What surprised Di Jiu was that the white transmission vortex actually lasted for a long time before it gradually weakened. If there is enough Immortal Spirit Qi support, this transfer vortex will definitely last longer…

Enough Immortal Spirit Qi, Di Jiu thought of it suddenly felt a bit strange, his spiritual sense immediately fell on the seventy-two top grade Immortal Spirit Vein in his own Ninth World.

When he first saw these top grade Immortal Spirit Veins, he didn’t think much about it. Now, the spiritual sense swept in and immediately found out that it was wrong. These Immortal Spirit Veins have a mysterious Dao Mark on each of them. With Di Jiu’s vision, I immediately saw what these Dao Marks are for.

This Dao Mark is obviously the Dao Mark of the transmission array. That is to say, if he puts these Immortal Spirit Vein in the ring, no matter if he is not in Daihe Hall, as long as the white character is broken, his ring will be Burst open. The ring burst, and the seventy-two top grade Immortal Spirit Vein will surely burst out.

The Dao Mark in these seventy-two top grade Immortal Spirit Veins will make these Immortal Spirit Vein a Spirit Gathering Immortal Array, which is mainly to provide Immortal Spirit Qi to this white transmission array.

Strong, it is too strong. This Jiang Dai is not only strong, but also very insidious. This old bastard is definitely not a bad bird in general, but a fellow in the bones.

Let him worship him as a teacher, but also to stimulate the whirlpool for him, attracting four fellows to send Immortal World destiny and suppressing Immortal World destiny magical treasure. In the end, the gift given to the disciple was taken back and used again. This simply took people to use it several times.

He is not a cultivating Law, not a Ninth World. He wants to drink this Jiang Dai’s foot washing water. He must be careful about this fellow in the future.

Di Jiu grabbed a few middle grade Immortal Spirit Vein from the ring and threw it into the whirlpool. He couldn’t stop the transmission array until the four people arrived.

The Immortal Spirit Qi of the middle grade Immortal Spirit Vein is naturally inadequate, but it can still be done to keep this transmission from stopping for a while.

After the transmission array continued to operate, Di Jiu began sitting in Law Aura of the transmission array surrounding insights transmission array.

To put it bluntly, Di Jiu was initially not very concerned about this transmission array. He believes that this transmission array must be arranged by Upper Realm’s fellow, which is inconsistent with his Array Dao, and he can only look at the excitement.

When a Array Dao Law aura was captured by Di Jiu, Di Jiu felt a new way of arranging from this transmission array, and he began to admire it.

This transmission array is completely different from the one he masters, but the insights are unique and there is a novelty that he has never seen before.

Not only that, his previous guess is still wrong. Because this transmission array is not originally an Upper Realm expert, but an Array Dao expert that is also in Immortal World, the cultivation base is definitely not stronger than it is now. To be exact, this Array Dao expert is just a half-array, that is to say half-array.

The so-called half-cut arrays mostly appear on the transmission array. That is, the side of the transmission array is first arranged, and after the arrangement is completed, the other side is arranged…

When Di Jiu thought of it, she was even a little cold. He began to calculate that this transmission array was arranged by Jiang Dai. When Jiang Dai was an Immortal Emperor, it seemed to start collecting Immortal World destiny. First he built Daihe Hall, and then he didn’t know what other means to get Immortal World destiny for every Immortal Land in 4 Great Immortal Land.

These are not complete, he also arranged a transmission array to Upper Realm at Daihe Hall. After doing this, Jiang Dai was transferred to a realm. After arriving at a realm, Jiang Dai continued to learn Array Dao, and then laid out the other end of the transmission array to improve the transmission array…

Di Jiu didn’t dare to think about it. If it was all true, this Jiang Dai was the most sinister and cruelest fellow he had seen.

Di Jiu did not continue to study, the arrangement of this transmission array is completely mastered by him, although the means is good, compared to his current means, it is still a fire.

When he despised Jiang Dai and Jiang Dai arranged the transmission array, neither the cultivation base nor the Array Dao was as good as him. But Di Jiu also jealous of Jiang Dai, because Jiang Dai’s mind is too deep.


Di Jiu waited for three days, and when the light of the transmission array dimmed again, a twilight quickly approached here.

In a short time, a black clothed cultivator appeared in front of Di Jiu’s.

I met Di Jiu, but Di Jiu didn’t believe that he was helping Jiang Dai to collect Immortal World destiny.

Shifting Sword Immortal Sect’s Sect Master Zhou Bujian, if it is said that Di Ji Dressing Immortal Land Five Great Immortal Emperor, Di Jiu still has some good feelings, it is only Zhou Bujian. Even if Mo Louxue came over, Di Jiu didn’t feel strange. The only thing that was strange was Zhou Bujian.

He is confident that he will not be mistaken. Zhou Bujian’s Sword Dao carries a kind of unrelenting aura that has never been seen before. This kind of aura Di Jiu has only been seen in the sect of Heavenly Blade Sect.

Such a person, Di Jiu absolutely does not believe that he will become the running dog of Jiang Dai, collecting Immortal World destiny.

“Fellow Daoist Di, how come you are here?” Zhou Bujian saw Di Jiu standing in the transmission array surrounding, his expression was even more surprised than Di Jiu, and there were some surprises in his surprise.

Di Jiu smiled. “I also want to ask how Sect Master Zhou will come here.”

“I understand.” Zhou Bujian watched the whirlpool that has been weakened. “Fellow Daoist Di, should you look at this whirlpool? This is a coincidence. But the whirlpool is never close. If I didn’t guess wrong, this should be a monk of Upper Realm.”

Di Jiu doubted watched Zhou Bujian, he did not understand what Zhou Bujian said. If Zhou Bujian is the person chosen by Jiang Dai, Zhou Bujian should not need to say this. If Zhou Bujian is not Jiang Dai’s choice, then he does not know these.

“How do you know Sect Master Zhou?” Di Jiu asked casually.

Zhou Bujian sighed. “Actually, I am planning to invite you to come here, but I don’t know if this whirlpool suddenly appears. I can’t find you for a while, so I have to come over. In order to come here for a short time, I consumed two tops. Grade’s Grade 9 Immortal Escape Talisman.”

Di Jiu didn’t interject, he knew that what Zhou Bujian might say was what he wanted to know.

Sure enough, Zhou Bujian continued: “I heard that Fellow Daoist Di comes from Four-sided Immortal Land. I believe Fellow Daoist Di should know about Four-sided Immortal Land. In fact, Four-sided Immortal Land nightfall is entirely artificial. “”

Di Jiu is dignified, and Zhou Bujian knows something. He has a cup one fist in the other hand. “Please also Sect Master Zhou.”

Zhou Bujian nodded. “A long time ago, Illusory Colored Immortal Land showed a stunning cultivator. This person called Jiang Tian. He is not only Innate, but any Grand Dao can condense his own Dao Mark. And also got a set of Innate to treasure. That set of Innate to the treasure called Heaven Directions Flag, also called the Heaven and Earth Five Elements Flag …”

Heaven and Earth Five Elements Flag? Di Jiu interrupted Zhou Bujian’s words, “How do you know this?”

Zhou Bujian said with a clenched fist, “Because this Five Directions Flag was originally my boat, Jiang Tian aptitude was too heaven defying, and my ancestor Zhou Zhixin collected him as a Legacy Disciple and married the only child boat Yu Yun. Jiang Tian, ​​even to pass the Five Directions Flag to Jiang Tian…”

Speaking of this, Zhou Bujian took a deep breath and said with an urgent killing intent in his voice, “But Jiang Tian is a beast. He is against the ancestor of the boat in the new wed’s Ye plot, and then snatched away. Five Directions Flag. When he was plotting against my ancestors, he said that he couldn’t wait, because he had to use the Five Elements Flag, so he could only kill my ancestors. And he said that it would definitely be my boat. The family is killing, let my ancestors rest assured…”

When I heard this, Di Jiu knew that Jiang Tian did not complete this sentence, otherwise, there would be no Zhou Bujian. He is curious as to how Zhou Bujian knows these things and knows so much.

(There is only one more today, friends are good night!)

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