[Both hands are on the ground, and the huge tail shakes into the air like a blade!]

[The whole body, it is made up of the organs one after another!]

[It's like a huge scorpion!]

In this way, everyone in the ninja was stunned instantly.

"This ... what's the matter with this person!"

"Why does its body look like this?! Is it all the body?" All the body has become an organ? "

"What about flesh?


Numerous people looked at the scorpion with a scorching look.

What surprised them the most was that from the outside, there was no fleshy body in the whole body!

They can't understand such a picture!

"Wow! Brother Scorpion, is it like this under your clothes?" Didala also stated in surprise: "I have never seen what the body you wrapped like, but I didn't expect it to be.This looks! "

The scorpion is calm, and said faintly: "The precise organ! The eternal structure! I have said in the future, this is the real art.



"Oh, Brother Scorpion, although I think you look really amazing, but my concept will not change


Didala laughed at his mouth and said: "The fleeting is the real art."


The flying section preached dissatisfied: "I don't think you have to fight anymore, come directly to believe in the evil god, what kind of

There are arts, saving noisy in the video, and now noisy."

"Huh!" Didala disdain: "I'm not interested in communicating with people who have no art cells like you. '

"Hey! The believer of the Evil God is not interested in the so -called shit art! You, the explosion of you lost to the head of the head!

twenty two

Fei section ridiculed.

not far away.

Many Koba Ninja's face was also shocked.

"Wow!" Naruto exclaimed: "Sakura! Is this person turned! It looks so scary! You have to be careful.

"I can't help it ..." Sakura looked at the video with a scared look.

In the future, what is the calendar?

She didn't know.

But look at the previous look of Sasuke.

It seems to be weak?

Oh! I am in the future, you are so angry about 10 million degrees this time!

Don't let me have a joke every day.

What should I do if I don't want to accept me for a joke because of the joke ...


Sarawak Village Ninja Gathering.


Temari looked at the video strangely and asked: "Jiu Lang! What happened to this guy? Others? This strange body, is he herself? No ....

Kan Jiulang looked at the video dullly, and his face was shocked: "I don't know ... he ... did he transform his body into a puppet?"

"Transform your body into a puppet?" Temari frowned, and said, "Can this really do it?"

Kan Jiulang swallowed his throat, saying: "For the puppet master, if what is the best puppet, what is something that can be converted into combat power anytime, anywhere, it must be your own body ...So many puppet divisions have tried to transform their bodies, but ... at most it is to carry out very initial transformation. How can it be like this person ...

As a puppet master.

Jiulang can experience the difficulty and horror of this level.

Therefore, he looked straight at the video, and his eyes were full of shock.

The a lot of ridicule of the scorpion had disappeared.

At least, Guangguang is the scene of the mechanical creation of this and below, that is, he can't do it ...

The people around him saw the shocking look of Kan Jiulang.

Can't help but be aligned.

After all, at the scene, the master of the scene surveyed Jiulang three horses.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

On this road, they are laymans.

Looking at the expression of Jiulang alone, you can probably know the gold content that happened in the video.

"Hehe." The horns said faintly: "It seems you scared them, scorpion."

The scorpion is still calm, and said: "I haven't started fighting yet ... The puppet of the puppet master is eternal art. When they flutter,

It is delicious on earth.


[In the sky, the video continues to play..

Everyone in the ninja also continued to gather their eyes in the video, and dare not miss the slightest.

This is the first time they have seen a powerful master!

[Haruye Sakura looked at the scorpion after the burst, and said with a shock: "This ... what's the matter with this guy?]

We also want to know! Everyone in the ninja says together.

[Chiyo's mother -in -law looked at the scorpion in front of the scorpion, and said slowly: "This is not the body of the scorpion."]


["Not the body? Haruye Sakura frown.]

Everyone in the ninja also showed surprise.

"Is this Mother -in -law's state of scorpion scorpion?"

"Sure enough, it is not the body! I just said, how could people have no flesh and blood!

"Where's his body? Where is it?"

Everyone was curious and only trapped.

[Chiyo mother -in -law nodded, said:

66 **

"That's a puppet.

[Haruno Sakura's eyes have become perseverance again, and said: "Where is the body?

Mode skin."]

["Puppet master, shouldn't it be manipulated with silk in the back?"]

"Haruno Sakura finally asked the right question! I want to know too!


"That's right! Isn't it to be relying on the line?"

Kan Jiulang stared at the video picture, biting his teeth.

"Damn ... I couldn't see how this guy did it? The gap with him was so big ..."

Kan Jiuro murmured with anger.

[Chiyo's mother -in -law calmly said: "If I didn't guess wrong, the body should be in this puppet. 1


["What! Haruye Sakura was shocked:" Inside? "She looked at the scorpion in front of the scorpion, and was shocked.]

Everyone in the ninja was also surprised.

"It's actually hidden in this puppet body? What kind of joke!"

(Money is good) "Really false ... countless people are terrifying, and said:" Although this puppet is quite big, 匜

Shouldn't you hide an adult? Can't you hold it to death!


"Master, really a group of perverts."

[Chiyoko's mother -in -law continued: "The master is not good at fighting in close body. When manipulating the puppet, it is easy to show flaws. In other words,

The scorpion's puppet is used to overcome this weakness.


["Puppet, both his armor and his weapon.]

["This is the most proud puppet, bandit flow!"]

"Fei Liu Hu?" Didala read the name, curious: "Brother Scorpion, is she all right?

Can Yuliu Hu resist my art? "

The scorpion replied coldly: "Can I resist and I don't know, but before you use your art, I will let you die

No place of burial.


"Hehehe. Didala laughed:" Brother Scorpion, don't be angry."" ".

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