ability was really not enough, then if the [Soul Replacement] ability was decomposed, the quality would definitely be enough.

As for the waste of this rule-level ability, Lin Qianan didn't think so.

He never thought about who to give up, his body is the best.

This ability is even tasteless to him.

However, this matter is not in a hurry for the time being. First upgrade the other abilities to see which one is stronger, and then make a choice and consider which one to upgrade.

Without considering whether the ability fragments are enough, Lin Qianan became more and more reckless when he added points.

It only takes him less than a minute to copy the 300,000 supernatural blood beads. He can obtain them through the [Devouring] ability, and then turn them into supernatural fragments through [Disintegration] protection. It takes a relatively long time, but It only takes a few minutes.

Then, just add some crazy points directly.

On average, in five minutes, Lin Qian'an can have an ability that can be added to the third-level peak.

Since the [Biological Force Field], Lin Qian'an has upgraded the abilities such as [Giant], [Space Control], and [Energy Transformed Body], and all three abilities have been upgraded to the third-level peak.

[Giant] After the ability reached the peak of the third level, a qualitative change occurred directly.

It is no longer a huge body of more than three meters, but can directly become a giant of 100 meters high.

And its huge target is not only limited to the body, but even the clothes and the weapons held in the hands can also be enlarged accordingly.

The energy consumed is a bit exaggerated, even Lin Qianan can feel the obvious consumption, and if converted into real power, it is almost no worse than "King Kong Demon Fighting".

However, with such a huge body, the combat power is also qualitatively changed.

Who can withstand the punches and kicks of an ordinary superhuman?

[Space Mastery] allows Lin Qian'an to teleport farther away. Within three kilometers, Lin Qian'an can almost create a space portal to teleport at will, and it is easier to use and consumes less.

[Energy Transformation Body] makes the quality of the body lower. In this state, Lin Qian'an is almost a ray of light. With the [Biological Force Field] of the third-level peak, the speed can be as fast as his own. out of control.

In a breath, Lin Qian'an ran back and forth between the downtown area of ​​Qing'an City and Xuanyang College.

He didn't pay attention, and even ran several kilometers more directly.

There are so many of these.

Originally only a first-level ability, after being strengthened to the third-level peak, it has undergone an absolute qualitative change.

Including Lin Qianan's original [Analysis] ability, the current analysis speed is also ridiculously fast.

The abilities of the third-level peaks were strengthened by Lin Qian'an, and all aspects of himself were also rapidly strengthened.

The spiritual power became stronger, the spiritual sense became more concentrated, the soul became stronger, the thinking speed became faster, the cells in the body stored more energy, the physique became stronger, and the dantian became a lot bigger again.

The strengthening of his body made him devour and create blood beads with supernatural abilities much faster, which once again accelerated the speed at which he upgraded his supernatural powers.

When Lin Qian'an possessed more than forty three-level peak powers, his body began to undergo some changes.

Lin Qianan felt that the muscles in his body were trembling a little. The overly powerful abilities made him a little unable to adapt, and he couldn't control it just by relying on the intellectual brain chip.

However, Lin Qianan felt that he was not at the limit, so he continued to strengthen his abilities.

After Lin Qianan had more than 80 third-level peak abilities, Lin Qianan finally felt that he had reached his limit.

Now he is like a dynamite barrel full of explosives, maybe a little spark will explode.

The specific manifestation is that the energy fluctuations in his body began to spread uncontrollably, and the muscles swelled involuntarily. Just now he wanted to move the chair over, but as soon as he grabbed it, he directly crushed the steel frame of the armrest.

There is still a little frost hanging on the broken pieces, and the other half is still in a state of melting.

Lin Qianan knew that if he wanted to continue to become stronger, he needed to fully control these abilities in his body.

And the shortcut to control these abilities is the [harmonious] ability.

As a result, Lin Qian'an thought about it and began to strengthen his [Reconciliation] ability again.

[Reconciliation] The upgrade of the ability has greatly reduced the strange feeling of the body.

Those abilities started to stabilize a lot.

When Lin Qian'an upgraded the [Reconciliation] ability to the third-level peak, his body no longer felt strange.

The more than 80 third-level abilities can also be completely controlled within the body.

Lin Qianan then started to upgrade his abilities again.

You know, he has hundreds of thousands of abilities.

However, when he upgraded more than 200 level 3 peak abilities, he encountered a bottleneck again.

The [Reconciliation] ability of the third-level peak cannot control the more than two hundred third-level peak abilities.

The mere two hundred third-level peak powers can't be controlled, how can Lin Qianan be reconciled?

His thoughts moved slightly, and the panel he built with the hope chip appeared in front of him.

On that, there are several special abilities that are divided into a separate column.

These abilities are [Nuclear Fusion Cell], [Source], [Decomposition], and [Soul Replacement].

These four are all rule-level abilities that Lin Qianan currently possesses.

Lin Qian'an's eyes fell on [Houlei] again.

This ability has little meaning for him to hold, and it is not even tasteless.

If it is decomposed, can it strengthen the second rule-level ability?

As long as the [Harmony] ability is upgraded to the fourth level, he will probably no longer be unable to control it because there are too many third-level abilities to upgrade.

At that time, he will definitely become stronger! !

If he faces that eyeball again, he can knock it back without trying too hard! ! !

For this matter, he has always acted as if he didn't care, but in fact his heart was more reconciled than anyone else.

After clearly experiencing the Wano country, he thought he was strong enough, but the reality immediately gave him a heavy slap.

The feeling left by that slap was painful and clear, bringing him back to reality, and erasing the arrogance that had just risen in his heart.

During the time he lay in the hospital bed, he yearned for strength all the time.

If he was a Level 5 Transcendent at that time, would he be able to repel the opponent head-on, or even defeat him?

Thinking of this, Lin Qianan couldn't help but clench his fist slightly.


The air burst in Lin Qian'an's palm, causing layers of air waves, which made the curtains sway.

[Whether to decompose the [Soul Replacement] ability? 】


Lin Qianan answered affirmatively in his heart.

The moment the order was issued, Lin Qian'an's [Disintegration] blessing began to be used, and the [Soul Replacement] ability was dismantled.

At this moment, Lin Qian'an clearly felt that the [Decomposition] blessing was consuming more energy in the body, but the decomposition speed of the [Soul Replacement] ability was still not fast.

At the same rule level, even if the [Soul Replacement] ability does not resist, the [Decomposition] blessing is slightly difficult to decompose.


Lin Qian'an's chest lit up with a crimson light, and the [nuclear fusion cells] seemed to be fully utilized, and the lung cancer cells produced a huge amount of energy, which fully supplied the [decomposition] protection.

At this moment, Lin Qian'an's [Decomposition] blessing was blessed to the limit, and the [Soul Replacement] ability began to fail.

In the depths of the soul, a silver-white supernatural light sphere suddenly shattered and turned into ten smaller supernatural fragments.

[You have obtained a fourth-level ability fragment *10. 】

At this moment, the crimson light on Lin Qian'an's chest gradually disappeared, and in contrast, his breathing became much slower.

[Whether to use a fourth-level ability fragment, add points to upgrade the [Harmony] ability. 】


When Lin Qian'an's order was issued, a fourth-level ability fragment also disappeared.

In contrast, his [Reconciliation] ability began to change, and an inexplicable feeling appeared in Lin Qian'an's soul.

That is the rule perception about "reconciliation"!

It's hard to tell, but it's real.

With such power, you can directly reconcile things that are incompatible.

It not only includes power, but also energy, matter....

This is the real "reconciliation"! !

The perception appeared for a while, and then disappeared.

Lin Qianan said with some unfinished thoughts: "Not enough, not enough! Continue to upgrade! Hope, add some!!"

[Whether to use a fourth-level ability fragment, add points to upgrade the [Harmony] ability. 】



[Whether to use a fourth-level ability fragment, add points to upgrade the [Harmony] ability. 】



After realizing it again and again, Lin Qianan felt that his understanding of the [Reconciliation] ability became more and more profound.

When he added the tenth fourth-level ability fragment to the [Harmony] ability.

At this moment, he completely understood.

In Lin Qian'an's body, the number of terrifying abilities began to become quiet and well-behaved, constantly merging and mixing with each other.

In the depths of his soul, these powers began to merge with each other, and finally turned into a huge ball of colorful power light.

And the one responsible for fusing these abilities is another ability light ball.

It's like glue, but it's not just sticking these abilities together, but letting them have me in you, and you in me, and really harmonize them together without any conflict.

The energy intensity in his body rose rapidly during this process, and suddenly, it seemed to break a certain shackle.


With a light sound in the soul, Lin Qianan slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, he seems to have reached the fourth level! !

A true fourth-level superhuman.

Comprehension, energy level, and mastery of the rules are all in short supply.

Although Lin Qian'an had the ability of the rule level before, he was at most a pseudo-level 4 at that time.

The energy level is not strong enough, and it lacks the perception of the rule-level ability. It is just using the rule-level ability as a tool.

But now it's He has almost mastered his own rule-level ability [Reconciliation] from scratch, and there is no shortage of insights, and the normal energy level has reached the level of the fourth level.

Now he, no matter from any point of view, is already a superhuman of the fourth level.

------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.


Di San Xian do not need eggplant

Jiuxiao has no edict



thank you very much! ! !


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