Black clothed man Face changed greatly, Immortal World is just some ants in his eyes, but some people can break his divine material space. If this is not his personal experience, he absolutely thought it was a joke.

This is no problem, the blind glow of this ant ant directly locked in all his life force space. This blade, almost the use of this side of the world of the Law of Space.

“ka!” came a slight fine sound, and the black clothed man was flying, which was the sound of his Domain cracking.

He is too underestimated, and he does not see Di Jiu in his eyes, and the consequences are terrible. Once his Domain is torn, his Law is likely to be torn apart, so he does not need Di. Jiu started, and Law Aura in the universe directly crushed him.

A red glow was sacrificed by the black clothed man, exploded towards Di Jiu, which locked his blade glow.

“Boom!” The violent Origin Qi exploded, and the space even collapsed as the surrounding Heaven and Earth Origin Qi burst.

Whether it is seriously injured Zhou Bujian or Mo Louxue, Yue Wuliang, or undamaged Fang Feilou and Xie Wanleng, they are all hit by this violent Heaven and Earth Origin Qi. The only thing they can do at this moment is to go back wildly. If it is slower, they suspect that their fleshly body will be torn into fragments by this violent Origin Qi.

All people are eccentric, black clothed man is likely to come from a realm, this strength they can accept.

But Di Jiu…

Di Jiu not only hard-hitting with the black clothed man, but also seems to stand on the upper hand, this is simply… How long has it not seen Di Jiu? Is Di Jiu so powerful?

Fang Feilou’s face has changed, and the vision he has just taken prides on seems to be very strange. The collision between Di Jiu and the black clothed man was obvious that Di Jiu had the upper hand.

Yes, how is this possible?

Whether it is possible or not, things have already happened, and it happened in front of him.

“Hey!” Di Jiu’s violent blade glow was torn apart by the other’s red light, Di Jiu flew out, and the chest seemed to be hit by a billion-dollar hammer.

This person is too strong, Di Jiu is secretly surprised, and the Traping Slaughter Array outlined by the Law Array Flag has been quietly inspired by him.

“You are very strong…” A black ruddy man’s face appeared on his face, and then the rosy disappeared. He watched Di Jiu, his tone was flat and waveless.

But his heart is full of horror, only he knows how bad his situation is. Don’t look at the blaze of Di Jiu just now, but the Law symbol on his body makes a subtle squeak, making him understand that he can’t continue to work on Di Jiu. Take the action and don’t need Di Jiu to pack him. Heaven and Earth Law will directly crush him into nothingness.

Black clothed man No, Di Jiu is not going to let him go, but also step by step, the Heaven Dancing Blade in his hand creaks, and the killing potential inside a space around Demon Dressing Mountain is swept by Di Jiu.

As Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade imposing manner is getting stronger and stronger, the black clothed man’s face is a bit hard to look at. He tries to slow down his tone. “I admit that I am little looking at you, but I advise you not to continue to do it, otherwise Your Grand Dao will end today.”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “My Grand Dao is not finished today, but I don’t have to worry about it. If you dare to move my brother, then let me die….”

“Stop, unless you stay in Immortal World for a lifetime, once you step into Upper Realm, Sir Jiang will kill you, you can’t stay in Upper Realm for a while…” Seeing Di Jiu doesn’t care about his threat, black The clothed man is finally in a hurry.

Di Jiu seems to have not heard it. The Heaven Dancing Blade has once again drawn a green blade glow. The blade glow seems to tear the square away and roll it toward the black clothed man.

The fourth blade, the crack is.

Black clothed man’s face completely became pale, the red giant in his hand had to roll up a red glow, while grabbing a character to stimulate…

At the same time as the giant clams were presented, the face of the black clothed man was extremely frightened and unbelievable. He found that he did not have any divine power, in other words, his divine ability Law was torn by the Di Jiu blade.

This is Splitting Heaven and Earth Law…

The face of black clothed man pale has become flushed. He has thoroughly understood that Di Jiu is likely to have a primal chaos to the earth. Otherwise, it is impossible to directly break the Law of this world, or even let his divine ability Law They disappeared. This is not what heaven defying can describe.

Can’t die here, the sign has already been fired.

Di Jiu a blade tears apart the Divine Ability Law of the black clothed man, and the whole person rushes forward, and the person is still in the void, which is a punch.

Gathering like ridges and peak, whether you walk or stay, everything is transformed into nothingness under this fist.


The first fist mountain directly slammed into the chest of the black clothed man. The huge fist mountain condense became a punch, leaving a blood hole in the chest of the black clothed man. The blood hole went straight from the front chest to the back, and the blood was bursting.

The black clothed man symbol is excited, hehe! The huge Dao of Talisman is blocked by something.

Black clothed man In the eyes of panic, he completely wakes up, Di Jiu has long been here to unscrupulously arranged the Troping Slaughter Array.

Di Jiu’s cultivation base is strong, and at Immortal World it is only the Immortal Emperor. An Immortal Emperor lays out a Troping Slaughter Array that he doesn’t even notice, and the Trapping Slaughter Array is even placed under his nose, which is awful.

It is this hand, Sir Jiang may not be able to do it, no, it is definitely not possible.

Black clothed man never dared to put his little life on his heart, and the endless life essence was burned by him.

Ka cha ! Escape Talisman and his life essence burned, finally tearing apart Di Jiu’s Trapping Slaughter Array, and a black hole appeared in the void.

Hey! Gathering ridges and peaks’ second fist wind finally slammed into the black clothed man’s arm, directly exploding the black clothed man’s arm.

At the same time, the black clothed man disappeared into the black hole and disappeared into void.

Di Jiu was dissatisfied. He raised his hand and rolled a ring. The ring aura was known to be Zhangsun Huang.

At this moment, Zhangsun Huang had already sat up. Di Jiu grabbed a medicinal pill and sent it to Zhangsun Huang. He threw the ring to Zhangsun Huang and asked, “Who is this person, why do you want to do it for you?”

Di Jiu didn’t have much worry in his heart, he was sure that the black clothed man would die. The black clothed man’s Escape Talisman should have torn away from World Plane, but unfortunately, the Escape Talisman was blocked by his Law Trapping Slaughter Array, and the result could not completely tear World Plane.

In other words, this black clothed man is at most a void among the World Plane. Just now his gathering ridges and peaks let black clothed man heavy injury, black clothed man escape the void in World Plane, it is a dead end.

Even if the black clothed man is not dead, Di Jiu has a way to find him. His gathering ridges and peaks blew two punches on the black clothed man, and the black clothed man took his Raw Aura of this fist divine ability wherever he went.

This is not the case, Di Jiu even suspects that the Law symbol on the black clothed man has split. If this is the case, the black clothed man does not need him to do it, and will be crushed into slag by Heaven and Earth Law.

The reason why he did not catch up is because there are still things.

“I just got out of Demon Dressing Mountain Secret Realm and I was stopped by this black clothed man. He healed Brother Hei and took my ring.” Zhangsun Huang took Di Jiu’s healing Immortal Pill and recovered quickly.

“You don’t have to go, is the black clothed man you called?” Di Jiu stared at Xie Wanleng, who wanted to retire, and the voice was ice cold.

Xie Wanleng hit a shiver and didn’t speak. Fang Feilou on the other side was loudly said, “Brother Di, the black clothed man is called by Xie Wanleng, and Xie Wanleng wants Extreme Moat Dao Fruit in the Fellow Daoist Zhangsun ring. But why not let us a few, just called a terrible expert.

(Tomorrow still does not retreat, I may have to take time off, there is nothing wrong with the disease code word, it is too uncomfortable. Friends are good night.)

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