
"Non -nonsense! Non -nonsense!" Luo Sha's face was stunned, and his face scolded angrily!

His anger, a number of ninjas around him, could be clearly suffered for a while.

A large number of wood -leaf ninjas looked at Luo Sha with complexity and hesitation.

There are many ninjas in other small villages, there is a joke.

"Hahaha, the speaking of the barrage is really damaged! The fourth -generation wind shadow of the Sandin Village was degraded.

"These people are too poisonous, so I really dare to talk! So, it seems that in the future, the four generations of Shayin Village on the stage will really die in the hands of Dashe Wan?

"Four generations of Fengying actually cooperated with Dashe Wan, do you want to subvert the wooden leaves? Is this really or fake! It's a bit exaggerated!"

"The wood leaf collapse plan?! A bit amazing! We seem to see a great secret?" 1997 ""

Everyone discussed and used a variety of jokes and the exciting expressions, and from time to time, they looked at the Fengying Shaoya Luo Sha, as well as the ninjas in the Ninja District of Shayin Village.

Except for their strange eyes.

Many of the ninjas and residents around the surrounding Muye Village also looked at the crowd of Shayin Village, showing suspicion.

"The four generations of Fengying wanted to unite Dashe Wan and launch a collapse plan for our wood leaf? This is true or false! The wild shouted.


Mountain well

Shikamaru crosses his hands on his chest and stated lightly: "Whether it is really or false, we have to be vigilant about the people of Shayin Village. At present, although the barrage will occasionally have some emotions, there will be some emotions.The speeches, but a lot of information is relatively true.

Asma nodded with a dignified face, and said: "We must be careful about Shayin Village. After all, the news that our village has the lifeblood of Sandin Village Mining Area.I haven't heard of what Shayin Village has talked to us in this regard. It is very likely that these guys are really planning.

Several people talk about it.


Kakashi looked at Luo Sa, who was angry on the platform, and preached calmly: "According to the barrage, Dashe Wan fakes the name of cooperation, kills the shadow, and then disguised it into the trend.Among them, the guy above ... shouldn't it be Dashe Wan? "

Once this says.

The people around were shocked!

It is very suspicious of this possibility.

"What! Is this weird uncle camoufled now!" Naruto shouted shocked.

His voice was loud.

The Quartet was spread instantly.

All the people who gathered in the death forest were clearly heard.

In a short time, the entire death forest was immediately silent.

Kakashi and others whispered the discussion of the discussion.

Good guy!

This kind of thing can only guess, and then slowly verify in private!

Naruto actually shouted directly!

What should I do now?!

Is it necessary to check whether the shadow of this state of wind is not real?!

This is of course impossible!

Therefore, at this moment, this wind and shadow may be broken by the window paper pretending to be Dashe Wan, which is not good for Muye.

"Naruto, you shut up first! Sakura knocked his head dissatisfied, and said," Don't talk!


"What's wrong ..." Naruto depressed: "If the strange uncle came again, we could get revenge!


The ninja and residents, because of this reminder of Naruto, also shocked.


According to the video barrage.

Dashe Wan cooperates with Fengying to launch disruptive wood leaves.

After he killed Feng Ying, he disguised as a shadow and entered the wood leaf.

So, who can guarantee that on the platform, this Fengying is not Dashe Wan?

With this idea.

More people looked at Fengying Luosha with suspicious sunlight.

Especially many wooden leaves and ninjas!

After all, a month ago, Dashe Wan secretly sneaked into the wood leaf, helped Zhicun Tuan to escape, and returned to Luo Tian to rebirth the second generation of Naruto Thousand Hou

Jianjian came out to deal with Muye Ren Village.

It can be said that the current Dashe Wan is a thorough, enemy enemy with Muye.


Many people looked at Luo Sha's eyes with murderous intentions and hate.



"Abominable!" Kan Jiulang scolded angrily: "What do these guys mean! Even saying that Dad is pretending?! How can it

Temari is also dissatisfied with the same face, angrily: "A group of idiots! How could his father be killed by Dashe Wan! No

Too Dashe Wan, this guy really has no intention! We must protect it carefully!



I love Luo's face calm, and staring at the same mad Luo Sand on the platform ..

He murmured in his heart: "So, will his father really died in the future ... Is it still being killed in the cooperation with Dashe Wan ...

Now, he understands why he has the opportunity to become a shadow in the future.

On the platform.

Fengying Luosha felt a lot of malicious and doubtful eyes around him. He was extremely resentful and shouted: "I am Fengying! The fourth -generation Fengying! Dashe Wan This kind of ninja traitor!Cooperate with him! After the Chinese Ninja Test this time, I will join the wood leaves, add wood leaves, and disciplome all the villains who threatens the security of the ninja world together!


His words of words were loud and loud.

Tsunade stood aside, and he stood up seriously: "Feng Ying is here to take the CITIC Exam! Never be a camouflage! I can not be familiar with the breath of Dashe Wan!The barrage is confused!


She said this.

Numerous wooden leaves know that they are for them to hear them.

Naruto has spoken.

Muye villagers will not continue to hold them again.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

The sound of questioning of Fengying Luosha's identity gradually weakened.

In the crowd.

The pharmacist said with a smile: "The stain 0.4 is really surprising. In the video, I mentioned it again

Lord Snake Wan.


Dashe Wan also laughed lightly, saying: "Tsunade, a woman, is still confident, but I did not expect that in the future, I was exposed by the video.I'm afraid it's not so good. The pharmacist laughed and pushed the glasses, saying: "For him, we are in the state of mutual use? As long as there is a benefit, such a person is still afraid that there is no there is no no no.Is it enough bait ... If Lord Dasumaru really wants to kill him, there should be more opportunities



"Hehe." Dashe Wan smiled and said: "The barrage has already spoken the means I used to use. Next, I

You have to learn to change your strategy ... "

He licked his tongue and his eyes were cold.

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