

Older sister, the word 觊 cannot be used randomly.

At least you are really not suitable!

Kan Jiulang wanted to say that, but still restrained.

He didn't want to be beaten again.

Then, Kan Jiulang looked at Narachun, who was not far away, and said secretly: "How does this person become a Temari boyfriend in the future? It is really hard to imagine. sharp"

"However, this time and space, you may have no fate!" His eyes became fierce.

Just wait for the above wind and shadow, they will attack the wood leaf!

The worst goal is to let the distribution map of the mining area of ​​Saraid Village! And destroy all the backup!

A group of people from Shayin Village discussed here.

the other side.

Seven or eight figures look weird ninjas, gathered together, some complexions, and some complexions with madness.

"Tuanzang, I didn't expect that we still have a day of cooperation." Ganni ghost laughed: "Oh, although I don't know you, my teammates and your hatred seem to be very big.


Shimura Tuanzang was calm and calm, and said faintly: "The death of the Uchiha family was done by Uchiha Itachi himself. Can such a thing blame me? Hehe, Itachi, you also 253 like your brother, the four levels hides shit, except for the four levels, except Am I revenge? "


Uchi Itachi listened to this and stated calmly: "I will obey the leader's instructions, and I won't shoot you, but Sasuke has regarded you as the enemy, so I will give him it. Anyway, in the future, he will solve it. You shouldn't be difficult, after all, we all know, isn't it?

Shimura Tuanzang's eyes narrowed slightly.

The members of the surrounding organizations laughed at each other.

"Oh, Zhicun Tuanzang, I have been living for so many years. I used to think that Naruto Aid in Datang Village, Muye, Muye

How powerful will be the leader of the roots? As a result, your guy has the powerful ability as Izanaki, and is even killed by Uchiha Sasuke in a district!



The corners sneered: "It's really useless! Writing a treasure like wheel eye, in your body, it is a heavenly thing!"

As soon as this says.

Shimura Tuanzang has not spoken yet.

Next to, his golden hair face shouted angrily: "Hey! Horn! What do you mean! Are you laughing at me

! Do you want to feel my art!

Because of the previous barrage.

said before.

He Didala was also killed by Uchiha Sasuke.

Although he said he didn't believe it until now.

However, the horn mocked the group, but it made him feel that he was also connotative.

"Huh!" The corner of the corner of the corner, sneered: "Didala, you stupid! Even if you really laughed at you?!

"Damn guy!" Didala suddenly looked crazy and began to explore on his body.

I didn't expect.

Tuanzang said calmly: "Didala, here is wood leaf. Once you launch an attack, you will definitely expose us."

"I'm not afraid!" Didala yelled angrily.

"But in this way, you have no chance to show your art. Didn't you say that you want to blew Naruto and Fengying into ashes?" Tuanzang said faintly.

Once this says.

Didala's anger's expression immediately loosened.

The look suddenly relieved a lot.

"Yes, yes." The next moment, his face showed a crazy expression on his face, shouting: "In the past month! I always hear a group of stupid people outside and laugh at me like a barrage. The art! It's so angry, the uncle! "

"Lost to Uchiha's stupid and petite ghost! It is a shame of the artist! I have decided! Use the life of Naruto and Fengying to tell everyone that the artist is not allowed to be humiliated!

The dried persimmon ghost touched his chin, strangely: "But, isn't Fengying the ally? Didala, do you want to bomb him together?


"Of course! Didala looked crazy and shouted:" Just die one Naruto, you can't match me at all (CDCJ)

Art! There is still a long time to talk about Wuying talks now, but it is still great to bomb two shadows to prove my strength first! It can be remembered by the world! "

Standing next to Didala.

His partner said slowly: "Shayin Village is currently cooperating with us, just because of our good combat power, which can help them deal with wood leaves. In fact, Shayin Village is also full of vigilance to us.

His voice was hoarse and without any feelings, it was creepy when he heard it.

"Once the plan for wood leaf is a little successful, Shayin Village will definitely turn his face! And the tail of the pillar I love Luo, it is the future of the wind, and they cannot hand over one tail.

"That being the case, it is better to let Didala, solve them at one time ..." The scorpion said slowly.

"Hey!, It's a good plan! I have long wanted to kill a few shadows of Da Ninja Village to dedicate it to the evil god! Evil gods need stronger blood sacrifice! The flying section wants to wave my sickle, But once it really did that at this time, it would be too embarrassed.


It is difficult to not be noticed.

He just doesn't like thinking, but not a fool!


Listening to the conversation of Xiao organization.

Zhicun Tuanzang has not changed from beginning to end.

However, in his heart, the kind of worry about Xiao Organization had basically disappeared.

After contact, he has found that this is also a group of Wuhe people.

Except for strong strength, there is nothing to be afraid.

"The only thing worthy of worry is that it is Uchiha with soil, and the guy of Uchiha Itachi ..." He glanced at Uchiha Itachi with Yu Guang, thinking: "The guy, leave the wood, leave the wood, leave the wood. When Ye was, it was known by the guy every day ...

Is there any connection with wood leaves? "

! ""

After you come to Xiao.

He probably learned about the strength of Xiao Organ.

These S -level rebellions, everyone's combat effectiveness is definitely not bad.

If he wants to return to Koba, he has to use everything that can be used.

"Signing, I won't let them ruin the wood leaf, but I also have to find a way so that I can get the voice of everyone

Perfect return to the wood leaf! By then, I will become a Naruto logo! So, let the wood leaf eat a little bit bitter first, let's suffer a little bit.

He thought.

Here, several people pretended to be the ninjas who took the Chinese Ninja Test.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Somewhere in secret.

In a large tree, a tree hole was dug out in the tree.

Hei Jue and Uchiha stayed in the tree cave, watching the changes in the sky again.

"How could it be at this time!" Hei Jue stated dissatisfied: "Come again!

Uchiha slowly said: "Don't worry, we can't control this kind of thing, the general video time will not be too long, and so on

That's it! "

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