
In fact, many people who come here today do not have 30,000,000 top grade spirit veins. Even if everyone used to be a controller of the universe, 30,000,000 top grade spirit veins are not meant to be there. Besides, in the plaza of the Holy Place in these years, the top grade god spirit vein also needs to be consumed.

I came here because I wanted to touch try one’s luck. Now I hear Qin Ji Saint saying that he can still enter the primal chaos through arguing, and all people are refreshed. Saint who can get the holy place in the holy plaza, no one feels that his Grand Dao is worse than others.

The original silent place plaza is also slightly agitated.

Qin Ji Saint waved his hand and continued, “In order to avoid some unnecessary losses and better use, 30,000,000 top grade spirit veins only need to temporarily hand over 20,000,000, which are 20,000,000 top grade spirit spirit veins. I used it together with Taihong Saint and Duoyi Saint. After using 20,000,000 top grade god spirit veins, I have n’t found a destination yet, and then handed over another 10,000,000 top grade god spirit veins. As for the cultivator of Dao Vein , All ten Daomai must be delivered. “

After Qin Ji Saint finished speaking, many Saints began to hand over the top grade spirit spirit vein, and Duoyi Saint was responsible for collecting the top grade spirit spirit vein.

Di Jiu also took out a ring, put ten cosmic Dao veins in the ring, and lined up with everyone behind.

When I received the Di Jiu ring, Duo Saint looked up at Di Jiu, and then took out a jade token and handed it to Di Jiu. “Natural resources are qualified, you can leave the Holy Place plaza and enter the primal chaos.”

Di Jiu is already numb, not to mention that Haiyi Saint recognized him, even Qin Ji Saint also looked at him deliberately before, now Duo Saint Saint seems to think he has some problem again.

But none of these people revealed him, so he might as well look at the problem with his ordinary heart. Anyway, the expert here is to prove the Dao to a higher level, not to catch him out. If the other party really wants to catch him, he can’t escape.

Haiyi Saint obviously also gathered 30,000,000 top grade spirit veins, and his determination is really a bit big.

Di Jiu counted, only a total of 1,700 thirty two people made up the top grade god spirit vein, thousands of people did not make up the top grade god spirit vein.

This is also because the Holy Lord is all here. Everyone controls the vast universe without knowing how many 30,000,000 years, otherwise, absolutely impossible so many people can come up with 30,000,000 top grade spirit vein .

Haiyi Saint walked to Di Jiu with the jade token and sat down, “Congratulations.”

“The same joy and the same joy.” Di Jiu also congratulated Cup one fist in the other hand, and then said with some doubt, “The argument is nothing more than a hundred people, it seems …”

Haiyi Saint knew what Di Jiu wanted to say, hehe said, “Fellow Daoist estimates that he hasn’t figured out the purpose of Tanji Saint …”

Di Jiu moved his heart when he heard the purpose, and immediately heard Haiyi Saint continue to say, “We are going to primal chaos this time, everyone is cutting off one’s means of retreat, and there is a heart that never looks back … “

The lofty nobleman said, in fact, Di Jiu know Qin Ji Saint, that is, everyone will leave the Holy Place plaza this time, and I want to come back alive, I am afraid there is no chance. Do n’t say you come back alive, even if there is a chance of reincarnation, I ’m afraid there is no chance.

“Saint, who can be in the Holy Place, which is not the existence of splitting heaven and earth apart? Which is not the Venerable Lord who controls the infinite universe of the vast universe? Even the weakest cultivation base may control others forever. I do n’t understand the Grand Dao Taoism. Therefore, the purpose of the debate is to let those of us who go to the vast primal chaos know more about others ’Tao. Having said that, or for a higher level and work hard. “

Di Jiu secretly sighed in the heart when heard from Saint Hai Yi, compared to these Saints who have existed for countless years, there is too much to learn.

Duoyi Saint has collected all the top grade spirit vein, Taihong Saint an open hand, a huge irregularly shaped Dao Altar appeared in the Hall center.

Is this also a creative treasure? Di Jiu stared at this debate Dao Altar doubtfully, but this debate Dao Altar did not have the slightest fluctuation of Dao Rhyme aura?

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense carefully fell on this debate on stage, and soon he realized that this is definitely not a treasure treasure, but an ordinary boulder that can no longer be ordinary.

This boulder is somewhat like …

Di Jiu soon realized that this boulder and the broken stone in his cosmic world should be one.

His broken piece of gray stone was also picked up at 9 Heavenly Layer. There are three words on it. There should also be words in front of the three words “Dao Zhen”, but they are already broken.

If the broken stele he got was really on this boulder, then even if his stele was complete, it would not be able to occupy 1 /10000th of the boulder.

Obviously everyone is very eager to get the approval of Qin Ji Saint. Now when Dao Altar comes out, a Saint falls on the stage.

“I ’ll come first, although everyone knows me, I still introduce myself. I have a track number, I control the vast era of more than five thousand years, and the cultivating is Dayan Dao …”

The Saint Saint, who is called Yijun, looks much younger than Qin Ji Saint, even a young man in his thirties. Di Jiu can see from the aura on him, compared with the aura on Qin Ji Saint, the way of a saint Saint is far inferior to Qin Ji Saint. This kind of appearance is only a kind of false that’s all.

Including Tan Ji Saint, when Yi Jun began to discuss his Grand Dao, the entire Hall was no longer noisy.

In Hall, only one of Saint ’s Dao sounds is circulating, and Dao sounds were initially just simple notes that ’s all. As Dao Discussion went deep into the depths, the notes turned into rules, centered on one Jun, a circle The turbulence of the circle began to circulate throughout the Hall.

Di Jiu is also very concerned about listening to the Grand Dao of Yijun Saint. From a certain perspective, the Tao of Saint Juan is somewhat close to Ye Mo’s Sansheng Tao. But in Di Jiu’s view, there is still a fundamental difference between the two’s ways.

According to Yi Jun’s Grand Dao theory, it was he who derived the universe world, and then the universe world derived all things. As for how his world came, it was naturally 9 Heavenly Layer hatched.

If it is limited to 9 Heavenly Layer, his way is not weaker than Ye Mo’s way. But if you raise another level, Ye Mo said obviously can grow unlimitedly and make unlimited progress. And his way should be limited to 9 Heavenly Layer. The two’s ways are not on the same level.

It is Yijun ’s understanding of Yanhua, which is definitely thousands hammers, hundred refinements. He almost understood the meaning of derivative to the extreme, of course, this extreme can only be limited to 9 Heavenly Layer.

Di Jiu has seen Ye Mo ’s Sansheng Dao, and has little interest in Yijun ’s Da Yan Dao. He is secretly sighed in his heart. This Saint Dao Discussion will take several months, and Dao Discussion ends with thousands of people , How long does it take?

I do n’t know how long it took, Yijun finally stopped Dao Discussion. As Yi Jun stopped, Dao Rhyme in Hall gradually dissipated.

After all the rules of Dao Rhyme dissipated and calmed down, Yijun Saint only cup one fist in the other hand and said, “My Daoist theory is here. If you are willing to argue with me, please defend Dao Altar.”

Di Jiu turned his head in doubt and looked at Hai Yi Saint, “Ha Yi Yi Fellow Daoist, not everyone came to the stage to discuss their own Grand Dao, and then did everyone choose or let the three Great Saints choose it?”

Haiyi Saint’s words just fell, and a Saint fell on the stage of the debate. “Dinan has seen you Saints, I am cultivating the stars, come to ask Haiyi Saint’s Dayan … “

(Today ’s update is here, friends good night!)

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