Because the useless impression of love brains is rooted in the hearts of everyone in the ninja.

Therefore, at this time, I saw in the video, Haruno Sakura was so easily avoided so many scorpions of the scorpion of red sand.

It makes it difficult for countless people to accept!

This kind of powerful woman turned out to be a love brain! And when encountering Uchiha Sasuke, she looks so useless!

It's too angry!

In Muye Village.


Xuancang Naruto shouted excitedly: "It's really amazing! Sakura, you will make great progress in the future!" Hehe."Sakura touched his face happily and smiled:" I am also a member of the seventh class, of course, you can't drag your hind legs.

At this time, she was always fortunate in her heart.

Earlier watching the video, my memories of Sasuke's feelings.

She really thought that she was like a super love brain as the barrage, and she would only cry.

Fortunately, in the future, you still grow up.

It's not really nothing.


Even Sasuke glanced at Sakura in surprise.

He did not expect that Sakura in the video was so good.

It makes people feel much better than the love crying 450 ghost I like to cry before, and now I like it.

Sasuke shook his head, his eyes became calm again.

"My progress is very fast now! It won't be long before you can kill Uchiha Itachi! Kill the Zhicun Tuanzang! I will definitely

Avenge! "He secretly said.

Then I glanced at the chat room of the sky curtain system.

At this moment, the chat room is banned.

His eyes were full of eagerness.

"People of Pure Land can also communicate with real people ... I don't know, can my father and mother see my video? Can they speak ..."

In the eyes of Uchiha Sasuke, there was a hint of longing.

Earlier, when you see the content of the chat room, you can get through directly.

He is looking forward to it!

Because this makes people have the opportunity to talk to my parents again!

Let him have the opportunity to feel the love of his parents again!

"In the previous video, I have played a video of my revenge of my family!

He murmured in his heart: "I don’t know if parents have seen it, they have no eyes, the people of the Pure Land are not happy.

...... "


He continued to look at the video in the sky.

["Removing all the attacks." The scorpion looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was also full of surprise, but his eyes were cold..

[The offensive is suspended, Chunye Sakura and Chiyo's mother -in -law fell on the ground together, looking at the scorpion with a vigilant look..

["The old lady of Chiyo is even if ... why can even this little girl do it ...... ..."]

[Scorpion is thinking quietly..

[Haruno Sakura suddenly rushed towards the scorpion straight from the front..

In such a scene, not only did the scorpion stunned again, but the people in the ninja were full of strangeness.

"Is Haruno Sakura so reckless! It even started to rush again!"

"No protection."

"Chiyoko's mother -in -law stands in place without moving! Isn't this going to give all to Haruno Sakura?"

[In the video, the scorpion of Chisha looked at the Chunye Sakura who rushed over, and his eyes were cold and murmured: "I didn't do anything

Protecting, dare to approach me like this, I really look down ... "]

【next moment..

[The scorpion tail of Fei Liusu flickered sharply! Haruya Sakura thorns rushed forward in front of you!]

[However, the scorpion tail is about to stab king..

[Scorpion's body was stiff, he shocked in his heart, and said to himself: "Body, can't move ..."]


Everyone looked at this scene aggressively.


[Between the scorpion of God, Haruno Sakura has completely come to the scorpion's eyes..

["That's now! Sakura!" Chiyo's mother -in -law shouted dignifiedly..

[Yes! "Haruno Sakura raised his right fist, his eyes fiercely accurately (Chag) the Fei Liusu in front of him, a bombardment,

Boom in a fist!]

【Huh !!!】

[In the blink of an eye, the huge power instantly burst on the Fei Liu Hu!]

At this moment, countless people in the ninja mentioned their hearts, staring carefully at the video, and condensed.

"It's hit!


"Haruno Sakura's fist power should be great! If you have learned the strange power of Tsunade, one of the three forks!"

"It was her who burst into this cave before a fist!


"Can this punch break this puppet?!"

Countless people looked at the video, and they were full of curiosity and expectations.

In Muye Village.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Naruto shouted excitedly: "Sakura! It's hit! It's hit! Now it is dead!

Sakura is also very excited, she said happily: "It's great! Great ...!!!!

She is sincere to be happy for future herself!

This punch, this scene is really a master!

I can't think of the future, I can have this strength!



Hey, I just said, how could people in class seventh be able to step in place?!!

"Woohoo! Too bloody! Too young! Miss Sakura! Your heroic posture makes me full of strength!"


Next, Li Locke is excited

In a moment.

Every day, Ningji, Yamana, Yamana ... The Twelve Kobuang Xiaoqiang and others have almost planted.

"Hey! Xiao Li! What neuropathy do you send!" Everyday preached dissatisfied.

"This guy, why suddenly became so strange ..." Hiro Ningji said silently.

"Oh! Xiao Li! Did you meet your favorite girl! This is really bloody!" Mitter asked excitedly.

"Yes! Yes! Teacher Kai! Since I saw Miss Haruya Sakura in the video in the video, I found that I have no

Fa self -pulled up! Ah! Miss Haruye Sakura, I like you! Try to me! "

Li Luke was wearing a beautiful green tights, with a pair of watermelon heads, and his face was intoxicated.

Twelve Xiaoqiangs:

...... "

Sakura immediately waved her hand and smiled bitterly: "This ... I ... I have a person I like ... don't, don't, don't


In a moment.

Everyone's eyes looked at Sasuke next to them.

Sasuke's complexion was unchanged, and his head was slightly skimmed, and his hands were inserted with both hands.

"Woohoo! I know, Miss Sakura!" After being rejected, Li Locke immediately looked frustrated, but just

It was just instantly, and it became full of blood.[ 071093061]

"But I won't give up! Miss Sakura! You must feel my sincerity!"

"The vision is really bad." Yamako Yinye shook his head silently.



Shikamaru said: "No one you see, jealous?"

The corner of Ino's mouth was suddenly pumped.



In the quarrel, everyone continued to watch the video of the video.

[The huge Yuliu burst suddenly! A figure wearing a black cloak jumped out of the puppet!]].

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