
The spear barrier is broken. When Law World, which Xing Jingang relies on, has no effect on Di Jiu, even if his realm is already a Half-step, facing Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade, it is still a bit difficult to resist.

With a bang, a bloody blast, Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade rips Xing Jing An’s spear barrier and draws a blood mist directly on Xing Jing An’s eyebrows.

Xing Jingang flew out, not waiting for Di Jiu to release the blade for the third time. He had already sacrificed an octagonal Tongtu and shouted loudly. “Fellow Daoist Di, I know how to go to this World and the domain space of a realm. That position is extremely Weak, only I know…”

Originally, I wanted to make persistent efforts. A blade killed Di Jiu of Xing Jingang and stopped to continue the blade.

Seeing that Di Jiu stopped to continue the blade, the fear in Xing Jing’an’s heart finally eased. He has seen countless cultivators with blade as magical treasure. The Heavenly Blade Sect was the ancestor of the blade. Every disciple came out and it would be a storm in Immortal World.

But all of them, no Di Jiu is terrible. Di Jiu has only two blades. He has divided the blade customers into two kinds. One is the cultivator of Blade, and the other is Di Jiu.

He grabbed a few medicinal pill and swallowed it, and the octagonal copper Tuo protected his body. This said, “Fellow Daoist Di, you put me this time, this side Immortal Territory I will give you completely. Even though this side Immortal Territory It is the Four-sided Immortal Land, but if you can refine the Immortal Territory, you can completely form your own Grand Dao world…”

Di Jiu’s murderous aura overflows, Heaven Dancing Blade once again swallows another wave of blade glow, the tone of ice cold said, “If you don’t say it, then don’t need to say.”

“Don’t do it, I said, I only hope that you can let me go this time.” Xing Jingang felt Di Jiu’s throughput of Heaven Dancing Blade, and the whole mind seemed to collapse.

Di Jiu indifferently said, “You are not qualified to bargain with me. Let me first talk about what you used to build this altar.”

“This altar is piled up with cultivator life force and life essence. Once the altar is built, I will merge the square Immortal Territory into my own Grand Dao world and step into a higher level.” At Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade Underneath, Xing Jingang no longer dared to hesitate.

Around thousands of cultivators heard this, they all hit a shiver. Obviously, the day when the altar was established successfully was the day when they were completely killed.

Sure enough, as I guessed it, fortunately, Xing Jingang has not been successful so far. If the other party succeeds, whether he can kill the other party so easily is not necessarily true.

“Fellow Daoist Di…” Xing Jingang was worried about watched Di Jiu. He didn’t see any eyes in Di Jiu’s eyes. If he says it, Di Jiu still wants to kill him. What does it mean when he says it?

The Grand Dao altar that hates him is only the last time. This Di Jiu will only come a little later, or he will succeed.

After the formation of his Grand Dao world, he will enter the real world, and when Di Jiu is more powerful, it is impossible to be his opponent.

Di Jiu know Xing Jingang’s meaning, said coldly, “You are not qualified to live, if I think your things are valuable, I will allow you to reincarnate. If there is no value, you have no chance of reincarnation.”

Speaking in between , Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade Mang has completely enveloped this space.

Xing Jingang felt the terrible killing intent aura around him. He sighed and knew very well that in this case he wanted to escape. It was impossible.

“This is where the domain node I found is weak, for you.” speaking in between, Xing Jingang threw a position ball to Di Jiu.

Almost at the same time his ball was thrown out, the long spear in the hands of Xing Jingang tore out the spear of the scorpion, while he had a week of aura in the frenzy. Even if he knew that it was difficult to escape under Di Jiu, he still wanted to give it a try.

This spear mans exudes a mysterious spear pattern Dao Rhyme, and the void in front of him is torn apart by the mysterious spear pattern Dao Rhyme, and there is a void crack that allows one to rush in.

Only in this short period of time, Xing Jing’an’s hair became white. However, Xing Jingang did not hesitate and hesitate. The whole person turned into a spear line and rushed to the void crack that he had torn. At the same time, his octagonal Tong Tuo was also exploded towards Di Jiu.

Di Jiu didn’t go to Xing Jingang, just standing in the same place, Heaven Dancing Blade once again turned into a green back (1) to the back of Xing Jingang.

Seeing that Di Jiu was just throwing a blade in place, Xing Jingang was ecstatic. Di Jiu This blade is so powerful that it is only to let him have a heavy injury. When Di Jiu reacts, he has already rushed into the void. As soon as he entered the void, he did not believe that Di Jiu could catch up with him.

This hatred will be reported again in the future.

What he was most afraid of was Di Jiu’s moment when he rushed into the void, and suddenly arranged the unstoppable Traping Slaughter Immortal Array. Even if the Troping Slaughter Immortal Array can only stop him from taking a break, it is enough time for him to be killed by Di Jiu several times.

Sure enough, young is young, and the unpredictable arrangement of the gods falls into the hands of Di Jiu, which is simply the dust of the pearl.

Not only Xing Jingang, even all watched this great war cultivator is a pity.

Di Jiu is very strong and really strong, at least they have never seen the Immortal stronger than Di Jiu. However, Di Jiu’s combat experience is simply missing a little white, Xing Jingang has torn this side of the void, behind the Xing Jingang chopped this blade, 100% can not Xing Jingang’s life.

Still, there is no who dares to look at Di Jiu. This is the strength, Di Jiu’s combat experience is weak, his strength is enough to let Xing Jing An serious injury, and even give up his Grand Dao escape.

“ka cha!” The moment Xing Jingang almost rushed into the void crack, he heard a subtle ka cha sound.

This sound is like breaking a certain thing between heaven and earth. Everything between heaven and earth becomes static.

It seems that this still is only a moment, even a gap. As long as this gap passes, the heavens and the earth will be restored to the original world again, and he will be restored to the original.

However, he saw everything in his own space, saw his future, and saw his own end.

Between the world of life, it is like a white colt. At this moment, Xing Jingang thoroughly understands that his future has no gap between white colt and gap.

“Hey!” A blood mist exploded, and Xing Jingang recovered calmly. The cold murderous blade intent swept through, his Origin Spirit began to smash, and his consciousness began to vague.

“Law Divine Ability…” This is the last sentence left by Xing Jingang. If he knew that Di Jiu had control over the time, Law Divine Ability, he would never do this useless work, but also thought about the things to escape. . He still stays in the burning of his own years to tear the void, Di Jiu can already use the Law of Time to easily kill him.

Hey! Xing Jingang’s corpse fell from the void and was torn into two halves.

All the cultivators in the surrounding space were silent. When all the people thought that Di Jiu came here to die, Xing Jing was defeated.

When all the people thought that Di Jiu’s experience was too tender and Xing Jingang was going to escape, Xing Jingang died.

At this moment, many people have clear comprehension. They are the slaves of Xing Jingang, who spent life force and life essence to build an altar for Xing Jingang. Di Jiu killed Xing Jingang in the first place, but they still doubt Di Jiu’s strength, maybe this is why they are enslaved, Di Jiu can kill those who enslave them.

The vision is limited to their strength, which is the experience of most people.

“Many thanks Senior Di graciousness of life-saving.” Many cultivators hurry up to thank Di Jiu, regardless of whether Di Jiu’s is old or young.

At this moment, Di Jiu is their senior, because their lives are saved by Di Jiu.

Di Jiu a cup one fist in the other hand, “Fellow Daoists, the square Immortal Territory was originally part of the Four-sided Immortal Land, and the Four-sided Immortal Land is the best moment for cultivating. When I broke the Quartet Immortal Territory After the barrier, everyone returned to Four-sided Immortal Land to continue cultivating.”

“many thanks Senior Di.” The crowd is almost unanimous.

Di Jiu nodded and said again, “I don’t want everyone to remember my graciousness of life-saving. I just hope that everyone remembers how he was treated by people. Don’t do this kind of anger in the future. thing.”

(Today is the New Year’s Eve, I wish you all good health in the new year, all the best, and you want to be successful! Friends are good night, I will go to the public WeChat for a year. My public micro-signal direct search “Goose is the old five”, or eslw26)

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