
As soon as Di Jiu rushed into the holy plaza, he felt a new and vast Grand Dao Dao Rhyme. Although this Grand Dao Dao Rhyme does not benefit him at all, but if he did not build a new universe, this Grand Dao Dao Rhyme is definitely an opportunity to step into Fourth Step.

The golden rays of light itself contains a top-level Grand Dao Origin Qi, and want to step into the Fourth Step. If you are cultivating here, I am afraid that it will twist the results for half the effort.

Di Jiu had just thought of this, and had n’t had time to observe the holy plaza. There was a buzz between thoughts, and then a shadow of indistinct had stormed into his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then his Divine Soul thought was also shadowed Wrapped up.

body possession? Di Jiu is ecstatic, he has just come in, he hasn’t planned to do anything about it yet, even there is a top Origin Spirit to his body possession.

“Eh, it ’s not the Dao Principle of Grand Dao of Kuihe …” Origin Spirit in Di Jiu Sea of ​​Consciousness immediately felt that Dao Principle in Di Jiu Sea of ​​Consciousness had nothing to do with Kuihe, this is A new Dao Principle of Grand Dao, it seems …

No, if it is not the Grand Dao rule of Kuihe Universe, it is really not easy for him to have body possession.

All the Saints of the Holy Place plaza before, the reason why the Third Step monk who came in from outside was treated as a fleshly body. Just because Kuihe ’s Dao Principle of Grand Dao is one level lower than any Saint ’s Dao Principle of Grand Dao here, and there is no secret at all.

As long as the cultivating monk of Kuihe Universe, coming here is equivalent to giving fleshly body. In the Grand Dao cultivating in the Kuihe universe, 90% of Saint ’s body possession cannot be blocked.

“Nobody has dared to take possession of my body for a long time, alas, your luck is good …” Di Jiu speaking in between, Sea of ​​Consciousness has already produced a huge Dao Rhyme rule handprint in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, this Dao Rhyme handprint is easy Just hold the shadow of the Origin Spirit, as if holding a little lamb.

Dare to come to body possession in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, how big should the Origin Spirit guts be?

The Origin Spirit was stunned. After knowing that the other party was not the Grand Dao of Kuihe Universe cultivating, he knew that body possession was a bit difficult, but he did not expect that this person would be so terrifying. In the most powerful holy place, Saint, I ’m afraid I ca n’t hold this person body possession, right?

Let ’s go quickly, the thoughts move, the origin of the Purple Spirit pinched by Di Jiu blooms, the Grand Dao Dao Rhyme twists and changes, and it seems that Di Jiu ’s handprint will be torn apart completely, and then go away.

It’s just that this Origin Spirit is no matter how hard it is. The Dao Rhyme rule is only bursting in Di Jiu’s Grand Dao’s fingerprints, but it can’t make Di Jiu’s fingerprints loose.

“This time I did something wrong. Please let me go. Fellow Daoist. I am Zhai Yun Saint. Fellow Daoist should also be a Great Saint Reincarnation Body. The cultivating is also his Dao Principle of Heaven and Earth. It ’s the same person. I do n’t know if it ’s not guilty. I also ask Fellow Daoist to raise my hand … ”Origin Spirit, who was pinched by Di Jiu, began to ask sincerely, but not at all how much lose one ’s head out of fear, obviously affirmed Di Jiu will not kill him.

Di Jiu is a little helpless, this fellow really feels like a Great Saint, he is holding the Origin Spirit by himself, and is still in his Sea of ​​Consciousness. Before, he even had a body possession. Won’t you kill him? What other ignorant person is not guilty, what gives him such great confidence?

“Ai, I admire your confidence. Are you Saint amazing?” Di Jiu sighed, a Grand Dao Law locked Zhai Yun Saint. Regular squeezing, killing intent arouse.

This is also to kill yourself? Zhai Yun Saint was stunned for a while. Did n’t Di Jiu know that the Saints could not kill each other? He all said that the unknowing is not guilty, and Di Jiu still has to deal with him, is he not afraid of death?

“Fellow Daoist don’t know that Saint Saint can’t kill each other? Could it be that memory is missing?” Zhai Yun Saint can’t calm down anymore. He doubts that Di Jiu is Saint Saint’s rebirth, and now forgets the previous life memory.

Di Jiu’s heart moved, and was solemnly asked, “Why did you know that I was not the Grand Dao cultivating Kuihe Universe before, so I was shocked?”

Zhai Yun Saint understands that Di Jiu must have forgotten the memories of the Saint era. He dares to have a little hesitation. Once Di Jiu is killed, it is wrong.

“Because the Heaven and Earth Law of Kuihe Universe is open for everyone to observe, then almost all the Saints here have been merged, everyone knows the rules of Kuihe Universe. So as long as it is Kuihe Universe cultivation Yes, for Saints here, body possession is almost certain. “

After knowing that Di Jiu has forgotten the Saint rules, Zhai Yun ’s tone of voice becomes respectful, and he does not dare to anger Di Jiu.

Di Jiu frowned asked a little puzzled, “Do all Saints of the Holy Place plaza have to open up Heaven and Earth Law for everyone to observe?”

Zhai Yun Saint hurriedly said, “How is this possible, all Saint ’s own Dao Principle of Grand Dao here is the biggest secret, and the vast universe that he once built is also the biggest secret, which is never allowed to anyone Spy on one or two. “

“Why do Heaven and Earth Law of the Nakui universe be watched by other Saints? Kuihe Saint is so kind?” Di Jiu became more and more confused.

“Because Kuihe broke Saint ’s rules, after a lot of robberies, his universe chose to keep the broken universe. Not only that, he even wanted Dao Temple at 9 Heavenly Layer to evolve into the survival of those ants To … “

“What does it mean” Di Jiu interrupted Zhai Yun Saint ’s words, “After the mass calamity, have n’t the big universes been directly ruined? Is there still Dilapidated Cosmos saved?”

Zhai Yun Saint has long believed that Di Jiu is a saint who has lost the memory of Saint. Reincarnation, otherwise, where would there be such a powerful Sea of ​​Consciousness and powerful Grand Dao rules? Only Saint can cultivate his Dao Principle of Grand Dao under the universe of others.

At the moment, Di Jiu asked, he did n’t have any doubt, and honestly said, “After the mass calamity, even if the mass calamity is destroyed, there may be Dilapidated Cosmos. These Dilapidated Cosmos Heaven and Earth Law are incomplete, but they can exist, so There is no problem for some ants to survive.

After the vast universe of sabotage controlled by Saint, Saint Union Lord moved the Dilapidated Cosmos where nirvana transformation became his own Dao Principle Dao Rhyme foundation, and then occupied a place in the Holy Place plaza. Kuihe broke this rule, and even wanted to keep the broken Kuihe universe. Not only that, but also wanted to borrow 9 Heavenly Layer for the new Dao Temple … “

Di Jiu knew in his heart that the flame of anger was burning in the heart of ceng ceng.

It turns out that after the mass destruction of any Saint universe, it is not a complete destruction of the entire vast universe, but there are residual parts. This Saint was unable to continue to control the vast universe because the universe was broken, so he chose to actively nirvana transformation a part of the broken universe, and then let these Dilapidated Cosmos turn into their Dao Foundation to stay in the Holy Place plaza.

The Kuihe Saint should be compassionate for the hundreds of millions of lives, so not at all chose the Dilapidated Cosmos under the nirvana transformation, which caused public outrage at the Plaza Saint.

This matter has nothing to do with other Saints. Why should Saint Saint of Plaza be angry?

There are two reasons for this. The first Kuihe broke this default rule. In the future, will everyone still want to control the big universe before the nirvana? The second Kuihe’s great universe is not broken, how is the new universe born? The new universe is not born, so many Saints here, how can it come back.

“Since Kuaihe’s Dilapidated Cosmos has not been completely destroyed, how do you deal with it?” Di Jiu tried to slow down his tone as much as possible.

Zhai Yun Saint is still talking, Di Jiu understands it completely. Cosmic debates do exist, but cosmic debates are the tools that Saint uses that’s all. This cosmic argument should be destroyed by him. He arranged a blood-seeking great array. I do n’t know why it was involved in 9 Heavenly Layer.

Do n’t …

Di Jiu did n’t dare to think about it. He worried that he was really a cold-blooded Saint.

(Today ’s update is here, friends good night!)

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