No Jokes Here

Chapter 200: investigation

Qing'an City, Yizhou District, inside the Fortune Hotel.

Li Zhenjie and Ji Xuanyuan, a member of the Dragon Team of a branch team, were looking at a dead body.

"The deceased's name was Song Zimo, he was twenty-four years old, and he was working in a wealthy hotel. He was strangled and suffocated to death. Before he died, his eyes, tongue, nose, and ears were all removed." Li Zhenjie checked it out. information, and then said to Ji Xuanyuan.

"This is the second case of organ harvesting in Yizhou District. It was kidney and heart before, and there was a similar case in Shunyuan County. The deceased had his legs and hands amputated. There were also two cases in Shuangrong County. Such a case..." Ji Xuanyuan also replied.

"A lot of people have died before and after, this is not easy, has your system found it?" Li Zhenjie frowned.

"No, the main function of my training system is to cultivate, and the detection of killing intent and grievance is just an accompanying function. If the other party is not active nearby, it is difficult for me to find it." Ji Xuanyuan shook his head.

"The surveillance didn't see it, and the fingerprints didn't stay. How did the other party do it?"

Seeing this, Li Zhenjie couldn't help but fall into doubt.

Ji Xuanyuan sighed, and immediately said: "This matter cannot continue, it must be resolved as soon as possible, I will call and ask the Yang Bureau, it really can't be done, let the General Bureau arrange someone to come and solve the problem!"

After saying that, Ji Xuanyuan called Yang Ming directly.

"Officer Yang, it's like this... Yes, I can't detect the trace of the other party, what? You send someone here? Then I'll wait for a while!"

After hanging up the phone, Ji Xuanyuan looked at Li Zhenjie and said, "Officer Yang said he's going to shake people!"

"Shake who?" Li Zhenjie wondered.

"I don't know either, but he seems very confident, the other party should be very powerful!" Ji Xuanyuan said.

"There are quite a few of our teams with strong combat power, but now we can't find any trace of the other party." Li Zhenjie said with emotion: "Forget it, let's wait for the person called by Bureau Yang to talk about it!"



Xuanyang College, Teacher Apartment No. 404.

Lin Qian'an was playing a game when Xuanlong's phone suddenly vibrated.

He picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was Yang Ming's call.

After connecting, Yang Ming's voice came from the opposite side.

"Xiao Lin, are you free now?"

"What? Bureau Yang, what's the matter with you?"

"Recently, Qing'an City has been a little uneasy. We have some troubles that we can't solve. Can you do me a favor?"

"What exactly is it? Tell me, if I can help, I will definitely help!"

"That's how it goes..."

"Okay, I understand, I'll go right now."

After a while, Lin Qianan hung up the phone.

He really didn't expect that such a big thing had already happened in Qing'an City.

If this continues to develop, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Lin Qianan saved the game in progress, then put away the game computer, looked at the avatar who was practicing on the bed, and then went to the living room to glance at Xiao Jiu and Xiao Ji who were watching TV.

"Forget it, I won't bring them, Xiaojiu, Xiaojie, you guys take a good look at home, I'm going out for something."

Lin Qianan warned the two pets, then jumped out of the window and flew directly to the direction of the Fortune Hotel in Yizhou District.

[Biological Force Field], [Energy Transformation Body], True Power Breathing, Spiritual Power Push, Lightweight Technique....

After using various means, Lin Qian'an's figure suddenly turned into a golden light, which directly cut through the sky and disappeared between the clouds.

Now that he has broken through the realm of condensing pills, coupled with the reason why his mental power has become stronger, Lin Qian'an's flight speed has increased to a higher level.

To be specific, it is under full-fledged flight, and now he only needs thirty seconds to go from the academy to the Huangshangang cemetery.

And from the academy to the National Security Bureau in Qing'an City, he can run back and forth in thirty seconds.

Of course, at such a fast speed, he couldn't grasp it.

It's easy to overshoot! !

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Lin Qianan would not drive at full speed now.

More than two minutes later, Lin Qian'an had arrived at the location of the Fortune Hotel in Yizhou District.

The reason it took him two minutes was mainly because he took the time to look at the satellite map.

In order not to cause too much impact, Lin Qianan slowly descended from the sky after he became invisible in the void.

When he came to the ground, Lin Qianan showed his body in a secluded corner, then took out the mask and peaked cap from the space ring, put it on, and walked towards the wealthy hotel.

There is no one in the hotel now, and there is still a cordon outside.

Lin Qianan walked to the door and was directly stopped by the police.

"I'm a member of the Dragon Group, and I'm here to investigate unusual events." Lin Qianan showed his Dragon Group credentials.

"Excuse me, please come in!"

The other party bowed slightly, and then let go of the obstruction.

Lin Qianan nodded and stepped in immediately.

On the other side, Li Zhenjie was chatting with Ji Xuanyuan.

"Are you saying that Yang Juyao's people can do it? We have so many people in the dragon group that he can find each other by shaking him alone?" Li Zhenjie looked a little puzzled.

"Officer Yang's connections are still very strong, maybe it's someone who called the Directorate directly?" Ji Xuanyuan touched his chin and said.

The two were talking when they suddenly saw a man wearing a black cap and mask coming across the corridor.

They looked at each other and guessed that this was the helper that Yang Ming had called.

I didn't expect the other party to come so quickly!

Lin Qianan also saw Li Zhenjie and Ji Xuanyuan at this time.

He didn't know Ji Xuanyuan, but he was familiar with Li Zhenjie.

This is the leader who leads him to appreciate the extraordinary road! !

"Brother Li, long time no see!" Lin Qianan greeted first.

"This voice, who are you?" Li Zhenjie's eyes widened and he asked in surprise.

"It's me, don't you recognize me when you put on the mask and hat?" Lin Qianan took off the mask and hat and said with a smile.

"Xiao Lin! You have been so beautiful during this time, I thought you were all transferred to the General Administration!" Li Zhenjie said with a smile.

"[Novelist]?" Ji Xuanyuan blinked and said.

The matter of Godzilla in the country of Wano was so turbulent that people all over the world knew that Lin Qian'an played a very important role in it.

Anyone who has watched the video will be curious to know about Lin Qian'an.

Ji Xuanyuan naturally did not know Lin Qian'an.

Lin Qian'an also noticed Ji Xuanyuan, who was quite handsome in appearance, about 1.8 meters tall, with black hair and brown eyes, exuding a special "protagonist breath" on his body, he was not an ordinary person at first glance.

"Who is this?" Lin Qianan looked at Ji Xuanyuan and asked.

"Introduce myself, Qing'an City Dragon Division Bureau, a member of the first team, Ji Xuanyuan, the code name in the Dragon Division is also [Ji Xuanyuan]." Ji Xuanyuan stretched out his hand and said.

"My name is Lin Qian'an, codename [Novelist], I'm glad to meet you!!" Lin Qian'an and Ji Xuanyuan shook hands.

"I also said that Bureau Yang would call someone to help. It turned out to be you." Li Zhenjie smiled, then pointed to the private room next to him and said, "The deceased is in the private room, do you want to take a look?"

"Okay, let's go in and have a look!" Lin Qianan nodded.

Immediately, the three of them stepped into the private room together.

The body of the deceased was covered by a white cloth, and the scene was well protected. Lin Qianan glanced at the deceased, and immediately used the [Super Smell] ability.

The smell in the private room was very messy. Lin Qianan found that there were several smells mixed with the smell of the deceased, including Li Zhenjie and Ji Xuanyuan, and some strangers.

Lin Qianan looked around in the private room and found that there was no camera here.

But when he came in just now, he remembered that there were cameras in the corridor.

"Did the cameras here find anything?" Lin Qianan asked.

"All the people who appeared in the camera have been investigated, and the suspicion can be basically ruled out." Ji Xuanyuan said.

Lin Qianan nodded slightly, took out a bottle of witch medicine and drank it, his eyes flickered, and he began to watch in the private room.

After looking around, Lin Qianan did not find any abnormal traces.

"I found some smells that were in contact with the deceased, should I investigate?" Lin Qianan asked.

"Let's go then!" Li Zhenjie nodded.

Immediately, Lin Qianan began to investigate in the hotel based on the smell he smelled.

After a circle, all the smells Lin Qianan smelled were checked.

All the staff in the hotel, as well as the police officers who came here first.

Lin Qianan touched his chin, looking a little puzzled.

There are no figures, traces, or smells in the surveillance. How can I find it?

"Are the clues broken?" Ji Xuanyuan asked.

"Is it a space method? No space fluctuations have been found. Is that an energy body? But there is no trace of energy left..." Lin Qianan murmured to himself.

Lin Qianan has many methods, which are very messy. He was very confident. As long as the other party commits a crime, there will definitely be traces left, and he will definitely be able to find the other party.

But now the situation is that things are not as simple as he thought.

"Xiao Lin, if it really doesn't work, let's inform the General Administration, there should be an extraordinary person who can solve this problem!" Li Zhenjie patted Lin Qian'an on the shoulder when he saw that Lin Qian'an was in deep thought.

Lin Qianan came back to his senses and said, "I still have a means."

After speaking, Lin Qianan took out a token.

On the front of the token, the words "Ghost Gate" are written, with the words "Wang Jing" on the back.

Seeing this token, Li Zhenjie's expression changed a little. He also followed the matter of the Huangshangang cemetery.

Naturally know the origin of this token.

When Lin Qianan took out this token, he also thought that Wang Jing was from the underworld. Since it was related to the dead, he probably knew some reasons.

Only Lin Qianan called out three times in a row, "Where is Wang Jing, the gatekeeper of the gate of hell?".

In the next instant, it suddenly became quite cold in the private room, and then a figure appeared in the void, but it was an evil ghost with a green face and fangs, a hook around his waist, and a height of about ten feet.

"Wang Jing, the envoy of the gate of the ghost gate, is here, dare to ask your Excellency why you are looking for me?" Wang Jing bowed to Lin Qian'an and saluted.

Seeing this scene, Ji Xuanyuan's expression was strange, he didn't expect that Lin Qian'an could actually drive ghosts and gods.

After seeing Wang Jing, Lin Qianan also bowed his hands, and said, "Your Excellency Wang Jing, I called you here this time, just to ask, do you know the cause of this person's death? The inexplicable death of the organ harvested!"

Wang Jing heard the words and replied: "So that's the case, let me see if this person still has a remnant of the soul."

When the sound fell, he leaned over and lifted the white cloth on the body of the deceased Song Zimo. After taking a look, he took off the hook and lock on his waist, and hooked at Song Zimo.

The hook lock passed through Song Zimo's body, but did not hook out Song Zimo's remnant soul.

Wang Jing nodded and said, "This man died in less than half a day, but his soul is not in his body, and it has already been taken away. If you want to find the, you can go to the county's Chenghuang Temple to ask the reason. The emperor has the power to supervise a place, so he must know a thing or two."

"That's it, I'm tired." Lin Qianan took out a bottle of Yin Qi witch medicine that had been prepared for a long time, and handed it to Wang Jingdao.

A smile appeared on Wang Jing's face, and he said to Lin Qian'an: "If you want to ask about the city emperor, you only need to put three sticks of incense, and ask in your heart on Mondays or Tuesdays."

"Thank you for letting me know!" Lin Qianan said.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Wang Jing cupped his hands.

"Please!" Lin Qianan cupped his hands.

Wang Jing finally nodded, and disappeared directly into the private room.

Lin Qianan looked at Li Zhenjie and Ji Xuanyuan and asked, "Are you going to ask the emperor?"

Li Zhenjie and Ji Xuanyuan looked at each other, then Li Zhenjie nodded and said, "Let's go! I really haven't dealt with these things. Anyway, I don't have any clues now, so go ask!"

------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.

Floating Life Ruo Mengchuan

Toraki Cadefiksky

very stuffy

thank you very much! ! !

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