In the chat room, the thousands of hands are good, and it seems that he uses the dirty soil to call him out of the dirty soil to deal with

The behavior of the wood leaf was very indifferent, and he persuaded him to look back.

Can actually.

Thousands of hands are already angry!

The ninjutsu created by myself was used by the traitors of Muye, and the founder of his own was still summoned.

Pay yourself the most cherished wooden leaves!

Is there anything else in this world?

Thousands of hands have already vowed secretly.

If Dashe Maru dares to summon him again.

Then he will definitely let this younger person know what is the majesty of Naruto!

"The will of the fire is not to be blasphemy!" Qian Shizheng hated: "The dirty soil reincarnation he used before is not mature. My power has not fully recovered. Next time, this guy uses the dirty soil to reincarnate, and it will definitely be even more even more.Mature, then


As long as my power recovers a little bit, King Luo will not suppress me at all!


Qian Houzhu said helplessly: "Qianjian, don't think about these things, maybe he won't summon you anymore? Don't be angry, let's watch the video.


He raised his head, looked at the sky, and laughed: "No matter what, at least from the previous content, our ninja, the future

It seems to be very beautiful."

Everyone in the village can harmonize with others in wood leaves to participate in a person's wedding.

This is enough to explain the problem. At least the ninja world at that time must be commonly harmonious.


Thousands of hands still said coldly: "This kind of controlled by people, the feeling of doing the Muye's own, you can't understand the elder brother, the dangerous part of Dashe Wan must be clear!"

And the barrage was previously said.

This guy can achieve eternal life in the future!

Things such as eternal life, I dare not imagine thousands of hands.

If he is still aimed at the wooden leaves, what if he can briefly deal with Dashe Wan in the future? This guy is really eternal, one day, it will cause threats again!

The best way is to completely kill him.

In the heart of Qianshou, Dashe Wan has been completely targeted.

[Skywal video continues to play..

[The sudden attack of the scorpion of Chisha made countless people in the ninja tense, and continued to look at the video seriously..

[A large number of mechanical hands, smash it towards Haruno Sakura!]

[At the time of the moment, Chiyo's mother -in -law slid the Chakrace line, and Haruno Sakura's body was shaking in this dense robotic hand.

[Well! A shock sounded, and a large number of fists hit the ground. Haruno's body was also stuck between many arm seams, avoiding it thrilled..

[Under the control of Chiyo's mother -in -law, Haruno Sakura barely avoided the attack of the three generations of Fengying.

["Can't be careless, Sakura! This puppet is much stronger than the previous Yuliu Hu!" Chiyo's mother -in -law told me a dignified look..

["I understand!" Haruno nodded, his complexion became perseverance..

"This old lady is so amazing!" Naruto looked at the scene and stated in surprise: "Sakura, she can take you to escape such a scary attack like this.

Sakura swallowed his throat and nodded quickly, saying: "Chiyo's mother -in -law is really amazing ................

She can imagine that if it wasn't for the help of Millennium Mother -in -law, this degree of attack could not avoid it with her flexibility.

It may have been cold long ago.

Yamakurai and others also kept lamenting: "The attack of the puppet master is too weird. How do you feel like something messy!


"That is, this career is a strange bandit."

"It's not strange!" Kan Jiulang shouted a little angrily.

His voice instantly interrupted the sigh of the professionalism of Yamako Yamana and others.

Everyone looked at him.

Kan Jiulang said angrily: "Moisturizing is the most interesting ability in this world! If you are idiot, do n’t you learn how to speak rampantly!"

"Hey! Who do you say stupid!" Inukuka was dissatisfied: "You guy, the stiff dead puppet, all foreign objects, it's not good at all!


"Abominable!" Kan Jiulang learned himself, and he was very yearning for the puppet technique. Naturally, he couldn't accept the people of wood leaf. He shouted: "You are stupid for you!In the test of the test, let you guys understand completely, what is really powerful! Wait for me! "

The two sides scolded each other for a while.

"Well." Shikamaru shook his head silently, and said, "It's boring, what's so noisy.

Asma is also helpless, saying: "傀 是 傀 is one of the signboards of Shayin Village.

The strength of the scorpion exhibition of Chisha, if I want me to fight with them, I am not sure.

66 **


"You are right." Shikamaru nodded and continued to watch the sky screen video. While observing their movements, I kept thinking about countermeasures, saying: "So, although I don't know if you were dried by the scorpion, but now there are anyI still have to study it well. If we meet this guy, how can we deal with him ... "

Asma also became serious and looked at the sky again.

[Chiyo's mother -in -law controlled the silk thread, Haruno Sakura was dragged out of hundreds of robots and returned to the safe area..

[Not far away, the scorpion of Chisha looked coldly at the scene where Haruye Sakura was rescued again.

"I can't go on like this again. If the old lady is manipulating, it will only be endless, then ..."]

[His eyes squinted, his fingers played!]

[The next moment, a large amount of purple poisonous fog instantly ejected from the mechanical arm..

(Li Qianhao) [Immediately after the Sakura Sakura and cover her all over!]

[This scene made Chiyo's mother -in -law's face change instantly, and she immediately shouted: "Sakura! Be careful!


[The scorpion of Chisha smiled coldly, murmured: "Poisonous smoke, but it has nothing to do with how you act."]

Ninja, there are also countless people who are also horrified!

After the direct attack failed, they did not expect that the scorpion of Chisha even had such a people!

Such a strong smoke spray so much instantly!

"Oh! Sakura is poisoned!" Naruto shouted Dao Fang.

As soon as Sakura's mouth was pumped, he couldn't help covering his mouth and prayed silently in the future.

"Too shameless! Even Yamako Yamano, who had just joked, just shouted angrily:" It still uses poison! This

No one is so abominable! It's really shameless! "

Asma's face was dignified, and she murmured: "We are ninjas ..."

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