If the maximum industrial location of the Northern State low level cultivator is Fountain Forest, then the biggest trial location for the entire Extreme Night Continent is Millions Heaven Ruins.

Millions Heaven Ruins is in Eastern State, but the cultivator that comes here is not just the Eastern Territory’s cultivator. The entire Extreme Night Continent’s cultivator, the Metropolis will be tested at Millions Heaven Ruins, and even the Golden Core Cultivator will enter Millions Heaven Ruins for cultivation resources.

Millions Heaven Ruins is so famous because Millions Heaven Ruins is close to Extreme Night Continent’s largest battlefield, Extreme Night Heaven Ruins.

It is rumored that long ago, Extreme Night Continent belonged to Dwelling Night Star Land. I don’t know why, Dwelling Night Star Land has suddenly split into two continents. Half of the two continents are Extreme Night Continent and the other half is called Half Screen Continent.

After Extreme Night Continent and Half Screen Continent split, there was a huge Heaven Ruins in the middle. Every few years, Heaven Ruins will automatically connect. At this time, Extreme Night Continent’s cultivator and Half Screen Continent’s cultivator will definitely be here great war.

The reason for the great war is simple, that is, the middle of the connected Heaven Ruins is the spirit vein, the spirit stone mine. In addition, there are precious top grade Artifact Materials and some naturally refined high level magical treasures.

Dwelling Night Star Land I don’t know how many years have existed, cultivation resources are already scarce. Once the spirit vein and spirit stone mine, the natural magical treasure appears, the cultivators on both sides of the continent will desperately compete.

After robbing the spirit stone mine and the spirit vein and those natural, the mainland will naturally split again, and the original Heaven Ruins will remain in the middle.

Some cultivators who come to the Extreme Night Heaven Ruins battle will naturally go to Millions Heaven Ruins to find cultivation resources when there is no battle.

The Fountain Forest is a big one, and the Fountain Forest is thrown into Millions Heaven Ruins, which is estimated to occupy only one corner.

Millions Heaven Ruins is not only forest swamps, deserts, Gobi, Mountain Ranges and even volcanoes and glaciers… except for the absence of the sea.

Originally there was an open-air Market in Millions Heaven Ruins surrounding, called the Ruins Market. Because there are too many cultivators here, and the time is long, this Market is upgraded to Side Ruins City.

At the moment outside Side Ruins City, two veiled women were surprised by a notice outside the watched wall.

The portraits above the notice are very clear, and the above is also very clear, and they are robbing Di Jiu and Geng Jihua of Qi Family House of Commerce. Anyone who has accurate information about these two people can be rewarded with 100,000 low grade spirit stone, 50,000 middle grade spirit stone, ten rank 3 spirit pill (can request Foundation Establishment Pill) ).

If you can catch Di Jiu and Geng Jihua, you can reward 100,000 middle grade spirit stone, million low grade spirit stone, and you can ask Foundation Establishment Pill and Culture True Pill.

The Foundation Establishment Pill is extremely scarce, and the Culture True Pill is the Spirit of the Foundation Establishment Perfection cultivator that goes into the Golden Core Realm and is even more valuable. This kind of reward is estimated to be that a needle in the sea will also be found.

Both women also knew the horror of this kind of reward. After seeing the news, the two looked at each other but did not speak.

Half an hour later, in a simple cave mansion at the edge of Side Ruins City, the woman wearing a grey clothed took off her shawl and still couldn’t believe it. “Sister Yu, I won’t watch Wrong, what is wanted by Di Jiu?”

Another woman named Sister Yu also took the veil. If Di Jiu is here, they will be able to recognize the two. They are Yu Jie and Zeng Beizi who came from Earth like him.

Both of them have good aptitude. In the earth, they have been cultivation since they have been Martial Cultivation.

It is almost two years now, Yu Jie’s cultivation base is Qi Condensation 6th layer and Zeng Beizi is Qi Condensation 5th layer. Plus they used to be Martial Cultivation, and their combat power is even stronger than the average Qi Condensation late stage.

Yu Jie said solemnly, “This should be true. At the time of Fairy Maiden Star, Di Jiu is very mysterious and very powerful. He saved me from the beginning. Now come to this place, I guess he is more like a duck.” It’s just that he even dared to grab the Qi Family House of Commerce.

“I still owe him something, I really don’t know how to help him.” Zeng Beizi has always been very embarrassed about Di Jiu.

Yu Jie said, “He saved my life, but our cultivation base definitely can’t help him. Want to help him, at least Foundation Establishment. Millions Heaven Ruins has a glacier inside, there is Ice Fungus in the glacier Lotus Flower, this Lotus Flower Foundation Establishment is even better than the Foundation Establishment Pill. We have cultivating for a while, and after waiting for the Qi Condensation late stage, why not go to the glacier to try your luck?”

“Isn’t it true that few people who go to the glacier can come back? It is difficult to get the Ice Fungus Lotus Flower when someone can come back.” Zeng Beizi was hesitant.

Yu Jie said, “Beizi, we haven’t found a suitable sect to join yet. I heard that sect rarely recruits disciples here, we have to find sect to join, at least one or two years on the road, this also Don’t calculate the danger. If we are Foundation Establishment, then we can leave Millions Heaven Ruins at any time. Can’t Foundation Establishment, we are just waiting to die here. What is the difference between early death and late days?”

When Fairy Maiden Star Plaza was attacked by Monster Beast, Yu Jie completely looked away.

People are always dying, fearing the death of the former, but it is better to do what you want to do.

“Sister Yu, I listen to you.” Zeng Beizi immediately decided to listen to Yu Jie. Can’t be Foundation Establishment, she will be one day less than one day. After hearing about Foundation Establishment, life essence can be increased by a hundred years, reaching two hundred years old. Maybe on which day, she can really go back to earth.


“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Di Jiu’s long blade in the hands of a twisted blade glow, slammed on a Grade 2 Peak Swamp Lion.

A blood glow blasted on Swamp Lion, and Swamp Lion broke out with a scream of screams and turned away. It just took a few steps and fell to the ground, and the life force gradually dispersed.

Di Jiu was overjoyed, the blade was just his fifth blade. This fifth blade, like the fourth Blade Desolate Wind Blade, does not rely on Di Clan Seven Blades. However, his fifth blade is based on the 2nd Fist Furious like Waves that he realized a few months ago.

After his second punch, the fist momentum is like a continuous wave. And his fifth blade is turned into a wave-like wave mark mark fall, the real damage is not the process.

When the waves hit the reef, they will surely fall apart and turn into countless tiny waves. After his fifth blade was in the middle of the opponent, he and the wave crashed on the reef and exploded, bursting into numerous blade glows. These blade glows burst directly in the opponent’s body.

It’s like the Swamp Lion, who did not set Swamp Lion to death after the Swamp Lion in this blade strike. But after the blade burst at the Swamp Lion’s wound, countless blades qi directly tore the Swamp Lion’s fleshly body and veil, letting Swamp Lion die. This is the power of the fifth blade.

Later, this blade was called Rupturing Blade, and Di Jiu was more and more fortunate to make his own decision.

Six months ago, he decided to walk out of Fountain Forest with Geng Ji and Shudi. On the way, they don’t know how many Monster Beasts they killed. In six months, Geng Ji stepped into the Foundation Establishment 3rd layer. And he is now the summit of the Foundation Establishment 3rd layer, and only one step will step into the Foundation Establishment 4th layer.

The sound of thunder is constantly coming from the distance, Di Jiu know that is the Monster Beast that Geng Ji attacked with Thunder Sword.

“Geng Ji, end the battle early, we find a place to rest for one night, and continue on the road tomorrow.” Di Jiu estimates that for another month or two, they will walk out of Fountain Forest.

At their speed of trials, when they walk out of Fountain Forest, they are expected to step into the Foundation Establishment middle stage. It is Shudi, which also goes into the grade 2 monster beast middle stage.

Geng Ji just responded, and the two felt the under the foot tremble.

“Big Brother, I have an ominous premonition…” Shudi was worried about the grounded watched vibration.

Di Jiu’s spiritual sense swept out, and when he saw what was going on, the scalp was also numb.

The endless Swamp Lion is like crazy, rushing toward the direction of the three of them.

“Geng Ji, hurry back to me.” Di Jiu yelled.

He saw in the summary jade slip of the Fountain Forest that the Swamp Lion in the Fountain Forest occasionally riots collectively. Once this collective riot is encountered, almost no cultivator can survive.

The Di Jiu trio spent two years in the Fountain Forest, the first time they met the riot of the Swamp Lion group.

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