“You are right, I just want to grab it…” Gao Zhenyong open hand grabbed the colored diamond in Di Jiu’s hand. If it is a normal thing, he will not be so tasteless, but the colorful diamond in Di Jiu’s hand contains the cultivating Grand Dao Aura. Once he gets it, his future status is almost expected.

This kind of thing is for his life, he will also go to Bo.

What’s more, in the eyes of Gao Zhenyong, the ants of the Di Jiu trifling Foundation Establishment 4th layer can be pinched to death by his open hand. This catch, even half of his strength has not been taken out.

Di Jiu killed Swamp Lion, the equivalent of the Golden Core late stage, and the Swamp Lion’s combat power in the Monster Beast was low. Now he is playing against the real Golden Core middle stage cultivator, and even if he has a Troping Slaughter Array outside, he still can’t care.

Before he used long spear, it was that Gao Zhenyong thought he didn’t dare to do it. Now Gao Zhenyong hands-on, the long blade was sacrificed by him in the shortest time, turning into a blaze qi slashed towards Gao Zhenyong.

Hey, Gao Zhenyong feels the blade intent of the cold murderous in the Di Jiu blade, shocked. If you switch to a Golden Core initial stage, you may actually get hurt under this blade. This blade is also stronger than the Foundation Establishment Perfection strike down, almost stepping into the door of the Blade Dao.

Gao Zhenyong Although there is still no magical treasure, it is only a side, and the strength of the catch has increased by 20%. His heart is even hotter. Di Jiu can chopped a blade that is so powerful, what does that mean? The only possibility is that the other person has the benefit of having a clear cultivating Law stone…

No, Gao Zhenyong suddenly thought that if Di Jiu really knew the benefits of the stone, why should he expose the stone? And is the Foundation Establishment cultivation base exposed in front of his Golden Core cultivation base? This is obviously not normal.

A dangerous feeling came to my mind. Gao Zhenyong without the slightest hesitation grabbed his magical treasure. Before he had his magical treasure offering, he saw Di Jiu slamming a punch.

He saw Di Jiu slamming a punch, but after the punch came out, it formed several giant peaks.

The surrounding space became sluggish, and Gao Zhenyong was amazed that only the divine ability could cause this space to lag.

“ka cha !” Desolate Wind Blade hit the ground of Gao Zhenyong, and the killing intent of cold murderous collapsed.

But this blade is not a Di Jiu’s attack, his attack is gathering ridges and peaks.

Gao Zhenyong found that the wrong moment, grabbed the magical treasure, Di Jiu’s this fist the first mountain has been blasted in front of Gao Zhenyong.

In a hurry, Gao Zhenyong can only open the hand again, he wants to catch Di Jiu’s this fist giant peak.

“Boom! ka cha!” giant peak shattered, Gao Zhenyong’s hand bones are broken at the same time. At this moment, Gao Zhenyong’s magical treasure Yin-Yang Cone was sacrificed, and it was turned into two black and white yin and yang, a screaming Di Jiu, a second peak that wanted to block his eyes.

Even if Di Jiu took the lead, his speed was still slower than Gao Zhenyong.

When Yin-Yang Cone whistled, his long blade once again turned into a wavy blade mark and went out. Switch to anyone, and definitely Di Jiu this blade should be to block exploded towards his Yin-Yang Cone attack.

In fact, Di Jiu, the blade, was staggered in the form of waves and Yin-Yang Cone’s attack, just like a wave hitting Gao Zhenyong.

Switching to the Foundation Establishment cultivator attack, maybe Di Jiu is really not going to fight again, he will be hard to attack and continue to attack Gao Zhenyong.

Gao Zhenyong is the Golden Core Cultivator, and Di Jiu is confident in his inner armor, and he does not dare to be under the influence of Gao Zhenyong Yin-Yang Cone. After Chopped the fifth Rupturing Blade, Di Jiu slammed again, his 2nd Fist Furious like Waves.

Under the punch, it is like a wave of waves and a wave followed by a wave, rushing down.

“ka! ka! ka!” After a bit of blood and broken hand bones, Di Jiu’s gathering ridges and peaks were completely smashed by Gao Zhenyong. Only when this fist power is coming to an end, Di Jiu’s 2nd Fist Furious like Waves has been added.

Furious like great waves Even if it was a raging wave, it only blocked Yin-Yang Cone’s spirit, and did not completely block Gao Zhenyong’s Yin-Yang Cone attack. Yin-Yang Cone’s cone shadow broke through the furious like great waves, and there was no half-blocking bang on Di Jiu’s chest.

Di Jiu is anxious, Geng Ji, this fellow is not enough. He did not think that a Golden Core middle stage cultivator was so powerful under his sneak attack that it was not comparable to that of the Swamp Lion.

At the same time, Di Jiu’s Rupturing Blade lie on another cone of Gao Zhenyong Yin-Yang Cone. The Rupturing Blade split, but it did not collapse, the power was weaker, and it was still on the side of Gao Zhenyong.

Gao Zhenyong didn’t care about Di Jiu’s blade. He felt that the power of Di Jiu was not stronger than the previous one, and his Yin-Yang Cone blocked it. In his opinion, this blade gave him a slight injury. As long as Di Jiu’s fast sneak attack is over, he can easily wipe Di Jiu.

For Gao Zhenyong, the most important thing now is Di Jiu 2nd Fist Furious like Waves. This fist, although also blocked by his Yin-Yang Cone, did not break. Gao Zhenyong, who has seen the gingering ridges and peaks, knows the terribleness of this fist, because this is the divine ability. He did not continue to attack Di Jiu, and Yin-Yang Cone turned into a void gossip, blocking the furious like great waves.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” Furious momentum of the furious like great waves The waves slammed on the void gossip, splashing a True Origin wave. Even if Di Jiu this fist is very strong, after being blocked by Yin-Yang Cone, it is impossible to pass this void gossip.

“Hey!” Di Jiu’s Rupturing Blade is also on the ground of Gao Zhenyong. As Gao Zhenyong expected, the Di Jiu blade only left a deep blood trough on him. For a cultivator like the Golden Core 6th layer, this blood tank is nothing.

Di Jiu’s offensive obviously weakened at the end of the strong, Gao Zhenyong sneered, Yin-Yang Cone imposing manner skyrocketed, black and white yin and yang formed a killing intent to cover Di Jiu. The attack will be ectopic at this moment. Di Jiu attacked him before, and now it is his turn to fight back.

Gao Zhenyong, who had changed his mind before seeing the colored diamonds, wondered why a Foundation Establishment was so terrible. Now he is only eager, because as long as he gets the stone of Heaven and Earth Law, he will be in the future when he says Golden Core Perfection. Maybe you can fight against Origin Soul.

Just did not wait for Gao Zhenyong to kill Di Jiu, and the Rupturing Blade gas that blew a deep blood trough on him suddenly burst open. It was like a wave hitting a boulder, and the bursting blade marks rushed into Gao Zhenyong’s body in all directions.

“ka ka ka!” Gao Zhenyong could even hear the broken sound of his vein and bones. He spurted a blood and rushed to the door.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t beat Di Jiu, but he was batted by Di Jiu plot. At this moment, he only regretted, and the opportunity was in front of him, and he was missed by him.

At the moment, Di Jiu is like a heavy injury, and he simply cannot afford to leave Gao Zhenyong.

Gao Zhenyong just rushed to the door of Inn, a large axe smashed down.

There is also an ambush? Gao Zhenyong sinks in his heart and his body quickly recedes.

“Hey!” Even if Gao Zhenyong’s speed is very fast, the large axe still almost cuts off his waist, and a blood arrow squirts a few meters away.

Gao Zhenyong couldn’t continue to regret and didn’t get the chance. He regretted that he should not run away for the second time. He should kill Di Jiu first.

“You can’t kill me, I…” Gao Zhenyong didn’t finish a word yet, Di Jiu’s long blade rolled up a blade qi and Gao Zhenyong’s head strike fall.

“Brother Jiu, I am late.” Geng Ji was a little embarrassed. Di Jiu gave him the Array Flag and taught him how to open the Trapping Slaughter Array from Di Jiu. He still took a long time to open.

Di Jiu picked up the ring on the ground, and a flame burned Gao Zhenyong into gray. “It’s just right, now we have to kill all the people here, one does not stay.”

“Brother Jiu rest assured, I won’t let the Qi Family House of Commerce take a dog,” Geng Ji murderous aura said.

He had a huge change compared to two years ago. Now that the native place has been wiped out by the Qi Family House of Commerce, he can’t wait to get rid of all the divisions of the Qi Family House of Commerce.


Swamp Town This protection array can’t stop Di Jiu.

After Di Jiu and Geng Jihua left Swamp Town, the Qi Family House of Commerce exploded with a terrifying burst. Then everyone clearly saw that the Qi Family House of Commerce was turned into a flat.

Some people who know some Array Dao know that this is a way of exploding with the Exploding Array, which has smashed the Qi Family House of Commerce.

The next day, everyone in Fountain City saw the scene after the explosion last night. After the Qi Family House of Commerce was robbed by Star River School disciple Di Jiu two years ago, the Qi Family House of Commerce was once again robbed.

This time, not only did they rob, but also killed the Golden Core Guardian and Foundation Establishment Deacon of Qi Family House of Commerce. When they left, they also blew the House of Commerce. This is obviously not for the sake of making money.

Everyone knows that this is done by a white-haired old man, because the white-haired old man never came out after entering the Qi Family House of Commerce when he entered Ye, and then everyone heard the sound of the Qi Family House of Commerce bursting.

The Qi Family House of Commerce is even more outrageous. In history, only the Qi Family House of Commerce Branch in Fountain City was robbed twice. If you can’t grab the murder of Qi Family House of Commerce, how can the Qi Family House of Commerce dare to say that it is one of Extreme Night Continent’s top grade House of Commerce?

No one waited for the Qi Family House of Commerce to find the Fountain City ruined Qi Family House of Commerce, and the Qi Family House of Commerce was robbed again at the Scarlet Saddle Market’s branch.

The Foundation Establishment Perfection cultivator of the Scarlet Saddle Branch was smashed, and everything else was robbed and ruined House of Commerce.

The person who made the Qi Family House of Commerce Scarlet Saddle Market Branch is still the white-haired old man. He is obviously only for the Qi Family House of Commerce, and he has not touched other House of Commerce.

(Today’s update is here, friends are good night!)

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