Scorpion's words spread throughout the ninja.

Everyone showed surprise.

"What?! These two puppets were made by scorpion ?!


"I just say! Except for the perverts like scorpion, who else will do this!

"I said it before, and the scorpion himself also said. He likes to make other people's bodies into a puppet ... Oh my god,

His parents had such horrible children, so scary! "

Everyone showed a panic and discussed each other.


"The name of the puppet is the father and mother. From the perspective of the name, it is indeed a scorpion. In Muye Village, Shikamaru touched his chin and talked gently:" This is also reasonable."

"Huh." Sakura was relieved and said, "So that's it ... in this way, if I have the opportunity to get along with the mother -in -law of the Qian Dai, I don't have to be afraid.


"Well!" Yamako Yoshino shook his head in fear, and said, "But people who like to use this kind of puppet are really scary

! I don't want to get close to these guys ... "

The life and death battle she experienced is not much.

Among the pork deer butterfly, it is often auxiliary character.

So for all kinds of corpses, there is no completely desensitization.

Facing the behavior of the corpse of the Master, it was really unacceptable.

not far away.

Tomari looked at the content of the sky, and relieved it fiercely, saying: "My God, fortunately, I think Chito's mother -in -law is also perverted. Seeing no, Jiulang, using a corpse to make puppets, that's not everything everywhere. You will do this alone. Don't learn from this traitor.


Her current goal is this brother.

Don't learn as perverts like scorpion.

Suddenly obsessed with some inexplicable disgusting tools.

Kan Jiulang waved his hand helplessly, and said, "I know, I can't.


"Besides, I just watch a video. Do you think I can see something?


If you just look at it, you can master this kind of thing.

The master of the puppet will not be so scarce in the ninja world.

Even if it is Sarawak Village, there are not many people who can learn.


"Their voice passed to the Organization of Xiao.

After the scorpion snorted coldly, he said faintly: "I don't know the so -called group of idiots, and the ability to do not learn from me, but go to the old age like Chiyo.

"Hehe." Didala laughed: "Brother Scorpion, don't forget, you in the video, the ending is dying. Now, it's too early to say.


"But then, he didn't expect it. He looked at the video, and said," These two puppets are really your parents ... Brother Scorpion, do you even make them into a puppet? It's really ... ... "

"Shut up!" His words were interrupted.

Scorpion coldly: "Don't look anymore! You can wait for me to see how you die again!

"Uh ..." Didala waved his hand and said, "Okay.

In Yinyin Village.

Black soil looked at the video and said in surprise: "In other words, these two puppets are made by scorpion itself? It is just like the scorpion said. He knows these two puppets. Do you want to deal with the scorpion with these two puppets?


Ohnu touched his chin and said, "Who knows, but just on the 傀 术 大 大, the accomplishments of these two guys are really high.

Although he did not repair the puppet skills.

However, the shadow of each village cannot be disliked to abandon the ninjutsu and technical reserves of its village.

So after watching the battle of these two people.

Ohnu began to ponder how to bring Sarawak Village's related learning database.

It may refer to the ninja who has talent to have talents in Yanyin Village, but because of the lack of environment from an early age, it is not cultivated.

What about it?

In the sky, the video continues to play.

["Is it like you?" Chiyo's mother -in -law listened to the scorpion with a disdain and calm words, calm and complicated: "Is this really the case ..."]

【next moment..

[In her mind, a picture appeared..

[In the sky, the picture of the video, with the degree..

[The scorpion of a young age, staying in the room, the silk thread of both hands led the puppets of the two parents. With the movement of the scorpion, the two puppets also made a variety of actions. In addition to not talking, It's like two living people..

[The young scorpion looked at this scene, and the corner of his mouth showed a happy smile..

In such a scene, it should be extremely warm.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

But in the eyes of the people watching the video.

But it can't help but shudder!

"My God! What should I do if I feel my back is cold!"

"This ... this scorpion in memories seems to be only ten years old? There is no ten years old!

"Oh my god, is he controlled his parents and regarded his parents as a living person?!

Everyone was extremely shocking.

Naruto looked at this scene and couldn't help shaking.

...... "

He couldn't help muttering: "" "I feel ... I feel ...

"What?" Sakura couldn't help but asked, "What did you feel?

After a glance at Naruto, Sasuke slowly closed his eyes, still silent.


Naruto said with a bit sadness: "I feel, the scorpion made his parents' puppet, just because he was missing his parents ... there was no malicious ... maybe, he just wanted to accompany him. "

"Ha?" Yamakura frowned, and said: "This is obviously an old man, but still looks like a weird guy who is much different from me, want to accompany me? How do I feel, where is wrong ..."

"This guy has killed hundreds of powerful ninjas and made them into a puppet! Is he killing so many people and doing so many puppets ... I want to let these people accompany him?"

Naruto's mouth was drawn.

He said helplessly: "No (good), I watched the video like this, the scorpion should love his parents ... Then

Emotions, I can realize ... "[ 071113031]

Everyone next to them heard this, and thought of Naruto's life situation.

Suddenly silent.

Sakura was looking at Sasuke, with worries in his eyes.

If you want to say that you lose your parents ... Sasuke is about the same as Naruto ... Even the encounter between him and the scorpion should be more like

Aj ...

Even in the future, they will become a rebellion ...

When Sakura thought of the indifferent look of Sasuke in the future, she couldn't help but be another excitement, and quickly put those messy.

Think of thoughts.

[In the sky, the bland memories have ended, and Chiyoko's mother -in -law showed a solemn color, as if it was determined to fight the battle. She said: "Sakura! You let go first!]

[The next moment, the father and the mother -in -law are opposed to one hand. In the relative hands, a black wire wire connection appears slowly!].

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