As soon as he reached the heart of the heart of the Heavenly Bamboo River, Di Jiu’s face cooled.

His five rows of destiny great arrays are still there, but the destiny gathered by the Arrow Core Flag Parting Earth Flame Light Flag did not give back to Immortal World, but was slowly stripped away.

That is to say, the reason why his Parting Earth Flame Light Flag has not been taken away is that no one else can take it away, but others want to use the Five Elements Flag of the suppressing destiny to gather destiny, and then take away the destiny gathered together. .

If it wasn’t for Heavenly Bamboo River, the birthplace of Immortal World’s second destiny, or this Flag had long been taken away.

If Di Jiu can hold back other things, Di Jiu’s almost angry hands are shaking.

This beast is really selfish, even worse than the Immortal Emperor Yi Mang who took the Four-sided Immortal Land suppressing destiny magical treasure Four-sided Cauldron.

Di Jiu can easily stop the opponent from continuing to strip the Immortal World destiny, but he didn’t do it. He didn’t kill this person, he was not carefree. He once again infiltrated a spiritual sense into the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag and left Starry Sky Immortal City along the direction that destiny was taken away.


Di Jiu did not go far, and found the location where the destiny was gathered again, in a valley on three sides full of steep cliffs.

Four-sided Immortal Land The second destiny rising in Heavenly Bamboo River, the destiny that brought together the Heavenly Bamboo River came here. However, Di Jiu did not feel any life force here, nor did he feel any destiny of Immortal World.

Very obviously This person gathered destiny here to gather for himself.

The ability to bring Immortal World destiny together is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. Di Jiu did not go in and investigate. He can guess that this person has at least one treasure that is no weaker than the Five Elements Array Flag.

Five Elements Array Flag is a top grade Innate Treasure. This treasure can be used to suppress Immortal World destiny, but it can’t be gathered to take away Immortal World destiny. This person can extract the destiny that Heavenly Bamboo River condenses, which is most likely a container treasure.

Di Jiu is far from madly building the Law Array Flag, and at the same time taking out the nominal Array Flag to arrange the great array.

He doesn’t have to look at it, and he knows that he can’t beat the expert of Immortal World destiny. Even if he can play, Di Jiu will not risk to alarm each other.

This kind of person Di Jiu will never let him escape. Once he is allowed to escape, Di Jiu estimates that he will never catch each other.

Di Jiu’s Array Flag is a grade 5 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array, and its Law Array Flag is a grade 9 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array. Because Di Jiu knows very well that the extraction of this Immortal World destiny is most likely to be interrupted. Once interrupted, once again, it requires a lot of troublesome things.

So as long as his Troping Slaughter Array has no threat to the other party, Di Jiu will definitely not see him in the eye. That is to say, as long as he does not take the initiative to take action, the other party even sees him to arrange the Troping Slaughter Immortal Array, and the Union Lord does not touch him.

He is just a trifling grade 5 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array, and his current cultivation base has been shown, Immortal King 1st layer. The Immortal Emperor can take away the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag and take advantage of the Magical treasure to remove the Immortal World destiny from the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag. It is definitely an Array Dao expert, and Di Jiu guesses that the opponent is at least a Grade 7 Immortal Array King.

An Array Dao expert plus may be Immortal Emperor, facing his own threat-free existence, can you care about his grade 5 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array?

Di Jiu just arranged the Raw Array Flag’s Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array and swept a spiritual sense. This person knows that he is coming, and he knows that he is arranging the Troping Slaughter Immortal Array.

Sure enough, as Di Jiu expected, the opponent did not do it, the grade 5 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array was not taken into account. The man was shooting him when he was waiting for him to do it.

After Di Jiu laid out the grade 9 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array, he did not stop working. He still arranged Grade 9 Twisting Slaughter Immortal Array, grade 9 Locked Immortal Array, Grade 9 Defense Immortal Array…

The defense array is for himself, and Old Zhong is not here, he will not expose his life to a dog Immortal Emperor.

When Di Jiu laid out all of the grade 9 Immortal Arrays with the Law Array Flag, his grade 5 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array was finally barely finished.

Di Jiu walked into the canyon, throwing an Array Flag out, and a channel appeared in the middle of the grade 5 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array.

Walking through the passageway, Di Jiu came to the depths of the canyon and saw a middle-aged man wearing a purple clothed, large ear and thick hair sitting on a white jade bluestone. This person is really an Immortal Emperor. On the cultivation base, Di Jiu is not estimated to be under Thie Yang Sect’s Jie Di.

There is a clear and square Great Cauldron in front of him, and the Great Cauldron has four feet. There seems to be a faint golden surround around the Great Cauldron, and the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag is also suspended over the Great Cauldron, guiding the faint golden fall within the Great Cauldron.

Di Jiu suck in a breath of cold air, he is sure that this Great Cauldron is Four-sided Divine Cauldron. No wonder this person can go here to extract Heavenly Bamboo River again repression of destiny, this son of a bitch to Four-sided Divine Cauldron to get here, and also with his Seven Stars Purified Water Flag as a medium to extract Immortal World destiny.

Even if Di Jiu stood in front of this purple clothed man, this purple clothed man did not stop taking the Immortal World destiny gathered by Heavenly Bamboo River.

Di Jiu An open hand, the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag in Heavenly Bamboo River in Starry Sky Immortal City rushed directly out of Starry Sky Immortal City and landed in Di Jiu’s.

While Di Jiu took away the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag and stripped away the trace of the spiritual sense in the Parting Earth Flame Light Flag, the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag was also shocked in space and then fell directly.

The Immortal World destiny, which was taken by the Seven Stars Purified Water Flag, was a meal and disappeared.

The big face of the purple clothed man finally stopped his movements, staring at Di Jiu coldly, with a killing intent saying, “trifling Immortal King ants also dare to interrupt this Emperor thing, you are looking for death.”

The murder in Di Jiu’s eyes is also unstoppable, ice cold said. “Yi Mang, I really don’t understand, what garbage can raise your garbage. Before I killed a called Abundant Destiny Immortal Sect’s disgusting sect I thought that you were hiding in which corner to die. I didn’t expect that Skynet would be lost and leaked. You are not dead yet, I have to wait for me to kill.”

“Haha, it really is your cock, really ignorance is a bliss ah…” Immortal Emperor Yi Mang laughed, murderous aura around, even the body is too lazy to raise his hand and grabbed Di Jiu. Immortal Emperor Domain With his Immortal Origin handprint, it quickly spread in space.

Trifling grade 5 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array, also want to trap him Immortal Emperor Yi Mang, it is not known.

“Ka cha !” Di Jiu’s grade 5 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array collapsed directly under this grasp. Yi Mang seems to take it for granted, and he is still hesitant, still grabbing Di Jiu.

“ka cha!” His hand was empty, and there was no feeling of catching Di Jiu’s.

How can this be? No, Immortal Emperor Yi Mang immediately noticed that it was wrong, and Huo Di stood up. Before he found out where he was wrong, terrifying murders swept through.

This moment is not only that the surrounding space does not belong to him, but that his spiritual sense is also being quickly compressed.

“What is this great array?” Yi Mang’s face changed. What kind of great array did he see? But this great array he has never seen before.

Grade 9 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array It doesn’t matter, he is a grade 8 peak Immortal Array Venerable, grade 9 Immortal Array is very strong, but want to trap him Immortal Emperor Yi Mang, still too much.

Now that he knows that this is the grade 9 Trapping Slaughter Immortal Array, he can’t find any array base and Array Flag of this Immortal Array.

At this moment, the space in which he is located has become sluggish, and the killing glow in space is vertical and horizontal. Just a short time, just a few blood mists on him.

He is not a Body Refining expert. When the opponent is there and what is trapped in him, Yi Mang can only escape and flee.

Yi Mang raised his hand and rolled away his Four-sided Cauldron, but the next moment, he found his Four-sided Divine Cauldron trapped by another great array he couldn’t touch.

Not only that, his Four-sided Divine Cauldron and his connection quickly disappeared, it seems that there is a new Law in the space, this new Law hinders him from recalling his Four-sided Divine Cauldron.

Four-sided Divine Cauldron is everything to him, Immortal Emperor Yi Mang madly punched out, the surrounding space made a burst of tremors, and countless killing blades swept over.

“Hey!” Blood mist, Yi Mang has a few more blood.

Regret, Yi Mang only regrets at this time. Four-sided Immortal Land is simply a place to be destroyed, and it is impossible to have Immortal Emperor here. And he had been very clear about the investigation before, and the establishment of the Starry Sky Immortal City fellow is just a small Golden Immortal.

A Golden Immortal ant is that he is standing here by Yi Mang, and the other party can’t pull his hair.

“You stop, you should also know that this Emperor is ready to go. As long as you return the Four-sided Divine Cauldron to me, I promise not to take the destiny here, and leave the Four-sided Immortal Land immediately.” Immortal Emperor Yi Mang Strongly suppressing the fear and anger inside.

Di Jiu came a faint voice. “Garbage, you think too much. I was going to look for you for a while, then screw your head back and I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to come back to death.” “”

Immortal Emperor Yi Mang forced himself to calm down. “You should call Di Jiu, Di Jiu. I promise you Immortal Emperor’s Dao Will. As soon as you return my Four-sided Divine Cauldron, I will leave. Otherwise, I don’t want to. Four-sided Divine Cauldron leaving, this is not a good thing for you in the future.”

“Haha…” Di Jiu laughed, “You trifling Immortal Emperor dared to threaten me. At the time, Brilliant Lake Palace Ye threatened me. Now he has no chance of reincarnation. Under your ancestral trapping array, do you want to leave? Wash and sleep. Wrong, or wash and prepare to be burned by me. Reincarnation, you don’t think about it, it is too luxurious for you.”

Di Jiu killed Ye? Immortal Emperor Yi Mang sinks in his heart, others don’t know Ye, he is too clear. 4 Great Immortal Land The first person, a few of them, I am afraid it is not Ye’s opponent. If he didn’t see the great array, he wouldn’t believe it. Now he is sure that Di Jiu is telling the truth.

Go, hurry!

Immortal Emperor Yi Mang Raised his hand and grabbed a blood-red sign, squirting a blood up, sparking it, and rolling a red glow.

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