Everyone looked at the situation in the video curiously.

Want to know if Haro Sakura has inhaled poisonous gas.

[In the sky, the video continues to play..

[After Chiyo's mother -in -law rescued Haruno Sakura to the side, he looked at Haruno Sakura worriedly, saying: "You use the explosive explosion to pop up the poisonous fog circle, but you are seriously injured! It's 1! 1


["Keke! Haro Sakura coughs twice, saying:" There is only this method, but I have nothing to do, thank you mother -in -law


[Say, she stood up slowly, and then stared at the scorpion of Chisha carefully..

"Ha? Look at this, Haruno Sakura has nothing to do.

"That's not so. Look at her, there are still many wounds caused by the burst.


"Haruno Sakura herself is a medical ninja? She is very detailed about the damage. She can treat this kind of injury.

"Is there no poisonous gas? Sure enough, this person can't die at all.

Many people lamented.


"Hey, what do you say is also a little girl, why do you always want people to die." Somehow.

"Hahaha, the ninja of Koba, and a love brain, am I looking down on such a person most!

The faces of the female forbearance!


"That's it, in this time, because of the previous video, I always heard a group of people say that we can't bear it! It's really defeated

Bad atmosphere!

[Haruno Sakura stared at the scorpion and said seriously: "I will catch you!"]

["Hand, foot ulcers, poisoning, and body can't move, I must catch you! No matter how you resist, use it, use it, use it

What means, I want you to tell you the information of Dashe Wan! "]]

[Her face was very angry, obviously very angry..

"Okay, it's to ask the information about Dashe Wan."

"Inquiring about Dashe Wan, isn't it just for Uchiha Sasuke? I said that the woman Haruno Sakura suddenly suddenly looked a little strong, but it was for men!

"Love brain is not famous! '

Everyone talked.


"Hum, I don't know the height of the sky." Xiaozu, the scorpion of Chisha watched the video, listened to the angered declaration of Haruno Sakura, and preached coldly

"Oh." Shimura Tuanzang laughed: "Anyway, the child in the video, compared with her now, has improved a lot. You have to remember how you die, scorpion."

The scorpion said faintly: "With less nonsense, you still think about it, how can you kill Uchiha Sasuke and save your future yourself.

"Hey!" Fei Duan'ssing said: "I'm really curious! How can I die if I have the shelter of the evil god! The video is lying again! I must not die! Let ’s take a look at Uncle Ben, you can kill me! Uncle Ben stood and asked him to kill!



Didala yawned and said boringly: "Really, why there is no shot after leaving and the nine -tailed little ghost in the video. It is shown in front of people! It's boring.


The corner of the dried persimmon ghost's mouth showed a smile, but did not show a laugh, and said, "Oh, you one by one, why do you want to look at your deadly, it is really outrageous hobby, as if I will only be in the future, Is this really interesting news? "

The horns rubbed with both hands, and said coldly: "Someone could kill me, huh, let me take a look, I am not your idiot, after knowing my own enemies in the future, I personally put my own hands. They kill the germinations! "

As long as he knows, who will kill him in the future.

Then he will be strong first!

He did not experience a wave of death.

"I can die with so many hearts. Sure enough, the most secure method is to get the writing wheel eyes of the Tuanzang ... and how to use Izanaki." His cold eyes looked again Tuanzang glance.

[In the sky, the video continues to play..

[Facing Haruno Sakura's words..

[The scorpion has no nonsense, a finger moves, and a bang, a large number of swords in the hand flies out, rows in rows, a column of ground

Rush quickly, and instantly came to Haruno Sakura..

"so fast!


Countless people are amazed.


"Sakura! You's idiot! High away! The Yamako Jingye hurried.

"You ... you said to me, it's useless! Sakura helplessly spread his hands, that is your future self!

But she has remembered this scene.

If I have experienced this scene in the future, I will avoid it.

Seeking flowers •

["Oops, your body is too stiff!" Haruno Sakura looked at the many swords in the hands that quickly struck, and looked ugly..

[She was just attacked by the explosive symbol and poisonous gas, and her physical action had not completely recovered..

【next moment..

[Just as the sword was about to hit her.] (Look at the storm novel, go to Novel Network!)


[Chiyo mother -in -law has both hands, and two scrolls appear in front of her. In an instant, the two figures were summoned from the scroll.

Out, then blocked in front of Haruno Sakura..

[Boom! 【!]

[Suddenly, all the swords in the hands are shot down to the ground!]

"New puppet?!" In this scene, many people in the ninja shouted instantly.

From just now.

As a puppet master, Chiyoko has never used his own puppets.

Instead, it is just to control Haruno Sakura.

Make many people strange for a while.

Now, she finally calls her own puppet!

"The puppet of Chiyoko's mother -in -law finally came out!" Muye Village, before the death of the death of the death, Kan Jiulang screamed excitedly.

Temari looked at his excitement and said silently: "As for it?"

"Of course!" Kan Jiulang shouted: "This is the Madon Mother -in -law! I heard that she was the strongest master in our village since I was a child! But I have never seen the puppets of the Mado Mother -in -law! Now I finally have it. See you! I must learn!

study hard!


"I also want to be one, a truly great original dust master!


He hurriedly took out his notebook again and was ready to record.

The surrounding people were infected with emotional emotional infection.

He is also curious about the mother -in -law's puppets, and Panpan looked at the sky seriously.

[In the sky, the video continues to play..

[Two new figures appear..

[From the outside, it is also a human -like puppet..

[It looks like the scorpion of the three generations of Fengying, which is very similar and looks strange..

"Are these two puppets also human -like? It looks a bit scary."

"Human -style puppet ... My mother, I thought, the scorpion's puppet was made with the corpse of the three generations of Fengying, and I was cold for a while

Trend, this mother -in -law, willn't it be made with a corpse? "

"Shouldn't it be so perverted?".

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