["Three Generations of Fengying?! Sakura Sakura said.]

"Three generations of Fengying? !!"

The same surprise as her, as well as countless audiences with countless ninja.

"How is it! How is it possible! This is the three generations of Fengying?!" Muye Village, Kan Jiulang looked at the video, was fuck by the scorpion of Chisha

The figure in front of him shouted shocked.

Temari trembled and murmured incredibly: "It turned out to be ... Is the three generations of wind shadow that has been missing for more than 2,000 years? How can this ... even in the scorpion's hand



Many of the Shayin Village Ninjas who followed them were equally shocked and felt unbelievable.

Their shadow, the former three generations of Fengying! It was made into a puppet by the scorpion?!

Moreover, it looks like this now, for so many years, the reason why the three generations of Fengying disappeared was because it was killed.



"Damn ... abominable guy !! On the platform, Fengying Luosha looked at the video, fist tightly, gritted his teeth and stared at the picture in the sky.

Three generations of Fengying! That was the leader of Shayin Village!

Have you been missing this 293 years?

His four -generation Fengying, as a person who took the three generations, did not know how long he had.

I didn't expect.

It turned out to be in the hands of the traitor of Scorpion!

Moreover, he was made into a puppet!

In the sky -time video that can be seen in this whole ninja world, it is directly revealed!

What a huge blow to the majesty of Sand Yin Village?!!

The shadow of the dignitaries was made into a puppet, and in turn dealt with the ninja of Saraid Village ...

Shame! Strange shame!

"The scorpion of red sand! I won't be worthy of Fengying without killing you! Luo Sand's eyes flushed, and his heart was angry.

It's so hateful!

After the cooperation with Xiao Organization this time, he will use all the ways to eliminate the Xiao Organization!

The entire ninja world was in the boiling and shock after hearing the words of Chiyo's mother -in -law's "three generations of Fengying".

"This puppet! It was actually the shadow of Shayin Village? God! The three generations of Fengying have been said to have been missing for decades! For many years, it turned out to be killed by the scorpion of red sand!

"(Chei) is too scary! Actually made a shadow into a puppet! My God! No wonder the scorpion of Chisha will say this is his favorite collection! A shadow! Can you not like it? Well, wise

"The puppets made with shadow will definitely be stronger and more terrifying?! Unimaginable, my mother, if our Lord Thunder Shadow was also made into a puppet, how angry would I be.


"In the village of Shayin, those people must be mad!"

In Shayin Village.

The mother -in -law, like himself in the video, was staring dull and shocked. At this time, the new puppet summoned by the scorpion.

"Three generations of Fengying ... it turned out to be a scorpion ..." She murmured in her mouth, and her eyes were deeply sad.

"Three generations of Fengying ..." She said sadly: "Why ... Scorpion, do you want to do such a thing ..."

This grandson was so well -known in her eyes.

So obedient.

But suddenly, as if everything was camouflage in the past, he suddenly became rebellious and unscrupulous ...

Except for Chiyoko's mother -in -law is extremely sad.

In the village, there were many villagers who stayed.

The young residents finally understood why these older villagers would be so excited and so shocking after seeing this new puppet in the sky.

"It's our three generations of Fengying! He ... He was killed by the bastard of Scorpion!"

"It's still made into a puppet! It's hateful! Hate!


"Be sure to kill him! Three generations of Fengying, who paid so much for us Shayin Village, the result was so miserable, 叵 叵" (Watching the violent novel, go to Novel Network!)

Just kill it alone.

After all, the scorpion was originally a betrayal, and the ninja hostile to the village of Shayin.

However, the body of the three generations of Fengying was made into a puppet.

This kind of disrespectful behavior that disrespects the deceased is really hateful!

At the same time, it is also a great humiliation of the dignity of Sarawak Village!

If they cannot handle the scorpion, in the future, they will be even more disappointed in the ninja world.

Yunyin Village.




Movie Ai hit a large hole in the wall and drank angrily: "Shameless! It's so blasphemy to the deceased!

Make a ninja's body into a puppet and continue fighting for himself.

Such behavior.

As soon as Lei Ying thought, if he happened to himself or even happened to his father, he was half -dead!

What a shame!


"Oh. Daruy crossed his hands on the back neck, saying:" The souls of the pure land seem to be able to see the sky screen video? I don’t know if they will be creepy when they see this scene. After I died, my body was still picked up by others as a puppet, and I would definitely die."

"Yo Yo!" Chilaby sang: "Shameless! Inferior! Disgusting! Gogo!


Wuyin Village.


Shui Ying looked at the video and shook his head and said: "It turned out to make a shadow into a puppet. I don't know what kind of strength will it be ..."

Qing solemnly said: "Since the video title says that the scorpion of Chisha is the most talented master in the ninja, then it will definitely not say it is wrong! In any case, we must be vigilant about this person! Use the corpse to make a puppet method, the method of making puppets, Too vicious!

Jue Meiming nodded, and said, "Then you will record it well.

We can also have a little."[ 071093481]


"Yes! Green nodded, then held the book, and continued to watch the sky screen video.

In Muye Village.

Many Kota -Leaf Ninjas are naturally shocked.

Death forest.

"It is really the three generations of Shayin Village." I also sighed: "Old man, your knowledge is not worse than me.

The three generations of Naruto Ape Flying Sun had already taken out a cigarette and took a sip. The said: "Three generations of Fengying, also a generation of heroes

I did not expect that in the end it turned out to be like this.‘

I also laughed, and said, "Just watch the video alone, our end seems to be better than this guy, right?

"Hehe. The ape flying sun helplessly smiled, and said," You are right.‘

At the end, they ended up a end of the apprentice they was once loved.

It is very miserable.

In the pure land.

Three generations of Fengying looked at the video complicatedly, slowly shaking their heads, sighing: "It's been 20 years ... It's really a long time."

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