The brown robe man finally reacted and shouted. “Everyone gave me and killed this monk.”

The crowd at the lake immediately rushed out of thirty or forty people, obviously these people are the men of the brown robe.

Yan Yumo reacted the same way. She didn’t know how Xiangnu became so powerful. But the other person came out with dozens of people. She knew that even Xiangnu couldn’t beat it any more. She eagerly cried, “These people just use us. Helping him attack the stone gate at the bottom of the lake, she will not let us go. When he kills us, everyone can’t run away, let alone divide things…”

Yan Yumo originally meant to let everyone join us. She believed that it was not only a few of them who saw that the brown robe men wanted to use them. However, her thoughts were too good. The rest of the people saw the conflict here. It was indeed together, but they did not rush to besieged the group of brown robes, but swarmed out of the place.

There are many people in the brown robe man, but so many people rushed out together, and others can’t stop everyone from fleeing together.

This puts the brown robe man on the more violent anger on the three people of Xiangnu, screaming wildly, “put these sluts into bolognese.”

Di Xiangnu has long forgotten that she is not the opponent of these people at all. The other party wants to kill her. She must fight back, this is what Grandpa said.

Xiangnu has all the skills to follow A’xi and Yan Yumo, and they are all practical experience. She is more aware of the importance of the imposing manner in battle.

The group of people had not yet rushed to the front, and the curved blade in her hand was rolled out again, turning into two blade glows and cutting the two fronts.

“Hey!” The two bloody eyes came out. The two men had no ability to resist even a little bit under the bend of Xiangnu, and they were directly killed.

Xiangnu a dumbfounded, what is going on?

“Hey!” Just a dumbfounded time, a blade glow smashed her shoulder and brought a bloodline under her shoulder.

Di Jiu sighed, he deliberately injured Xiangnu, can you dumbfounded in this fight? Even if something strange happens again, you have to kill all your opponents before you can think about the reason.

Only this kind of blood lessons can make Xiangnu remember more deeply. Xiangnu’s ability is completely a field battle, but this path is extremely fierce, with a breath.

When Xiangnu was injured, Yan Yumo rushed out of the curved blade and rushed up. A’xi lying on the ground wants to struggle to take action to help, but he is too hurt to climb.

That blade injury finally made Xiangnu wake up. When this time was not dumbfounded, the curved blade in her hand was constantly chopped.

Almost every blind chopped of her, whether it is the opponent in the middle, the blade glow can harvest a life. Finally, Xiangnu is not close to the opponent, far away is a blade chopped, Founder can save a life every blade.

In just a dozen breathing hours, she killed more than 20 people, and the rest did not even close.

The headed of the brown robe man was frightened watched Xiangnu, he confirmed that Xiangnu’s cultivation base has reached the Foundation Establishment, even the Foundation Establishment late stage expert, otherwise it can be so powerful?

In the Violent Spring Forest, where the bird doesn’t pull, how come an expert, and this expert is also a friend with two ants.

Go quickly, if you stay here, he does not know how to die.

Only he just thought of it, a blade glow was drawn from his eyebrows. A cold aura made him panic. He subconsciously grabbed his eyebrows with his hands, but the blood of the explosion could not hold back.

After the brown robe man fell, the rest of the people were even more frightened. At this time, the people who had rushed out of the lake saw the horrible situation outside, and even asked without asking, they rushed out.

A lot of serious injuries were rushed to the lake by the brown robe and desperately attacked the stone gate. Everyone is not an idiot. Can you not know that the brown robe men will fill them with their lives? There are just too many people around the brown robes, and they dare not resist. Now that there is an opportunity not to go, it is a fool.

“Xiangnu, how are you so powerful?” People are gone, Yan Yumo watched a corpse on the ground, a watched Di Xiangnu.

Di Xiangnu is also a watched corpse, and then looked at the curved blade in his hand, muttering to himself, “I don’t know, Grandpa said that someone killed me, he went back to kill…”

“Grandpa?” Yan Yumo frowned. “You said the Ning Family…”

She is very confused. The origin of Xiangnu is clear to her and A’xi, and Ning Family is discarded in the stinking ditch. Throwing a seven-year-old girl in the stinking ditch, it is clear that the girl is drowned. At the time, they did not know that Xiangnu was from Ning Family and saved Xiangnu. Later, after knowing that Ning Family had discarded them, they simply did not dare to stay in the original place, and took Xiangnu to escape to the Violent Spring Mountain Range.

Di Xiangnu shook his head and said, “No, Grandpa said Ning Family don’t want me, let me change surnamed Di, I am now called Di Xiangnu.”

“Your grandfather? Have you found your grandfather?” Yan Yumo told her about the natural understanding of Xiangnu, Xiangnu.

Di Xiangnu nodded. “Well, I didn’t think that the person I saved last time would be my grandfather.”

“Congratulations, Xiangnu.” A’xi has some doubts that Xiangnu has become so powerful that it is likely to have a relationship with her grandfather.

“Big Brother A’xi, sister Sister Yumo, let’s get out of here first. I will take you to see my grandfather. After this time, I guess I will leave soon.” Xiangnu knows she must follow her grandfather. But A’xi and Sister Yumo are her two closest relatives.

“Okay, let’s go out and talk.” A’xi nodded.

He and Yan Yumo both vaguely guessed that Xiangnu had become so powerful that it should be related to her grandfather.


“Grandpa, I brought my friend.” Xiangnu’s voice was a little excited. She also suspected that she had become so powerful that she should have a relationship with her grandfather.

“Come in.” Di Jiu is very satisfied with these two friends of Xiangnu. His spiritual sense has always been with Xiangnu. After Xiangnu got into trouble, Yan Yumo didn’t think about fleeing for the first time, but helped. .

“A’xi, Yumo has seen senior.” After A’xi and Yumo came in, they quickly fell to the ground.

A’xi is still seriously injured, and it is very difficult to kneel on the ground.

Di Jiu took out a medicinal pill and handed it to A’xi. “You ate this pill medicine first, then sit down and talk.”

Di Jiu is the grandfather of Xiangnu, A’xi did not hesitate, directly sent the medicinal pill to the entrance. Then he stood up in amazement, just a medicinal pill, and his serious injury disappeared in a short time. Not only that, but some of the hidden injuries that he had with the body before disappeared, and even the body surface also infiltrated some impurities. What is this medicinal pill? Is it Spirit Pill for cultivator?

“A’xi, you good?” Yan Yumo was as surprised as watched A’xi, A’xi was backed by her, and she was injured. She couldn’t know.

“The medicinal pill is really amazing…” A’xi tone was a little trembling, and he and Yan Yumo both understood that this pill medicine was definitely top grade healing Spirit Pill.

They thought that Xiangnu said that her grandmother is a Transforming Truth expert, is it that Xiangnu’s grandfather is also a Transforming Truth expert? This is the person they have heard in rumors, they have never been seen.

“Senior…” A’xi would like to thank.

Xiangnu is also very happy, standing next to Di Jiu, she is now sure that Grandpa is not a simple person.

Di Jiu gestures A’xi Don’t thank, let him sit with Yan Yumo, and said, “I will leave with Xiangnu soon, I see you just cultivating some simple Qi Condensation cultivation techniques, even Can’t be considered a cultivation…”

A’xi and Yan Yumo are all low heads. They are all wanderers. Yan Yumo is a little better. A’xi doesn’t even have a complete name. Where is the complete cultivation cultivation technique?

Di Jiu continued, “Because I am not very convenient to take you with you. If you are willing, I can accept you as a disciple and stay here to teach you cultivation techniques. After you have a certain self-protection ability, I will leave. “”

“Grandpa, thank you.” Xiangnu said excitedly, she is now more and more sure that she is so powerful, because of Grandpa. What makes her happy is that Grandpa is willing to accept her two best friends as disciples. This is her greatest happiness.

“Master, we are willing.” A’xi and Yan Yumo’s excited body is shaking, and if they are qualified to enter Immortal Sect, they have already entered Immortal Sect. Because their aptitude is very poor, even worse, and there is no roots, this is to survive outside the Violent Spring Mountain Range.

Di Jiu nodded and said a little dignified. “I haven’t opened my own sect yet, but I first opened up my own cultivation technique. Our cultivation technique called Starry Sky Secret Art, this cultivation technique cultivating to Connected with Heaven and Earth Law. Your aptitude is not very good, but it doesn’t matter, my aptitude was not good…”

Whether it is Xiangnu or A’xi and Yan Yumo, I am listening to it at the moment. Because the Master not only teaches them the cultivation technique, but also creates Starry Sky Vein for them.

And they are about to step into the coveted cultivation.

(There should be only one more in these two days.)

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