Fang Feilou even took a nap, and he realized how lucky he was to live under Di Jiu. An Immortal Emperor was trampled to death by Di Jiu, and he saw it with his own eyes.

“Yu, let me go in and sit.” Yan Hui obviously did not put the various Cachingron Freedom Immortal CIty’s trapping array in his eyes and went straight into the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

Mo Yu had to say to Di Jiu, “Senior Brother Di, I will say a few words to Master Ancestor and I will come back to you later.”

Di Jiu nodded. “You don’t have to worry about me. I may stay in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty for a while. If you don’t want to go, come to me. Remember, no one can force you.”

Yan Hui coldly snorted, cold watched Di Jiu, “I will leave here today. If you want to find death, then you can continue.”

After that, Yan Hui pulled Mo Yu’s hand and entered the Immortal City directly.

Di Jiu did not answer Yan Hui’s words. He knew that Yan Hui’s sentence was not malicious. That is to tell him that after she left, she continued to stay in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. Maybe in the heart of Yan Hui, the reason why he is safe now is not because his Di Jiu has a temperament, those Immortal Emperor dare not move him, but because of her Yan Hui.

Di Jiu’s eyes swept over Mi Ji and others, no nonsense, but said to Zhong Ao, “Old Zhong, we also entered the city.”

Shudi hugged Chi Yuanqing and Chi Xun’er behind Di Jiu. “Big Brother, are we going to Starry Sky Teahouse?”

Di Jiu indifferently said, “Starry Sky Teahouse can’t go, it has been occupied by monks, I don’t dare touch him, I can only go somewhere else.”

Watched Di Jiu went into the city, no one started. Just now, Yan Hui grabbed Gou Yue and Di Jiu stepped on Gou Yue. The scene was still in everyone’s mind. As long as Yan Hui does not leave Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, no one will do anything with Di Jiu.

Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal City’s Vice City Lord Jie Guangmao Hearing Di Jiu’s words, he sneered. Di Jiu’s Starry Sky Teahouse is what he occupies. He knows that he is occupied by Starry Sky Teahouse. Di Jiu dares to enter the city. He just doesn’t know how to live.

Look at Yan Hui, obviously will not stay in Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, and Yan Hui does not seem to like Di Jiu. As long as Yan Hui is gone, it is when Di Jiu is appointed.

Even Ji Ji’s Mi Ji, who is ready to be accountable, stopped his own words. He knows that Di Jiu is now accountable. At most, Yan Hui takes Di Jiu away and can’t leave Di Jiu. The key is that Yan Hui is gone, will Di Jiu follow?

With Di Jiu’s self-confident character, as long as they don’t follow Yan Hui, they will succeed.

As for Di Jiu, will you follow Yan Hui? Everyone has some feelings. When Di Jiu was only in the Immortal Monarch initial stage, he didn’t have a mountain, and dared to sell Starry Sky Tea at Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. He also dared the Great Star Pill Building and killed the daughter of Immortal Sect Alliance Lord Huang Yetian.

Alone to the Great Cauldron Immortal City to participate in the auction, grabbing a few things from Immortal Emperor. Even when I ran away, I also robbed Star and Moon House of Commerce at Moon Ruins Tomb. Is this a arrogance?

This arrogant fellow is now likely to enter the Immortal King Realm, plus the Old Zhong next to him, probably an Immortal Emperor late stage. With this kind of backing, can he leave?

When I thought of Di Jiu, I entered the Immortal King in a short time, and many experts were even more hot.

“Yan Hui is gone, Di Jiu will definitely not follow.” Mi Ji indifferently said, the tone revealed affirmation.

“Why?” Someone asked, and everyone guessed that Di Jiu would not go, but it was not certain.

Mi Ji has a sarcasm in his tone. “This person thought that he had decided to eat my Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. He didn’t come with Yan Hui when he came. As for Yan Hui, it’s just right at the door of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty. I met Di Jiu, not Di Jiu’s backing. I guess that Di Jiu relies on the man around him, that man’s cultivation base should be strong.”

Everyone didn’t talk, an Immortal Emperor was strong, and don’t want to be king in the Great Cauldron Immortal City. Only Fang Feilou is silent, and Zhong Ao is so powerful that he is too clear. Immortal Emperor late stage In the eyes of Old Zhong around Di Jiu, it was simply not enough.

“Why don’t you do it now?” Zhong Ao watched Di Jiu went into the city and asked a question.

Di Jiu laughed, “Now it’s too unpleasant to do, there are still many people who haven’t come. I’m worried that they saw me start, and I was a little shy when I came over. Since I chose to do it, I have to do it all. And there is one more thing, don’t look Now these Wang Ba look at the face of Yan Hui did not move me. But Yan Hui is here, I am also not moving, this fellow will definitely be in the beginning.”

For Ji Hui, Di Jiu sees it very clearly. Pretentious, the cultivation base is also extremely high. If he kills too much, as long as the Great Cauldron Immortal City, these fellow help, maybe Yan Hui will come out. Yan Hui is in the early stage, and it is not good to kill himself.

“Big Brother, where are we going?” Seeing Di Jiu just walking, Shudi hurriedly asked.

He is now with two people. If you are empty shopping, it will never rush to ask Big Brother where to go.

“It’s already here.” Di Jiu stopped and he stopped at the most prosperous place of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

Zhong Ao looked up and saw a tall building. In the sky above this tall building, there are also several characters in the protection array, “Great Fortune Like Inn.”

Not to mention the position of this Inn in the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty, it is known that this is definitely one of the top grade Inns of Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty.

Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade once again, a light azure blade glow strike down, the Grace 7 Immortal Array outside the Great Fortune Like Inn is like an eggshell, broken directly.

“surnamed Di, you dare to bomb the protection array of my Great Fortune Like Inn…” The gray obese figure rushed out, and the tone of anger was a little trembling.

Di Jiu laughed, “Do you want to be awesome to say this? Your grandfather just stunned the Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty protection array, don’t dare to marry you a little Inn?”

As the voice fell, Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade slammed again.

A dead aura enveloped, gray face became white, and screamed, “You dare to kill me here…”

The Immortal King late stage, standing next to the ash, stepped forward to block Di Jiu’s movements, but he just took a step and felt the space around him completely solidified. This is Immortal Emperor Domain, this Immortal King is cold and sweaty.

“Hey!” The gray and fat body was split in half by the Heaven Dancing Blade and fell to the ground.

Di Jiu sighed, how proud is this to think that I won’t marry you?

“Oh!” At the same time that a flame fell on the ash, that Immortal King was also killed by Di Jiu-blade, and it was not for the second time.

Despite the fact that Di Jiu killed the ash and the Immortal King late stage, the cultivator of the entire Great Fortune Like Inn was shocked, and all the fellows and guests rushed out.

Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade indifferently said, “All guests staying at the store will leave immediately and give you 10 breaths of time. If you don’t leave, you have no chance to leave.”

10 breaths of time didn’t even last ten seconds. After hearing Di Jiu’s words, almost all of the cultivators were rushing out, no who dares and their own lives could not go. The cultivator is different from the ordinary people. Their stuff is basically carried around, and there is nothing to go back to sort things or things.

Great Fortune Like Inn is the next thing, and now they need to escape.

Less than five breaths, all the guests took out the Inn. Even half of the fellow escaped, and the remaining half of the fellow was only desperately sending out a distress message, and then under the leadership of a Deacon, he was ready to take a restrain Di Jiu. They believe that the Vice City Lord will come soon.

This time, I don’t need Zhong Ao’s Domain, Di Jiu’s Heaven Dancing Blade to sprinkle a piece of blade glow, a dozen breathing hours, the entire Great Fortune Like Inn, except for Di Jiu, there are no more people.


Great Cauldron Freedom Immortal CIty City Lord Mansion, Jie Guangmao suddenly stood up and thought that before Di Jiu said that Starry Sky Teahouse had been taken over by him, he was shivering.

Di Jiu blatantly smashed the protection array of the Great Fortune Like Inn, killing the Storekeeper of the Great Fortune Like Inn, his number one. Not only that, but the slow fellows and Deacons of the Great Fortune Like Inn were killed by Di Jiu. It was just standing in front of his Jie Guangmao and repeatedly hitting his face.

“Vice City Lord Jie, I suggest you wait and say.” Dui Pingchuan indifferently said, “If you go now, you can’t help him. The old Zhong around him should be an Immortal Emperor late stage. Even if you don’t calculate Yan.” Hui, we have five Immortal Emperors here, and we don’t necessarily have to leave Di Jiu. So we have to wait and wait for the Five Great Immortal Sect Sect Master from Demon Dressing Immortal Land. I heard that Illusory Colored Immortal Land’s Ye is also looking for him, as long as These people are coming, even if Yan Hui does not leave. Di Jiu has three heads and six arms, and can only stay here.”

Dui Pingchuan was actually very unwilling, and he knew that Di Jiu should have a Dao Fruit.

“Demon Dressing Immortal Land Immeasurable Immortal Emperor arrived.” Almost at Dui Pingchuan, the voice just fell, and there was a singing voice coming out, followed by a red-faced man.


Swallowing Cloud Inn, Yan Hui suddenly sighed and stood up. “Yu, let’s go with me. If you don’t leave, I can’t do anything about it.”

“Master Ancestor, Senior Brother Di has several graciousness of life-savings for me. Even if I have to go, I have to call Senior Brother Di together.” Mo Yu was a little excited.

“The Star Demon Palace’s Palace Lord Xie Wanleng and Thoughtless Immortal Sect’s Sect Master Xiling Yuanyi have all come over, they are all for that Di Jiu. Di Jiu this person is too hearty to kill at least 20 people at the Great Fortune Like Inn… …” Yan Hui watched Mo Yu, she can’t save Di Jiu now. She also guessed that the man around Di Jiu was an Immortal Emperor, but an Immortal Emperor couldn’t count anything here.

“Master Ancestor, please take the Senior Brother Di together.” Mo Yu heard the words of Master Ancestor and was anxious.

Yan Hui frowned and shook her head. To be honest, she couldn’t think that Di Jiu would attract so many experts. If the Great Immortal Emperor of Demon Dressing Immortal Land is coming, she really doesn’t care. Now that the expert is getting more and more, she knows that Dao Temple is no longer in control.

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